Amirul Hidayat
The Effect of Principal Supervision on Teacher Performance Improvement 1126
Observing the development of an increasingly complex world of education,
several strategies are needed that lead to an educational process that is able to answer the
demands of the times. The existence of the principal in an educational institution is one of
the keys and is required to be able to condition a professional work climate (Bryk &
Schneider, 2003), (Fullan, 2014).
The success of a school in improving the quality of education in schools cannot
be separated from the leadership of a school principal. In the hands of the leader, program
planning activities, organizing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and so on. Can run
well (Bonnario, Madiistriyatno, & Zulfikar, 2021).
School leadership is an activity to direct, influence and control the entire potential
of the school carried out by a principal in a systematic and programmed manner in order
to achieve organizational goals (Bush & Glover, 2014).
In order to improve the quality and performance of teachers at a level of
education, it is very necessary to carry out supervision (Madiistriyatno & Sofianto, 2021).
The term supervision is different from inspection. Inspection aims to check to what extent
a plan has been implemented, whether the conditions and activities are in accordance with
the provisions that have been outlined, while supervision aims to find or identify the
capabilities and inability of personnel to provide assistance and services to these
personnel in order to improve their abilities or expertise (Harries, 2020).
According to the Regulation of the Minister for Empowerment of State Officials
and Reform No. 16 of 2009 concerning the functional positions of teachers and the
number of credits, article 5 paragraph 1 explains that the main task of teachers is to
educate, teach, guide, direct, train, assess, and evaluate students in early childhood
education. early formal education, basic education, and secondary education as well as
additional tasks relevant to the function of the school/madrasah.
In an effort to improve the quality of educational resources, teachers are a
component of human resources that must be fostered and developed continuously
(Hénard & Roseveare, 2012). The task of the teacher is related to efforts to educate the
nation's life in all its aspects, both spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and other aspects
(Zakuan et al., 2012). The potential of teachers must continue to develop in order to carry
out their potential functions (Schleicher, 2012).
One of the efforts to improve teacher performance in the learning process is the
role of the principal as a supervisor in supervising teacher performance in teaching,
because the success or failure of the learning process in schools is largely determined by
the performance of a teacher's teaching skills (Azwardi, 2020).
The principal is the center of leader who regulates and manages activities to be
directed, focused and experienced a significant improvement (Oyewole & Alonge, 2013).
Therefore, principals play an important role in improving teacher performance and
developing themselves in transferring knowledge to students (Wanzare, 2012). The
principal must have advantages that are prioritized to better supervise his subordinates so
that they remain qualified in carrying out the obligations of a teacher and education staff.
This is because the principal's job is to oversee the activities that have been programmed
to be directed, focused and successful.
Principals play an important role in creating personal and teachers who are
dedicated to the responsibility of educating their students (DiPaola, Tschannen-Moran, &
Walther-Thomas, 2004). With a very basic reason that teachers have a role in determining
the quality of teaching carried out, therefore teachers think and plan carefully in
increasing student learning opportunities by improving the quality of teachers in