How to cite:
Eugenius Alfred Renjaan, Dortje Theodora Silubun, Dullah Irwan
Latar, Marvin Mario Makailipessy, Megawati Elisabet Juley (2021).
Correlation and Dispersion of Marine Debris to Mollusca in the
Interidal Zone. Journal Eduvest. 1(11): 1341-1356
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Eugenius Alfred Renjaan, Dortje Theodora Silubun, Dullah Irwan Latar, Marvin
Mario Makailipessy, Megawati Elisabet Juley
Tual State Fisheries Polytecnich, Southeast Maluku Regency, Indonesia
E-mail:,, [email protected]om,
mariomarvin.m[email protected],
October, 26
November, 17
November, 19
The research was carried out on Langgur Beach from
January to March 2021. The purpose of this study was to
determine the correlation and dispersion of marine debris
to molluscs in the Intertidal Zone of Langgur Beach, the
edge of the Rosenberg Strait, Kei Islands, Indonesia. The
data collection method of this research is the quadratic
method. The results of the study noted that the total
marine debris accumulated at 21 sampling points
amounted to 7,596 items consisting of 14 categories of
marine debris and 6 species of Mollusca were found. The
results of the analysis show that the dispersion of surface
marine debris and marine debris in the sediments are
scattered in groups, the dispersion per type of
macrozoobenthos on the surface and in the sediments is
scattered in groups, regularly and randomly. The results of
the analysis also showed a positive correlation between
marine plastic debris on the sediment surface and the
bivalves of Gafrarium pectinatum on the sediment
Langgur Beach Intertidal Zone, Marine Debris, Mollusca,
Gafrarium Pectinatum
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Eugenius Alfred Renjaan, Dortje Theodora Silubun, Dullah Irwan Latar, Marvin Mario
Makailipessy, Megawati Elisabet Juley
Correlation and Dispersion of Marine Debris to Mollusca in the Interidal Zone 1342
Indonesia is the second producing country for marine plastic debris after China
and marine plastic debris that enters the sea area, it is known to be 12.7 tons per year,
where most of the marine debris comes from land activities and is expected to continue to
increase by 50 to 250 tons in 2025 (Jambeck et al., 2015).
Marine debris is a persistent solid object produced by humans directly or
indirectly by being dumped or left at sea. The amount of marine debris is increasing and
almost 60 to 80% of marine debris consists of plastic. Plastic is a common consumption
of modern society, most of the plastic consumption is only used once. As a result, piles of
plastic debris will pollute the environment and become marine debris (Wang, Tan, Peng,
Qiu, & Li, 2016). Currently marine debris is one of the most worrying global
environmental issues because of its high impact on ecosystems, human health, and the
economy. Most marine debris consists of plastic, wood, metal containers, and fishing gear
(nets, ropes, buoys, etc.). which is a material that is expected to remain afloat on the
surface for some time, be extended or sink to the bottom (Beaumont et al., 2019).
Marine debris increases and has a wider impact. Any accumulation of marine
debris on the beach is a function of wind direction and beach orientation, while the source
of marine debris comes from coastal residents who throw garbage directly to the beach,
and are carried away by currents and waves from other locations and other areas, apart
from the waste from transportation facilities. between islands, ships (ferries) and fishing
vessels, as well as from seaweed cultivation activities using ropes and plastic bottles
(Renjaan, Silubun, Latar, & Makailipessy, 2020).
The composition of waste generated from human activities is organic waste as
much as 60 to 70% and the rest is non-organic waste 30 to 40%. types of plastic bags or
crackles other than plastic packaging (Purwaningrum, 2016). Based on data from Plastic
Europe (2016), the current global annual plastic consumption has reached more than 300
million tons with the highest production being in the last decade. Research reveals the
crisis regarding marine debris continues to increase with no signs of diminishing
((Jambeck et al., 2015); (Boucher & Friot, 2017). If this situation continues, it is expected
that the amount of plastic accumulated will double from 2010 to 2025, increasing from
about 8 million metric tons in 2010 to 9 million tons in 2015, and to 16 million tons in
2025 (Mortillaro, 2017).
Marine debris generally results from anthropogenic activities. This is a direct
threat to marine habitats, coastal ecosystems, human health and navigational safety,
resulting in serious socio-economic losses. Common examples of marine debris are
plastic, organic matter, metal, glass, rubber and other solid waste.
NOOA (2016) states that the results of research on marine debris found in all
waters in the world, the type of plastic debris is the most common type and is often found
and has the potential to have an impact on marine organisms.
Molluscs are one of the constituents of marine ecosystems that have diversity
species are tall and spread in various marine habitats. Mollusc life is generally influenced
by the quality of the waters, including the type of substrate, habitat, pH, temperature and
salinity (Pratiwi & Ernawati, 2016).
Mollusca can be found from coastal areas near the coast to the deep sea,
occupying coral reef areas, some immerse themselves in the substrate or sediment, some
can be found attached to marine plants. Molluscs can live on a variety of substrates,
including sandy, rocky and muddy substrates, besides that, molluscs also have high
adaptability to places and weather (Triwiyanto, Suartini, & Subagio, 2015).
Phylum mollusca is the phylum with the second largest number after Arthropoda.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
Mollusca consists of seven classes, namely: Polyplacophora, Gastropods, Bivalves,
Scaphopoda, Cephalopoda, Aplacophora and Monoplacopora. The two largest classes of
the mollusc phylum are Gastropods and Bivalves (Candri, Junaedah, Ahyadi, & Zamroni,
Marine debris is found and scattered in groups from macro to meso sizes around
the coast of Langgur city, as the western edge of the Rosenberg strait, the kei islands.
Marine debris is thought to have influenced the life of marine biota, for example molluscs
that settled around the Langgur beach. There is not much information about the
relationship between marine debris and mollusc abundance on the Langgur beach, so we
wanted to explore this information. The purpose of this study was to determine the
correlation and dispersion of marine debris on molluscs in the intertidal zone of Langgur
beach, Kei Islands. Indonesia. The results of this study are expected to be information
about the impact of marine debris correlation on molluscs, as well as important
information for marine debris management on the Langgur beach, Kei Islands.
The location of this research is Langgur Beach, a beach on the west bank of the
Rosenberg Strait in the Kei Islands, Indonesia. The tools used include: Transect quadratic
measuring 1 meter x 1 meter, soil pH meter, refractometer, thermometer scale 0⁰C to
100⁰C, shovel, needle sitting scale (capacity 50kg), GPSmap76CSX, sieve eye size 2 mm,
petri dish (size 100 ml x 20 ml and 80 ml x 15 ml), digital gram scale, permanent marker,
stationery, camera, rubber gloves, scissors, 1 cm ruler, rubber band, sample bottle, loop,
laboratory oven, tweezers, shoes boot, dropper pipette, graded sieves measuring 1 mm,
500 micrometer, 300 micrometer, 200 micrometer, 100 micrometer, and a digital scale.
The materials used include: tissue, water, plastic containers, trash bags, aluminum foil,
plastic bags, label paper, plastic samples, plastic jars, raffia rope, plastic spoons, spray
bottles, measuring cups measuring 250 ml and 10 ml, aquades and 10% alcohol.
Sampling begins with a survey of the research site, then proceeds with determining
the sampling point as well as preparing tools and materials. Sampling was carried out at
low tide based on the Global Tide tidal application from January to March 2021.
Measurements used the 1m x 1m quadratic transect method. Sampling was done
Correlation and dispersion analysis between marine debris and mollusc density
scattered at 21 sampling points on Langur beach using descriptive statistics frequencies
analysis to determine the distribution pattern of a species in each sampling square using
SPSS software.
Information :
I = dispersion index
S2 = Variance
( x) = Mean
Meanwhile, to analyze the correlation using Pearson bivariate correlation analysis
where to measure the strength and direction of the linear relationship of two variables
using SPSS software.
r =
Eugenius Alfred Renjaan, Dortje Theodora Silubun, Dullah Irwan Latar, Marvin Mario
Makailipessy, Megawati Elisabet Juley
Correlation and Dispersion of Marine Debris to Mollusca in the Interidal Zone 1344
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Dominant Percentage Sedimen
Pasir Kasar
Where : r = correlation value
x = variable x
y = variable y
The strength of the correlation relationship, according to D.A de Vaus 2002 as follows:
• 0.00 : No relationship
• 0.01 - 0.09 : The relationship is less meaningful
• 0.10 - 0.29 : Weak relationship
• 0.30 - 0.49 : Moderate relationship
• 0.50 - 0.69 : Strong relationship
• 0.70 - 0.89 : Very strong relationship
• >0.90 : Close to perfect relationship.
A. Distribution of Sediment at Sampling Locations in the Intertidal Zone of Langgur
The results of measurements of sediment samples carried out at 21 sampling
points have medium sand and coarse sand categories, with the highest percentage of
61.94% found at point 3 and the lowest percentage found at point 13 of 21.96%.
Figure 2. Distribution of sediment at the sampling location in the intertidal zone of the
Langgur pantai coast
The results of the measurement of sediment samples at the research site found the
types of sediments of coarse sand (coarse sand) and medium sand (medium sand). Coarse
sand has a grain size of 26.34 61.94, while medium sand has a grain size of 21.96
Gemilang et al., (2018) stated that the difference in sediment grain size is related
to the origin of the sediment source. The closer to the mainland the grain size of the
sediment tends to be finer, while the grain size facing the open sea is coarser. This shows
that the sediment source comes from the sea which then undergoes a transportation
process until it is finally deposited into sediment at each location.
1. Some Oceanographic Factors at the Sampling Site
a. pH Measurement Results
Measurement of the pH value at 21 observation points has a constant value with a
pH value of 7 presented in Figure 3
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
Figure 3. pH value
The results of pH measurements at the Langgur beach have a relatively neutral
and stable pH value, which is constant 7. Salim et al., (2017) which says that the ideal pH
value for waters is 7 to 8.5. (Siwi et al., 2017) said that the high and low pH is an
important factor to control the activity and distribution of organisms that live in the
b. Temperature Measurement Results
Measurement of temperature values at 21 observation points has a temperature
value ranging from 28⁰C to 35⁰C with the highest temperature found at sampling point 6
and point 7 while the lowest temperature is found at point 10 and point 11 is presented in
Figure 4..
Figure 4. Temperature value
The results of temperature measurements at Langgur beach have values ranging
from 28⁰C to 35⁰C. The temperature value of 28⁰C was found at point 10 and point 11,
this happened because the measurement process was carried out after rain and the weather
was cloudy, causing the temperature value at point 10 and point 11 to be low while the
temperature value of 35⁰C was found at point 6 and point 7, this happened because the
measurement process is carried out during hot weather, causing the temperature values at
point 6 and point 7 to be high. This is in accordance with the opinion of Priosambodo
(2016) which states that the normal temperature that allows organisms to live, grow and
reproduce and spread, is between temperatures below 0⁰C to 33⁰C.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 1920 21
I pH Value
Eugenius Alfred Renjaan, Dortje Theodora Silubun, Dullah Irwan Latar, Marvin Mario
Makailipessy, Megawati Elisabet Juley
Correlation and Dispersion of Marine Debris to Mollusca in the Interidal Zone 1346
c. Salinity Measurement Results
Salinity ranges from values of 25 to 35 with the highest salinity found at
sampling points 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 while the lowest salinity was
found at points 4, 5, 10 and 11 presented at picture..
Figure 5. Salinity Value
The salinity measurement results have values ranging from 25 to 35. Salinity
values of 25 are found at points 4, 5, 10 and 11, this happens because the measurement
process is carried out after the rain and points 4, 5, 10 and 11 are points close to the waste
disposal from several houses in the observation location, causing the salinity value at the
observation point to be low and included in brackish water while the salinity value of 35
was found at points 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and point 21, this happens
because the measurement process at that point is carried out during hot weather and the
point is close to the sea, causing the value to be high and classified as sea water. This is
supported by the opinion of Dewi (2017) which states that low salinity values in waters
will affect the distribution pattern of organisms such as animals belonging to the phylum
mollusca, which can survive in conditions of 25-35‰ salinity.
2. Density and Type of Marine Debris
a. Surface Sea Debris
According to the results of the study, samples of surface sea debris at 21 research
points resulted in a total of 1699 items/m2 of marine debris per point. Surface sea debris
has 13 categories of marine debris found at 21 research points including: general goods,
consumer plastics, plastic packaging, fishery marine debris, plastic remnants, foamed
plastic goods (polystyrene), other materials, glassware and ceramics, cloth goods, metal
goods, rubber goods, wooden goods, and auxiliary goods. The most marine debris was
found at point 5 and point 11 with a total amount of marine debris 166 items/m2, while
the least amount was found at point 17 with a total marine debris of 30 items/m2. Surface
sea debris is dominated by plastic debris around 83%. The category of marine debris that
dominates is the category of plastic remains, while the category of paper and cardboard
goods is not found at all points.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021
Salinity Value
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
Figure 6. Density and type of marine debris (items/sqm) on the beach surfacei
The results of the research on surface sea debris showed that there were various
types of marine debris found and the type of marine debris remaining from plastic was the
most common type found at point 5 with a total of 108 items/m2 and point 11 with a total
of 102 items/m2. Surface marine debris is dominated by plastic debris around 83%.
Plastic is the dominant marine debris because plastic is a pollutant that has been globally
distributed in all waters due to its durable and buoyant nature (Zhukov et al 2017;
Djaguna, 2019). The amount of plastic in the ocean originates from and is influenced by
activities and the number of human populations, such as in areas with high population
numbers, namely China and Indonesia (Jambeck et al., 2015; Zhukov, 2017). Seawater
pollution that cannot be avoided by human waste is human-generated debris, according to
research results (Jambeck et al., 2015) saying that Indonesia is a country ranked second in
the world for plastic debris to the sea which reaches 18.2 million tons per year. . From a
number of existing marine debris, it is estimated that around 60% to 80% of marine
debris consists of plastic. Plastic accumulates in the oceans due to its continuous use.
Disposal from ships has been estimated at 6.5 million tonnes of plastic per year.
(Leberton, et al., 2017).
3. Marine Debris in Sediment
According to the results of the study, samples of marine debris in sediments at 21
sampling points resulted in a total of 5897 items/m2 of marine debris per point. Marine
debris in sediment has 13 categories of marine debris found at 21 sampling points
including: general goods, consumer plastics, plastic packaging, marine fisheries debris,
plastic scraps, foamed plastic goods (polystyrene), other materials, glassware and
ceramics, cloth articles, metal articles, rubber articles, wooden articles, and auxiliary
goods. The most marine debris was found at point 5 with a total amount of marine debris
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Total Barang
Total Barang
Total Kemasan
Total Sampah
Total Sisa-sisa
Total Barang
Plastik Berbusa
Total Bahan-
bahan Lain
Total Barang
Gelas dan
Eugenius Alfred Renjaan, Dortje Theodora Silubun, Dullah Irwan Latar, Marvin Mario
Makailipessy, Megawati Elisabet Juley
Correlation and Dispersion of Marine Debris to Mollusca in the Interidal Zone 1348
545 items/m2, while the least amount was found at point 17 with a total marine debris of
35 items/m2. Marine debris in the sediment is dominated by plastic debris around 91%.
The category of marine debris that dominates is the category of plastic remains, while
paper and cardboard goods are not found at all points.
Figure 7. Density and type of marine debris (items/square meter) in sediment
The results of marine debris research in sediments showed that there were various
types of marine debris found and the types of marine debris plastic remnants were the
most common type found at point 4 with a total of 374 items/m2, point 5 with a total of
362 items/m2 and point 11 with a total of 357 items/m2. Marine debris in the sediment is
dominated by plastic debris around 91%. Marine debris in sediments is dominated by
plastic debris because marine plastic debris is debris that is difficult to decompose.
Galgani et al., (2015) which said that almost 95% of water and seabed debris is
dominated by plastic type debris, from the total debris accumulated along the coastline to
the seabed is one of the particles that are difficult to decompose in water. Plastics are
widely used in human activities including households because of their benefits as patent
containers that are waterproof and easy to use, which appear in the form of plastic
packaging or on electrical appliances and household appliances (Arifin, 2017).
Plastic packaging debris and household utensils are types that are often
encountered in everyday life with their nature that are difficult to degrade in nature, this
debris is categorized as the largest contributor of waste and causes damage to the balance
(Hiwari et al., 2019).
B. Total Surface Molluscs and Deep Molluscs
1. Total Mollusca Surface Per Point At Sampling Location
The results of the study found that the total surface molluscs per point were 419
individuals/m2. The most common species found was Cerithidea cingulata as many as 78
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021
Total Barang
Total Barang
Konsumen Plastik
Total Kemasan
Total Sampah
Total Sisa-sisa
Total Barang
Plastik Berbusa
Total Bahan-
bahan Lain
Total Barang
Gelas dan
Total Barang2
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
individuals/m2 found at point 19 while the least species found were 2 species having the
same number, namely Nerita undata as much as 1 individual/m2 found at points 3, 8, 14,
and 17 and Anadara antiquata as much as 1 individual/m2 was found at point 5 and point
Figure 8. Total surface molluscs per point in the intertidal zone of the Langgur pantai
The results of Figure 8 show that the surface mollusc phylum consists of 2
classes found at the research site, namely the bivalves class and the gastropod class.
Bivalves consist of 2 species, namely Gafrarium pectinatum and Anadara antiquata, while
gastropods consist of 2 species, namely Nerita undata and Cerithidea cingulata.
The high and low number of molluscs and variations in the number of individuals
of each species are caused by disturbances or pressures from the environment, this
situation explains that only certain species can survive. The uneven number of individuals
for each species is related to the adaptation pattern of each mollusc, such as the
availability of various types of substrates, food, and environmental conditions. This is
evidenced by the presence of several individual gastropods and bivalves that dominate
certain places. The highest number of gastropods was Cerithidea cingulata species at 78
individuals/m2 while the lowest was Nerita undata species at 1 individual/m2. The
highest number of bivalves was the Gafrarium pectinatum species as many as 13
individuals/m2, while the lowest was the Anadara antiquata species as many as 1
individual/m2. This causes the difference in the number of gastropods and bivalves
obtained at the study site at each point to differ greatly. Wahyuni et al., (2017) stated that
if all species have relatively the same or almost the same abundance and no large
dominance is found, the diversity is high, so that the diversity value at the study site will
be a reflection of each species being spread relatively evenly in number.
2. Total Mollusca In Sediment Per Sampling Point
The results of the study found that the total molluscs in the sediment per point
were 456 individuals/m3. The most common species found was Gafrarium pectinatum as
many as 28 individuals/m3 found at point 9 while the least species found 4 species had
the same number, namely Anadara antiquata as much as 1 individual/m3 found at point 9
and point 10, Cypraea annulus had a total 1 individual/m3 was found at point 1, Nassarius
reticulatus as much as 1 individual/m3 was found at point 1 and point 21, Nerita undata as
much as 1 individual/m3 was found at points 2, 4, 7, 8, and 13.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Gafrarium pectinatum Anadara antiquata
Nerita undata Cerithidea cingulata
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
Correlation and Dispersion of Marine Debris to Mollusca in the Interidal Zone 1350
Figure 9. Total molluscs in sediment per sampling point in the intertidal zone of the
Langgur pantai coast
The results of Figure 7 show that the phylum mollusca in the sediment consists of
2 classes found at the study site, namely the bivalves class and the gastropod class.
Bivalves consist of 2 species, namely Gafrarium pectinatum and Anadara antiquata, while
gastropods consist of 4 species, namely Cypraea annulus, Nassarius reticulatus, Nerita
undata and Cerithidea cingulata. The high and low number of molluscs and variations in
the number of individuals of each species are caused by disturbances or pressures from
the environment, this situation explains that only certain species can survive. The
presence of molluscs at the study site was also caused by the availability of the type of
substrate, food, and environmental conditions. This is evidenced by the presence of
several individual gastropods and bivalves that dominate certain places. The highest
number of bivalves was Gafrarium pectinatum at 28 individuals/cm3 while the lowest
was the Anadara antiquata species at 11 individuals/cm3. The highest number of
gastropods was Cerithidea cingulata species as many as 21 individuals/cm3, while the
lowest was 4 species, namely Cypraea annulus 1 individual/cm3, Nassarius reticulatus as
many as 2 individuals/cm3, Nerita undata as many as 14 individuals/cm3 and Cerithidea
cingulata as many as 21 individuals/cm3 cm3. This causes the difference in the number of
gastropods and bivalves obtained at the study site at each point to differ greatly. Zarkasyi
et al., 2016) which states that the diversity index of a species does not only depend on the
number of individuals found, but is also determined by the uniformity index of a species
in the community.
3. Classification of Mollusca (Bivalves and Gastropods)
The results of research conducted in the intertidal zone of the Langgur coast
found 6 families and 6 species of molluscs, which are presented in the following table:
Table 2. Taxonomy of Molluscs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Gafrarium pectinatum
Anadara antiquata
Cypraea annulus
Nassarius reticulatus
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
1. Dispersion Analysis of Surface Sea Debris and Deep Sea Debris Sediment
From the data obtained from the sampling of surface marine debris and marine
debris in sediments at 21 points, the dispersion test of surface marine debris and marine
debris in sediments is scattered in groups..
Table 3. Analysis of Surface Debris Dispersion Index and Deep Sea Debris Sediment
Dispersion Test
Surface Sea Debris
Marine Debris in Sediment
The results of the dispersion analysis show that surface marine debris and marine
debris in sediments have a value where S2/x >1 so that surface marine debris and marine
debris in sediments are scattered in groups. Mobilik et al., (2017). stated that the
distribution of marine debris can occur in waters because there are physical factors that
carry debris from one location to another. There are several physical oceanographic
factors that play a role in the distribution/movement of debris in the waters, thus causing
the accumulation of debris in one place.
2. Dispersion Analysis of Surface Molluscs and Molluscs in Sediment
From the data from the sampling of surface molluscs and molluscs in sediments
at 21 points, the analysis test for the dispersion of surface molluscs and molluscs in
sediments has a distribution in groups, regularly and randomly, can be seen in (Table 4
and Table 5).
Table 4. Results of Dispersion Index Analysis per Surface Animal Type
Dispersion Test
Gafrarium pectinatum
Anadara antiquata
Nerita undata
Cheritidea djadjarensis
Table 5. Results of Dispersion Index Analysis per Animal Type in Sediment
Dispersion Test
Gafrarium pectinatum
Anadara antiquata
Cypraea annulus
Nassarius reticulatus
Nerita undata
Cheritidea djadjarensis
Hasil analisis dispersi memperlihatkan bahwa jenis hewan permukan dan hewan
dalam sedimen yaitu Gafrarium pectinatum, Nerita undata, Cheritidea djadjarensis,
Anadara antiquata dan Nassarius reticulatus memiliki nilai dimana I >1 sehingga jenis
hewan permukaan dan hewan dalam sedimen ini memiliki pola sebaran secara
berkelompok. Ode (2017), menyatakan bahwa pola distribusi mengelompok disebabkan
Eugenius Alfred Renjaan, Dortje Theodora Silubun, Dullah Irwan Latar, Marvin Mario
Makailipessy, Megawati Elisabet Juley
Correlation and Dispersion of Marine Debris to Mollusca in the Interidal Zone 1352
oleh sifat spesies yang bergerombol atau adanya kesamaan habitat sehingga terjadi
pengelompokkan di tempat lain yang terdapat banyak bahan makanan.
Hasil analisis dispersi memperlihatkan bahwa jenis hewan permukaan dan hewan dalam
sedimen yaitu Anadara antiquata dan Cypraea annulus memiliki nilai dimana I < 1
sehingga jenis hewan ini tersebar secara teratur. Hamidah dkk., (2016) bahwa pola
sebaran merata terjadi karena adanya persaingan antara individu dengan individu yang
lainnya didalam suatu ekosistem, sehingga mendorong pembagian ruang hidup secara
Menurut Putra et al., (2018), menyatakan bahwa persebaran populasi organisme
di alam umumnya mempunyai persebaran mengelompok dan sangat jarang sekali
ditemukan dalam pola seragam (merata). Braz et al., (2015) menyatakan bahwa faktor
penyebaran populasi dapat disebabkan karena dorongan mencari makanan,
menghindarkan diri dari predator, pengaruh iklim, terbawa air/angin. Menurut Zarkasyi
dkk. (2016) kondisi lingkungan sangat mempengaruhi pola distribusi dan kepadatan
spesies yang berada di zona intertidal.
3. Independent Test Samples of Surface Sea Debris Density and Deep Sea Debris
Density Sediment.
The results of the Independent Samples t Test analysis of the density of surface
marine debris and the density of marine debris in sediments have a significant
(significant) difference where the t value is 7,540 > t table 2.101 with a sig value of 0.000
< 0.05..
Table 6. Test Analysis (t) Density of Surface Sea Debris and Deep Sea Debris Sediment
The density of surface marine debris and marine debris in sediments has
significant differences because the distribution of marine debris is influenced by natural
factors or human activities. Juliandri et al, 2020) which states that the distribution of
marine debris can be influenced by natural factors or human activities. most of the plastic
debris in the oceans, especially in densely populated coastal areas, enters through
shipping and fishing activities, as well as industrial waste which is piped and flows into
rivers. The results of the statistical test showed a significant level or had a difference
between the density of surface marine debris and the density of marine debris in the
sediment where the t value was 7,540 > the t table value was 2.101 with a sig value of
0.000 < 0.05.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
(Ghozali, 2016) states that the t statistical test shows how far the influence of one
explanatory or independent variable individually in explaining the variation of the
dependent variable and is used to determine whether or not there is an influence of each
independent variable individually on the dependent variable. The test was carried out
using a significance level of 0.05 ( = 5%). H1 is accepted if t count > t table for = 5%.
4. Test Samples Independent of Surface Animal Density and Animal Density in
The results of the Independent Samples t Test analysis of the density of surface
animals and animals in sediments have a significant (significant) difference where the t
count value is 5,005 > t table 2.101 with a sig value of 0.000 < 0.05..
Table 7. Test Analysis (t) Density of Surface Animals and Density of Animals in
The density of surface animals and animals in sediments has a significant
difference, this happens because there are several factors and environmental conditions
that support the distribution of molluscs at the sampling location. Sukawati et al., (2018)
which states that a community with supportive environmental conditions will lead to the
formation of a large number of species with an even abundance. This causes the diversity
in the community to be high. However, if in a community with unfavorable
environmental conditions, it will tend to consist of a small number of abundant species,
only a few species can survive in these environmental conditions, so that these species
dominate over other species that cannot survive.
The test results show a significant level or have a significant difference between
the density of surface animals and the density of animals in the sediment where the t-
count value is 5.005 > the t-table value is 2.101 with a sig value of 0.000 <0.05.
(Ghozali, 2016:99) states that the t statistical test shows how far the influence of one
Eugenius Alfred Renjaan, Dortje Theodora Silubun, Dullah Irwan Latar, Marvin Mario
Makailipessy, Megawati Elisabet Juley
Correlation and Dispersion of Marine Debris to Mollusca in the Interidal Zone 1354
explanatory or independent variable individually in explaining the variation of the
dependent variable and is used to determine whether or not there is an influence of each
independent variable individually on the dependent variable. The test was carried out
using a significance level of 0.05 ( = 5%). H1 is accepted if t count > t table for = 5%.
5. Correlation of Surface Plastic Debris Density and Gafrarium pectinatum on
Sediment Surfaces
The results of the analysis of the density of surface plastic marine debris with
Gafrarium pectinatum have a relationship where the value of r count is 0.453* > r table
0.433 with a sig value of 0.039 < 0.05 where the strength of the correlation according to
de Vaus interprets that the relationship is moderate.
Table 8. Analysis of Surface Plastic Debris Density and Gafrarium pectinatum on
Sediment Surfaces..
Gafrarium pectinatum on the surface of the sediment is getting more and more,
when the surface plastic marine debris is getting denser this happens based on where to
live and how to get food from the Gafrarium pectinatum species. Baron and Clavier
(2008) stated that Gafrarium pectinatum prefers habitats with sandy bottom substrates to
muddy sediments on the bottom surface of the substrate, this is related to the behavior of
biota either to obtain food with a filter feeder or to dig holes to avoid themselves from
predators. In accordance with their nature, Bivalves prefer habitats with relatively smooth
substrates. This is related to feeding behavior where almost all types of Bivalves have
properties as filter feeders. Filtering of food from the substrate more often occurs on
substrates that have a fine texture such as mud substrates. On coarser substrates, such as
sand, gravel or coarser ones, it is more difficult for Bivalves to filter food from these
types of substrates (Nurmiati, Sirih, & Parakkasi, 2016).
The correlation analysis carried out shows that the value of r = 0.453 * where in
the correlation if the result of r is found to be positive then the two variables have a
unidirectional relationship, meaning that if the X variable is high then the Y value will be
high and vice versa, if the result is mines, it means that if the X value is high then the
value is high. Y will decrease (Budiarta, Ginting, & Simarmata, 2020).
Pearson correlation analysis (correlate bivariate) was used to determine the linear
relationship between one variable and another. The data used is interval or ratio scale.
The correlation value (r) is 0 to 1, the closer to 1 the stronger the relationship. On the
other hand, the closer the value to 0, the weaker the relationship (Priyanto, 2013).
This correlation analysis is one type of inferential statistics, so it is necessary to
have a hypothesis in formulating conclusions from the results of data analysis. The
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
hypothesis is a temporary answer to the formulation of the problem stated in the form of a
statement sentence (Sugiyono, 2017).
Based on the results of the study, several conclusions were obtained, namely: The
density of surface marine debris and the density of marine debris in sediments has a
significant (significant) difference where the t value is 5,005 > t table 2.101 with a sig
value of 0.000 < 0.05. The density of surface animals and the density of animals in the
sediment has a significant difference (significantly) where the value of t count is 5.005 > t
table 2.101 with a sig value of 0.000 < 0.05. The density of marine plastic debris on the
surface with Gafrarium pectinatum has a correlation where the calculated r value is
0.453* > r table 0.433 with a sig value of 0.039 < 0.05 where the strength of the
correlation according to D.A de Vaus 2002 Interprets that the relationship is moderate.
Dispersion of surface marine debris and marine debris in sediments is scattered in groups.
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jadjarensis are scattered in groups while Anadara antiquata is distributed regularly.
Dispersion per animal species in sediments; Gafrarium pectinatum, Nassarius reticulatus,
Nerita undata and Cerithidea djadjarensis are scattered in groups, while Anadara
antiquata is distributed regularly and Cypraea annulus is randomly distributed.
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