How to cite:
Linda Agustin, Nurainas, Syamsuardi, Anthoni Agustien and
Chairul. (2021). Zingiber Macradenium K. Schum, an Endemic
Ginger from Sumatera: Traditional Use and Antimicrobe
Potential. Journal Eduvest. 1(10): 1036-1046
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Linda Agustin, Nurainas, Syamsuardi, Anthoni Agustien and Chairul
Andalas University
E-mail: [email protected],,
September, 26
October, 12
October, 14
The Zingiber genus has 84 species and varieties in the
Malesia region, one of which is Zingiber macradenium K.
Schum. This species is endemic to Sumatra. Zingiber
macradenium K. Schum with the local name Lampuriang
has been used as a toothache medicine by local people in
several locations in West Sumatra. This study conducted
in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) key informants who
were guided by a questionnaire and the data were
analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using the ICS
(Index of Cultural Significance) and UV (Use Value)
formulas, antibacterial test using the paper disc diffusion
method. The results of the study show that the rhizome of
Z. macradenium is used in addition to treating itching,
lumbago and other uses by means of research.
Antibacterial test showed potential as an antibacterial
with a strong inhibitory diameter.
Zingiber macradenium, Zingiberaceae, Endemic, Ethnobotany,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Linda Agustin, Nurainas, Syamsuardi, Anthoni Agustien and Chairul
Zingiber Macradenium K. Schum, an Endemic Ginger from Sumatera: Traditional Use
and Antimicrobe Potential 1037
Zingiber is a genus with high species diversity in the Zingiberaceae family.
Eighty-four (84) species and varieties of Zingiber have been identified from the Malesia
region (Newman et al, 2004) and at least 18 species of them have been found in Sumatra
(Ardiyani, 2015; Nurainas and Arbain, 2017). One type of this family is Zingiber
macradenium K. Schum. This species was described by Karl Schumman in 1878 based on
type specimens collected at Sunge Bulu, Padang, West Sumatra (IPNI, 2020). The rarity
status recorded on the IUCN Red List Zingiber macradenium is VU (vulnerable;
vulnerable). This is thought to be due to the declining population due to habitat
degradation (Orlander, 2020).
Zingiber macradenium, known locally as Lampuriang, has been used by local
people as a mouthwash for toothaches. However, this use has not been scientifically
proven. Although scientific information is still very limited, the use of this plant is still
used as an alternative solution to public health problems.
Previously, studies on the utilization and chemical activity of the Zingiberaceae
family with materials originating from Sumatra have been actively carried out by several
researchers. The results found that local communities in using Zingiberaceae not only
cultivated species, but also used wild species both in medicine and for various other
purposes (Jalius and Muswita, 2013; Auliani, et al., 2014; Hartanto et al., 2014). The
results also reveal that several Zingiberaceae species originating from West Sumatra have
the potential to be developed for various purposes. Praptiwi et al (2015) found 18 species
from West Sumatra which showed antioxidant activity capable of binding free radicals.
The wild type Elettariopsis slahmong has the potential to be used as a biopesticide for
diseases in cocoa plants (Nasir, 2017). Other data from ethnobotanical research on
medicinal plants in the Mentawai noted that about 75% of the 32 species from the
Zingiberaceae family have been used by sikerei in traditional medicine (Nurainas et al.,
The purpose of this study was to reveal the use of Zingiber macradenium through
an ethnobotanical approach. The actibacterial test was carried out to obtain preliminary
scientific data that supports the use of this species in the future. The results of this study
can be used as scientific data for the use of plants as herbal medicines which are
alternative solutions for health problems.
This study was conducted in two locations in the province of West Sumatra,
namely Rantih Village, Sawahlunto City and Nagari Sungai Buluh Timur, Padang
Pariama Regency (Figure 1). Study materials are in the form of self-collected samples
and materials that have been stored at the Andalas University Herbarium (ANDA).
Utilization data was obtained through depth interviews in the field to 8 (eight) key
informants (herbalists, community leaders, and people who know and use these plants).
Interviews were conducted directly with guided questionnaires. The questionnaire refers
to RISTOJA (2017) with some modifications.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
Figure 1. Distribution Map of Zingiber macradenium K. Schum in West Sumatra (Source:
ArcGIS 10.4)
The antibacterial test was carried out at the Biotechnology laboratory, Sumatra
Biota Laboratory, Andalas University, Padang. The method used is Kirby-Bauer diffusion
or paper disc diffusion to determine the inhibition zone formed on the media in millimeter
units (Bonang and Koeswardono, 1979). The material used was the brewed extract of Z.
macradenium rhizome from each research location. The medium used is Sodium Agar
(NA). The test bacteria used was Streptococcus mutans from the Biotechnology
Laboratory, Sumatra Biota Laboratory, Andalas University, Padang. Phytochemical
qualitative analysis was carried out at the Central Laboratory of Chemical Analysis, LIPI,
Serpong using the screening method (Harborne, 1987).
A. Traditional Uses of Zingiber Macradenium K. Schum
Zingiber Macradenium is a herbaceous plant that is found growing on the banks of
rivers or damp places on the edge of the forest. This species is a wild plant that is not
planted intentionally. Based on data from specimens at the Andalas University Herbarium
(ANDA), administratively this species was found in seven locations in 5 districts/cities.
Altitudinally, this species is found in the plains to the lower mountains (Table 1 and
Figure 1).
Table 1. Distribution of Lampuriang in West Sumatra Province
Altitude (m dpl)
Sungai buluh
Kampung Tangah
Tigo Lurah
Lintau Buo
Linda Agustin, Nurainas, Syamsuardi, Anthoni Agustien and Chairul
Zingiber Macradenium K. Schum, an Endemic Ginger from Sumatera: Traditional Use
and Antimicrobe Potential 1039
Zingiber macradenium is a herbaceous, terrestrial plant, 2.53 m tall, 20 leaves
on the stem; rhizome below the soil surface, the outer surface is rough and hairy, the flesh
of the rhizome is yellow-pink, aromatic. Leaves: midrib green, glabrous; ligules 0.20.5
cm short, rounded tips, glabrous, green color; petiole short, green; leaf blade glabrous,
oblong, 2258 cm x 2.58 cm, flat edge, acuminatus tip. Compound flowers 6080 cm
long, 3-4 flowers bloom together. Tubular flowers, 78 cm long; bract enclosing single
flower, spathulate, 2.53 x 67 cm, apex rounded, green, glabrous; bracteola lanceolate,
5.56 x 0.51 cm, apex acuminatus, beige, glabrous; tubular calyx, 1.52.5 x 0.51.5 cm,
white, glabrous; floral tube 5-6 cm long, cream color, glabrous; dorsal corolla lobe
triangular-ovatus, 0.30.4 x 0.5-1 cm, beige, glabrous; lateral corolla lobes ovatus, 0.2
0.3 x 0.51 cm, beige, glabrous; labellum subtrilobed, 44.5 x 2.53 cm, dark purple with
yellow spots, tip split. Laminar stamens 56 cm long, cream-yellow, glabrous; anther 45
x 0.30.5 cm, yellow with appendage appendages 1.51.7 cm long, purple with black
tips, glabrous. filiform style; stigma white color, 5-7 cm; epigenous glands 2, subulata,
cream-yellow color, glabrous. Ovaries 0.20.3 x 0.10.2 cm silent, white, glabrous.
Figure 2. Zingiber macradenium K. Schum. A: The plant habit. B: Details of
ligules. C: Inflorescence. D: A Flower. E: Details of stamen and ovary with epigenous
glands. F: Dissection of flower (from left): bract, bracteole, calyx, dorsal and lateral
corolla lobes, labellum, ovary with style, stigma and epigenous glands, floral tube with
stamen attach. (A-F: Linda Agustin, 0044782, fl) Photos by Linda Agustin (Scale bar:
E=5 cm; F= 3 cm)
Based on interviews that have been conducted with key informants in Rantih
Village, Sawahlunto City, it was found that the form of utilization of Zingiber
macradenium K. Schum is for mouthwash, itching medicine, back pain medicine, and
other uses here which are meant for herbal medicin use (Table 2). The main form of
utilization used by the community is for mouthwash. There are no values of local wisdom
in the taking of materials and processing of Z. macradenium plants. This plant is still
classified as a wild plant and there has been no conservation effort by the community in
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
the form of cultivation.
Table 2. Utilization of Zingiber macradenium by the people of Rantih Village,
Sawahlunto City
Form of Utilization
Part of Utilization
Processing Method
The rhizome of Z.
macradenium is taken to
taste, washed, crushed or
roughly sliced, boiled into
one glass of water, then the
boiled water was gargled
Back pain medicine
almost the same as
mouthwash, but the water is
Itching medicine
A little more rhizome is
used, and the cooking water
was used for bathing and
splashed on the itchy body
Other Uses
The dried rhizome of Z.
macradenium is used as a
mixture with pepper and
other ingredients, chewed by
traditional healers and
sprayed on patients with
The Index of Cultural Significance (ICS) value is a quantitative analysis to measure
the level of cultural significance of a plant species for a community group. The results
showed that the ICS value for Z. macradenium was 9.5 which was categorized as very
low (Turner, 1988). This ICS value compared to close relatives is also very low (Table 3).
This is because the cultural use of Z. macradenium by people in West Sumatra is still low
because this plant is still little known, its use is only for toothache medicine and is also an
endemic plant when compared to species found in the literature that have been commonly
used and widely cultivated. . The low value of ICS is also due to the fact that people are
more likely to use common drugs on the market to treat a disease.
Table 3. Comparison of ICS values of Zingiber macradenium K. Schum. with close
relatives from various locations
Species Name
Score ICS
Z. macradenium
K. Schum
Sumatera Barat
Very Low
Linda Agustin, Nurainas, Syamsuardi, Anthoni Agustien and Chairul
Zingiber Macradenium K. Schum, an Endemic Ginger from Sumatera: Traditional Use
and Antimicrobe Potential 1041
officinale Rosc.
Pasuruan, Jawa
scottiana (F.
Muell.) K.
Sutarno, 2010
Alpinia oseanica
Sutarno, 2010
domestica Val.
Sutarno, 2010
UV value (Use Value) is a quantitative analysis to determine the value of the use of
a species by a community. The results showed that the UV value for Z. macradenium was
0.5. This UV value compared to Z. officinale and C. longa was low (Table 4). This is
because people still rarely use these plants, only limited to treatment. In addition, this
plant still grows wild and is rarely recognized. Z. macradenium plants are also classified
as endemic plants, so the use of this species is not like the literature comparison species
that have been known and used in general and cultivation efforts have been made.
Table 4. Comparison of UV values of Zingiber macradenium K. Schum with its
close relatives from various locations
Species Name
Score UV
Z. macradenium
Sumatera Barat
Z. officinale
Oktavia, I
Dewa dan
Wawan, 2017
Alpinia galanga
Sujarwo et al.,
A. galanga
Oktavia et al.,
C. viridiflora
Sujarwo et al.,
C. longa
Oktavia et al,
Antibacterial Test
Based on the research that has been carried out regarding the antibacterial test
against Streptococcus mutans using the extract of the Zingiber macradenium K. Schum
rhizome brewed extract, it was shown that there was an inhibition zone for the growth of
these bacteria (Table 5).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
Table 5. The results of the average inhibition of the extract of Zingiber macradenium K.
Schum rhizome brewed extract against the growth of Streptococcus mutans
Average diameter of
inhibition zone (mm)
Sample A
Sample B
Control + (Amoxycillin)
Control (Aquades steril)
Extract Concentration100%
Extract Concentration 50%
Extract Concentration 25%
Note: (-) not formed; (SK) is very strong; (K) strong;
Based on Table 5. it is known that the extract of Zingiber macradenium rhizome
brewed had the highest inhibition zone in Sample A (Sungai Buluh, Padang Pariaman
Regency) at a concentration of 25% at 28.44 mm. As for Sample B (Rantih Village,
Sawahlunto City) the inhibition zone was only formed at a concentration of 25% with an
inhibition zone diameter of 12.07 mm. This means that the effective concentration in
inhibiting Streptococcus mutans bacteria is at a concentration of 25%. As for the
concentration of 50% and 100% in Sample B, no inhibition zone was formed. This is
thought to be caused by the concentration of secondary metabolites contained in each
extract is too high, thus inhibiting the formation of inhibition zones. The secondary
metabolite content through phytochemical screening contains saponins, alkaloids, and
B. Discussion
1) Uses of Zingiber macradenium
The Zingiberaceae family is known by the Indonesian people as the ginger group.
This plant is widely used by the community as cooking spices, medicines, spices,
ornamental plants, cosmetic ingredients, beverage ingredients, hair tonic ingredients,
supporting traditional ceremonies, and so on (Auliani et al., 2014). This is because
Zingiber contains bioactive compounds including gingerols, shogaols, diarylheptanoids,
phenylbutenoids, flavonoids, diterpenoids, and sesquiterpenoids which have been widely
studied from the aspect of their activity as antibacterial, antitussive, and antioxidant
(Sivasothy et al., 2011; Tejasari et al., 2002; Tajkarimi et al., 2010; Shafri-rad et al.,
The plant part of Zingiber macradenium used for all types of the most widely used
plant parts as medicine by the community are roots (56.75%), stems (10.81%), bark or
trees (10.81%), seeds (2.7%). , latex (2.7%), and fruit (2.7%).
Processing methods for all forms of use are generally boiled, but utilization is fresh
rhizome, except for witchcraft treatment using dry rhizome. According to Husain (2015)
in other uses (drug treatment) the rhizome is chewed with other ingredients and sprayed
on to the patient. Other ethnobotanical studies of plants from the Zingiberaceae family
include Z. ottensii, Z. zerumbet, Hornstedtia scottina, and Z. officinale. The
ethnobotanical value of this species is as a medicinal plant, to treat postpartum diseases,
to facilitate breastfeeding, to cure itching, fever, joint pain, fatigue and cough (Marliani et
al., 2018; Devi et al., 2017; Silalahi et al. ., 2018; Tapundu et al., 2015). The method of
processing is by washing the rhizome, grated, then drinking the boiled water (Arum,
2012). In addition, the methanol extract of Z. ottensii has anti-cancer properties which are
Linda Agustin, Nurainas, Syamsuardi, Anthoni Agustien and Chairul
Zingiber Macradenium K. Schum, an Endemic Ginger from Sumatera: Traditional Use
and Antimicrobe Potential 1043
indicated by the presence of cell antiproliferation and stimulates apoptosis in breast
cancer cells (Sinaga, 2014). Another ethnobotanical value of Z. zerumbet is for its
traditional magical rituals. The way of processing the rhizome is mixed with red ginger
and garlic, grated, the water is squeezed then mixed with lemongrass oil and then used as
a basting oil (Handayani, 2015).
Based on the ethnobotanical study of Z. macradenium, it is known that the ICS
value and UV value are relatively low due to the lack of knowledge of this species by the
community so that this species has the potential to be domesticated. According to the Big
Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), domestication is the taming of wild animals or wild
animals and so on. Meanwhile, according to PP No. 48 of 2011 concerning Animal
Genetic Resources and Livestock Breeding in article 16 paragraph 4 states that
domestication is a "taming" process carried out on wild animals. The difference is, if
taming is more on individuals, domestication involves populations, such as selection
(improvement of offspring), as well as changes in the behavior/nature of the wildlife that
is the object. Domestication is also carried out on plants in cultivation efforts.
Ethnobotany is closely related to domestication because it is related to the use of a plant
and also ecological science to determine biotic and abiotic conditions in the
domestication process (Walujo, 2011). Z. macradenium is one of the plants that has the
potential to be domesticated because of the potential use of useful spices and other uses.
2) Antibacterial Test
The diameter of the inhibition zone formed at concentrations of 50% and 100% in
each sample is also due to the extract used in the form of brewed extract so that the
bioactive compounds contained will synergize with each other to influence and form an
inhibition zone. The results will be different if a pure extract from a plant part is used, the
greater the concentration, the greater the diameter of the inhibition zone formed. This is
in accordance with the research of Angelika et al. (2014) that pure methanolic extract of
E. hirta was able to form the largest inhibition zone on the test bacteria S. aureus, E. coli,
and R. solanaceaerum at a concentration of 100%. This is also in accordance with
Andries et al. (2014) regarding clove flower extract against S. mutans in vitro.
Sriwidasari's research (2010) using ginger extract (Z. officinale Roscoe) against S.
mutans showed antibacterial properties in the presence of an inhibitory zone at a
concentration of 6.25 mg/ml. Then the research of Alibasyah, Ridha and Ana (2016)
using ginger extract (Z.officinale Roscoe) on Porphyromona ggivalis bacteria has
antibacterial potential at a concentration of 6.25% with an average inhibition zone
diameter of 10.6 mm although it is included in the weak category.
The secondary metabolite content of several other Zingiberaceae family species
including Z. zerumbet has the sesquiterpene zerumbone, 1,8-cineole and -humulene. Z.
graffitbii has cathecol and phyrogallol, flavonoids and terpenoids. Z. cassumunar has
flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, steroids, and benzene (Singh et al., 2015). Z. officinale
has ar-curcumene, geranial, camphene, eucalyptol, isobornyl formate, -zingiberene (Rad
et al., 2017).
Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that Zingiber
macradenium is still used by some people in West Sumatra until now as a mouthwash,
itching, backache. The community's traditional knowledge of plants seems to be
decreasing, this can be seen from the low UV and ICS values of plants. Zingiber
macradenium has potential as an antimicrobial which can be seen from the diameter of its
strong inhibitory power.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
Acknowledgments to the people of Rantih Village, Sawahlunto City and Nagari
Sungai Buluh, Padang Pariaman Regency for their cooperation in this research.
Acknowledgments to the Regional Government of Sawahlunto City and Padang Pariaman
Regency for the permission and facilities during the research. Part of the research funding
and publication of this research will be through the Andalas University Basic Research
Scheme in 2021 on behalf of Dr. Nurainas (Contract No.: T/3/UN.16.17/PT.01.03/KO-
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