How to cite:
Fitroh Asriyadi, Arief Budiman (2021). Relationship of Competence
(Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior) With Readiness to Apply
Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Profession Students. Journal
Eduvest. 1(11): 1329-1340
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Fitroh Asriyadi, Arief Budiman
Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan, Indonesia
October, 26
November, 17
November, 19
Indonesia is currently in the 21st century where the
learning process is developing, education is expected to be
able to produce human resources capable of
implementing programs and solving problems together in
a wise, peaceful, and intelligent way. ). This research is a
type of quantitative research with a correlational analytic
design and uses a cross-sectional design where in this
design the researcher wants to reveal the relationship
between readiness to apply Evidence-Based Practice with
knowledge, attitudes, and behavior in Nursing
Professional Students, Muhammadiyah University of East
Kalimantan. The population in this study is all students
who will complete the academic program of S1 Nursing
Science at the University of Muhammadiyah East
Kalimantan and who will continue the profession of Ners
at the University of Muhammadiyah East Kalimantan, and
the number of samples in this researcher as many as 115,
using the Non Probability Sampling method with sampling
techniques used total sampling. This research will be
carried out by the UMKT campus and Wahana learning of
Ners professional practice. The conclusion of this study is
the characteristics of respondents based on semester i.e.
students are undergoing semester I education (one), the
majority of respondents aged 17-25 years as many as 92
Fitroh Asriyadi, Arief Budiman
Relationship of Competence (Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior) With Readiness to
Apply Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Profession Students 1330
respondents, gender is mostly female as many as 76
Competence, Readiness, Preparation, Evidence-Based Paractice,
NERS Students
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
This development of education is by the goal of the sustainable development goal
(SDG'S) in goal 4 which ensures a fair and inclusive quality of education and increases
lifelong learning opportunities for all. The strategy that has been set by SDG at point 8 is
to improve the quality of higher education. The efforts made in updating and improving
science and technology are by the Minister of Education and Culture, No. 49 of 2014
article 11 concerning national standards of higher education, by the regulations of the
Minister of Education and Culture, the characteristics of the learning process are expected
to consist of interactive, integrative, holistic, contextual, collaborative, effective and
scientific, what is meant by scientific is the learning process carried out based on
approaches scientific.
The scientific approach taken in health education institutions aims to realize
professional services based on ability through student curiosity during the educational
process and students are expected to be able to provide evidence-based services
(Simamora & Kep, 2009). Evidence-based practice is a competency that must be
possessed by health workers to be able to provide services in health actions so that they
remain up to date so that evidence-based practice must be integrated into the nursing
curriculum and can assist in making clinical action decisions effectively.
The Faculty of Health and Pharmacy Sciences at the Muhammadiyah University of
East Kalimantan, which was formerly known as the Muhammadiyah Samarinda College
of Health Sciences, is one of the educational institutions that has been registered as a
member of AIPNI, where UMKT has developed an evidence-based practice in the
nursing professional nursing program so that students can apply articles or journal that is
evidence-based when in clinical practice. This can be seen in one of the missions of the
Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan, namely, developing research with
priority on social issues, especially unemployment and poverty as well as the
The Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan has collaborated with several
hospitals in Samarinda in the implementation of clinical practice for the nursing
profession. Clinical practice is said to be key in building nurse student competencies
because nurse students can apply theoretical knowledge and develop skills to provide care
to their patients directly (Yang, 2013).
Preliminary study of researcher interviews with 8th-semester students at the
Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan, as many as 10 respondents obtained
information that they know what is meant by evidence-based practice, in the process of
searching for journals they usually use Google Scholar, PubMed but they still do not
understand how to determine an evidence-based practice journal. 8 out of 10 respondents
said that they would apply articles that are evidence-based practice in practice.
Based on the description of the phenomenon above, there are several factors related
to the readiness to apply evidence-based practice to nursing students. Therefore,
researchers are interested in researching "Factors related to Readiness to Apply Evidence-
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
Based Practice in Nursing Professional Students, University of Muhammadiyah East
Kalimantan in 2020"
The purpose of this study was to analyze factors related to the readiness to apply
evidence-based practice to nursing professional students in 2019 at Muhammadiyah
University of East Kalimantan. By identifying the characteristics of respondents
(semester, age, and gender) in nursing professional students at the Muhammadiyah
University of East Kalimantan. Identifying knowledge, attitudes, behavior in nursing
professional students in 2019 at Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan.
Identifying readiness for application to nursing professional students in 2019 at
Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan and analyzing the relationship between
knowledge and readiness to apply evidence-based practice to nursing professional
students in 2019 at Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan.
Research urgency: Evidence-based practice is a strategy to acquire knowledge and
skills to increase positive behavior by combining the best research evidence so that
evidence-based practice can be applied to nursing practice and make better health care
decisions (Bostwick, 2003).
Knowledge of the concept of evidence-based practice is an important thing that
nursing students must have later, this is because knowledge is a factor that can affect the
quality of service to patients. Nursing students need to be aware of what evidence-based
practice means and what attitude they must take so that the concept can be applied
correctly in the field of practice (Oktiayuliandri, 2015). Nugraha (2015) attitude is needed
by students to be able to behave according to the inclination of their heart. Behavior in the
use of evidence-based practice where students systematically find, assess, and use the
latest valid research findings as a basis for determining clinical decisions to be given to
(Slameto, 2010) although nursing students show a positive attitude in applying
evidence-based, the ability to search scientific literature is still lacking. Some literature
shows that evidence-based practice is still a new thing for nursing students, therefore the
integration of evidence-based into the nursing curriculum and how to integrate evidence-
based into clinical practice is very important (Ashktorab, Pashaeypoor, Rassouli, &
Alavi-Majd, 2015).
This research is a type of quantitative research with a correlational analytic design
and uses a cross-sectional design where in this design the researcher wants to reveal the
relationship between readiness to implement Evidence-Based Practice with knowledge,
attitudes, and behavior in Nursing Professional Students, Muhammadiyah University,
East Kalimantan. The population in this study are all students who will complete their
undergraduate nursing education at the Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan
and who will continue the nursing profession at the Muhammadiyah University of East
Kalimantan, and the number of samples in this researcher is 115, using the Non-
Probability Sampling method with the technique of sampling used total sampling. This
research will be carried out by the UMKT campus and the Nurses' Professional Practice
Learning Center. Univariate Analysis This study aims to analyze in the form of
explaining or describing the characteristics of each variable being studied. The course of
the research that has been carried out is divided into several stages, namely: Research
Fitroh Asriyadi, Arief Budiman
Relationship of Competence (Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior) With Readiness to
Apply Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Profession Students 1332
Preparation Stage by submitting a research proposal. Prepared the Evidence-based
practice Questionnaire from Upton and Readiness from Melnyk. Taking care of licensing,
conducting a preliminary study to obtain primary data in the form of interviews with 10
students and secondary data obtained through the UMKT Academic Administration
Section (BAA) which is used as reference material. Implementation Phase This research
was conducted at the UMKT campus and the nurse's student practice area adjusted the
schedule that had been set. The research was carried out by the researcher with the help of
several fellow students. Before the questionnaire was given, informed consent was given.
After the time limit has been set, the researcher collects data for further editing (data
editing) where the researcher checks the correctness of the data that has been collected.
Next, the researcher coding sheet (code sheet) on the questionnaire sheet that has been
filled out by the respondent.
The final stage is compiling a report on the results of the entry researcher (entering
data) that has been collected into a table in Microsoft Office and analysis applications.
enter research data and do the cleaning. Discussion of research results based on existing
data is connected with related theories and presents research results.
A. Characteristics of Respondents
Data processing that has been carried out using computerization has the following
Table 1 Characteristics of respondents by semester, age, and gender.
Percentage %
Semester 1
17 25
26 35
36 45
In the presentation of table 1 above, it shows that based on the respondent's
semester, the semester that was taken was Semester 1 as many as 113 respondents
(100%). based on the age of the respondents, namely the majority aged 17-25 years as
many as 92 respondents (81.4%). the majority of respondents' gender is female as many
as 76 respondents (67.3%). Based on the results of the characteristics of respondents in
the form of semesters According to the Ministry of Health (2018) semester is the length
of effective learning activities for 6 months both in the form of theory and laboratory
practice in professional education, nurses apply all their learning in clinical practice and
in the community in improving technical, intellectual skills, based on real theory and able
to implement a nursing process approach that is supported by the practical basics of
evidence-based nursing practice to achieve the goal of successful care to be provided to
patients (Indonesia, 2016).
The researcher argues that based on the description and data results since the
beginning of the semester, nurses' professional education has targeted students to improve
problem-solving skills in nursing actions and involve EBP in it to achieve the best
nursing actions and in the future become partners who can respond to the growth and
development of science and technology. to achieve the best health care. Based on the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
results of the characteristics of the respondents in the form of age. Age is often associated
with a person's level of maturity in thinking and behaving, this is usually associated with
increasing age, the experience and responsibility in carrying out tasks increases, then the
older the person will increase the ability to make decisions, control emotions, think
rationally and tolerance for the views of others so that it also affects the increase in
Based on the description and results of the data, the researcher argues that age
affects a person to continue to find out, understand, and accept scientific developments so
that the ability to analyze will be better and then be able to apply the latest sciences.
Based on the results of the characteristics of the respondents in the form of gender. In the
research of Yanti & Warsito (2013) and Lippa (2010), the nature of women is more
patient, gentle, and caring. The nature of men is more competitive, dominant, responsible,
independent, and unemotional, although gender will provide different motivations, the
male sex has a greater desire than women because the male responsibility is greater.
Based on the description and results of the data, researchers argue that gender differences
influence individual behavior in implementing something in their lives regardless of other
factors such as education, environment, or experience.
B. Univariate Analysis
Student Behavior Variables
Table 2 Frequency Distribution by Behavior
Percentage %
Source: Primary Data 2020
The presentation of the data in the table above shows that based on the behavior of
respondents who have good behavior as many as 66 respondents (58.4%). Research by
Ammori, Raddaha, Dsouza, et al., (2014) shows that respondents have a positive response
to the behavior of using EBP with years of experience having better practice behavior.
The behavior in implementing real evidence-based practice is when health practitioners
are able to assess the situation around or the environment around the patient, the
appearance of the patient, and the actions of the clinician to be given to the patient in
accordance with the focus of clinical questions that will be answered in relation to the
patient's condition (Tilson et al., 2011) (Legita, 2012). The results of research by
(AbuRuz, Hayeah, Al-Dweik, & Al-Akash, 2017) reveal that respondents with best
practice behavior values are always followed by good attitudes and knowledge values as
well. The holistic learning process is divided into three learning domains, namely the
cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains through these domains enable individuals
to develop abilities. In nursing professional education, clinical learning provides
opportunities for students to develop attitudes, psychomotor skills, knowledge, time
management, and problem-solving skills (Rahyubi, 2014. Reilly, 2002. Desvitasari,
2016). Based on the description and results of the data above, the researcher argues that
positive behavior can be seen in terms of expertise or skills in carrying out clinical actions
against patients, this is a reflection of the cognitive and affective domains obtained from
formal education or previous clinical practice learning.
Attitude Variable The results obtained in the univariate analysis are the majority of
students have a positive attitude as many as 62 respondents (54.9%) and based on the
readiness to apply the evidence-based practice, respondents have good readiness, namely
as many as 57 respondents (50.4%). which consists of thinking, feeling, behaving, and
Fitroh Asriyadi, Arief Budiman
Relationship of Competence (Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior) With Readiness to
Apply Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Profession Students 1334
responding to a command or cognitive object as well as attitude is something that can be
learned, determines how individuals react to situations, and determines what individuals
are looking for in life. Attitudes are related to affection (deep feelings) that are positive or
negative and relate to certain objects. A negative attitude is an attitude that does not
support or oppose the object. Similar to positive attitudes, negative attitudes are also
influenced by individual personal experiences, cultural influences, mass media religious
institutions, educational institutions, emotional factors, and the influence of other people
who are considered important (Yusvanita, 2019). The results of research by AbuRuz,
Hayeah, Al-Dweik, and Al-Akash (2017) say that attitudes towards evidence-based
practice have the highest average score, which means that respondents have a positive
attitude. However, they do not put their positive attitude and evidence-based practice into
daily practice. Based on the results of the study and the description above, the researcher
assumes that a person's attitude can change according to his heart's desires and what he
learns in his life. Based on the readiness of the implementation of evidence-based
practice, most of the respondents have good readiness, readiness for the application of
evidence-based practice is an attitude that can support nursing professional students to be
able to participate creatively towards organizational goals in the field of practice. The
readiness of nursing professional students in implementing evidence-based practice may
include several factors related to their attitudes towards beliefs about evidence-based
practice, namely workplace culture and the need for information (Makki, Salleh, Memon
& Harun, 2015; Saunders & Vehvilainen-Julkunen , 2015). Harun, Herliani & Setyawati
(2019), which states that the readiness to implement evidence-based practice in question
is looking for research results, evaluating research results, and applying them. Research
results can be found through scientific magazines or also called journals both online and
offline. Based on the results of the study and the description above, the researchers
assume that the readiness to apply evidence-based practice can be seen from how often
they seek and read the best research results. The more they get used to finding and
reading the best research results, the better prepared they will be to apply them.
C. Knowledge Variable
Table 3. Knowledge and Readiness of Evidence-based Practice for Nurse Profession
Students at Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan.
Percentage (%)
Pretty good
Not good
Source: Primary Data for 2020.
The presentation of data for the knowledge of nursing professional students shows
that most of them have good knowledge as many as 50 respondents (44.2%), 49
respondents have good knowledge (43.4%), and 14 respondents (12.4%) have poor
knowledge. The presentation of the data in table 2 shows that most of them have good
knowledge as many as 50 respondents (44.2%), knowledge is quite good as many as 49
respondents (43.4%), and poor knowledge as many as 14 respondents (12.4%).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
Knowledge is a competency that must be possessed by nursing professional students in
providing quality care to patients. Nurse profession students' knowledge of evidence-
based practice is not only based on concepts, but also requires knowledge of how to apply
evidence-based practice directly to patients (Melnyk, Ford, Long, & Overholt, 2014.
Harun, Herliani, & Setyawati, 2019 ).
According to Melnyk, Overholt, & Mays (2008), knowledge in applying evidence-
based practice to students before looking for journals to apply to patients, they must make
PICO questions (P: problem, I: intervention, C: comparison or control, O: results),
discusses evidence-based practice from research studies with colleagues informally, is
able to evaluate the results of the given intervention, reads and critically assesses
research, is able to search for evidence-based practice guidelines on the internet
(Cochrane Library, NCBI, Google Scholar, etc.) ) in determining the intervention to be
In the data presentation, table 2 shows that most of them have good readiness to
implement evidence-based practice as many as 57 respondents (50.4%), poor readiness as
many as 56 respondents (49.6%). Readiness in applying evidence-based practice is the
condition of a person who makes himself ready to provide nursing actions with the
knowledge and skills he has such as conducting a literature search and evaluating
evidence, knowledge is one of the keys in implementing evidence-based practice when in
practice so that he can help contribute productively to achieve goals in providing nursing
actions to patients while in practice (Makki, Salleh, Memon, & Harun, 2015. Slameto,
2010. AbuRuz, Hayeah, Al-Dweik and Al-Akash 2017).
Based on the description above, the researcher argues that in applying evidence-
based practice students already have the skills to conduct a literature search and when in
clinical practice they are required to have the knowledge and readiness to apply the best
research evidence from previous research findings directly to patients so that students
able to contribute productively in providing nursing care and can evaluate it directly in
order to achieve the desired goals.
Variables of Readiness to Implement Evidence-Based Practice
Table 4. Distribution of Frequency Based on Readiness to Implement Evidence-Based
Percentage %
Source: Primary Data for 2020.
The presentation of the data in the table above shows that based on the readiness
to implement evidence-based practice, respondents with good readiness were 57
respondents (50.4%). The readiness of nursing professional students in implementing
evidence-based practice includes behavior in their skills related to evidence-based
practice such as searching for research results both online and through scientific
magazines (journals), evaluating research results, and applying them. Learning-related to
evidence-based practice in students can encourage behavior and readiness in carrying out
nursing care related to previous findings (Saunders & Vehvilainen-Julkunen, 2015.
Harun, Herliani, & Setyawati, 2019. Hart et al., 2008. AbuRuz, Hayeah, Al-Dweik, and
Al-Akash, 2017. Damayanti & Bachtiar, 2020. ).
Based on the description and data results, the researcher argues that the readiness
to apply evidence-based practice to students begins with positive behavior in seeking the
best research results which are then applied and evaluated so that they can be taken into
Fitroh Asriyadi, Arief Budiman
Relationship of Competence (Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior) With Readiness to
Apply Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Profession Students 1336
consideration in determining the best course of action for patients. It also allows students
to connect theory with practice in treating patients directly.
Bivariate Analysis
Relationship between Behavior and Readiness to Apply Evidence-Based Practice.
Table 5. Relationship between Behavior and Readiness to Apply Evidence-Based Practice
Source: Primary Data for 2020
The results of the research above on the relationship between behavior and
readiness for the application of evidence-based practice at the Muhammadiyah University
of East Kalimantan with a total of 113 respondents obtained the majority have good
behavior with readiness to implement EBP obtained 39 respondents (34.5%). The results
of the statistical test showed a p-value 0.047 < from the alpha value of 0.05 which means
Ha failed to reject that there is a significant relationship between behavior and readiness
to implement evidence-based practice in nursing professional students at Muhammadiyah
University of East Kalimantan.
According to Zan PH, (2010). Notoadmodjo S, (2010). Reilly & Oermann, (2002),
behavior arises as a result of several things, including because of the reciprocal
relationship between stimulus and response which is better known as response stimulus.
The relationship between stimulus and response will form new behavior patterns, but all
responses are highly dependent on individual characteristics. Before someone adopts a
new behavior, the person must go through a sequential process including one awareness
(awareness), two interests (feeling interested), third evaluation (evaluating), fourth trial
(trial), and fifth adoption (adaptation). The results of research by Perez-Campos et al.,
(2014) and research by Brown et al., (2008) state that positive knowledge and attitudes
shape good behavior and skills as well. However, this is different from the research of
Manjula et al., (2018) and Zhou (2016) in this study, respondents with positive attitudes
but lack knowledge and behavior towards the application of evidence-based practice.
Based on the description and results of the data, the researcher argues that the
behavior of implementing good evidence-based practice is the result of good knowledge
and positive attitudes, this is by three learning domains, namely cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor which are interrelated. The formation of the behavior itself starts from how
the student perceives an object, prepares physically and emotionally, and learns skills or
actions that will be carried out through standardized procedures and mechanisms, and can
work and innovate in acting. Unfavorable behavior with good readiness obtained 18
respondents (15.9%) while those who had poor readiness were 29 respondents (25.9%).
In the study, Ez Elarab et al., (2012) stated that nurses with low clinical skills had
little EBP application, this was due to a lack of information sources and overcrowded
working hours as for other factors such as age, experience, and education level. Ez Elarab
EBP Implementation
P value
Not Good
Not Good
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
et al., (2012) also conveyed that nursing education believes by applying evidence-based
practice will update or strengthen research, theory, and clinical skills. Unfortunately,
many nurses in practice do not understand the concept of evidence-based practice or how
to apply the EBP approach to clinical activities in general. Meanwhile, according to Ryan
in Herliani et al., (2018), it is stated that graduates of nursing education have fewer
opportunities to practice EBP and so are less confident in using EBP independently.
According to Ligita (2012), that the lack of learning methods about the evidence-
based practice at the time of undergraduate nursing college so that the ability of nursing
professional students in search for scientific literature is still very low or it can be said
that they do not have sufficient knowledge and readiness so that in applying evidence-
based practice is still lacking. Based on the description and results of the data above, the
researcher believes that poor behavior is caused by several factors, namely lack of
opportunity, lack of understanding regarding the application of EBP in clinical action, or
lack of confidence. Readiness to apply the good evidence-based practice, researchers
argue that there is motivation from individuals to develop their abilities related to the
field of interest.
Relationship between attitude and readiness to implement evidence-based practice
Table 6. Relationship between attitudes and readiness to implement evidence-based
practice at Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan
EBP Implementation Readiness
P Value
Not Good
Source: Primary Data for 2020
Based on table 3, the results of the bivariate analysis above are positive attitudes
and good EBP implementation readiness, namely, there are 38 respondents (33.6%).
From table 3 based on the results of bivariate analysis, the results of statistical tests show
a p-value of 0.019 which is smaller than the alpha value of 0.05 which means rejecting
the null hypothesis (H0), which can be concluded that there is a significant relationship
between attitudes and readiness to apply evidence-based practice to students. nurse
profession at the Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan.
Hart, Eaton, Buckner, et al., (2008) explained that the attitude of nurses is one of
the most important factors in implementing EBP. Nurses with positive attitudes are more
likely to use evidence-based research (EBP) in clinical practice. Nurses who believe that
EBP can provide the best outcomes for patients will improve their clinical practice
inpatient care. Respondents in the study of Campos et al., (2014) got the highest score on
the EBPQ attitude subscale with a mean value of 5.35, indicating a good tendency to use
research evidence and belief in EBP.
Several studies (Nagy et al. 2001, Sanzero-Eller et al. 2003, Wallin et al. 2003,
Milner et al. 2006) show that nurses' positive attitudes towards evidence-based practice
are relevant to the application of evidence-based practice in daily clinical practice. them
(Eizenberg, 2011). Based on the results of the study and the description above, the
Fitroh Asriyadi, Arief Budiman
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Apply Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Profession Students 1338
researcher assumes that knowledge and experience must be supported by a positive
attitude so that when a person has sufficient knowledge and experience, his attitude will
be receptive to applying evidence-based studies.
Harun, Herliani, and Setyawati (2019) explain that nurses have a negative attitude
towards research and are the lowest compared to other health workers. Based on the
description above, the researcher assumes that there are still nurses who have negative
attitudes towards research because nurses are still not exposed to the best research and
have not gotten used to using it. This study is also in line with research by Hart et al
(2008) and Knops et al (2009) in Ligita (2012) which states that almost all respondents
have a positive attitude towards the implementation of EBP because respondents believe
that EBP can improve the quality of care for patients and research (scientific evidence).
assist them in making clinical decisions. By applying the concept of EBP, clinicians
realize that the results of the research carried out are useful in everyday clinical practice.
There are many reasons for failure to implement evidence-based practice or EBP
including, lack of knowledge about evidence-based strategies, misperceptions or negative
attitudes about evidence-based research and care, lack of knowledge about how to find
and assess evidence, demanding patient workloads, organizational constraints (lack of
administrative support or incentives). Based on the description above, the researcher
assumes that in the application of EBP the respondents are not ready because of many
things, one of which is a misperception of the research so that it raises a negative attitude
and the respondent has a positive attitude but the readiness for the application of EBP is
not good due to obstacles in the institution such as the lack of support for nurses towards
current evidence-based practices (Ez elarab et al., 2012).
Relationship between knowledge and readiness to implement evidence-based
Table 7. The relationship between knowledge and readiness for the application of
evidence-based practice in nursing professional students at Muhammadiyah University of
East Kalimantan
EBP Implementation Readiness
P value
Not Good
Pretty good
Not good
Source: Primary Data for 2020.
The results of the Chi-Square test analysis showed that the p-value was 0.024
<0.05, which means Ho was rejected, it can be concluded that there is a significant
relationship between knowledge and readiness to implement evidence-based practice in
nursing professional students at Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan.
Based on the results of table 3 cross-tabulation conducted between knowledge and
readiness for the application of evidence-based practice, it was obtained that from 113
respondents, who had good knowledge with readiness to implement good evidence-based
practice were 32 respondents (28.3%) while those who had good knowledge with the
readiness of the implementation of evidence-based practice is not good as many as 8
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
respondents (15.9%). Based on the results of the analysis using the Chi-Square test, the
results obtained p-value = 0.024 < 0.05, which means Ho is rejected, meaning that there
is a significant relationship between knowledge and readiness to apply evidence-based
practice to nursing professional students at Muhammadiyah University of East
This research is in line with the research that has been conducted by Harun,
Herliani, & Setyawati (2018), where the results of the analysis of the knowledge
relationship between nurses' professional program students in the application of evidence-
based practice in managed patients obtained a significant relationship between student
knowledge in applying evidence-based practice with p-value = 0.01 < 0.05.
Knowledge, experience in applying evidence-based practice, level of education,
and age indicate a positive influence on the readiness to apply evidence-based practice to
a person. The higher a person's education level, the higher the knowledge about the
concept of evidence-based practice that one has so that in applying evidence-based
practice the better (Azmoude, Farkhondeh, Ahour, & Kabirian, 2017) (Saunders &
Vehviläinen-Julkunen, 2016).
This is supported by research by Elysabeth et al. (2014), which states that
knowledge greatly influences a person in critically assessing scientific work. This is
because education acts as something that influences a person's behavior in making
changes to the knowledge, attitudes, values , and skills possessed in assessing scientific
Based on the description above, the researcher believes that knowledge about the
concept of evidence-based practice is the result of the level of education and behavior of
students who continue to update their knowledge so that students are able to prepare
themselves in providing nursing care to patients based on the latest research evidence so
that later these students are expected to become a professional nurse and able to apply the
latest sciences.
The conclusion of this study is the characteristics of respondents based on
semesters, namely students who are studying in the semester I (one), the majority of
respondents aged 17-25 years are 92 respondents, gender is mostly female as many as 76
respondents. The behavioral variables of nursing profession students at the
Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan have good behavior as many as 66
respondents and based on readiness for the application of evidence-based practice have
good readiness as many as 57 respondents. There is a significant relationship between
behavior and readiness for the application of evidence-based practice in nursing
professional students with a p-value = 0.047 <0.05 Variable The attitude of the
respondents is positive with a total of 62 respondents, the readiness to apply evidence-
based practice respondents is good, as many as 57 respondents. There is a significant
relationship between attitude and readiness to implement evidence-based practice with p-
value = 0.019 < 0.05. Variable Knowledge of nursing professional students at the
Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan from 113 respondents mostly had good
knowledge as many as 50 respondents (44.2%) and for readiness to apply evidence-based
practice to nursing profession students, most of them had good readiness, namely 57
respondents (50.4%). The results of the chi-square test obtained p-value = 0.024 < 0.05,
there is a significant relationship between knowledge and readiness to implement
evidence-based practice in nursing professional students.
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that reticuline compounds
Fitroh Asriyadi, Arief Budiman
Relationship of Competence (Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior) With Readiness to
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