Arsip Perangin-Angin, Ismail, Seget Tartiyoso, Sri Kurnia Hastuti Sebayang, Dewi Rulia Sitepu
The Role of The Ppkn Teacher in Improving Student Discipline at Muhammadyah Private SD 2 Binjai Timur
by all students. In addition, efforts to socialize the rules of conduct at the Muhammadiyah 2 Binjai Timur
Private Elementary School were also carried out through MOS activities.
Awards for students who are disciplined in time, orderly, obedient, and achievers are not seen during
the researchers conducting research. However, based on the results of the interview, the principal revealed
that students who are obedient and always disciplined in obeying the rules will be given praise as "there is an
award for disciplined students, we give mass appreciation at the ceremony, and show respect for students".
This discipline is useful in teaching students to understand and behave well that every behavior will
be followed by punishment and reward. In addition, helping students develop control, direction, and provide
instruction in their conscience to guide their every action. If all students can think positively that being
disciplined is important, it will have a good impact on them where every action they act will be balanced by
self-control. The application of discipline in schools is seen from how students obey school rules, be orderly,
and disciplined in order to control their attitudes and behavior on a daily basis.
The results of interviews and observations of the principal in giving awards to students in the form of
words during the flag ceremony, to students who orderly participate in ceremonial activities. This is in
accordance with the results of the interview that: "At the school flag ceremony activities always give awards
in the form of advice, motivation, or congratulations for students who orderly participate in ceremonial
activities or students who have good achievements".
The principal's efforts in giving awards to students are quite frequent where every time there is an
activity the principal always gives rewards and motivation, although in practice awards in the form of objects
are rarely given and more awards are given at school in the form of words of instruction than gifts of objects,
because awards are in the form of words. words more quickly stimulate and motivate students.
Discipline has been applied by the Citizenship Education teacher at the Muhammadiyah 2 Binjai
Timur Private Elementary School. Efforts to improve discipline are not only carried out in learning, but in
every opportunity. Efforts to improve discipline through the learning process of Citizenship Education can be
seen from the syllabus and lesson plans.
The results of this study conclude that discipline is a process for training and educating a person's
behavior in accordance with the rules or regulations that apply either arising from his awareness or because of
sanctions or punishments that apply with a full sense of responsibility and wholeheartedly, so that if he does
something Violation will arise a feeling of guilt, shame, fear and do not want to do the act again. Student
discipline is the attitude or behavior of students who are obedient and obedient to be able to carry out their
obligations to study, both studying at school and studying at home.
Learning discipline and school atmosphere with student achievement at SD Swasta Muhammadyah
2 Binjai Timur, has a strong and significant positive relationship. Discipline in learning and a good school
atmosphere will encourage students to study optimally so that the achievement obtained is even higher.
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