The Effect of Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio and Inventory Turn Over on Return on
Assets on Consumer Goods Companies 1223
the research results obtained, it can be seen that the results obtained are in accordance
with the research hypothesis which states that inventory turnover partially has a
significant effect on return on assets.
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion of the four hypotheses that have
been tested using multiple linear regression analysis, it can be concluded as follows:
1. Current Ratio (CR) has no significant effect on Return On Assets in consumer goods
companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2011-2014.
2. Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) has no significant effect on Return On Assets in
consumer goods companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-
2018 period.
3. Inventory Turn Over (ITO) has a significant effect on Return On Assets in consumer
goods companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-2018 period.
4. Based on the test of the coefficient of determination in the adjusted R square, the
value of the coefficient of determination is 0.075, which means 7.5% is explained by
the independent variables of the study while 92.5% is explained by other variables
outside of this study. Simultaneously Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio
(DER) and Inventory Turn Over (ITO) have a significant effect on Return On Assets
in consumer goods companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2015-
2018 period.
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