Kirnia Tri Wulandari, Tikto
RSUD Dolopo
EDS is an atypical manifestation of dengue infection that
affects a variety of organ systems including
gastrointestinal, hepatic, neurological, cardiac,
pulmonary, and renal. It is one of the leading causes of
hospitalization and death in children. A number of
hypotheses have been proposed, but multifactorial
pathogenesis. Severe cases can be expressed with
petechiae, epistaxis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, ascites,
pleural effuse, heart attack, hypotension, tachycardia,
changes in consciousness, fulminant hepatitis, and
myocarditis. EDS-shaped organ dysfunction may require
multidisciplinary management support for aggressive and
effective action. The baby girl, An.P, 10 months old, came
to the ER with a high fever since 4 days before KRS. High
fever accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. From a
physical examination, the general condition of mentis
compost, pulse, and breathing within normal limits.
There are no epistaxis. The laboratory showed platelets
of 100,000 μ/L, hematocrit 35.5%, hemoglobin (Hb)
12.3g/dL. Patients are diagnosed with dengue fever. in
the same case that occurs in Mexico this is a case where
patients with fever and headache. Patients exhibit
neurological damage in which cranial Computerized
Axial Tomography (CAT) reveals severe cerebral edema.
Platelets 143,000 μ /L, Hb 10.6 g / dL, reported serologic
NS1 positive. Patients die five days after hospital
admission.Low incidence of EDS due to asymptomatic
and easily missed diagnosis. This case has multi-organ
failure. neurological manifestations such as seizures and
decreased consciousness, gastrointestinal manifestations
such as ascites and gastrointestinal bleeding, lung
manifestations such as dyspnea. Conditions worsen in a
fast time.
Keywords: Patient, Expanded and syndrome