Vol 1, No 3, March-, 2021
P-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
105 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Ismi Nofiani Nurfadilla
Bangka Belitung University
Received: 03
March 2021
Revised: 13
March 2021
Approved: 14
March 2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Deviant behavior is any behavior or action that is not following the norms
prevailing in the community. According to Cohen in (Sulfasyah, 2016), deviant behavior
is any behavior that does not succeed in adapting to the will of the community or certain
groups in society. Deviant behavior can also be considered a social problem. (Hardiyanto
& Romadhona, 2018)
In general, deviant behavior can be interpreted as behavior that violates or
conflicts with the normative rules of the social environment concerned. According to
Durkheim in (Soekanto & Sulistyowati, 2013) deviant behavior if within certain limits is
normal and delinquency is normal because it is impossible to completely erase it.
Deviations are divided into two types, namely primary deviations and secondary
deviations (Fathoni, 2020)
Social distortion is usually done by adults and most adolescents also do it,
because adolescence is a time when individuals are looking for their true identity and
experiencing a personality crisis. However, now children are also involved in this deviant
behavior. Naturally, imitation behavior is so high in children that they finally record the
behavior they see and then try it without knowing whether it is good or wrong.
The village of Sungaiselan Atas is one of the areas in Bangka Belitung where
Deviant behavior can be defined as behavior that violates or is contrary to
the normative rules of the social environment concerned. Deviation is often
done by adolescents to adults, but nowadays children also often do it.
Sungaiselan Atas Village is one of the areas where children often perform
deviant behaviors for children of their age, namely drinking alcohol and
gluing. The purpose of this study was to identify the causes of children in
Sungaiselan Village to deviate and to determine the social control of the
family and local elites of Sungaiselan Village in overcoming children's
behavior. This study uses Containment Theory from Walter C. Reckless.
The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data
sources of this research are divided into two, namely primary data sources
and secondary data sources. The data analysis techniques used by
researchers were data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing.
The results of this study found that the factors that cause children to deviate
are lack of attention from their parents, lots of free time, and a friendly
environment. In addition, social control from the family and local village
elites was also found, namely repressive and preventive measures.
Keywords: Social Control, Deviant Behavior, Alcohol, Glueing
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Family and local elites as a social control for children deviation in
Sungaiselan Village Central Bangka District 106
children do deviant behavior, namely drinking and sticking together. This is because self-
control in children is quite low so they cannot control themselves and are involved in
deviations. As stated (Reckless, 1963) in Containment Theory that with the existence of a
self-defense system that is owned by each individual in society, that individual will try to
defend himself from behaviors that are constructed as deviant or evil actions by society.
As a result of unsuccessful self-defense, the children in Sungaiselan Atas Village ended
up deviating. The commands and prohibitions on human behavior are called social
control. (Andayani, Febryani, & Andriansyah, 2020) The behavior of these children
requires control from parents and those around them so that children do not repeat actions
that should not be done at their age.
Based on the description above, this research is interesting to do because
consuming alcohol and gluing is usually done by adolescents to adults, but in Sungaiselan
Atas Village, the perpetrators were children. Therefore, the researcher is interested in
researching the factors that cause children to consume liquor and gluing, and the
researcher also wants to know how the social control of the family and local elites of
Sungaiselan Atas Village in dealing with children who consume liquor and glued, as well
as knowing how the implications of Walter C. Reckless's Chontainmen Theory on the
social control of the local elite and families of the Upper Sungaiselan Village.
Previous research that is relevant to current research, one of which is research
conducted by (Rafika, 2016) with the title Weak Social Control in Rural Communities
(Case Study of Children and Adolescents Addicted to Sucking Aibon Glue in Suka
Negeri Village, Topos District-Lebong Regency). This study aims to determine and
reveal the weakness of social control (social control) in rural communities, especially
those that occur among children and adolescents who do gluing activities in Suka Negeri
Village, Topos District, Lebong Regency.
The results showed that deviations were the result of a lack of control or social
control. Every human being tends to disobey the law or have the urge to violate the law,
this can be seen in the parents who spend a lot of time in the garden to make ends meet
and leave their children unattended, thus making some children in The village has fallen
into the activity of gluing. The activity of gluing is done when their parents are in the
garden and done together with other friends.
Furthermore, a study conducted by (Salim, n.d. 2015) entitled Causes of Deviant
Behavior "Ngelem" in Students at SMPN 3 Subah, Sambas Regency. The purpose of this
study was to determine and describe: The beginning of the occurrence of deviant behavior
from gluing to students at SMPN 3 Subah, Sambas Regency, the process of the
occurrence of deviating behavior in students at SMPN 3 Subah Sambas Regency, and the
impact of the deviant behavior from gluing on students at SMPN 3 Subah Regency.
Sambas. The method used in this research is descriptive because this descriptive method
focuses on active problems actual as it was at the time of the research. Thus this
descriptive method is following the problem the writer wants to research, namely
regarding the causes of deviant behavior.
The results showed that at first the students were motivated to do the activity of
gluing because they felt dizzy, stressed, and lack of parental attention, joined friends and
were bored. Besides, the informants were also stressed and bored because they felt lonely
and just wanted to try and find a reputation so that the informants fell into gluing
behavior. Apart from that, the informants believed that gluing behavior was a trend,
following up with adults, there was no activity. The gluing process is carried out by
students in a quiet place, in a palm oil plantation, by putting Fox glue into a plastic bag
and then sipping the smell, making it addictive.
Vol 1, No 3, March -, 2021
P-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
107 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
This research will be different from previous research because it will discuss the
causes of children in Sungaiselan Village deviating and to find out the social control of
the family and local elites of Sungaiselan Village in overcoming deviant behavior of
The research method used in conducting this research is a qualitative research
method with a descriptive approach. The location of this research was conducted in
Sungaiselan Atas Village, Central Bangka Regency. The location is chosen because many
children in this location have commited deviation by consuming alcohol and glueing.
The data sources of this research are divided into two, namely primary data
sources and secondary data sources. According to (Arikunto, 2019) primary data is data
obtained or collected directly in the field by the person conducting the research or those
concerned who need it. Secondary data is data obtained or collected by people who carry
out research from existing sources. Data collection techniques are in the form of
interviews, observation, and documentation.
The data analysis techniques used by researchers were data reduction, data
display, and conclusion drawing. Data reduction is the process of selecting and sorting
raw data obtained from the field, then grouping them into subject matter according to the
focus of the study. Then the data data display is performed, in this case it is interpreted as
an effort to display, describe and present data in the form of tables, matrices and graphs.
(Afrizal, 2014) After that, the researcher carried out the conclusion, namely the stages of
decision making on the researcher's questions that had been asked by the informant.
(Balqis, Ibrahim, & Ibrahim, 2014)
A. Factors that cause children to commit deviations
1. Lack of attention from parents
Lack of attention from parents is the most important factor in the involvement of
children in bad relationships. Parents who are busy working cause their children to get
less attention so that they become attention outside the home. (Andriyani, 2016) Children
who have weak self-defense end up following the bad deeds of their friends.
2. Migration of population
According to the confession of the Head of Sungaiselan Atas Village, the origin
of the people of Sungaiselan Atas Village to consume liquor and gluing is due to the
influence of population movement according (Muzaini, 2014), namely the arrival of
people outside Bangka Belitung to Sungaiselan Atas Village. Because before the arrival
of the immigrants, the people of Sungaiselan Atas Village had never consumed liquor and
the like. Because of the culture from outside, that was brought to Sungaiselan Village, in
the end, many villagers followed this action, including children.
3. Environment of friends
Based on information obtained from the children of Upper Sungaiselan Village,
they know about drinking alcohol and consuming glue from their playmates. They finally
tried to do what their friends did. These children usually consume the arak type of liquor
that they buy directly from one of the communities that sell the drink. The children then
gathered in several places in Sungaiselan Atas Village which were used as locations for
drinking, ranging from abandoned buildings to PDAMs that were not guarded at night.
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Family and local elites as a social control for children deviation in
Sungaiselan Village Central Bangka District 108
B. Social Control of Families and Local Elites in Upper Sungaiselan Village for
Children who Consume Liquor and Gluing
1. Family
The social control exercised by parents of children who drink alcohol and gluing
is through two ways, namely preventive action and repressive action. (Soekanto &
Sulistyowati, 2013) This preventive action is in the form of advice given by their children
and also sending their children to Islamic boarding schools. Repressive acts in the form of
scolding or even giving physical contact to their children.
According to the parents of one of the children who consumed alcoholic
beverages, he often scolded his children when he repeated his drinking. He admits that he
is no longer able to advise his son who tends to be stubborn and then he hits his son.
When his son was caught by the police drunkenly, then he finally ordered the police to
order his son to stay at the police station. This is because he is no longer able to face his
drunken son at a very young age. This is also done so that their children feel deterred so
that they don't make the same mistakes again in the future.
2. The local elite of Sungaiselan Atas Village
a. Village head
The social control that is carried out by the village in handling children who
consume alcoholic beverages and hang on to the hang is to provide counseling and
socialization which is routinely carried out every few months. In addition, the village has
also built sports facilities, namely volleyball and futsal courts. This is so that children
have healthy activities than they have to get together to do bad deeds
b. Bhabinkamtibnas
The social control exercised by the Bhabinkamtipnas is a mobile party that is held
almost every night in the village of Upper Sungaiselan which starts at 22.00 WIB. In
addition, a joint partoli with Bhabinsa in Sungaiselan Atas Village was also carried out on
Saturday nights and also New Year's Eve. There are also sanctions imposed on children
who are caught while a patrol is drunk and glued. The sign is in the form of push-ups for
those who are lightly drunk, while those who are badly drunk are taken to the police
station and their parents call them.
Children who are brought to the police station have to stay at the police station
for several days. After morning they had to clean up the precinct as their punishment.
Bhabinkamtipnas also conducted raids on liquor sellers in Upper Sungaiselan Village.
c. Religious leaders
The social control exercised by religious leaders in overcoming these deviant
children is through strengthening the foundation of religion, namely involving children in
religious events. Children have to do the recitation every Friday at the nearest mosque.
The Koran teacher is employed by the village to teach the children
C. Implications of Containment Theory on Social Control of Family and Village
Local Elites in Children who Consume Liquor and Ngelem in Sungaiselan Atas
Village, Central Bangka Regency
The analysis in this paper uses Containment Theory, especially regarding the
social control of families and village local elites in dealing with deviant children.
Basically, Containment theory states that there are several ways that individuals can
defend themselves act in accordance with the values and norms that apply in society
according (Reckless, 1963), namely:
1. Internal self-defense, namely self-defense that comes from within (internal), is
the ability of a person to fight or withstand the temptation to deviate and comply with the
Vol 1, No 3, March-, 2021
P-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
109 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
applicable regulations.
2. External self-defense, namely self-defense that comes from outside (extern) in
the form of legal demands and prohibitions that keep members of the public in the
expected behavior in people's lives.
Related to the social control exercised by families and local elites in dealing with
deviant children, the findings by the researchers and their implications for containment
theory are that children's internal control does not work so that they eventually become
involved in deviations. This means that the children in the Upper Sungaiselan Village are
unable to resist the urge to deviate from the norm. As a result of this inability, finally, the
children of Sungaiselan Atas Village decided to deviate to fulfill their desire to deviate by
ignoring the prevailing norms in society. The dominant deviations carried out by these
children were secondary deviations, namely drunkenness, and hangover. This
unsuccessful internal control causes children to need external control so that they return
to obeying the norms and rules prevailing in the society. The external control is carried
out by the family and local elites of Sungaiselan Atas Village.
The families of children who are involved in deviance, of course, advise their
children not to repeat similar acts in the future. There are also parents who scold their
children for engaging in deviant behavior and even send their children to Islamic
boarding schools. Social control carried out by the local elite of Sungaiselan Atas Village
is to build sports facilities so that children have positive activities in their spare time. The
village government also conducts patrols around the village in collaboration with the
local police and Babinsa. As for carrying out periodic outreach and counseling activities
to children, parents, and teachers at schools.
In the field of religion, the village involves children in religious activities that are
carried out every week to build a solid foundation for children's faith. In addition, the
imposition of sanctions is also often carried out, this is so that children are deterred and
no longer commit deviant actions in the future.
The cause of children consuming alcoholic beverages and sticking to them is due
to internal and external factors. Internal factors that come from within are caused by
children's weak self-control so that they are eventually influenced by social relationships.
Another internal factor is due to the weak foundation of religion, which makes children
farther away from religion. External factors are influenced by the lack of attention from
parents which makes children seek outside attention, this is where communication
between parents and children is relatively rare and parental control of children's
interactions is quite low. The large amount of free time makes the children then engage in
bad behavior. In addition, residents outside Bangka Belitung who come to Sungaiselan
Atas Village have become a trigger for children to engage in bad behavior. This is due to
the culture of the immigrant community so that children are starting to follow them with
weak self-control.
The social control exercised by families in overcoming their children who are
involved in deviations is to advise and scold their children and also send their children to
Islamic boarding schools. Social control exercised by local elites on children who deviate,
namely making sports facilities, involving children in religious activities and forums,
giving light sanctions in the form of push-ups and going home without wearing clothes
and also being taken to the local police station so that the children feel deterrent. The
social control exercised by the village police is to carry out mobile patrols which are
Vol 1, No 3, March-, 2021
P-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
109 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
carried out every night and joint patrols with babinsa which are carried out on Saturdays
and New
Ismi Nofiani Nurfadilla
Family and local elites as a social control for children deviation in
Sungaiselan Village Central Bangka District 110
Years Eve. In addition, the police also impose sanctions on children who are caught
drinking, namely by being taken to the poslsek and staying at the polsek with the
permission of the child's parents. Another sanction is to punish children for cleaning the
polsek environment. Not only for children, the police also punished the arak seller who
sold it to children by bringing it into the realm of law.
It can be said that the social control exercised by the family is less influential and
does not make their children feel deterred and keep doing these deviations behind them.
The social control exercised by the local village elite is enough to make children deterred
and not repeat the deviations they do, even though not all children do..
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