How to cite:
Sofyan Samad, Shubzan A. Mahmud, Hayun Abdullah, Sugeng
Haryanto, Radhiatunnisa S. Samad. (2021). The Effect of New
Formula Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Water Sprinkling on Urban
Portable Rice Fields. Journal Eduvest. 1(10): 1183-1189
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Sofyan Samad, Shubzan A. Mahmud, Hayun Abdullah, Sugeng Haryanto,
Radhiatunnisa S. Samad
Khairun University, North Maluku, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected], shubzanandimahmud90[email protected],
September, 26
October, 16
October, 18
The spread of the corona virus is the impact of the
community's household economy and the decline in
community food security. Goals Growth and production of
upland rice through the provision of a new formula liquid
organic fertilizer (POC FB) in bucket media above the
house to meet people's food during the covid-19
pandemic. Place in Gambesi from March to August 2020.
Upland rice seed ingredients, new formula liquid organic
fertilizer (POC FB). Treatment with 5 levels (FOC FB) with
doses / pot as follows: 0 cc / liter of water (B0), 10 cc /
liter of water (B1), 15 cc / liter of water (B2), 20 cc / liter
of water (B3) , 2 5 cc / liter of water (B4), 30 cc / liter of
water (B5). Lack of water as a dissolved material and the
availability of small bucket media or upland rice plants
can affect upland rice growth and yield variables. The
results of the analysis of variance showed a new formula
liquid organic fertilizer at a dose of 30 cc / liter of water /
bucket (B5). yielded 70 cm high and 42 tillers, 44 cm
panicles and 39 g dry weight when compared with other
treatments. POC FB is a liquid organic fertilizer that
provides macro and micro elements so that it accelerates
Sofyan Samad, Shubzan A. Mahmud, Hayun Abdullah, Sugeng Haryanto,
Radhiatunnisa S. Samad
The Effect of New Formula Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Water Sprinkling on Urban
Portable Rice Fields 1184
the growth, development, height, tiller, panicle and
harvest weight of upland rice plants.
POC FB, Bucket Media, Production, Upland Rice
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
The spread of the corona virus has an impact on all fields (Cholily, Putri, &
Kusgiarohmah, 2019). However, the impact that is quite significant is in the declining
economy and community food (Hanoatubun, 2020) (Kurniawansyah, Amrullah,
Salahuddin, Muslim, & Nurhidayati, 2020) (Ardiningrum, Junaidi, & Umiyati, 2021). In
addition, people do not do work outside the home. The government advises people to
wash their hands, wear masks and keep their distance (Marzuki et al., 2021). The
availability of rice food in a pandemic condition plays an important role. In addition, the
availability of rice supply is uncertain (Helmi & Ali, 2020) (Pramudita et al., 2020)
(Irbayanti, 2020) (Masniadi, Angkasa, Karmeli, & Esabella, 2020).
Rice (Oryza sativa) is a food for the world community which is usually grown
singly on open land/fields (Senoaji, 2012). The community needs the most pagan rice and
there must be plenty of rice available in the long term. Long droughts affect the
availability of rice, this phenomenon will occur in several parts of Indonesia (Oktaviana,
2018) (Andono, Andi, & Irma Setianingsih, 2017). The role of the community is to
strengthen their food and one of them is to encourage the community to produce their
own rice needs (Saleh, Nainggolan, & Butarbutar, 2012). In Indonesia, lowland rice crops
have decreased, while Indonesia's population in 2025 is estimated at 235 million people
(Hasan, 2012). The high population needs sufficient food so they are not food importers.
Utilizing a narrow agricultural environment, namely engineering a large rice field
media environment into a small bucket media environment, urban communities can plant
upland rice in bucket media as an effort to increase rice production. The city of Ternate
does not have rice fields, so they grow rice in a bucket media environment. Based on the
above problems, I anticipate doing independent research by planting upland rice in a
bucket media environment above the house for city families.
Location of Gambesi Village, South Ternate, North Maluku, from March -
August 2020 during the COV lD-19 pandemic period. The altitude is 10 meters above sea
level. Upland rice ingredients, new formula liquid organic fertilizer (POC FB). This study
used 54 buckets. Treatment design with 5 levels (FOC FB) new formula liquid organic
fertilizer and 3 repetitions. Research method with doses per bucket as follows: 0 cc / 500
ml of water / bucket (B0), 10 cc / 500 ml of water / bucket (B1), 15 cc / 500 ml of water /
bucket (B2), 20 cc / 500 ml water / bucket (B3), 25 cc / 500 ml of water / bucket (B4), 30
cc / 500 ml of water / bucket (B5).
How the Upland Rice Cultivation works.
The workings of upland rice cultivation in a bucket media environment is as
follows: Selecting high quality upland rice seeds, soaking them in water for one night,
submerged seeds are used as seeds. Planting time at the end of the rainy season, watering
twice in the morning and afternoon with a volume of 1000 milliliters of water / bucket, if
there is no rain, for 90 days. Embroidery is done when there are dead plants. After the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
plants grew and were 20 DAP from the nursery, they were transferred into bucket media.
Weeding is done when there are weeds. Fertilization by spraying. Harvest 90 DAP plants.
Parameters of height (cm), tiller number, panicle length (cm), weight (g) were analyzed
for variance and (BNT 0.05).
The application of new formula liquid organic fertilizer has an effect on plant
height (cm), number of tillers, panicle length (cm), and dry weight (g) at harvest are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Average plant height (cm), number of tillers, panicle length (cm), and dry
weight (g) Treatment height (cm) panicle tillers (cm) weight (g)
tinggi (cm)
malai (cm)
bobot (g)
0 cc / 500 ml air / ember (B
10 cc / 500 ml air / ember (B
15 cc / 500 ml air / ember (B
20 cc / 500 ml air / ember (B
33 c
25 cc / 500 ml air / ember (B
30 cc / 500 ml air / ember (B
BNT α 0,05
Note: The average number followed by the same letter and in the same column is not
significantly different at the BNT level 0.05
Treatment (B5) 30 cc / 500 milliliters of water / bucket resulted in a height of 70
cm and was not different from treatments B4, B3, B2 but different from treatments B1
and B0. The component of the number of upland rice tillers in the bucket media was 42
tillers and it was different from other treatments. Treatment B4 was not different from
treatment B3, B2 but different from treatment B1, B0. While the panicle length
component resulted in 44 cm of panicle length and was different from other treatments.
Treatment B4 was not different from B3, B2 but different from treatment B1, B0.
Likewise, the weight component of treatment B5 resulted in 39 g of weight when
compared to other treatments and was not different from treatment B4 but different from
treatment B3, B2, B1, B0. Treatment B3 was not different from treatment B2 and
different from treatment B1, B0 (Table 1).
Food crops are the main source in supporting people's lives and balancing the rate
of function of rice fields into housing for residents and forests are no longer cut down for
rice fields so they do not damage the environment. Planting upland rice in buckets above
the house provides a more comfortable, comfortable and sustainable environment for all
time. Rice planting media buckets above the house does not require agricultural tools
such as hand tractors and others. Watering twice 1000 milliliters in the morning and 1000
milliliters in the afternoon was able to encourage the growth, development and fruiting of
rice in bucket media.
The application of liquid organic fertilizer with a new formula of 30 cc / 500
milliliters of water / bucket had an effect on all treatments and resulted in 70 cm high
Sofyan Samad, Shubzan A. Mahmud, Hayun Abdullah, Sugeng Haryanto,
Radhiatunnisa S. Samad
The Effect of New Formula Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Water Sprinkling on Urban
Portable Rice Fields 1186
upland rice, 42 upland rice tillers, 44 cm long panicle for upland rice and 39 g dry weight
of upland rice. This means that the application of a new organic fertilizer formula of 30 cc
/ 500 milliliters of water / bucket has met the nutrient needs of the bucket media and is
able to encourage the growth of upland rice plants. It was explained by Tisdale and
Nelson, 2008 that the nutrient components of plant metabolism and the growth of
meristem cells and strengthened by Hakim, 2009 that the influence of environment,
physiology and genetics on plant growth Rice plants are grown in bucket media above the
house, which means there is no need to print the fields and the results can meet the needs
of a family of 4 people for 1 household.
Economically, giving 1000 milliliters of water regularly in the morning and
evening during vegetative, generative and productive growth for 90 days. 1000 milliliters
of water is economically worth Rp 50 x 2 times a day x 90 days the supply reaches Rp
9,000.- for one growing season. Water as a solvent and creates an environment for
sustainable rice plant growth (SRP (2015). Leaf transpiration (evaporation) and loss of
water through the cuticle and stomata (Wihardjaka, A. 2015). Environmental influences,
especially direct sunlight radiation is used from the leaves for photosynthesis and
responded by plants in the form of morphological adaptations so that the availability of
water affects the mobility of growth, development, temperature regulation, as the main
constituent of the cytoplasm and the area for absorption of water from the soil into the
xylem through the cell wall and across the plasma membrane (symplast). Rice growth in
the presence of water, nutrients and sunlight makes organic rice a sustainable source of
carbohydrates (Carlile, 2019).
In addition, the relationship between the level of availability of water and fertilizer
in the bucket media on the growth rate of upland rice plants is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. The relationship between the level of availability of water and the application of
fertilizer in bucket media to the growth rate of upland rice..
Figure 1 shows the growth of upland rice that is not given fertilizer and that is
given fertilizer according to the level of fertilization and is linearly correlated with the
following equation: Y = 2.571x +55.33 R2 = 0.938. The above equation shows that the
plant height decreases with the absence of fertilizer for upland rice plants in the bucket
media. This is based on the R2 test that 99.06% is influenced by the size of the bucket
media. The relationship between the level of availability of water and fertilizer in the
bucket media to the growth rate of upland rice tillers is shown in Figure 2.
y = 2,5714x + 55,333
R² = 0,9382
0 2 4 6 8
Tinggi (cm)
Tinggi (cm)
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
Figure 2. The relationship between the level of availability of water and the application of
fertilizer in bucket media to the growth rate of upland rice tillers.
The application of a new formula of liquid organic fertilizer has an effect on the
relationship between the level of the bucket media and the growth rate of the number of
tillers of upland rice plants. Figure 2 shows the growth of upland rice that is fertilized
according to the level of fertilization and is linearly correlated with the following
equation: Y = 3.257x + 21.93 R2 = 0.913. The above equation shows that the number of
plant tillers decreases with the presence of too small a bucket medium. This is based on
the R2 test that 99.09% is influenced by the size of the bucket media.
The relationship between the level of availability of water and fertilizer in the
bucket media to the growth rate of panicle length (cm) for upland rice plants is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3. The relationship between the level of availability of water and the
application of fertilizer in bucket media to the growth rate of panicle length (cm) of
upland rice
The application of a new formula of liquid organic fertilizer has an effect on the
relationship between the level of the bucket media and the panicle length growth rate of
upland rice plants. Figure 3 shows the growth of upland rice that is not fertilized and
given fertilizer according to the level of fertilization and is linearly correlated with the
following equation: Y = 3.257x+23.6 R2 = 0.928. The equation above shows that the
panicle length of the plant decreases with the presence of a small bucket of media that is
fed with upland rice fertilizer. This is based on the R2 test that 99.07% is influenced by
the size of the bucket media.
The relationship between the level of availability of water and fertilizer in the
bucket media on the dry weight yield (g) of upland rice plants as shown in Figure 4.
y = 3,2571x + 21,933
R² = 0,9131
0 2 4 6 8
Jumlah anakan
Jumlah anakan
Linear (Jumlah
y = 3,2571x + 23,6
R² = 0,9283
0 2 4 6 8
Panjang malai
Panjang malai
Linear (Panjang
malai (cm))
Sofyan Samad, Shubzan A. Mahmud, Hayun Abdullah, Sugeng Haryanto,
Radhiatunnisa S. Samad
The Effect of New Formula Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Water Sprinkling on Urban
Portable Rice Fields 1188
Figure 4. The relationship between the level of availability of water and the application of
fertilizer in bucket media to the dry weight (g) of upland rice.
The application of a new formula of liquid organic fertilizer has an effect on the
relationship between the level of the bucket media and upland rice. Figure 4 shows the
dry weight of the unfertilized and fertilized yields according to the level of fertilization
and linearly correlated with the following equation: Y = 3.828x+17.26 R2 = 0.981. The
above equation shows that the panicle length of the plant decreases with the application
of upland rice fertilizer. This is based on the R2 test that 99.02% is affected by the size of
the bucket media.
Upland rice cultivation in bucket media with the application of a new formula at a
dose of 30 cc / liter of water / bucket after harvest and analysis gave the best results, and
this was seen as 70 cm plant height, 42 tillers, 44 cm longest panicle and 39 g weight,
generally yielding better for all observed parameters. These results suggest that the
application of a new formula of liquid organic fertilizer has an effect and provides
fulfilled nutrients for the growth and production of upland rice plants on bucket media.
Small bucket media affect the growth and production of upland rice, and large bucket
media will produce even better ones. The new formula liquid organic fertilizer has the
role of improving soil structure, soil chemistry and biology, and nutrients are available to
accelerate the growth of plant height, tiller formation, panicle lengthening and produce
the highest weight.
Drought reduces the growth of rice plants Therisia S. C (2011). Furthermore, lack
of water inhibits leaf chlorophyll synthesis (Hendriyani and Setiari, 2009). In addition,
lack of water inhibits the growth of tillers (Santoso 2010). Environmental factors of the
bucket media can affect the growth and development of roots due to the limited
availability of water, the soil of the bucket media is too narrow affecting the absorption of
water, nutrients, for the growth of tillers. In addition, inhibited nutrients affect the
elements N and Mg for chlorophyll synthesis (Syafi, 2008). Chlorophyll is used for
metabolism during photosynthesis (Li et al, 2006).
Tillage of loose soil and a large bucket of media can make upland rice roots more
quickly absorb water, nutrients and nutrients by the roots which are transported to the leaf
surface through Xylem. and the results of photosynthesis are distributed to all parts of the
plant through the phloen tissue. Water is essential and lack of water inhibits tiller growth
and rice is sensitive to drought stress (Sulistyono at al 2012). In addition, the cell slope
becomes small, reducing the number of tillers (Humaerah A.D. 2013). Furthermore, it can
reduce panicles and reduce weight. This shows that the fertilizer provided can meet the
nutrients in the bucket media for cell elongation, tiller formation, panicle and yield weight
of upland rice at harvest.
y = 3,8286x + 17,267
R² = 0,9816
0 2 4 6 8
Bobot (g)
Bobot (g)
Linear (Bobot (g))
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that the lack of water as a
dissolved material and the availability of a small bucket of media or a place for upland
rice to grow can affect the growth and harvest variables of upland rice. The results of the
analysis of variance showed a new formula liquid organic fertilizer at a dose of 30 cc /
liter of water / bucket (B5). yielded 70 cm high and 42 tillers, 44 cm panicles and 39 g
dry weight when compared with other treatments. POC FB is a liquid organic fertilizer
that provides macro and micro elements so that it accelerates encouraging, growth,
development and accelerating the harvest of upland rice plants.
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