Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
Mckenzie exercise was one of back exercises proven could changing posture and
decrease of musculoskeletal disorders, also increasing mobility of spine while work.
Meanwhile, operationally, aims of give this exercise were to stretch back muscle
(extensor muscle) and this exercise prioritize extension movement to have strength and
stretch muscle along extensor and lumbosacral joint, resulting reduce of pain (Moldovan,
2012). Stretching muscle to resting length and had circulation optimal to the brain made
this condition decrease of work fatigue. This intervention to change work condition
including the break time active and McKenzie exercise will the best ergonomic solution
that change of layout, exercise and stretching effected to relaxation spasm muscle,
stretching of antagonist muscles. Stretching of antagonist muscle had from isometric
contraction of muscle and change in work condition with addition McKenzie exercise.
Those could increase relaxation and decrease pain along spasm.
Based on stated McKenzie (2000), McKenzie aims to decrease of pain and
functional activity to mobile maximal from lower back, or maximal movement of the
body. Besides that, stretching of muscles to resting length condition could gave blood
circulation maximal to brain and help reduce of work fatigue also increasing of focus
(Ganong (2008). McKenzie effected to relaxation spasm muscle due to of stretching
antagonist muscles and gave isometric contraction resulting of decreasing the pain.
McKenzie ergonomic intervention and work condition changes within took break time
active while working and distances 2m of water position and the flour and coconut cream
maker made workers had been better. This changes use ergonomic approach with total
decrease of musculoskeletal around 5,24% among craftsman at Kediri, Tabanan
Adiatmika (2007). Therefore, this intervention had been known good to ergonomic and
work condition changes prooven could decrease musculoskeletal disorders.
Based on the analysis and discussion it can be concluded that changing of work
condition within ergonomic could decrease of musculoskeletal disorders in “dodol”
workers industry with low back pain at home industry Penglatan Village, Buleleng
regency around 10%.
Adiatmika, Gede. (2007). Perbaikan Kondisi Kerja dengan Pendekatan Ergonomi Total
Menurunkan Keluhan Muskuloskeletal dan Kelelahan serta Meningkatkan
Produktivitas dan Penghasilan Perajin Pengecatan Logam di Kediri Tabanan”
(disertasi). Program Pascasarjana Universitas Udayana.
Daryono. (2016). Redesain Rakel dan Pemberian PereganganAktif Menurunkan Beban
Kerja dan Keluhan Muskuloskeletal Serta Meningkatkan Produktivitas Kerja
Pekerja Sablon Pada Industri Sablon Surya Bali di Deanpasar. Universitas
Ganong, W. F. (2008). Buku ajar fisiologi kedokteran (22nd ed.; A. Novrianti, F. Dani, T.
Resmisari, L. Y. Rachman, H. Muttaqin, & A. W. Nugroho, Eds.). Jakarta: EGC.
Hadyan, Muhammad Farras. (2015). Faktor - faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kejadian Low
Back Pain pada Pengemudi Transportasi Publik. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas
Jumiati, J. (2015). Penambahan Core Stabilization Exercise Lebih Menurunkan
Disabilitas Di Bandingkan Dengan Penambahan Latihan Metode Mckenzie Pada
Traksi Manipulasi Penderita Nyeri Pinggang Bawah Mekanik Di Kota Yogyakarta.
Tesis Program Pascasarjana Studi Fisiologi Olahraga Universitas Udayana.