Vol 1, No 3, March -, 2021
P-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
142 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
Kornelius Yoseph Paga Meka, Setiyono, Indrawati
Malang Merdeka University
Received: 05
Maret 2021
Revised: 14
Maret 2021
Approved: 15
Maret 2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 4.0 International
Based on the Decree of the Prison Leadership Body, on April 27, 1964, the
treatment of prisoners with the concept of correctionalization as a criminal objective
decided that to carry out prison sentences in Indonesia is carried out with the correctional
system as the direction of imprisonment and also as a way to guide and train inmates.
(Priyatno, 2006) Changes in the viewpoint of treating prisoners in Indonesia based on the
manifestation of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as the basis for the Indonesian
nation's view of life which upholds the human rights of prisoners.
The idea of changing the goal of guiding prisoners from the prison system to the
correctional system aims to treat prisoners in accordance with the correctional system
cited in (Wulandari, 2016) that is not only that society is protected against repeated evil
deeds by the convict but also prisoners who have strayed are protected by providing them
with provisions to live as useful citizens in society. Criminal acts are not acts of revenge
by the state. Repentance cannot be achieved through torture, but only through guidance.
The change of view in treating prisoners in Indonesia is of course
based on a humanitarian evaluation which is a manifestation of
Pancasila as the basis for a nation's view of life that recognizes the
human rights of prisoners. This research discusses the role of prison
officers in the implementation of educational coaching for female
prisoners in Class IIA Women's Prison. Kebonsari Malang City. The
author uses this type of empirical legal research, which means that
this research describes the facts that occur in the field and knows the
effectiveness of the enactment of positive law in society. The results
of this study the authors found that the role of female prison officers
in the implementation of educational coaching for female prisoners
in Class IIA Kebonsari Women Penitentiary Malang City includes
personality development activities and independence development
activities. Personality development is directed at fostering mental
and character so that prisoners become fully human, pious and
responsible to themselves, their families and society. Development of
personality and independence includes matters related to devotion to
God Almighty, National and State Awareness, Intellectuals, Attitudes
and Behaviors, Physical and Spiritual Health, Legal Awareness,
Reintegration with Society, Work Skills, Work Training and
Production in accordance with Article 3 Government Regulation
Number 31 of 1999.
Correctional Institutions, Roles, Guidance Officer,
Educative, Prisoners
Kornelius Yoseph Paga Meka, Setiyono, Indrawati
The role of personnel institution in the implementation of educative
development against female prisoners 143
convicted person will not be sentenced to torture, but will also be sentenced to lose their
independence. Imposing a crime is not an act of revenge from the state. The state has
taken the prisoner's independence and in time will return the convict to society. (Heliany
& Manurung, 2019)
Penitentiary is an institution formerly known as a prison house, namely a place
where people who have been convicted of certain crimes by a judge must undergo their
punishment. (Suna, 2017) Juridically, the correctional facility is regulated in Law No. 12
of 1955 concerning corrections. In article 1 paragraph (3) of Law Number 12 of 1995
concerning Corrections, hereinafter referred to as Lapas, is a place to carry out the
development of prisoners and correctional students. Inmates of a correctional facility can
be a prisoner or a prisoner or the status of a prisoner, meaning that the person is still in
the trial process and has not been determined by the judge to be guilty or innocent.
According (Lamintang, 2012) the purpose of placing prisoners in a correctional
facility with the intention of correctionalization or re-socializing these prisoners is given
the fact that prisoners who are placed too long in a correctional facility will be more
behaviorally damaged than before the prisoner is put in a correctional facility. In a sense,
this punishment should be the final punishment, if this punishment is seen as the
medicine given to him, it will not worsen the disease itself.(Jufri & Anisariza, 2017)
In the correctional system, prisoners and children have the right to receive
spiritual guidance, stay in touch with their families and other outsiders, obtain
information through print and electronic media, and receive appropriate education. The
implementation of educational coaching includes personality development and
independence development. Personality development is directed at developing thoughts,
being cautious, and responsible for oneself, family, and society. The development of
personality and independence includes matters relating to: Almighty Godhead, national
and national awareness, intellectual, attitudes and behavior, physical and mental health,
legal awareness, reintegration with society, job skills, and work and production training
(in accordance with with Article 3 in (Government Regulation, 1999)
Previously, there were several previous studies that were relevant to this research.
One of them is a research conducted by (Prawira & Suteki, 2017) with the title Discretion
of Class II A Women Prison Officers, Semarang: (Study of Constructivism Paradigm
concerning the Implementation of Law Number 12 Year 1995 Concerning Corrections).
This research shows that the criteria for building patterns are far from ideal, the
overcapacity of prisoners, and the lack of specific laws governing the role of Class II A
Female Prison Officers in the development of pregnant and / or breastfeeding female
prisoners are factors that state that discretion can be done. However, the lack of
knowledge and experience of prison officers regarding discretion and disintegration
among members of the correctional observer team is a major obstacle in fostering
pregnant and / or breastfeeding prisoners.
This type of research is empirical legal research because it tries to explore the law
that is conceptualized as an empirical symptom that can be observed in life and to
determine the effectiveness of the enactment of positive law in society. Is the law in
society already running in accordance with the prevailing norms and norms, or is it just a
formality. (Soekanto & Sulistyowati, 2013). In this case, the role of correctional
institution officers is in the implementation of educational guidance for female prisoners
in Class IIA Kebonsari Women's Penitentiary, Malang City. The approach used is
sociological juridical because
Vol 1, No 3, March -, 2021
P-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
144 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
the approach is based on binding norms or regulations, so it is hoped that from this
approach it can be seen how the law, which is empirically a symptom of society, can be
studied as a causal variable that has consequences on various aspects of social life.
There are two kinds of data sources used, namely primary data and secondary
data. Primary data is used to obtain information in the field with the first party.(Arikunto
& Jabar, 2004) Meanwhile, the secondary data is in the form of laws and regulations that
regulate the role of prison officers in the implementation of educational guidance for
female prisoners.
Primary data collection in the field is carried out using interview techniques by
conducting questions and answers to informants (people who provide information)
systematically to obtain information and information or opinions orally from informants
(people who provide information), observation techniques, namely direct observation by
researchers related to activities that occur at the research site by taking notes, taking
photos and recording information obtained in the field, documentation techniques are
used to obtain data and information in the form of books, archives, documents, written
numbers and images in the form of reports and information that can be support research.
After the data is collected, it will be analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method,
which describes the data and information obtained through interviews, observation and
documentation based on quality that is considered relevant to the problem to be
discussed, qualitatively means describing the data in a quality manner in the form of
regular / systematic sentences coherent logically, not overlapping and effective so that it
can facilitate understanding and interpretation of data.
A. The Role of Prison Officers in the Implementation of Educational Guidance
for Female Prisoners
The role of Class IIA Kebonsari Correctional Institution Officers in Malang City
in providing educational guidance for female prisoners is carried out by the Head of the
Guidance Section for Prisoners / Students and the Head of Work Activities Section
assisted by other officers based on (Law, 1995), (Government Regulation, 1999). The
implementation of educational coaching in the Class II A Penitentiary in Kebonsari,
Malang City has been running and implemented based on the rules and decisions that
govern it and the schedule is made systematically.
According interview with Hamlana BIMKEMASWAT Class IIA Kebonsari
Correctional Institution, Malang City, personality development includes mental and
spiritual development based on the religion held by the prisoner, national and state
awareness development, intellectual capacity building, legal awareness development, and
self-integration with society, health development, arts, and sports development.
Personality development aims to prepare prisoners to have healthy integrity with society,
to become better human beings, responsible and useful for society. Correctional
institutions also provide the rights of prisoners as part of society following applicable
regulations to create a conducive and safe atmosphere.
Personality coaching methods carried out in the Class IIA Kebonsari Correctional
Institution in Malang City are discussion, motivational building, coaching in the form of
direct interaction which is kinship in nature, persuasive and educative coaching. The
correctional institution also works with third parties, namely the private sector or the
government to carry out personality development. The government or private parties in
Kornelius Yoseph Paga Meka, Setiyono, Indrawati
The role of personnel institution in the implementation of educative
development against female prisoners 145
question are the Ministry of Religion of Malang City, UMM Library, Ki Hadjar
Dewantara, Ministry of Religion of Yasa Regency, Malang City Library, LKBH
Aisyiyah, RSI Aisiyiyah Malang City. Personality development in the field of mental and
spiritual development is carried out at the Class IIA Kebonsari Penitentiary in Malang
based on the religion adhered to by the inmates, namely Islam by coaching Islamic
boarding schools, Friday prayers, memorizing Al-Quran, reading and writing Al-Quraan,
weekly Islamic lectures. Christianity with formation Prays together in the church, Bible
understanding. Hinduism with guidance on Karma Yoga, Puja tri Sadhya. Buddhism with
guidance, Sembhayang, Reading the Tripitaka Book. Confucianism with the guidance of
Sembhayang, Reading the Book of Su'si (the sixth book).
According interview with Daryati, Head of the Work Activities Section of the
Class IIA Kebonsari Prison, Malang City, fostering awareness of the nation and state
includes counseling on State defense, commemoration ceremonies for National holidays.
Intellectual development includes Pursuing packages A, B, C. Fostering legal awareness
includes providing legal counseling. Fostering to integrate oneself with the community
includes restoring the unity of life relations between prisoners and the community. Health
coaching includes health consultations, medical examinations, medication, laboratory
tests. Sports and arts development includes playing volleyball, table tennis, carom, and
arts coaching including organ training.
The positive impact experienced by prisoners during the personality development
program is that prisoners can find out information and knowledge that aims to produce
input, namely the prisoner's ability to understand, absorb and practice the information
obtained. Prisoners can change and develop attitudes and behavior through a mental
learning process and inmates so that inmates can learn from their habits and previous
experiences. Self-reliance development includes training in skills given according to the
talents and interests of the prisoners so that inmates have skills and livelihoods while they
are in a correctional facility.
Correctional institutions also provide the rights of prisoners as part of society
following applicable regulations to create a conducive and safe atmosphere. Planning for
skills development for prisoners at the Class IIA Kebonsari Women's Penitentiary in
Malang includes guiding according to their talents and interests, guidance, and training,
after which they become tutors. The coaching method that is carried out in the Class IIA
Kebonsari Women's Penitentiary in Malang is coaching in the form of direct interaction
which is kinship in nature, individual and group approaches, continuous coaching, and
skills training.
Correctional Institutions cooperate with third parties, namely the private sector or
the government to conduct skills development. The government or the private sector in
question is the BLKI, LKP Tanesa, Raisaan, and Petra Asesoris. Skills training is carried
out at the Class IIA Kebonsari Penitentiary in Malang, including making soy sauce,
knitting, sewing, embroidery, sequins, beauty salons, and arts such as sanitary arts, dance,
kulintang, and solo organ training. Skills made by prisoners will be sold to the
community and the prisoner will receive a premium or wage.
The positive impact in participating in the skills development program is that
prisoners have a livelihood while in the correctional facility, prisoners have certain skills
or skills, prisoners are not bored in undergoing the punishment process. All guidance
given for the benefit of prisoners so that they have the readiness to return to society after
they are released later have certain skills that have been trained in the correctional
institution, are expected not to repeat acts that violate the law, have a job after they come
out of the prison Correctional Institutions, and play an active role in life in the community
so that they can
Vol 1, No 3, March -, 2021
P-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
146 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
become good citizens.
Based on the provisions of Law No. 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections in the
framework of coaching prisoners in correctional institutions, classification is carried out
based on:
a) Age
b) Gender
c) The length of the sentence served
d) Type of Crime
e) Other criteria are following the needs or development of coaching.
Guidance for inmates is based on the length of the sentence imposed by the judge
and is associated with coaching, there are three levels of guidance. According (Samosir,
2016) each of which is:
a) Development at the national level that applies to prisoners who are sentenced
to a sentence of more than five years.
b) Guidance at the regional level applies to prisoners who are sentenced to a
sentence of between one and five years.
c) Guidance at the local level that applies to prisoners who are sentenced to a
sentence of less than one year.
In the implementation of educational coaching which includes the personality
development program and the independence development program for prisoners in the
Class IIA Penitentiary, Kebonsari, Malang City, there is no differentiation based on age
classification, the length of the sentence imposed, the type of crime, and the level of
guidance such as the national level guidance applicable to inmates those sentenced to a
sentence of more than five years, regional level guidance applies to prisoners who are
sentenced to between one and five years, local level guidance applies to prisoners who are
sentenced to less than one year and the placement of prisoners is not following the
appropriate block. The development of prisoners should be differentiated according to the
status of prisoners based on Article 12 of (Law, 1995)
B. Effectiveness of the Implementation of Educational Guidance for Female
Effectiveness is the level of success in achieving a goal. Effectiveness is a
measure of whether predetermined goals are achieved. Whether a law is effective or not is
determined by 5 (five) factors, namely:
a) The legal factor itself (law)
b) Law enforcement factors, namely the parties who make or implement laws.
c) Factors of means or facilities that support law enforcement.
d) Community factors, namely the environment in which the law applies or is
e) Cultural factors, namely work, creativity, and taste based on the human
initiative in social life. Soerjono Soekanto cited in (SITOMPUL, Ikhsan, &
Adisti, 2020)
Concerning the role of correctional officers in the implementation of educational
coaching for prisoners in the Class IIA Kebonsari Women's Penitentiary, Malang City is a
legal factor, namely the unclear rules regarding the participation of third parties in
guiding prisoners in prisons, especially participating in the self-reliance development
program. so that it makes it difficult for prison officers in conducting guidance and the
prison bureaucracy is still closed.
The most important factor contributing to prison officers as law enforcement
officers have the task of fostering, securing, and guiding prisoners
Kornelius Yoseph Paga Meka, Setiyono, Indrawati
The role of personnel institution in the implementation of educative
development against female prisoners 147
in prisons.(Prasetio, 2020)
To achieve optimal results in coaching prisoners, it is necessary to have adequate
quality and quantity considering that the implementation of coaching for prisoners is an
implementation of the correctional system, then the insight into the correctional system
and skills in applying these insights is an indicator of the quality of prison officers while
the number of institutional officers Correctional facilities are very relative depending on
the duties, burdens and how many prisoners to be coached. The number of personality
coaching officers in the Class IIA Kebonsari Penitentiary Malang City there are only 10
people and these officers have to foster 539 prisoners, the number of officers for the
development of independence in the Malang City Kebonsari Prison has 7 people and
these officers must coach 539 prisoners so that the quantity and role of prison officers are
not yet fully effective.
The infrastructure factor is a supporting factor in carrying out educational
guidance for prisoners. (Maspidah, 2019). With the facilities and infrastructure that
support the coaching process, coaching will be effective. The facilities and infrastructure
include, among other things, personality development and independence development
such as a penitentiary building, reading books, study rooms, sewing machines,
embroidery tools, threads, beetles, batik cloth, and others.
Community factors, namely the lack of the role of the community in the context
of participating in guiding prisoners. This is due to the lack of public concern for the
prisoners. The implementation of educational coaching for female prisoners in the Class
IIA Kebonsari Women's Prison in Malang has not been fully effective because the
training of skills for inmates is not only to equip prisoners with existing skills in prisons
as well as for livelihoods for prisoners while they are in a correctional facility. This is
because the results of their work will be sold and the prisoners will receive a
premium/wage of 10% of the sales proceeds as employee benefits for their needs while in
the correctional facility. However, all of these have faced obstacles when the marketing
of their work is still rare in demand by the public.
Cultural factors, namely the problem of negative stigma on the "label" of ex-
convicts make it difficult for most ex-prisoners to find work and reintegrate into society.
Given the existence of ex-convicts, it is difficult to find a place in society.
The role of prison officers in the implementation of educational guidance for
female prisoners in Class IIA Women's Prison in Kebonsari, Malang City is carried out
by the Head of the Guidance Section for Prisoners or Students and the Head of the Work
Activities Section assisted by other Correctional Institution Officers based on the
Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia
Number M.HH-05.OT.01.01 the Year 2011 concerning the Second Amendment to the
Decree of the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia No.M.01.PR.07.03 the
Year 1985 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of Penitentiaries.
In the implementation of educational guidance for female prisoners, it is carried
out based on Law No. 12 of 1995 concerning Corrections, Government Regulation No.
31 of 1995 concerning Guidance and Guidance of Prison-Assisted Citizens, and
Government Regulation No. 99 of 2012 concerning Terms and Procedures for the
Implementation of Prisoners. Educative guidance for female prisoners in the Class IIA
Kebonsari Female Penitentiary in Malang City is carried out in 2 (two) patterns of
guidance, namely general
Vol 1, No 3, March -, 2021
P-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
148 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id
guidance including self-reliance, national and state awareness development, intellectual
capacity building, legal awareness development, self-integration with society and
coaching independence includes skills development.
The Class IIA Kebonsari Women's Penitentiary in Malang City also provides the
rights of prisoners as part of the community according to applicable regulations to create
a conducive and safe atmosphere. The aim of the Class IIA Kebonsari Women's Prison in
Malang City to provide educational guidance is to form prisoners to become fully human,
be aware of mistakes, improve themselves, and do not repeat criminal acts so that they
can be accepted back by the community and can play an active role in development again
and can live naturally as good and responsible citizens. The effectiveness of the
implementation of educational coaching for female prisoners at the Class IIA Women's
Prison, Kebonsari, Malang City is not yet fully effective.
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