Tiara Ardhiti Estungkorodewi, Mombang Sihite and Derriawan
The Effect of HR Competence, IEP Innovation and Service Quality on Project
Management in Building Project Performance 1241
National strategy project is an infrastructure development project that is
considered strategic enough to optimize the economic sector, equitable development,
improve community welfare, as well as development in each region (Siswanto & Alfian,
2016). This design has the intention of meeting all basic needs, as well as optimizing the
prosperity of the community. In the National Medium-Term Development Plan or
abbreviated as RPJMN 2020-2024, the government prioritizes private investors with an
allocation of 42%. Thus, infrastructure development capital relies on the state budget.
Infrastructure is a physical facility that plays a crucial role and becomes the
foundation and wheel that drives economic growth. Infrastructure, as community social
capital, is quite needed to accelerate national development and function as a catalyst for
the production and marketing stages (Naleng & Monintja, 2020). According to the
conditions on the ground, the implementation of infrastructure projects has an impact on
the quality of the built infrastructure. Damage to various government buildings that were
not long ago often occurred, the results of the work did not match the specifications, the
service life of the building ended quickly, and the construction of the building failed. The
poor infrastructure situation also has a negative impact on social and economic
development. There are various technical and non-technical factors that are directly or
indirectly involved in influencing the quality of infrastructure (Adyatma & Oktaviani,
The stalled national projects that have been in existence include the construction
of the Pemalang-Semarang toll road, the construction of the Red and White Bridge in
Ambon, the construction of Kertajati Airport in Majalengka, Wisma Atlet Hambalang, 34
power plant construction projects, the Umbulan minimal water supply system project in
Pasuruan, and many other projects. others were neglected, especially in 2020-2021 to
coincide with the COVID 19 pandemic. Construction services as explained in Law
Number 18 of 1999 are consulting services for construction work plans, work
implementation, and construction services, including supervision of construction work
(Raharja, 2014). Construction work itself is a series of works through the design of plans
and implementation, including monitoring which includes architectural, civil, mechanical,
electrical, and environmental management works, as well as equipment to realize its
physical form. Several stages in a construction project, including feasibility studies,
briefing, design, procurement, construction, and maintenance and start-up (Noferi &
Wibowo, 2017 ).
The Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information
Technology (Ditjen SDPPI) of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has a plan
by providing telecommunication statistical data and information in real time, so that it can
be accessed directly for the benefit of business people, authority makers, or for the
community (Setiawan , 2017). This will happen because of technological advances in the
field of data analysis. With technological advances that are increasingly driving the
industrial revolution 4.0, there will be disruptions or disruptions that will affect the
company. Disruption comes from deception or like the non-acceptance of denial. The
more disrupted it gets, the more exciting it becomes and a network of new, invisible
opponents becomes. Disruption strategy to generate new job opportunities, as well as
competition that is only built through the latest procedures as well. Rhenald Khasali said
that there are several designs that companies can implement in order to gain victory
during competition, especially those that are increasingly stringent, firstly carrying out
self-disruption through revolutionary observation of work procedures, innovating
products, as well as designing online systems to integrate the company with the target