How to cite:
Maria Nino Istia, Rahma Nur Praptiwi, Kristin Lukitaningrum.
(2021). Marketing Management DIII Students' Distance Education
Effectiveness for Citizens with Special Needs. Journal Eduvest.
1(11): 1287-1295
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Maria Nino Istia, Rahma Nur Praptiwi, Kristin Lukitaningrum
Jakarta State Polytechnic, Indonesia
October, 26
November, 16
November, 18
The existence of individuals with developmental and
sensory disabilities (DIII MP-WNBK students) at the
Jakarta State Polytechnic is a concern, especially when it is
observed how they interact, the way they receive and
attend lectures in class. So the situation that is completely
online like this, becomes a challenge for them. The
purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of
distance education for MP-WNBK DIII students, and to
explain efforts to improve their skills in accessing online
lectures through the platform. This
study uses an intervention method with a quantitative
approach. The design of this research is a cross sectional
study. The sample in this study was PS DIII MP-WNBK PNJ
students. The number of samples taken as many as 76
students from a population of 92 students. The results of
this study conclude that both lecturers and students enjoy
using e-learning as a learning medium during distance
learning. Learning with a high level of interaction is fun for
both lecturers and students because it approaches face-
to-face learning. Almost all students are able to use e-
learning. E-learning is quite effective for distance learning.
Distance Education, Online Lectures, Citizens With Special
Maria Nino Istia, Rahma Nur Praptiwi, Kristin Lukitaningrum
Marketing Management DIII Students' Distance Education Effectiveness for Citizens
with Special Needs 1288
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The Marketing Management Study Program for Citizens with Special Needs
(MP-WNBK) Jakarta State Polytechnic provides diploma-level education services for
citizens with special needs. The active students of the PNJ MP-WNBK Study Program
are students with various disabilities, including developmental disabilities such as autism
spectrum disorder (ASD)or commonly known as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD)or commonly called hyperactivity, cerebral palsy ( paralysis of the
cerebrum so that they have problems with body movements and postures), Down
syndrome (physical, mental disorders, and have a low level of intelligence), slow learner
(slow learning), dyslexia and dyscalculia (disorders in the development of reading,
writing and arithmetic); and sensory impairments in hearing (deafness), as well as in
vision (low vision).
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on various aspects of daily
life (Puspitasari, 2020). One of them is the field of education. Teaching and learning
activities cannot be carried out face-to-face on campus. Thus forcing students and
educators to adapt to online learning methods (Ulfa, 2021) (Jamaluddin, Ratnasih,
Gunawan, & Paujiah, 2020). Socialization activities and training on the use of e-learning
have been carried out. However, along with the implementation of online distance
education through the application, obstacles were found (Fikri et al.,
2021). Based on this, researchers are motivated to develop skills in the use of e-learning
as an effort to improve educational services for students of the MP-WNBK PNJ DIII
Study Program. Through this research, it is hoped that obstacles or obstacles for them and
their lecturers can be found and overcome. In this regard, it is also hoped that this will
have an impact on increasing learning motivation and fostering the confidence of the DIII
MP-WNBK PNJ Study Program students in carrying out PJJ during the pandemic. This
study has the following objectives:
1. Knowing the attitudes of lecturers and students in carrying out PJJ
2. Knowing the ability of students to use e-learning facilities
3. Knowing the effectiveness of using e-learning for PS DIII MP-WNBK
PNJ students
People with disabilities are people who have specific characteristics and are
different from people in general (Aulia, Asiah, & Irfan, 2020; Maftuhin, 2016). These
special characteristics require special services in order to obtain their rights as human
beings (Luthfia, 2020). People with special needs have a very broad definition, including
people who have physical disabilities, low IQ (Intelligence Quotient) abilities, and people
with very complex problems, so that their cognitive functions are impaired (Radissa et al.,
2020). According to WHO, disability is an inability to carry out certain activities like
normal people, which is caused by conditions of loss or inability both psychologically,
physiologically or anatomically structural or functional abnormalities (United Nations,
2020). Disabilities are the inability to carry out certain activities like normal people
caused by impairment conditions (loss or inability) related to age and society
(SYAFITRI, 2019) (Hidayatullah & Pranowo, 2018). Insights about non-physical
disabilities that have not been comprehensive in the wider community have resulted in
unconsciousness or wrong views of persons/individuals with non-physical disabilities
(Yazfinedi, 2018) (Tighe & Schatschneider, 2016).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
It is often found that persons with disabilities are seen as persons with physical
disabilities only. Whereas the term disability also includes non-physical disabilities. In
(Law of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016) concerning Persons with Disabilities, in
Chapter 1 Article 1, it is stated that persons with disabilities are any person who
experiences physical, intellectual, mental, and/or sensory limitations for a long period of
time in interacting with the environment. may experience barriers and difficulties to
participate fully and effectively with other citizens on the basis of equal rights.
The outbreak of Covid-19 in all regions has an impact on various aspects of
people's lives, including the education aspect (Sari, Rifki, & Karmila, 2020). Where
education is carried out remotely online / online. The Covid-19 pandemic has not only
had an impact on the ordinary education system for students in general, but it has also
affected the education system for individuals with special needs. This condition raises its
own obstacles and challenges for individual educators with special needs in implementing
Distance Education. The same is true for students with special needs. It is necessary to
integrate technology and innovation in the implementation of PJJ in order to provide
meaningful learning activities (Sandi, 2020).
According to (Abidin, Hudaya, & Anjani, 2020) a learning is said to be effective
if it meets the main requirements for teaching effectiveness, namely:
a. A high percentage of student learning time is devoted to KBM;
b. High average of task performing behavior among students;
c. The stipulation between the content of the teaching material and the student's
ability (learning success orientation) is prioritized; and
d. Develop a friendly and positive learning atmosphere, develop a class structure
that supports item b, without ignoring item d
The limited ability to operate applications that support online learning, of course,
requires tools for them to adapt and familiarize themselves. Distance learning aids can be
in the form of handbooks operating the platforms used, such as, e-
mail, zoom, Google Meet, and whatsapp. Not only students and lecturers, but also many
parents of students who have difficulties in accessing the online media above.
Knowledge of the characteristics and handling of individuals with developmental
disabilities is still needed in the general public, including institutions and study programs,
especially in terms of running the distance education system. Until now, the involvement,
collaboration, and communication built by parents/families, students, and lecturers are
one of the ways that are still applied in the implementation of Distance Learning.
This study uses an intervention method with a quantitative approach. The design
of this research is a cross sectional study. Cross sectional study is data collected at a
certain time to provide an overview of the development of the situation at that time. The
research was conducted at the DIII Marketing Management Study Program for Citizens
with Special Needs at the Jakarta State Polytechnic (PS DIII MP-WNBK PNJ). The
sample in this study was PS DIII MP-WNBK PNJ students. The number of samples taken
as many as 76 students from a population of 92 students. Data collection was carried out
from June to September 2021.
Primary data was obtained by using a questionnaire while secondary data was
obtained by field observation. Data processing is carried out using a computer program
Microsoft Excel 2016 for windows. The stages of data processing carried out in this study
Marketing Management DIII Students' Distance Education Effectiveness for Citizens
with Special Needs 1290
1. Editing, coding, scoring, and entry
2. After the data is entered, then data cleaning is carried out to ensure there are no errors
in entering the data. Descriptive analysis and cross tabulation.
Respondents in this study were students of the Marketing Management Study
Program for Citizens with Special Needs, Jakarta State Polytechnic. The following are the
characteristics of respondents by semester
Table 1 Characteristics of Respondents by Semester
Student Semester
Based on Table 1, it can be concluded that the respondents are almost evenly
distributed from each semester, but the most participating in this study are semester 3
students. Semester 1 students are new students or students who enter the 2021/2022
academic year. Meanwhile, semester 6 students are students who enter the 2018/2019
academic year who are currently carrying out their Final Project.
Table 2 Characteristics of Respondents Based on the Type of Internet Network Used.
Network Type
Data pack
Based on Table 2, it can be concluded that most (89.47%) respondents use WIFI
networks. Only a small proportion (10.53%) use data packages. Based on the results of
observations, some of the users of data packets have an unstable network and often have
Table 3 Ease of Respondents Internet Access
Ease of Access
Based on Table 3, it can be concluded that almost all (96.05%) respondents find
it easy to access the internet. Based on observations, respondents who have difficulty
accessing the internet are often constrained due to problematic internet networks.
Table 4 Respondents who Like to Learn with E-Learning
Loving learning with E-
Based on Table 4, it can be concluded that the majority (89.47%) of respondents
like learning with e-learning. Learning with e-learning makes it easy for us to find
materials, collect assignments, fill out attendance lists on the same page. A small
proportion (10.53%) of respondents do not like learning with e-learning. For them,
learning with e-learning is less able to interact with friends and lecturers. Respondents
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
who are satisfied with distance learning currently think that lecturers really try to provide
convenience in carrying out distance learning and as much as possible minimize the
obstacles that cause students to feel burdened by distance learning. Meanwhile,
respondents who were dissatisfied thought that some lecturers seemed careless in carrying
out distance learning, this can be seen from the results of interviews with respondents
who explained that a small number of lecturers gave more assignments and did not
explain via Google Meet or Zoom.
Table 5 E-Learning Makes Learning Easy
Table 5 explains that almost all (92.11%) respondents feel that e-learning makes
learning easier. Before using e-learning, PS DIII MP-WNBK PNJ used WhatsApp for 1
semester and used Google Classroom for 1 semester. Compared to using Whatsapp
media, respondents find it easier to learn with e-learning. Respondents also stated that
most of the lecturers tried to interact with students such as the opportunity to ask
questions related to learning materials. Students are also given the opportunity to give
their opinion.
Table 6 Respondents Feel No Barriers in Using E-Learning
Has no barriers
Based on Table 6, the majority (82.90%) of respondents felt that they had no
obstacles in using e-learning. But it turns out that there are still a small number (17.10%)
who still have difficulty using e-learning. The data that there are still students who have
obstacles in the use of e-learning will be followed up further. It is hoped that in the future,
all students will not have obstacles in the use of e-learning.
Table 7 Understanding Material Theory
Based on Table 7, almost all (90.79%) respondents understand the theoretical
material. There is still a small percentage (9.21%) who feel they do not understand the
theoretical material. After being traced, it is suspected that this is due to limited media
because students are deaf or the preference of students who prefer to study in practice.
There was a reason that it was easier for them to understand learning material through
distance from home, because when they did the distance learning process, generally they
would be accompanied by their parents, and if there was learning material that they did
not understand they would ask their parents, so respondents felt better understand the
material and become closer to parents.
Table 8 Understanding Practical Materials
Maria Nino Istia, Rahma Nur Praptiwi, Kristin Lukitaningrum
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Table 8 states, more than half (61.84%) of respondents claimed to understand
practical courses using e-learning assisted by Google Meet. But almost half (38.16%)
admitted that they did not understand the practical material. Practical material is indeed
more difficult to do remotely. The limited availability of tools and materials in the
delivery of materials is a challenge in itself. The advantage of distance learning for
practical courses is that the learning videos can be played over and over again so that if a
student is left behind, the material can be replayed until the student understands the
Table 9 Respondents Ability to Use E-Learning
Login e-
Can Fill
Can Do
with Online
Links in
Based on table 9, it can be concluded that almost all respondents can use e-
learning facilities well. Respondents claimed to be able to log in e-learning independently
(90.79%), filling out student attendance lists independently (96.05%), doing assignments
using the file upload method independently (90.79%), doing assignments using online
text independently (86.84%), open links to both materials and Google Meet in e-learning
independently (93.42%), and able to download materials independently (93.42%).
However, there are still a small number of respondents who still need assistance from a
mentor or even a lecturer to use e-learning.
Based on the results of the survey and observations made, both lecturers and
students felt that the distance learning process using e-learning was helped. At the
beginning of the pandemic, the system was not ready, so the majority of lecturers at PS
DIII MP-WNBK PNJ used Whatsapp as a distance learning medium. This poses a
challenge because the material becomes difficult to find because there are too many
discussions in the WhatsApp group. In addition, the task was difficult to recap by the
lecturer because the assignment was sent via personal chat or via email. Because the
lecturer teaches more than 1 class, so it becomes a challenge in recapitulating it.
Figure 1. Respondents' Opinions on Learning to Use E-Learning
Love Learning with E-Learning
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
In the odd semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year, learning switches to using
Google Classroom media. Before starting with the use of Google Classroom, both
lecturers and students were given training in its use. Based on observations, almost all
lecturers do not have significant obstacles in using Google Classroom. As for students,
some students are still given assistance and direction by their parents, assistants, and
In the even semester of the 2020/2021 Academic Year, distance learning is
required to use e-learning for the entire PNJ academic community. As in odd semesters,
before the semester starts, both lecturers and students are given e-learning training. The
functions of Google Classroom and E-Learning are more or less similar. But indeed E-
Learning is more complex even when viewed from the user interface, Google Classroom
is simpler. Currently, there are many guides for using E-Learning on Youtube, so they are
quite helpful. But based on observations, some lecturers are still confused about its use,
especially for setting up at the beginning of the class including enrolling students.
Figure 2. Ease of Learning Using E-Learning
Based on Figure 2. Almost all respondents (92.11%) feel that the use of E-
Learning makes learning easier. The use of E-Learning does indeed answer the problems
applied in the previous system, namely using Whatsapp and Google Classroom. The
downside of using Whatsapp is disorganized material. If students want to repeat the
lesson, they have to re-listen to the discussion in the group. While the group is often also
used as a delivery of other information and discussion of other subjects. From the
lecturer's perspective, it is difficult to recap assignments because they collect them
through personal chat or even email. From the administrative side, it is difficult to recap
the attendance of lecturers who at that time used Google Forms. Using Google Classroom
answers some of the previous problems. Through Google Classroom, materials,
assessments are organized. For attendance, both lecturers and students use Google Forms.
Based on information from a survey with open-ended questions, the obstacle in
using e-learning is an unstable internet network, both using WIFI and data packages.
Indeed, in its implementation, several times the server was reported to have problems.
Although immediately repaired by the unit in charge. Apart from network problems they
are constrained when it comes to collecting assignments. Some people still find it difficult
to collect assignments in e-learning. Constraints found include files that are too large so
they need to be adjusted first and difficulty doing online text assignments.
Students generally feel effective and enjoy learning using e-learning. This result
is contrary to research (Aisah et al., 2021) which states that distance learning is not
effective enough. Although it is considered effective, it's just that students prefer
interactive learning. The use of Zoom and Google Meet to explain material, discuss, and
E-Learning Makes Learning Easy
Maria Nino Istia, Rahma Nur Praptiwi, Kristin Lukitaningrum
Marketing Management DIII Students' Distance Education Effectiveness for Citizens
with Special Needs 1294
other interactions is a solution so that distance learning is fun for students. Students do
not like it if the lecturer only embeds material in e-learning without a qualified
explanation. Students also miss close interactions full of laughter like in face-to-face
The results of this study conclude that both lecturers and students enjoy using e-
learning as a learning medium during distance learning. Learning with a high level of
interaction is fun for both lecturers and students because it approaches face-to-face
learning. Almost all students are able to use e-learning. E-learning is quite effective for
distance learning.
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