Deskrianti Tanaem, Marylin Susanti Junias, Deviarbi Sakke Tira
Description of Waste Management System in Soe City, South Timor Regency 1371
line with research conducted by Istiqomah in 2018 on factors related to waste generation
at the Madiun City TPS, namely from a total of 40 TPS that collected waste properly 12
TPS (30.0%).
The indirect impact of waste generation is in the form of vector-borne diseases
that breed in the waste, while it also causes environmental pollution. The collection of
garbage that is not transported will be used by flies as a place to live. It is known that flies
are vectors for stomach diseases including diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid (Praditya,
3. Garbage transportation
Transportation is the activity of bringing waste from the source or temporary
shelter to an integrated waste processing site or final processing site (TPA) by using a
motorized vehicle designed to transport waste. Based on the results of the research on
waste transportation in 26 temporary shelters, 17 TPS (65.4%) were bad at transporting
waste and 9 TPS (34.6%) were good at transporting waste. Waste removal and
transportation is intended as an operation activity starting from the last collection point of
a collection cycle to the TPA or TPST at collection with a direct individual pattern or
from a temporary transfer/storage site (TPS) or communal shelter to the final
processing/processing site. (TPA/TPST). The method of transportation and the equipment
to be used depend on the collection pattern used.
Research on the transportation of waste from TPS to TPA Kota Soe showed that
17 (65.4%) TPS were bad at transporting waste, while 9 (34.6%) were good at
transporting waste. Based on observations by researchers, it was found that the
transportation of waste was poor because the transportation of waste was only carried out
for five working days, namely Monday-Friday, Saturday and Sunday, no transportation
was carried out, resulting in high waste generation at several TPS and a lot of garbage
scattered while not being transported. Other obstacles faced by waste management
officers are the limited number of waste transport facilities, the small size of garbage
trucks and the limited fuel costs for trucks so that officers have to transport waste to the
TPA in one go regardless of the frequency of waste in the TPS. While the 9 TPS that are
good at transporting waste are because the garbage trucks used by the officers at the TPS
are large trucks capable of transporting large amounts of waste in one go. In addition, the
condition of the truck is still in a new condition so that it does not experience problems
when transporting garbage. This study is in line with research conducted by (Arief, 2018)
on the relationship between waste management and the density level of flies in the
temporary shelter (TPS) of Madiun City in 2018 which obtained results from 40 TPS as
many as 26 (65.0%) poor in transporting waste. , while 14 (35.0%) are good at
transporting waste (Arief, 2018).
4. Waste processing
Waste processing is an effort to reduce the volume of waste or change its form to
be more useful. Among others, by reducing, sorting, collecting, transporting, processing,
to reduce the amount of waste generated in the landfill. Waste processing carried out at
the TPS must be in accordance with the characteristics of the waste disposed at the TPS
so that processing is possible. B3 waste will be managed according to regulations, while
inorganic waste such as plastic, paper, metal/glass can be reused as recycled material, and
organic waste will be used as raw material for composting. The results of research on
waste processing in 26 Temporary Shelters in Soe City show that all 26 TPS (100.0%) are
bad at processing waste and there are no TPS that are good at processing waste. Waste
processing at the TPS is still bad due to the absence of a special order from the UPT for