How to cite:
Idi Jang Cik. (2021). Development of Production-Based Learning
Models for Optimizing the Technopreneurship Spirit in Higher
Education. Journal Eduvest. 1(11): 1305-1312
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Idi Jang Cik
Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
October, 26
November, 16
November, 18
Development of production-based learning models carried
out to seek validity, practicality and effectiveness in the
application of technopreneur courses in universities.
Production-based learning model is an alternative to
develop students' skills, attitudes and knowledge that are
relevant today. Research and development is used to test
the validity of experts through Focus Group Discussions
(FGD), then limited trials are carried out in the
development of this production-based learning model.
From the processes carried out, a new syntax
development is produced which refers to the previous
model syntax. The development of the syntax sequence is
(1) an analysis of the curriculum and characteristics of
students; (2) Product identification and analysis; (3) Make
important questions about the product; (4) Question
mapping; (5) analysis of equipment and materials needed
for the product to be made; (6) create a business plan (7)
product manufacturing process; (8) small-scale operations
that include promotion and sales, (9). Summative
evaluation; From the stages of the research carried out,
the resulting Aiken's V value is 0.812 with a valid
category, while the calculation of the Effectiveness value
gets the results of 82.22 (effective) and Practicality of
89.33 (very practical). So it can be said that the
production-based learning development model has
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Development of Production-Based Learning Models for Optimizing the
Technopreneurship Spirit in Higher Education 1306
validity, practicality and effectiveness values that meet
the requirements, so it is feasible to apply.
Production-Based Learning Model, Learning Model,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Indonesia through formal education seeks to build the implementation of
education at various levels from basic to higher education so that it can realize the
achievement of educational goals based on the reference to the national education system
contained in the National Education System Law Number 20 of 203 which says:
"Education has the function of developing abilities and form a dignified national
character and civilization in the context of educating the nation's life, and aims to develop
the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty,
have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and
become citizens democratic one".
Adapting to the demands of the era of globalization, various nations have
developed a knowledge-based economy, which prioritizes increasing quality human
resources with global capabilities to support the economy. In sustaining economic
growth, it must be based on knowledge-based education to find out and develop
information and knowledge as a key basis for success (Kefela, 2010).
Mastery of science and technology as one of the skills that is able to provide the
ability to be able to compete globally through the free market economy (MEA) in the
perspective of economic, social and political culture that individual human capacity must
continue to be improved in order to survive and compete in increasingly difficult
conditions of economic growth. Education is an opportunity to be able to change all the
limitations of skills and knowledge possessed by individuals.
Education is the main effort in providing the community with knowledge as a
social foundation that is able to serve as a support for democratic-based knowledge,
development of capabilities in the formation of a civilized nation, dignity and character in
the intellectual life of the nation through education.
Components in learning have been determined so that the learning process can
run successfully and effectively, the learning approach plays a role in achieving the goals
of students with character so that university graduates have competitive qualities.
Learning is often boring for students, including in entrepreneurship courses
which in the learning process lecturers also experience difficulties in providing
understanding to students in growing characteristics in being competitive to become
entrepreneurs. Many college graduates who have completed their education are one of the
contributors to the highest unemployment rate in Indonesia according to (Hadi, Wekke, &
Cahaya, 2015).
Around 12.5% in 2020 of the total unemployed in Indonesia are graduates from
tertiary institutions with a diploma to a bachelor's degree (Akita & Miyata, 2021).
The increase in unemployment is caused by several factors, especially the lack of
skills and knowledge in seeing opportunities to survive and compete in competing with
developments in the industrial revolution era and interest in entrepreneurship. Therefore,
entrepreneurship courses are one of the characteristics of students who have competencies
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
that are ready to compete in the free market to improve the nation's economy in general
and reduce unemployment in Indonesia (Apriana, Kristiawan, & Wardiah, 2019).
The readiness of students in developing entrepreneurial skills must be real and
clear in the implementation in the field so that the skills growth process can continue to
develop, one of which is the practicum learning process that teaches students to directly
enter the field in running a business that is relevant to the interests and talents of students
and assisted with the lecturer as a facilitator (Kusumaningrum & Djukri, 2016).
The integration of learning into the entrepreneurial model has been carried out to
provide knowledge to students on the concept of entrepreneurship so that the learning
process is achieved in accordance with the objectives of the course (Yulastri & Hidayat,
2017). The production-based approach is an alternative to the concept of entrepreneurship
so that graduates can have quality in creating jobs. Quality is a value that must be owned
by state resources in order to be able to grow to be better, productive and independent in
creating success in building gaps in the economy that exists in a country (Porter &
Kramer, 2019).
The role of education is very important, quality education will be able to give
birth to the intellectual capital and technological capital needed in order to build a
knowledge-based society. Thus, learning activities carried out through the Educational
pathway must be designed to foster human knowledge in having economic-based skills.
According to Micu (2011), knowledge-based economy In the modern era of
globalization, universities must follow the pattern of business behavior in their learning,
this aims to make graduates smart in responding to opportunities and able to take
advantage of the market, the strategic culture that must be done is to increase the
alignment of students' entrepreneurial abilities with standard alignment. worldwide
To promote knowledge-based economic development, the government needs to
facilitate economic change as a result of the modernization process, by helping students
to be able to create new opportunities and generate income through technological means.
an investment.
Responding to the pressure generated by technological changes at this time
provides opportunities for universities to be able to have good strategies in making
changes in achieving the goals of developing students' skills and knowledge by using
educational management in accordance with developments in the current era of
The implementation of the highest education such as universities in Indonesia has
a role that must be carried out, namely the tri dharma of higher education, HELTS 2003 -
2010 shows some expectations from universities in producing:
1) Graduates who are intellectual as citizens with responsible and competitive
2) Community development must be able to contribute to the state.
3) An incubator is a system development that functions to assist in integrating technology
into existing habits in building a knowledge-based economy.
Quality human resources is the dream of universities in producing good graduates
in an effort to improve the economic development of the nation and state. Good economic
growth will have an impact on the welfare of the people in the country through activities
in entrepreneurship providing opportunities to improve the quality of the country's
economy. Schumpeter 1911 said that there is a close relationship between economic
growth and entrepreneurship in the country (Sugiharto, Johnson, De Aguiar, Alloatti, &
Roke, 2008). So that understanding in improving the economy both in the country must
be dominated by people who have a
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productive entrepreneurial spirit in an effort to improve a better standard of living and use
productive age to compete and increase mastery of facilities such as technology.
According to Henderson (2006), the existence of entrepreneurship plays an
important influence in the economic progress of a country. Entrepreneurs, according to
Aes (2006), develop new companies that can create new jobs and increase productivity
through the use of technology.
Thus, the role of universities in improving the country's economic development is
through fostering and creating entrepreneurial startups through the educational process.
Universities need to increase the desire and passion of students in entrepreneurship so that
the number of entrepreneurs can increase. Therefore, universities are required to develop
their education system through increasing the role of universities as a driver of future
economic growth through productive learning activities (Urbano & Guerrero, 2013).
Related to the concept of creating entrepreneurship through education, it can be
explained again the role of universities through HELTS 2003-2010 which states that
specifically universities are required to produce graduates who have entrepreneurial
abilities and have a high interest in becoming entrepreneurs.
Although the main function of universities is to deliver knowledge and
technology issues through competencies in their respective disciplines. However, based
on the experience of universities in all major European countries, according to Gunther
and Wagner (2007), a number of European universities are undergoing transformation,
with their traditional mission of education and research being replaced by the
commercialization of innovative science and technology for economic growth (Klofsten
et al., 2019).
Reflecting on neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore, universities
in these countries have the main function to provide quality higher education, develop
education and research as well as develop entrepreneurship and increase the involvement
of universities with industry.
Based on the things stated above, it is deemed important to carry out educational
development and innovation that can increase the desire to carry out entrepreneurial
activities. Develop entrepreneurial activity-based learning through a student center
learning approach.
To prepare graduates who To be able to compete globally, universities must have
a good strategy in creating graduates who have a creative spirit to be able to fill the global
market in utilizing the fields of technological knowledge, art and entrepreneurship as the
key to success in the development of the 21st century.
Globalization has its own challenges in crushing the workforce as an increase in
the strength of human resources in the 21st century, Sudlow (2018) said that competition
in current conditions is more about the ability and mastery of technology that has been
designed to optimize capabilities and skills in exploiting opportunities such as using
technology as a source of search. fast and accurate information. Edmon (2014) principles
in interacting between humans and computers have developed such as in IoT and EoP
which must be considered by education providers in the 21st century.
Product-based learning is still limited to product creation and has not focused on
directions for promoting business and conducting transactions through online media
(Hassan, Nadzim, & Shiratuddin, 2015). Students feel complaints when looking for
customers if it has to be done offline because the target farmers are narrow and limited to
certain environments. This causes students to only try to take learning steps where the
process has just arrived at producing a product while the resulting product basically has a
selling value based on the abilities obtained.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
Based on observations and interviews with lecturers and students that have been
carried out, one of the contributing factors is the practice of the Technopreneur course,
and the learning model used is limited to steps to guide students to create an activity in
learning to provide better output and distribute economic value. in creativity to produce a
final product.
From the above problems, a change in learning is needed based on strengthening
knowledge and skills in the use of technology, which can guide students and students in
developing their creativity in learning so that they can improve skills and learning
The problems that occur in the field, then become a consideration for researchers
to develop product-based learning models that already exist and are applied to previous
students. Development and innovation carried out to become solutions and optimization
of desired learning outcomes. This is an effort to improve the quality of graduates and the
competitiveness of graduates in responding to changes in the learning paradigm of the
21st century. Universities, especially lecturers, need to prepare appropriate strategies to
deliver students to be able to face the challenges and business opportunities of the 21st
Universities are required to be able to guarantee the quality of graduates who
have the ability to compete with global standards and are not left behind in the
international market by applying reliable skills in entrepreneurship in the 2I century. This
development is an effort to anticipate educational problems that will develop as well as a
way out of the problems of education in the era of globalization.
This research is a research & development design. According to Borg (1989), the
implementation of Research and Development (R&D) is an effort to develop or produce
and validate a production used in learning. According to Putra (2012), the Research and
Development (R&D) method is a deliberate, systematic research aimed at finding
findings, formulating, perfecting, developing, producing, testing the effectiveness of
superior products, models, methods/strategies/methods, services, special procedures, new,
effective, efficient, productive and meaningful.
This study uses the ADDIE model. This model was adapted for the following
1. Simpler than other models.
2. Easy to learn.
3. The structure is systematic; first step to fifth step.
4. The procedure cannot be done randomly because of its characteristics.
The result of research and development is the creation of a production-based
learning model in technopreneur courses with nine syntaxes, namely (1) curriculum
analysis and student characteristics, (2) product identification and analysis, (3) important
product questions, (4) question mapping, ( 5) analysis of the need for tools and materials
from the product to be made, (6) making a business plan, (7) the product manufacturing
process, and (8) business operations (promotion and marketing.) Evaluation of learning as
shown in the following figure:
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The development of this production-based learning model also produces several
products in the form of books, namely (1) Model Books, (2) Textbooks, (3) Lecturer
Guidebooks, (4) Student Guidebooks. Each product is validated and assessed by several
experts (expert judgment). The results of the validation are summarized in the following
Table 1. Summary of Product Validation
Score Aikens’V
Model Book
Application Guide
Lecturer's Handbook
Student Guide
The validation results show that all items made are valid, which indicates that
they can be used for further study and development.
The results of the practicality test of the production based learning model were
carried out by lecturers and students through lecturer and student response questionnaires.
Response questionnaires were given to 3 lecturers to test the practicality of using the
production based learning model. Student response questionnaires were given to 30
students to see the practicality of using the production-based learning model.
Fase 2: 'Product Identification and Analysis
Fase 3: Make important questions about the
Fase 4: MappingQuestion
Fase 5: Analysis of the need for tools and
Fase 6: Making Business Plan
Fase 7. Making Product (E-Commerce)
Fase 9: EvaluationLearning (Summatif)
Fase 8: Operational'Business (promotion and
Fase 1: Curriculum analysis and participant
Figure 1 Syntax of Production Based Development Model Learning
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
The test results show that the lecturer's production-based learning model has a
very practical category with an average percentage of 86.33 percent. These findings
indicate that the production-based learning model that has been established makes it
easier for lecturers to help students learn independently and at the same time assisting
lecturers in understanding the meaning of learning materials. Students' answers with an
average assessment percentage of 84.63 percent with a very practical category were used
to assess the practicality of the production-based learning approach (Rocha et al., 2018).
These findings indicate that the highly practical categories designed can help students
learn information more easily (Martins, Costa, & Onofre, 2015).
It is easier for students to understand learning when they use practical
production-based learning strategies. A reliable, practical, and successful learning model
can improve student learning outcomes, according to (PUYADA, Ridwan, & Ganefri,
2013). A good learning model can make learning fun for students because they are more
motivated to finish learning to see what things they can develop afterwards.
In this study, the efficacy of the model is determined by its capacity to engage
students in learning and facilitate understanding of the learning material. Effective
learning models can help students view learning models for better knowledge, in addition
to increasing learning activities and outcomes. The learning model is evaluated in terms
of student learning outcomes in this evaluation.
The effectiveness of the learning process is assessed by using a learning outcome
test. Student learning outcomes are the skills they acquire after going through the learning
process. The learning experience is in the form of effective learning activities that help
students achieve their learning goals. The purpose of evaluating learning outcomes is to
determine the level of success of the teaching and learning process that has been
implemented (Spronken-Smith, Walker, Batchelor, O’Steen, & Angelo, 2012).
From the description, it shows that the use of the production based learning
model that was developed makes it easier for students to understand the material, so that
student learning outcomes become better as stated by Harun Rasyid and Mansur (2009:
03) "evaluation is the process of determining the extent to which the learning process has
been achieved" Based on the learning outcomes of the experimental class and control
class for Technopreneur learning, it shows that there is a significant difference between
the results of learning the experimental class and the control class where the experimental
class is better than the control class. So, it can be concluded that learning using the
production based learning model can be said to be effective. in improving student
learning outcomes.
Production-based learning model is an alternative learning model that is suitable
for technopreneur courses, by using this model, learning will be more meaningful.
Moreover, the production-based learning model that has been applied so far can help
students prepare to enter the world of work, be able to develop critical thinking, and have
good morals. Therefore, it can provide support to students to be more active in the
learning process which has an impact on the results of the learning process and its results.
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