How to cite:
Dony Yusra Pebrianto, Sabri Yanto, Yanita Kusuma.(2021).Pulse of
Amendment of Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution during the Covid-
19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Journal Eduvest. 1(11): 1357-1365
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Dony Yusra Pebrianto, Sabri Yanto, Yanita Kusuma
Jambi University, Indonesia
October, 26
November, 17
November, 19
The issue of the amendment of article 7 of the 1945
Constitution in Indonesia has caused an uproar among the
public during the COVID 19 pandemic. Although
constitutionally amendments can be made as article 37 of
the 1945 Constitution, it needs to be seen from three
sections, namely: 1. Changing the constitution with
careful consideration, not carelessness and self-
awareness; 2. Give people the opportunity to express their
views before making changes; 3. Protect the rights of
individuals or minorities. The results of several survey
institutions in Indonesia amendments to the three-term
presidential term some Indonesians refused. The purpose
of this study is to provide a scientific foundation on the
pulse rate of the 1945 Constitution during the current
COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The purpose of this
study is to provide a scientific foundation on the pulse rate
of the 1945 Constitution during the current COVID-19
pandemic in Indonesia. The study uses normative legal
methods, using three methods, namely: legal methods,
historical methods, and conceptual methods. The
recommendation of this study is to provide advice and
input to JokPro groups and government support parties in
the discourse of the idea of a three-term president related
to article 7 of the 1945 Constitution.
Dony Yusra Pebrianto, Sabri Yanto, Yanita Kusuma
Pulse of Amendment of Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution during the Covid-19
Pandemic in Indonesia 1358
Amendments, 1945 Constitution, Constitution, Covid-19
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The issue of the election of three presidential terms resurfaced and emerged in the
current government. The discourse led to discourse among academics, political parties,
researchers, and the public. Although the discourse was vociferously echoed in the era of
President Joko Widodo's government, but actually in the era of President Susilo Bambang
Yudhoyono's leadership, this discourse has begun to be proposed (Center for
Constitutional Law Studies Faculty of Law UII, 2021).
With the discourse to bring back, this is highly expected by JokPro, namely the
Jokowi and Prabowo 2024 communities that continue to encourage President Joko
Widodo and Prabowo Subianto to participate in the 2024 presidential election (Fransiskus
Adhiyuda Prasetia, 2021). According to M. Qodari in Prasetia (2021) as an advisor,
JokPro 2024 said optimistically that the amendment of the 1945 Constitution regarding
the presidential term to three periods is very possible as long as the conditions specified
in the 1945 Indonesian Constitution can be fulfilled. While according to Mardani Ali in
Rolando Fransiscus Sihombing (2021) he said that currently, everyone is struggling to
cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore the 1945 Constitution is hoped not to be
done at this time.
Besides Mardani Ali in Amalia Salabi (2021) the conflict over the idea of a three-
term president is also opposed by some researchers such as:
Feri Ansari of the Constitution Research Center (Pusako) of Andalas University
stated that "The amendment of Article 7 of the Basic Law deviates from the desire of all
members of the Constitution at the time to avoid authoritarianism from the unlimited
authority of the President. Therefore, Article 7 is very clear".
1. Hadar Nafis Gumay of the Election Integrity and Democracy Network (Netgrit)
stated: "The idea of a three-term presidential term is deeply insulting to the
diverse Indonesian nation. With the emergence of potential figures in various
regions in Indonesia, I think this can open the opportunity to become President of
Indonesia, he has the right to appeal and remind the public to be careful with the
remarks of extending the presidential term. As is the case in some countries, the
COVID-19 pandemic is used as an excuse to expand power.
2. Fadli Ramadhanil of the Project manager of the Electoral and Democratic Society
(Perludem) said, "We oppose the idea of a three-term presidential term because a
healthy democracy should not focus on actors or figures who are judged to be
working well but in a fair and open system. Let different groups of people
participate and have equal opportunities".
3. The issue of the three-term amendment during the COVID-19 pandemic has
caused uproar in society, driven by the influence of current political power.
While the survey results according to Saiful Mujani in Syahrizal Sidik (2021)
from Research and Consulting (SMRC) Indonesian society rejects the discourse
of a three-term term, Similarly, the results of a survey conducted by the Center
for Strategic Actions of Indonesia (CISA) survey showed from 58.25 percent of
respondents who said they disagreed with the increase in the presidential term to
3 (three) times the period (Survei CISA: Mayoritas Tolak Presiden 3 Periode,
2021). Meanwhile, the results of the Survey of Carta Politika showed that 61.3%
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
of the public disagreed with the president's three-term discourse (Wilda Hayatun
Rufus, 2021).
Thus, according to the author of the three-term presidential discourse issue, some
Indonesians do not agree with the amendment and have made a polemic during the
current COVID-19 pandemic. But constitutionally as Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution
states: "The president and vice president serve for a five-year term, and after that can only
be re-elected for one term (Nurjamila Siregar, 2019). This means the positions of
president and vice president are maximum twice the term. As well as in (Dicky Eko
Prasetio, 2021).
Based on these problems, the author limited the problems and legal arguments
studied related to article 7 of the 1945 Constitution. Therefore, scientific steps are needed
to review the pulse of article 7 amendments during the COVID 19 pandemic, the
discourse that develops in the community will not cause controversy. Thus to answer
questions related to public law, this research becomes very important to be discussed on
the issue of the three-term presidential amendment discourse during the COVID 19
This research is normative legal research, using three methods, namely: legal
methods, historical methods, and conceptual methods. In addition to using literature
research, this study also uses primary and secondary techniques to collect legal materials,
namely: document tracking, literature books, legal journals, and laws and regulations
related to research objects (Prasetyoningsih, 2020). In addition, the data obtained are
presented and qualitatively, then analyzed as a basis to conclude (M. Yasin Al-Arif,
In this study, several journals have conducted related research similar to the
author's journal, namely: 1. Nanik Prasetyoningsih discussed the 5th Amendment:
Towards a New Constitution in Indonesia, 2. Muwaffiq Jufri discussed the Urgency of the
Fifth Amendment in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia of 1945 Regarding The
Rights and Freedom of Religion, 3. Ro'is Alfauzi and Orien Effendi discussed the
Establishment of Power Based on Constitutionalism in Democracies, 4. Mohammad
Ibrahim discussed the Restriction of Constitutional Amendment Powers: Theory,
Practice in Several Countries and Their Relevance in Indonesia, 5. Taufiqurrohman
Syahuri discusses the Method of Amendment of the 1945 Constitution and its
Comparison with the Constitution in Several Countries, 6. Dicky Eko Prasetio discusses
the Idea of a 3-Term Presidential Office
A Brief History of amendments to the 1945 Constitution
The 1945 Constitution is the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and was
passed as the country's constitution by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian
Independence (PPKI) on August 18, 1945 or the day after Indonesia proclaimed its
independence. Avec la dissolution du RIS, à partir du 17 août 1950, la Loi fondamentale
provisoire (UUDS) a été promulguée. En outre, conformément au décret du Président
Sukarno du 5 juillet 1959, le 22 juillet 1959, la Chambre des représentants de la
République d’Indonésie (RPD) a réannoncé et adopté la Constitution de 1945 par
acclamation (Raditya, 2020).
Throughout its history, the 1945 Constitution has undergone four revisions or
Dony Yusra Pebrianto, Sabri Yanto, Yanita Kusuma
Pulse of Amendment of Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution during the Covid-19
Pandemic in Indonesia 1360
changes, between 1999 and 2002, the changes were made at the annual meeting of the
General Assembly and the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), namely: The First
Amendment to the 1945 Constitution was passed at the Plenary Session of the MPR on
October 14, 1999, on; The Second Amendment of the 1945 Constitution was passed on
August 7, 2000, held at the MPR Annual Session on January 18 to January 18; The Third
Amendment of the 1945 Constitution was implemented at the MPR Annual Meeting on
November 19, 2001; The Fourth Amendment of the 1945 Constitution at the People's
Deliberations on August 11, 2002.
According to Dokuritsu Zyunbi Tyoosakai in Syahuri (2010) The 1945 Constitution
was first established and passed by the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian
Independence (PPKI) originally formed by the Japanese Balatentara Government under
the name "Dokuritsu Zyunbi Inkai", but he stated that the passage of the Basic Law was
acting on behalf of the Indonesian nation itself. Thus according to the author of Indonesia
has had a constituent since pre-independence. While Taufik Syah (2009) the first
constitution approved by BPUPKI was then replaced with a version of PPKI until the
Presidential Decree 1959, which was revised in four stages during 1999-2002.
Thus according to the author of the 1945 Constitution as the highest constitutional
norm. While according to Jimly Asshiddiqie (2006) the existence of the 1945
Constitution is a constitution that has strategic interests and urgency for a country, both a
newly independent country and an independent country. Because the constitution is the
basis for regulating the life of the country.
Constitution Amendment
Deep The Great Dictionary of Indonesian (KBBI) the word amendment or
amendment is a form of the word not standard of the word amendment so that in the
correct writing is an amendment. While the meaning of the word amendment is the
proposed legislative reform proposed by the House of Representatives (KBBI Daring).
Thus according to the author of the amendment is a method of constitutional change that
is no stranger to constitutional research. In general, as said by Sri Sumantri in Muwaffiq
Jupri (2021) the constitution is amended in response to certain changes that require such
changes, including in the constitution not out of date.
In the course of state regulations in Indonesia, constitutionally this is done by
changing the rules and provisions of the applicable constitution. Although there is an
opportunity to amend the 1945 Constitution, as stipulated in Article 37 paragraph (3) of
the 1945 Constitution, "To change the provisions of the constitution, the MPR has at least
2/3 of the number of MPR members" realized by making changes to the applicable
constitutional rules. Although there is an opportunity in amending the 1945 Constitution,
as the formulation of Article 37 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution which reads "To
amend the articles of the Basic Law, the Session of the People's Consultative Assembly
was attended by at least 2/3 of the number of members of the People's Consultative
Assembly". But in the conditions of the covid-19 pandemic, the three-term presidential
proposal should be reviewed in advance so that the target of constitutional amendments
can be implemented.
According to Prasetyoningsih (2020), the actual amendments should be seen from
the three sections, meaning: 1. Change the constitution with careful consideration, not
carelessness and conscience (hope); 2. Give people the opportunity to express their
opinions before the change; 3. Guarantee the rights of people or minorities. According to
Ibrahim (2020) restriction of the constitutional amendment, power is a logical result of
the unconstitutional doctrine of constitutional amendments. The power to restrict
constitutional amendments means that the power to change the constitution is unlimited.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
While according to Jon Elster in Alfianus Danny Jema, Harly Stanly Muaja (2020)
constitutional changes usually occur due to motivating factors such as economic and
social crises, revolutions, the fall of certain regimes, fears of the fall of certain regimes,
the defeat of wars, reconstruction after the war, the formation of a new state, and
independence from colonial invaders. While Moh. Mahfud MD (2012) argued that to
change the constitution, the technical problems of the procedure must be resolved first.
These procedural errors relate to who will make substantive changes and the scope of the
changes. Thus according to the author of the constitutional amendment can be done, but
in the condition of the COVID 19 pandemic, the government should focus more on
handling COVID 19, so that the handling carried out by the government and society can
be carried out.
Two-Term Presidential Restrictions
The purpose of limiting the presidential term is to prevent the position of power
from continuing to dominate. This is considered the basis for the abuse of power and
authority. Therefore, Article 7 of the Constitution was amended in the First Amendment
of 1945. It was initially said that "the president and vice president served for five years,
and then they could be re-elected." The article said that "the president and vice president
served for five years. From then on, he can be re-elected to the same post, but only for
one term." It became clearer and more limited, that is, he could only serve two different
According to Sri Soemantri (2015) that the establishment of the power of the
President and Vice President at the time of the Amendment of the Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia in 1945 is one of the main agendas. Article 7 of the 1945
Constitution is the first revision process of the 1945 Constitution. This is because the
rules contained in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution are considered too flexible to explain
(Latansa, 2019). It can be seen from the six terms from serving as president until Suharto
leadership will not be repeated. After the amendment, restrictions on the president's term
could prevent authoritarian rule.
The main purpose of the amendment is to verify and maintain balance in every
government agency. However, there are still loopholes to be explained in the expression
of this article in another sense. For example, the term limits of the president and vice
president do not apply continuously or intermittently, and the person in question is
already in office. Both terms will no longer be able to occupy the same position during
their lifetime.
Three-Term President's Pulse
As the author explained above, amendments to the 1945 Constitution have
undergone many revisions from 1999 to 2002, although it has changed, the insistence and
idea of further amendments related to article 7 continue to emerge, especially from
JokPro groups and political parties supporting the Indonesian government, which want
the presidency to be three terms. These proposals, ideas, and insistences raise pros and
cons among academics, political parties, researchers, students, and the public.
According to Jimly Asshiddiqie in AAmaral (2013), The first amendment of the
1945 Constitution was passed in the General Assembly of the MPR-RI which resulted in
the ratification of the first amendment text so that it became a historical flaw due to the
successful amendment of the 1945 Constitution despite being confronted with
conservatives at the time with the desire that the 1945 Constitution not be changed and
must be maintained. Amendments to the 1945 Constitution underwent the first
amendment, one of which was article 7 which limited the presidential term to two terms.
Dony Yusra Pebrianto, Sabri Yanto, Yanita Kusuma
Pulse of Amendment of Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution during the Covid-19
Pandemic in Indonesia 1362
The change in the term of the President and Vice President of Indonesia, from the
unlimited to the limited, is the realization of the ideals of the Indonesian people to uphold
democracy that adheres to the presidential system of government. But during the COVID-
19 pandemic, there was a discourse on amendments to article 7 of the 1945 Constitution
regarding the tenure of the President and Vice President of Indonesia, from the unlimited
to the limited, is an embodiment of the ideals of the Indonesian people to uphold
democracy (Nurjamila Siregar, 2019). Therefore the President and vice president-elect,
Joko Widodo and Ma'ruf Amin, remain in office until 2024 and their term is not over.
Thus, the positions of president and vice president are valid for two terms.
Based on a survey from Research and Consulting (SMRC) some Indonesians
rejected the discourse of a three-term term, as well as the results of a survey conducted by
the Center for Strategic Actions of Indonesia (CISA) Survey Institute seen from 58.25
percent of respondents who expressed disapproval of the increase in the presidential term
to 3 (three) times the survey period, while the Political Chart showed 61.3 percent of the
public disagreed with the discourse of the three-term President, As in the picture below.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
Figure 3
From the picture, it is clear that the discourse of the amendment of the three-term
presidential term of the president some Indonesians do not agree or reject, it becomes
interesting for the author to be further examined constitutionally with the desire to amend
the change of the presidential and vice-presidential terms that were two periods to three
periods during the COVID 19 pandemic constitutionally lead to national development in
the future.
Based on the above discussion research, the author concluded that the discourse of
amendments to article 7 of the 1945 Constitution can be amended under article 37 which
reads "To change the articles of the Basic Law, the People's Consultative Assembly
Session is attended by at least 2/3 of the number of members of the People's Consultative
But on the other hand, the amendments proposed by JokPro groups and political
parties supporting the government, should not be rushed or hasty to propose a three-term
presidential term. This greatly affects the community when facing the COVID 19
pandemic, as well as the term of the president and vice president, which has not ended his
It is better to participate with the government and the community, prevent and deal
with the COVID 19 pandemic for public safety and health, so that the realization of a
previously abnormal society becomes normal again, as the ideals of the peaceful and
prosperous Indonesian people.
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