Djoko Purwanto, Setiyono, Indrawati
Criminal policy about kecubung containing addictive substances according to
law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics 129
or goods containing narcotic substances so that they can be used as substitutes for
narcotics. Judging from the juridical aspect, all types of legal groups exist if they are
listed in the Narcotics Law and only prohibit the use of narcotics without permission by
the law in question. (Law, 2009)
According to Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of
2009 concerning Narcotics, narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or non-
plants, both synthetic and semisynthetic, which can cause a decrease or change in
consciousness, loss of pain, and can lead to dependence.
Narcotics itself is a legal drug used in medicine according in (Adam, 2012)
However, nowadays narcotics are being abused a lot. Not even a few among young
people who use narcotics. Many of them use narcotics for reasons of inner pleasure, but
unfortunately not many are aware of the dangers of narcotics (Darwis, Dalimunthe, &
Riadi, 2017)
Narcotics is no longer a strange thing that we have ever heard of or we know
about, and there are even many people who know the dangers and impacts of using
narcotics and illegal drugs. But in fact, there are still many who do not care about the
situation that threatens human survival. To make matters worse, these drug users are
generally teenagers.
Lack of knowledge and a deeper understanding of the dangers of narcotics are
still not being understood by teenagers, especially in Indonesia. (Agustina & Sirait, 2020)
Although efforts to eradicate narcotics have been intensified and public complaints and
concerns about the use of narcotics have gone global, there are still many adolescents and
minors who have fallen outside the supervision of the surrounding community (Hidayat,
The existence of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics has not been able
to minimize the occurrence of a narcotics crime. Recently discovered a new type of
narcotics, namely Kecubung. This new type of narcotics has a marijuana-like effect. Law
Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics has provided different treatment for narcotics
abuse offenders. Before this law came into effect, there were no differences in treatment
between users, dealers, dealers, and producers of narcotics. In the humanitarian field, the
use of narcotic substances tends to be destructive because these narcotic substances have
an addictive power that can cause the wearer to use them continuously (Siagian &
Saputra, 2019)
Abuse of over-the-counter drugs, glue, and kecubung are generally used by
groups of street children or who cannot afford expensive narcotics. (Wahyuningtyas,
2020) Many of them claim that the effects of kecubung can cause the user to be drunk for
days depending on the amount of kecubung extracted. The reason they use kecubung is
out of curiosity, to invite friends or just to feel comfortable and relax. Some of them also
realized that the effects of kecubung were more terrifying than the usual narcotics, so they
switched to double L pills with a dosage of 1-6 times a drink.
Based on Article 54 of Law No. 35 of 2009 on narcotics, it is determined that
narcotics addicts and narcotics abuse are required to undergo medical and social
rehabilitation.(Law, 2009)
In the above case, the users of the kecubung type of narcotics are minors, but the
perpetrators or users of this new type of kecubung narcotics are free because the new
types are not included in the narcotics or psychotropic drugs table as stipulated in Law
Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. It is very unfortunate that the perpetrator of the
narcotics crime cannot be charged by the law because there are no rules or there is a legal
vacuum that regulates the kecubung. In enforcing the law, clarity is needed regarding the