How to cite:
Egidio da Costa and NiuXiongying. (2021). The Role of Human Resources
Competency on SMEs Performance in Timor Leste. Journal Eduvest.
1(11): 1203-1213
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Egidio da Costa and Niu Xiongying
Business School, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
E-mail: and
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a large role in the economic
development of each country. This can be seen from their contribution to the
gross domestic product (GDP). Furthermore, the existence of impacts on the
development of a number of countries, particularly small and developing
countries, This study was conducted with the aim of exploring the influence of
skills, knowledge, and abilities on the performance of SMEs with a quantitative
approach. The population in this study was SMEs domiciled in Dili, Timor-Leste,
and the sampling method was simple random sampling. The data collection was
conducted by distributing questionnaires to 250 SMEs and their owners and
managers. The measurement scale used was a Likert scale. SPSS version 23 was
used to analyze the data, which included multiple regression analysis. The
results of the F test (simultaneous) analysis show that the skills (X1), knowledge
(X2), and ability (X3) have positive and significant effects on SMEs’ performance
(Y). While t-test (partial) results show skills are positive but do not significantly
influence SMEs' performance, knowledge and abilities show positive and
significant effects on SMEs' performance.
Human Resources Competency, Performance, Role, SMEs
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Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Egidio da Costa and Niu Xiongying
The Role of Human Resources Competency on SMEs Performance in Timor Leste 1204
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are businesses that play an important
role in their ability to ensure economic stability (Bagwell et al., 1998) and as sources of job
creation. The performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has a direct
impact on the economic development of developed and developing countries. As a result,
government assistance such as capital, capital access, infrastructure, information,
marketing, licensing, regulation, and the associated training and capacity-building program
are valuable in improving the performance of SMEs.
Pramashella (2017) stated that, in terms of characteristics, small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) have a higher survival rate than large enterprises, although most of
them are small and medium-sized enterprises that operate without the use of machines and
mostly rely only on human resources. As it is known, the position of HR in today's
organizations is not only a means of production but also a tool and a determining factor for
the development of the activities of the organization because the higher the quality of the
resources, the better the performance will be produced by HR at work.
The development of human resources skills is one of the factors that affects the
performance of SMEs because each business unit is determined by how the people involved
manage the business (Wahyudiati & Isroah, 2018) but limited human resources are
accompanied by limited capital and technology. This is considered one of the main causes
of the low competitiveness of SME products compared to large industrial products,
(Tambunan, 2004) and and these difficulties have an impact on SME owners not being able
to manage the business properly and negatively impacting business performance.
As human resources with a high level of knowledge, skills, and abilities, they are
able to support the improvement of employee performance and also contribute to the
performance of the company (Robbins & Judge, 2008). The results of the SMEs
performance are visible through the return on investment (ROI) (Kotler, 1997), Balanced
Score Card (BSC), (Wibowo and Utami, 2018). In addition, most companies also measure
performance by sales volume, earnings over a period of time, and an increase in the number
of employees (Munizu, 2010).
The performance of SMEs often faces many obstacles. Some of the causes are
problems in human resources, such as knowledge, skills, and capacity (Ardiana et al. 2010),
product ownership, financing, marketing, and other problems that lead SMEs to compete
over large companies (Aribawa, 2016). Therefore, improving the quality of human
resources is essential, and human resource development should be achieved not only for
SMEs' owners but also for their employees.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may also have serious problems due
to things like a lack of skills, poor market access and development, a weak capital structure,
poor organization and management, a small business network, and a lack of cooperation
with other economic actors.
Empirical research shows that the majority of SMEs owners have a lack of vision
and knowledge, making them short-term oriented, and efforts to improve performance tend
to be more conventional due to a lack of knowledge of management, which ultimately turns
out to have a negative affect on business performance (Wahyudiati & Isroah, 2018). So, it's
important for the owners of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to have the skills
they need to reduce these barriers, keep growing, and gain a competitive edge.
Timor-Leste is one of the countries that continues to grow, and the development of
SMEs in the country has occurred quite rapidly in recent years. However, according to the
results of a preliminary survey, many SMEs in Timor-Leste generally ignore the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
competence of human resources (HR), such as skills, knowledge, and knowledge. It seems
that the main issues affecting the performance and competitiveness of SME are as assumed.
Furthermore, the quality of human resource competencies, as well as the delivery of
products and services, still needs to be improved. Not only that, but there has been no
empirical research done on this topic in Timor-Leste. This is the main reason why
researchers are doing this research: to find out how skills, knowledge, and abilities affect
the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
Competence is closely related to performance, both individual and organizational
(corporate). According to (Armstrong (1994) and Ardiana et al. (2010), a person's success
can be seen in his or her knowledge, skills, experience, and behavior to complete the task.
Kaur & Bains (2013) conclude that competence is a set of experiences, knowledge, skills,
and attitudes necessary for effective performance in a task or job. Purnomo and Lestari,
(2010) agree with this point of view. They say that there are many ways to measure how
well an organization is doing, including human resource management, which is related to
human behavior and human resource competencies.
In (Zhaviery et al. 2018) the research of Hamzani (2014) confirms that the
competence of human resources has a big effect on the performance of SMEs. Theo (2012)
n the other hand, finds that business performance is mostly a reflection of how productive
employees are..
The results of Anoraga (1997) study demonstrate that HR competence is
significantly correlated with the performance of SMEs. Based on the results of the data
analysis, it is also proven that competencies consisting of knowledge, skills, and abilities
have a significant effect, unlike the knowledge variable. On the other hand, in this study,
the researchers found that the government training program is one of the factors that has
not been maximized and really needs extra attention.
While the research by Lowe et al (2010) examined the variables, skills, knowledge,
and behavior of the hostager (Mulyaningsih, 2008) on the company's performance, which
was shown quantitatively (financially) and qualitatively (not financially), Sirupolis (in
Mulyaningsih, 2008) found a positive relationship. The results of this study indicate that
business managers have a good understanding of the environment when doing business,
which in turn can increase the average income of SMEs. Ziana Asyifa et al. (2010) found
the same results in their survey, but researchers expect SME operators to pay more attention
to service and quality.
Munizu (2010) research shows that internal factors like the competence of human
resources (owners, managers, and employees) have a significant and positive effect on the
performance of micro and small businesses. This means that both external and internal roles
can affect the performance of SMEs.And SMEs that have positive relationships with
internal and external parties are likely to achieve these improvements in governance and
practical skills. After looking at and analyzing the effects of HR competencies (knowledge,
skills, and abilities) on SMEs, it was decided that HR competencies have a big effect on
performance, which is the best thing for the company.
(Demirbag et al. 2006). explores the role of HR competencies in improving the
performance of SMEs using qualitative methods. The results of this study confirm that the
role of human resource (HR) competence is a determining factor for an organization or
company, and competence is an aspect that determines the success of MSME. This study
again summarizes that the high competence of an organization's HR will ultimately
determine the quality of its competitiveness.
The research results of (Murtadlo, 2018) on SMEs' performance based on
competence, commitment, and motivation indicate that engagement, competence, and
business motivation simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on SMEs'
Egidio da Costa and Niu Xiongying
The Role of Human Resources Competency on SMEs Performance in Timor Leste 1204
performance. Not only that, research results by Ismail and Abidin (2010) show that
employee competence has a significant effect on SMEs. In the service sector, employees'
performance is also based on their capital and personal traits.
Sitharam and Hoque (2016) argue that external factors, government factors, factors
of macroeconomic conditions, competition, globalization, criminal acts, and corrupt
practices are the main challenges for SMEs. This survey was conducted in South Africa,
and the results of the survey show that there is a significant relationship between MSMEs’
performance compared to last year's performance and competition. Therefore, it is
concluded that skill has a great influence on performance; the more skill the entrepreneur
has, the higher the business's performance. On the other hand, as an entrepreneur with low
skill, it will also lead to low performance. Therefore, the skill will have an impact on
improving performance to generate business profit.
This study involved a total of 250 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
located in Dili, Timor-Leste. The sampling method is random sampling. The types of data
in this study are divided into two categories: Primary data and secondary data Primary data
obtained directly from respondents and secondary data obtained from the literature search,
including literature or reviews, The data sources for this study are the respondents, namely
the owners of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This study uses a questionnaire
with a Likert scale of 1 to 5.
The data analysis method used in this study uses multiple linear regression analysis
with SPSS 23. The variables in this study are composed of independent variables such as
skills (X1), knowledge (X2), and ability (X3), while the dependent variable is the
performance of the students (Y). The hypothesis test in this study used simultaneous and
partial methods. The simultaneous test (F test) is used to determine if all independent
variables have the same effect on the dependent variable, while the partial test (T test) is
the test used to test the significance of the partial regression/coefficient.This partial test is
used to determine the partial effect between the independent variable and the dependent
variable by looking at the t value at a significance level of 5%. Furthermore, this study also
used the determinant (R2), which is basically used to measure how well the model can
explain the variability of the dependent variable.
Performance is the result of work done by an individual or a group of individuals in
an organization in accordance with the authority and responsibility assigned to each
employee in achieving organizational goals. This idea is reinforced by the conclusion.
According to Aribawa (2016) SME performance is the result of work done by an individual
in the company within a specific time frame and will be associated with a measure of the
value or standard of the company where the individual works. Another opinion was
expressed by Theo (2012) who stated that the company's performance refers to the
achievement of the necessary actions and execution of work. According to Nugrahayu and
Retnani (2015), "company performance" is the overall success of the company in achieving
the strategic goals that have been set through selected strategic initiatives. As a result, the
performance of a business or company is essentially determined by the productivity of its
Egidio da Costa and Niu Xiongying
The Role of Human Resources Competency on SMEs Performance in Timor Leste 1206
From the different interpretations found by different researchers, it is understood that
the performance of SMEs requires a measure to determine the level of success or
achievement of the company's performance. If the individual's performance is good, surely
the company's and the organization's performance will be better. A variety of indicators
can be used to analyze and measure the company's performance and determine how the
company achieves its strategies through its employees.
Gitosudarmo (2001) revealed several indicators used to measure the performance of
a business unit, including the amount of revenue earned, growth rate, competitive
advantage, company independence, and corporate image. Munizu (2010) also suggests a
few ways to measure the performance of a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME). These
are: capital sales growth, labor force growth, market growth, and profit growth. Zaenal In
Rusdi (2016) further stated that several indicators that can be used to measure the
performance of an SME, namely: profit growth, number of customers growth, sales
growth, and assets growth.
A similar idea has also been added by Soleh (2008) who says that the growth rate of
firms is measured by examining the increase in income, labor force, and consumers using
their products. Hadjimanolis (2000) also mentions a number of indicators to see and
measure the growth rate of a business, especially small businesses, such as an increase in
employees, profit, and the ratio of return on assets. From the number of indicators above
showing performance, it can also be seen that there are a number of factors that can affect
the performance of small and medium enterprises.
A According to Minuzu (2010), there are two types of factors that affect the
performance of SMEs, namely internal and external factors. Internal factors consist of
aspects related to human resources, financial aspects, production aspects, operational
techniques, and marketing aspects. External factors also consist of government policies,
socio-cultural, and economic aspects, as well as the roles of relevant agencies. Anggadwita
and Mustafid (2014) found that the performance of small and medium-sized businesses is
also affected by a number of factors, including entrepreneurship, human resource
competence, innovation, and sustainability.
A. Human Recourses Competence
Competency is defined as the ability to perform tasks in the workplace, including
the application of skills supported by knowledge (cognitive) and ability in accordance with
the required conditions. Thus, standards of competence can be seen as formulating skills
and talents that human resources (HR) must possess to perform a function in accordance
with the requirements that are defined or agreed upon. That competence is part of a deep
personality and is associated with a person with predictable behavior in various jobs and
tasks. Meanwhile, according to Utami et al. (2017), the concept of competence is the main
determinant for a person to achieve outstanding performance. Dessler (2009) also found
that competence is an individual trait that can be considered, including knowledge, skills,
and behaviors that can lead to performance and success. The same statement was also
put forward by Mondi (2008), which states that competence is a set of technical
knowledge, quality, and behavior related to human skills or understanding of company
policies.. Sutrisno (2009) adds that competence is an ability based on skills and knowledge
that is supported by work attitudes and their application in carrying out tasks and working
in certain workplaces. The indicators of HR competence in this study were obtained based
on research by Ardiana et al. (2010), namely skills, knowledge and abilities. Furthermore,
the components of competence can be understood from various aspects, including skills,
knowledge and behavior (Dessler, 2009). As indicators of competence according to
Fadillah et al. (2017) namely nature, self-concept, knowledge, skills, and motivation
Egidio da Costa and Niu Xiongying
The Role of Human Resources Competency on SMEs Performance in Timor Leste 1208
Figure 1 Conceptual model showing the hypothesized relationship between human resourses
competency and SMEs performance.
To increase the success of a company, it must have good and balanced competencies
such as knowledge, skills, ability, and behavior. Micro, small, and medium-sized
enterprises (MSMEs) are a group of enterprises that are able to advance the economy.
However, this company still seems to be underperforming due to the lack of knowledge,
skills, and empowerment opportunities in the business. There is no denying that HR
competency is one of the determinants of a company's success, especially for SMEs.
Having the right skills means possessing peak performance for small and medium
businesses. Len (2017) in her research, found that there was a positive influence of skills
on the performance of small and medium enterprises; Amelia and Hendra (2016) also found
the same results as previous studies that skills had a significant effect and still have a
significant effect on the performance of SMES. The same study was conducted by
Megantoro (2015) and stated that there was a positive effect of skills on the performance
of small and medium enterprises. However, Viviani et al. (2020) found that the skill
variable had no positive or significant effect on the performance of SMEs. This
insignificant result means that skills affect performance, but the effect is small and does
not have much impact on performance. Hence, it is assumed that;
H1: The Labour Skill is Positively Affected on Sme’s Performance.
Competence is needed to help the organization, create a high work culture of organizational
performance (Wibowo, 2012), who argue that entrepreneurial knowledge has a positive but
not significant effect on the performance of smes (Echdar, 2016). Research of
Trihudiyatmanto and Purwanto (2018) showed the same result, that knowledge had a
negative and insignificant effect on the performance of smes. However Rahman et al.
(2015) in their study found that there was a positive influence between knowledge and
performance of small and medium enterprises, small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Hence it is assumed that;
H2: The Labour Knowledge is Positively Affected on SME’s Performance.
The performance of SMEs is determined by the performance of their human resources and
its result Mostly lies in the production scale. Putri Andam at, el (2015) in their research
found that the ability factor has a significant influence on the performance of small and
medium enterprises. Ardiana at el (2010) in their research also found that there is an effect
variable of ability on performance. Hence it is assumed that:
H3: The Labour Ability is Positively Affect on SME’s Performance
Every entrepreneur aims to maximize the business (Idris, 2015) Which is indicated by sales
growth, company asset growth and profit growth (Lee & Tsang, 2001), HR competence is
closely related to knowledge, skills, abilities and personality characteristics that directly
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
affect smes performance (Mangkunegara, 2012). Previous research by Primadanti and
RAHARDJA (2017) also shows that simultaneously and partially competence have a
positive and significant effect on the performance of smes relevant research also found by
(Viviani et al., 2020) where the result support and accept the hypothesis, that HR skills,
knowledge and ability have a positive effect on SMEs performance. Therefore it can be
hypothesized that:
H4: Skill and Knowledge, Ability Are Simultaneously positive and significant Affected
on SMEs Performance
Table 1.Hypothesis testing with T test
Unstandardized coefficients
Std. Error
A. Dependent variable: smes performance(y)
Source: Data processing result of SPSS 23, the t test using hr competency (skills,
knowledge, ability) as independent variable and smes performance as dependent variable,
primary data, 2021.
Referring to the result of the regression in table 1, it shows that the significance
value of skills is 0.814 > 0.05. It can be concluded that there is no significant effect, but
there is a positive effect of skills on the performance of the smes and the significance value
of knowledge is 0.000 <0.05 meaning there is positive and significant effect of knowledge
on sme performance while the significance value of abilty is 0.000 < 0.05. Thus there is a
positive and significant effect of capacity on SME’s performance.
Table 2. Hypotheses testing with f test
Sum of
Mean square
A. Dependent variable: sme's performance(y)
B. Predictors: (constant), ability(x3), skills(x1), knowledge(x2)
Source: Data processing result of SPSS 23, the f test using hr competency (skills,
knowledge, ability) as independent variable and smes performance as dependent variable,
primary data, and 2021.
Based on the above output, the significance value for the effect of skills (X1),
knowledge (X2), ability (X3) on smes performance (y) simultaneously is known to be
0.000, therefore it can be concluded that H4 is accepted.
Table 3 Coefficient of Determination (R
Model summary
R square
Adjusted r square
Std. Error of the estimate
A. Predictors: (constant), ability(x3, skills(x1), knowledge(x2).
Source: Data processing result of SPSS 23, coefficient determinat (R
) result, 2021
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The Role of Human Resources Competency on SMEs Performance in Timor Leste 1212
Based on the output model summary table above, it is known that the value of the
coefficient of determination or r
is 0.463. The value of r squared (0.463) is derived from
the square of the value of the correlation coefficient r, which is 0.680* 0.680 = 0.463. The
level of the coefficient of determination (R
) is 0.643 or equal to 64.3%. This number means
that the variables x1, x2, x3 affect y. By 64.3% while the rest (100% -64.3% = 35.7%) is
influenced by other variables outside the regression or variables that are not examined.
B. The Impact of Skills on SMEs Perfromance (H1)
The results of the study do not support the first hypothesis that competence is
positively and significantly on the performance of smes. This is illustrated by the significant
probability value of 0.814, which indicates a value greater than the predetermined
significant value of 0.05 (0.814 > 0.05), indicating that skills are positive but not significant
on the performance of smes. The results of this study are inconsistent with research
conducted by (Zhaviery et al., 2018) stated that human resource competence such as skills,
knowledge and ability are able to improve the performance of their smes at some point.
C. The Impact of Knowledge on SMEs’ Performance(H2)
Based on the data processing results, it is clear that knowledge has a positive and
significant impact on the performance of SMEs. This is due to employees who have
knowledge of their roles and responsibilities in carrying out their duties and are able to
see existing business opportunities as ways to increase the company's capital. However,
the results of this study are not in line with research conducted by Fahmi et al (2020)
which found that the knowledge variable shows an insignificant and positive effect on
performance while other variables have a significant and positive effect on the
performance of SME. Furthermore, Sulistyandar et al. (2017) found in their research that
skills have a significant effect on the performance of SME. However, knowledge and ability
do not affect the performance of SMES..
D. The Impact of Ability on SMEs Performance (H3)
Based on the results of this hypothesis, it was determined that the ability has a
positive and significant effect on the company's performance. The results are also
reinforced by the research conducted by Ardiana et al (2010) the relevant analysis results
show that HR competency is closely linked to the performance of SME. The results of the
analysis also showed that the influence of the knowledge variables is negative and
insignificant, but the other two variables, such as skills and abilities, have significant
effects on the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises. This research result
was also supported by Ekaningtyas Widiastuti Sri Martini (2016), who found that ability
had no effect on company performance and that it was very hard to meet various
indicators, such as the ability to manage business, make decisions, lead, control, innovate,
and manage the business environment.
E. The Impact of HR Competency (Skill, Knowledge, Ability) on SME’s
Performance (H4)
Human resource competencies consisting of skills, knowledge, and skills, according
to the findings of the fourth hypothesis, are those that have an impact on the performance
of SMEs in terms of customer satisfaction, increased sales volume, and workforce.The
results of this study are in line with the research of Ardiana (2010), who confirms that the
competence of human resources among small and medium-sized entrepreneurs is
significantly affected by business performance, partially and simultaneously, meaning that
an increase in human resource competence will improve business performance.
This study develops and empirically validates the hypothesized model of skills,
knowledge, ability, and performance of SMEs, and conclusions can be drawn from the
findings and rejections above. First, the skill variable has an insignificant but positive effect
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 11, November 2021
on the performance of SMEs; the second variable, knowledge, has a positive and significant
effect on SMEs; and the third variable, ability, has a positive and significant impact on the
performance of SMEs. Fourth, when the independent variables are simultaneously tested
on the dependent variable, they have a positive and significant effect. This means that if
the level of skills, knowledge, and ability of SME owners increases, the performance of
SME will increase significantly, and vice versa.
Based on the conclusions from the results of the research above, companies must
actively provide training programs and employee development in the production process
to improve the performance of SMEs. Further research can examine the use of variables
other than those studied in this study to obtain more varied results and enrich the existing
theory, and different research objects and fields will produce different research results. So,
more research should broaden the study's focus or look into other topics with bigger
populations and bigger samples to get more accurate results.
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