In this era, society’s interest in fashion is increasing, and the order consumer
needs the businessman to improve their development of the garment industry. The
development of the garment industry in one area gives a positive effect especially for
increasing the labor, therefore it will support the economy and have the benefit to the
public as well as to create a job. One of the garment industries that was productive is
Putra Karmila Garment in Gianyar City, Bali. The development of the industry needs to
require the owner to increase the quality of the product within managing it wiser. The
occupational health and safety of the tailor in the garment industry is the most important
to improve quality of the product.
The result of an observational study and interview with tailors at Putra Karmila
Garment were they could make 15-18 products a day, but there were any symptoms of
health problem that make their time off and decreased of daily production targets. This
condition affected to loss of their focus and it could be some mistake or problem with
their production. The health problem mostly they have is low back pain.
Low Back Pain (LBP), the symptoms felt by tailors at the Garment caused by
lack of mobility and lack of time management. The tailors always cut their time off to
break because of their target of production and they wanted to increase the production as
much as they can. Long work duration is another risk factor for their symptoms, they
worked 8 hours a day with a 1-hour break for 6 days per week. That means they have
seated static with slouch posture (not properly as the physiological body) for a long time.
While sitting slouch position, there were decreasing in the lordosis lumbar angle.
This condition made weakness of abdominal muscles and tightness of the postural
muscle, there is a stretch of posterior ligament and if the condition duration for a long
time affected to intradiscal pressure increased and constantly make a pain
(Tjahayuningtyas, 2019; Wirgunatha & Adiputra, 2019).
The duration of work is the other risk factor that would affect to work position.
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