Ismi Nofiani Nurfadilla
Family and local elites as a social control for children deviation in
Sungaiselan Village Central Bangka District 106
children do deviant behavior, namely drinking and sticking together. This is because self-
control in children is quite low so they cannot control themselves and are involved in
deviations. As stated (Reckless, 1963) in Containment Theory that with the existence of a
self-defense system that is owned by each individual in society, that individual will try to
defend himself from behaviors that are constructed as deviant or evil actions by society.
As a result of unsuccessful self-defense, the children in Sungaiselan Atas Village ended
up deviating. The commands and prohibitions on human behavior are called social
control. (Andayani, Febryani, & Andriansyah, 2020) The behavior of these children
requires control from parents and those around them so that children do not repeat actions
that should not be done at their age.
Based on the description above, this research is interesting to do because
consuming alcohol and gluing is usually done by adolescents to adults, but in Sungaiselan
Atas Village, the perpetrators were children. Therefore, the researcher is interested in
researching the factors that cause children to consume liquor and gluing, and the
researcher also wants to know how the social control of the family and local elites of
Sungaiselan Atas Village in dealing with children who consume liquor and glued, as well
as knowing how the implications of Walter C. Reckless's Chontainmen Theory on the
social control of the local elite and families of the Upper Sungaiselan Village.
Previous research that is relevant to current research, one of which is research
conducted by (Rafika, 2016) with the title Weak Social Control in Rural Communities
(Case Study of Children and Adolescents Addicted to Sucking Aibon Glue in Suka
Negeri Village, Topos District-Lebong Regency). This study aims to determine and
reveal the weakness of social control (social control) in rural communities, especially
those that occur among children and adolescents who do gluing activities in Suka Negeri
Village, Topos District, Lebong Regency.
The results showed that deviations were the result of a lack of control or social
control. Every human being tends to disobey the law or have the urge to violate the law,
this can be seen in the parents who spend a lot of time in the garden to make ends meet
and leave their children unattended, thus making some children in The village has fallen
into the activity of gluing. The activity of gluing is done when their parents are in the
garden and done together with other friends.
Furthermore, a study conducted by (Salim, n.d. 2015) entitled Causes of Deviant
Behavior "Ngelem" in Students at SMPN 3 Subah, Sambas Regency. The purpose of this
study was to determine and describe: The beginning of the occurrence of deviant behavior
from gluing to students at SMPN 3 Subah, Sambas Regency, the process of the
occurrence of deviating behavior in students at SMPN 3 Subah Sambas Regency, and the
impact of the deviant behavior from gluing on students at SMPN 3 Subah Regency.
Sambas. The method used in this research is descriptive because this descriptive method
focuses on active problems actual as it was at the time of the research. Thus this
descriptive method is following the problem the writer wants to research, namely
regarding the causes of deviant behavior.
The results showed that at first the students were motivated to do the activity of
gluing because they felt dizzy, stressed, and lack of parental attention, joined friends and
were bored. Besides, the informants were also stressed and bored because they felt lonely
and just wanted to try and find a reputation so that the informants fell into gluing
behavior. Apart from that, the informants believed that gluing behavior was a trend,
following up with adults, there was no activity. The gluing process is carried out by
students in a quiet place, in a palm oil plantation, by putting Fox glue into a plastic bag
and then sipping the smell, making it addictive.