Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
While according to Jon Elster in Alfianus Danny Jema, Harly Stanly Muaja (2020)
constitutional changes usually occur due to motivating factors such as economic and
social crises, revolutions, the fall of certain regimes, fears of the fall of certain regimes,
the defeat of wars, reconstruction after the war, the formation of a new state, and
independence from colonial invaders. While Moh. Mahfud MD (2012) argued that to
change the constitution, the technical problems of the procedure must be resolved first.
These procedural errors relate to who will make substantive changes and the scope of the
changes. Thus according to the author of the constitutional amendment can be done, but
in the condition of the COVID 19 pandemic, the government should focus more on
handling COVID 19, so that the handling carried out by the government and society can
be carried out.
Two-Term Presidential Restrictions
The purpose of limiting the presidential term is to prevent the position of power
from continuing to dominate. This is considered the basis for the abuse of power and
authority. Therefore, Article 7 of the Constitution was amended in the First Amendment
of 1945. It was initially said that "the president and vice president served for five years,
and then they could be re-elected." The article said that "the president and vice president
served for five years. From then on, he can be re-elected to the same post, but only for
one term." It became clearer and more limited, that is, he could only serve two different
According to Sri Soemantri (2015) that the establishment of the power of the
President and Vice President at the time of the Amendment of the Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia in 1945 is one of the main agendas. Article 7 of the 1945
Constitution is the first revision process of the 1945 Constitution. This is because the
rules contained in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution are considered too flexible to explain
(Latansa, 2019). It can be seen from the six terms from serving as president until Suharto
leadership will not be repeated. After the amendment, restrictions on the president's term
could prevent authoritarian rule.
The main purpose of the amendment is to verify and maintain balance in every
government agency. However, there are still loopholes to be explained in the expression
of this article in another sense. For example, the term limits of the president and vice
president do not apply continuously or intermittently, and the person in question is
already in office. Both terms will no longer be able to occupy the same position during
their lifetime.
Three-Term President's Pulse
As the author explained above, amendments to the 1945 Constitution have
undergone many revisions from 1999 to 2002, although it has changed, the insistence and
idea of further amendments related to article 7 continue to emerge, especially from
JokPro groups and political parties supporting the Indonesian government, which want
the presidency to be three terms. These proposals, ideas, and insistences raise pros and
cons among academics, political parties, researchers, students, and the public.
According to Jimly Asshiddiqie in AAmaral (2013), The first amendment of the
1945 Constitution was passed in the General Assembly of the MPR-RI which resulted in
the ratification of the first amendment text so that it became a historical flaw due to the
successful amendment of the 1945 Constitution despite being confronted with
conservatives at the time with the desire that the 1945 Constitution not be changed and
must be maintained. Amendments to the 1945 Constitution underwent the first
amendment, one of which was article 7 which limited the presidential term to two terms.