How to cite:
Abdul Kahar Maranjaya, Rifani Firyal Faruqi. (2021). Analysis of
Governor's Regulation Concerning the Implementation of Large-
Scale Social Restrictions in Handling Covid-19. Journal Eduvest.
1(10): 1108-1121
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Abdul Kahar Maranjaya, Rifani Firyal Faruqi
Muhammadiyah University Jakarta
September, 26
October, 14
October, 15
The purpose of the issuance of this Government
Regulation concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions is to
ensure that the Regional Government does not take
individual steps, so that with the existence of this
Government Regulation, steps handling of Covid 19 can be
in line with the Central Government. For this reason, the
author is interested in conducting research with the aim of
finding out whether Pergub Number 88/2020 is the
implementing regulation of the legislation. This study uses
a normative juridical approach. In conducting the
research, the writer uses the library research method to
review a statutory regulation, which can be obtained from
a literature research by using primary, secondary, and
tersier legal materials. Based on the discussion of this
research, it is concluded that the Governor's Regulation
Number 88 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of
Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Handling Corona
Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) which was issued first
before the regional regulations that were formed later
needed to be updated in substance into a Regional
Regulation and issued back to the new Governor
Regulation. This step is taken to ensure the
synchronization of the national legal system by means of
Abdul Kahar Maranjaya, Rifani Firyal Faruqi
Analysis of Governor's Regulation Concerning the Implementation of Large-Scale
Social Restrictions in Handling Covid-19 1109
vertical synchronization and horizontal synchronization. In
Government Regulation No. 38 of 2007 which is a
derivative of Law no. 32 of 2004 regulates the division of
government affairs between the Government, Province,
and Regency/City.
Governor’s Regulation, Large-Scale Social Restrictions, Covid-
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
At present, the world is being hit by a virus outbreak, so with this, the World
Health Organization (WHO) has designated Corona Virus Disease 2019 or Covid-19 as a
pandemic threat (Organization, 2020). This pandemic is happening in various countries,
especially in Indonesia. With this pandemic, it has a very bad impact on the lives of all
mankind (Caraka et al., 2020).
The definition of a pandemic according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI)
is an epidemic that spreads simultaneously everywhere or covers a wide geographical
area (Herawati, 2021). The first time this case was discovered was in Wuhan, China
before it spread to almost all over the world. The spread of Covid-19 is very fast and no
one can predict when the Covid-19 Pandemic will end (Kraemer et al., 2020). The case of
Covid-19, which is a global pandemic, clearly raises concerns from various circles,
especially the public (Morrison, Jurak, & Starc, 2020). People's concerns are increasingly
felt by seeing a fairly rapid spike in cases, and seeing the lack of readiness of several
elements that are vital enough to "fight" the corona virus (Arner et al., 2020).
Seeing the level of distribution is so high that it requires the government to
immediately take strategic steps. By establishing anticipatory policies to overcome the
impact of COVID-19. On March 31, 2020, President Jokowi held a Press Conference,
with the aim of announcing to the public the policies he had chosen to address COVID-19
as a global pandemic that the Indonesian people are currently facing. At the press
conference, President Jokowi issued a statement that the Large-Scale Social Restriction
(PSBB) policy was the chosen policy in response to a Health Emergency (Ristyawati,
Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine is the legal basis for this
anticipatory policy. Definition of Large-Scale Social Restrictions are restrictions on
certain activities of residents in an area suspected of being infected with Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in such a way as to prevent the possible spread of Corona
Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (Ivanka, 2020). During the Press Conference, President
Jokowi also emphasized that Regional Governments should not implement their own
policies in their territories that are not in accordance with the protocols of the Central
Government (Wadjo, 2021). Regional governments and private parties must comply with
the PSBB determined by the central government, if they do not comply with or hinder the
implementation of the PSBB, they can be subject to criminal sanctions (Anggriawan,
In fact, since the beginning of the COVID-19 case appearing in Wuhan, China,
the Central Government in Indonesia has not declared anything to the general public
(Asyary & Veruswati, 2020). However, when viewed from regional leaders, it turns out
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
that they are more alert in dealing with this COVID-19 case (Han et al., 2020). This
makes it visible that there is a lack of coordination between the Central Government and
Regional Governments in terms of making policies, even policies issued by the central
government and local governments often overlap (Ma et al., 2014). In the midst of
concerns about the COVID-19 case, what the public needs is the government to be able to
provide protection to its citizens according to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia, one of which is the policy in responding to COVID-19
(Setyagama, 2020).
Then after the determination of the World Health Organization (WHO) against
the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak as a global pandemic, the DKI
Jakarta Provincial Government has made various prevention efforts including the
Governor's Regulation (Pergub) (Purba, Suwanda, Adi, & Wijaya, 2021).
With the issuance of several Governor Regulations, it is clear that the Regional
Government is more alert in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic than the Central
Government. From this, the Central Government seems a bit slow in dealing with
situations like this, because the Central Government has just issued Government
Regulation No. 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions in the Context of
Accelerating the Handling of Covid-19 (PP PSBB) on March 31, 2020. Covid-19 positive
patients are increasing.
In fact, the Governor's Regulation is an implementing regulation. When viewed
from Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislation, it is
contained in Article 8 paragraphs (1) and (2) which confirms that regulations that are not
included in the hierarchy of laws and regulations Article 7 are still recognized for their
existence and have legal force. binding if it is based on the delegation of the regulations
above or formed under its authority. Thus, with this new Governor's Regulation can be
issued if it gets provisions from the regulations above.
The purpose of the issuance of this Government Regulation concerning Large-
Scale Social Restrictions is to ensure that the Regional Government does not take
individual steps, so that with the existence of this Government Regulation, steps handling
of Covid 19 can be in line with the Central Government.
Basically, the Government Regulation on Large-Scale Social Restrictions aims to
regulate school and work holidays, restrictions on religious activities, and restrictions on
activities in public places. However, several local governments have done this. One of
them is carried out by the regional governments of Papua, Bali, and Tegal which closed
access to and from those areas.
The application of Governor Regulation Number 88 of 2020 concerning the
Implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Handling Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in DKI Jakarta Province has taken effect and has become the
legal basis for its implementation. But in fact, the issuance of the provisions of the
Governor's Regulation which is an implementing regulation has been issued before the
provisions of the regulations governing it, and in terms of authority, is this regulation a
delegation of authority given by the central government to the regions.
For this reason, the author is interested in conducting research with the aim of
finding out whether Pergub Number 88/2020 is the implementing regulation of the
legislation. In addition, is the Governor's Regulation Number 88 of 2020 a delegation of
authority from the central government to the regions.
Abdul Kahar Maranjaya, Rifani Firyal Faruqi
Analysis of Governor's Regulation Concerning the Implementation of Large-Scale
Social Restrictions in Handling Covid-19 1111
This study uses a normative juridical approach. In conducting the research, the
writer uses the library research method to review a statutory regulation, which can be
obtained from a literature research by using primary, secondary, and tersier legal
materials. Literature research is carried out by searching for and reviewing library
materials based on their binding strength consisting of: Primary legal materials, namely
all regulatory documents that are binding and determined by the competent authority,
namely in the form of statutory regulations. Secondary legal materials, namely all
documents that are information or the results of studies on the effectiveness of the
Governor's Regulation such as legal seminars, magazines, scientific papers related to the
effectiveness of the Governor's Regulation Number 32/2020 and several sources from
internet sites related to the above issues. Tertiary legal materials, namely all documents
that contain concepts that support primary and secondary legal materials, such as
dictionaries, encyclopedias, indexes, articles, or manuals, reference materials. In terms of
data processing, the results of the existing data are processed using a qualitative analysis
A. The substance of the Governor's Regulation Number 88 of 2020 in terms of the
technique for the formation of laws and regulations
1. The Position and Function of Governor Regulations in the Establishment
of Legislation in Indonesia
The source of delegation's authority in laws and regulations gives birth to
products of legislation which are often referred to as Implementing Regulations.
Implementing Regulations are regulations that function as implementing laws or what is
referred to as "delegated legislations" as "subordinate legislations". Referred to as
"delegated legislations" because the authority to determine it comes from the delegated
authority of the law by legislatures.
The principle of delegation of rule making power is basically subject to the widely
known doctrine or "legal maxim", namely "delegator non potest delegare", which means
"a delegate may not sub-delegate his or her power". This means that the official or
institution that is given the delegation of authority may no longer delegate the authority to
regulate it to another lower institution. However, in practice, sometimes, law-
implementing agencies are also authorized by law to delegate more powers to lower
institutions. This is referred to as “sub-delegation of legislative power” or “sub-delegation
of rule-making power”. Usually, to grant a sub-delegation of authority it is required that it
must have been determined explicitly or explicitly in the parent law (principle
legislation). Only then can a government regulation stipulate that for more technical
matters, it can be further regulated by the relevant minister in the form of a ministerial
regulation, and so on.
From the explanation above, it can be understood that implementing regulations are
regulations that are formed on the basis of delegation or orders from the laws and
regulations that are above it to regulate certain things that are expressly or not according
to the laws and regulations that delegate them.
Provisions related to the procedure for delegating authority from a higher statutory
regulation to a lower statutory regulation have been clearly regulated in Appendix II of
Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislation in chapter II of
matters specifically letter A regarding the Delegation of Authority guidelines Number
198 to Guideline Number 216.
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Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
The provisions in full stipulate the procedures for the delegation of authority,
including those relating to the scope of the regulated content and the type of statutory
regulations aimed at. In addition, the provision explains that it is not allowed to delegate
blanks or not fully explain a delegated regulation governing certain matters.
The provisions regarding the Governor's Regulation are contained in Law Number
32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government in Article 146 paragraphs (1) and (2),
respectively, which read:
(1) "In order to implement regional regulations and under the authority of laws and
regulations, regional heads shall stipulate regional head regulations and/or regional head
(2) "Regulations of regional heads and/or regional head decisions as referred to in
paragraph (1) are prohibited from contradicting the public interest, regional regulations,
and higher statutory regulations".
It can be seen that the formation of a Regional Head Regulation, in this case a
Governor Regulation, has the following conditions: First, it is formed on the basis of an
order from a Regional Regulation. Second, it must not violate the public interest. Third, it
must not conflict with higher laws and regulations. This is the requirement for the
formation of a Governor Regulation according to Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning
Regional Government.
In fact, there is a Governor's Regulation that was made in the absence of a
previously regulated Regional Regulation. For example, Governor Regulation Number 88
of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions in Handling
Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) in DKI Jakarta Province.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the Regulation of the Head of Region in
particular, namely the Governor's Regulation, is a type of regulation issued by the
Governor on the delegation of a statutory regulation above which regulates certain
matters. The position of the governor's regulation as an implementing regulation in terms
of the science of legislation, which refers to Article 8 paragraphs (1) and (2) further
confirms that regulations that are not included in the hierarchy of legislation in Article 7
are still recognized for their existence and have binding force. if it is based on the
delegation of the regulations above it or is formed on the basis of its authority. When the
formation of a governor's regulation is not stated in the provisions of the laws and
regulations that require that the governor's regulation must or can be formed, the
Governor's Regulation has no binding legal force in general. Indirectly, the legality or
legal basis for the governor's regulation contained in the provisions of Law Number 12 of
2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislation is also the position or position of the
governor's regulation even though its position is not listed in the hierarchy of laws and
In simple terms, the position of the governor's regulation as an implementing
regulation in the formation of legislation is contained in Article 8 paragraphs (1) and (2),
which is not included in the hierarchy but its existence is still recognized and can be
binding as statutory regulations in general are listed in the hierarchy. as long as its
manufacture is based on an order from a higher statutory regulation or is formed on the
basis of a clear authority. The position of the Governor's Regulation itself is as a
Legislation which is confirmed in the provisions of Article 8 paragraphs (1) and (2) of
Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Legislation.
While the function of the Governor's Regulation is as an implementing regulation
of the legislation above. Because basically implementing regulations function to regulate
provisions that cannot be regulated in higher laws and regulations (Asshiddiqie, 2005).
In line with this, as has been stated by Jimly Asshiddiqie, the delegation of rule-
Abdul Kahar Maranjaya, Rifani Firyal Faruqi
Analysis of Governor's Regulation Concerning the Implementation of Large-Scale
Social Restrictions in Handling Covid-19 1113
making power to further regulate the law to ministers or ministerial-level officials is
limited only to the regulation of legal norms of a technical-administrative nature.
Meanwhile, legal norms containing further regulation regarding the substance of rights
and obligations are not delegated, let alone sub-delegated.
The material or substance of the Governor's Regulation which has now been
upgraded to Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2020 concerning the Handling of Corona
Virus Disease 2019, this has been changed for the following reasons and considerations:
a) Whereas the Corona Virus Disease 2019 pandemic which caused an emergency
condition had an impact on aspects of public health, socio-economics and public
services in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta;
b) that the Provincial Government of the Special Capital City Region of Jakarta has the
responsibility to provide health protection for the community from the spread of
Corona Virus Disease 2019, but on the other hand the administration of government
affairs must continue to run in order to immediately carry out social protection and
regional economic recovery as a result of the Corona Virus Disease pandemic. 2019
which has disrupted various aspects of the life of the people of Jakarta;
c) that the provisions of laws and regulations regarding the handling of Corona Virus
Disease 2019 in the Province of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta cannot yet be
used as a strong and comprehensive legal basis to strengthen efforts and increase the
effectiveness of public health protection, social protection, economic recovery and
law enforcement to overcome the Corona pandemic Virus Disease 2019.
B. Relationship between Central and Regional Government Authorities in the
Enforcement of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) based on Legislation
1. Division of Central and Regional Government Affairs
Indonesia as a unitary state with a system of government consisting of central
government units and sub-national government units, namely provinces, districts and/or
cities. Sovereignty attached to the Indonesian nation and state is not divided among the
regional government units. Therefore, regional government units do not have the
authority to formulate constitutions and laws and develop their own government
organizations. The existence of regional government units is dependent on (dependent)
and under (sub-ordinate) the Central Government.
Delegation of government affairs in the context of a unitary state is basically in the
hands of the center, as explained by Mawhood that local government must be understood
as a semi-independent organization. Local governments have some freedom to act
without central approval, but their status is unable to establish relations with outside
countries. The power of local rulers and their existence is only to follow up on a central
national decision and can be canceled according to a central decision. That is why, in the
context of a unitary state, the regions have a close relationship with the center and always
carry out coordination.
Referring to the previous explanation, the basic principles of the division of
government affairs in a unitary state are as follows: First, government affairs basically
belong to the center. Regions are given the right and obligation to manage and administer
some of the government affairs delegated to them. In other words, there is a process of
handing over government affairs from the Center to the Regions. Second, between the
Center and the Regions there is still a line of command and a hierarchical relationship.
Regions are subordinate to the Center, but the Center does not intervene and dictate to the
Regions in various matters. Third, under certain conditions when the region is unable to
provide good services to the community to carry out the delegated government affairs, the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
government affairs transferred to the regions can be withdrawn by the center as the owner
of the government affairs.
The State of Indonesia adheres to the principle of decentralization in the
administration of local government. According to Maddick as quoted by Bhenyamin
Hossein, decentralization is a legal conferring of powers to discharge specified or residual
function upon formally constituted local authorities. However, the powers and functions
(government affairs) that are delegated are limited in the powers and functions of the
Then by referring to Maddick's opinion, Bhenyamin Hossein emphasized that there
are two elements of the main understanding, namely the formation of autonomous regions
and the transfer of power legally to handle certain areas of government, both detailed and
formulated in general. Thus, decentralization includes elements of the formation of
autonomous regions as well as the transfer of authority or it can be said that the power of
autonomous regions is obtained through the formation of autonomous regions and the
transfer of authority (including the authority to set policies and the authority to implement
Juridically, the concept of regional autonomy and autonomous regions contains an
element of 'authority to regulate and manage'. This authority is the substance of regional
autonomy, so it needs to be clarified what is the subject matter of authority covered by
regional autonomy. The material in Article 18 of the Second Amendment of the 1945
Constitution and Law Number 32 of 2004 is referred to as Government Affairs. With the
implementation of decentralization, there has been a handover of government affairs from
the Government to the Autonomous Region, which means that there has been an implicit
distribution of authority between the Government and the Autonomous Region.
The term government affairs is used in Article 18 paragraphs (2) and (5) of the II
Amendment to the 1945 Constitution. The previous term used was authority which could
be interpreted as authority and close to "power" (match), while affairs were more
interpreted as functions. the functions of the Government and the Regions can be divided
into two categories, namely:
1) Government affairs that cannot be decentralized. This group of affairs is seen as
important for the integrity of the organization and the Indonesian nation. These
government affairs include foreign policy, defense and security, monetary, national
fiscal, judicial, and religious. The implementation of government affairs is based on
the principle of centralization, deconcentration to government representatives
(governors) and vertical agencies in the province as well as assistance tasks to
autonomous regions and villages.
2) Government affairs that can be decentralized are government affairs outside the
government affairs group that cannot be decentralized. These government affairs are
decentralized, decentralized, to the governor as a representative of the government,
assigned to autonomous regions and villages.
The division of government affairs between the Government, Provinces, and
Regencies/Cities is based on the idea that there are always various government affairs
which remain fully under the authority of the Government. Government affairs are
concerned with ensuring the survival of the nation and the state as a whole. The
government affairs in question include foreign policy, defense, security, justice, monetary
and national fiscal, and religion.
In Government Regulation No. 38 of 2007 which is a derivative of Law no. 32 of
2004 regulates the division of government affairs between the Government, Province, and
Regency/City. In Article 2 paragraph (4) Government Regulation no. 38 of 2007 stated
that 31 government affairs were decentralized to the provinces and districts/cities.
Abdul Kahar Maranjaya, Rifani Firyal Faruqi
Analysis of Governor's Regulation Concerning the Implementation of Large-Scale
Social Restrictions in Handling Covid-19 1115
Government affairs that are handed over to the regions are accompanied by sources of
funding, transfer of facilities and infrastructure, and staffing. The government affairs
1) Social
2) Environment
3) Trade
4) Marine and Fisheries
5) Forestry
6) Education
7) Health
8) Small and Medium Enterprises
9) Manpower and Transmigration
10) Agriculture and Plantation
11) Mining (Energy and Mineral Resources ESDM)
12) Communication
13) Investment
14) Culture and Tourism
15) Population
16) Women Empowerment
17) Family Planning and Prosperous Family
18) Industry
19) Public Works
20) Spatial Planning
21) Youth and Sports
22) Communication and Information/Kominfo
23) Housing
24) Archive
25) Land
26) National Unity and Politics/Head of Police
27) Statistics
28) General Administration
29) Village Community Empowerment (PMD)
30) Staffing
31) Library
One form of central government affairs that can be delegated to the regions is
health affairs. An example in this case is in matters concerning Large-Scale Social
Restrictions (PSBB) in handling Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19), which are delegated
authority from the center to the regions to handle health problems in the regions.
The distribution of government affairs to Autonomous Regions has changed,
namely from the previous general competence or open and arrangement which detailed
the functions of government administration, to the ultra vires doctrine which details
government affairs for the government, provinces, districts/cities which will be mapped in
These details can also be called concurrent affairs, which means that there are
government affairs whose handling in certain sections or fields can be carried out jointly
between the Government and Regional Governments. Thus, for every concurrent affair,
there is always a part of the affairs that is under the authority of the Government, there is
a part of the affairs that is handed over to the Regency/City. In order to realize a
proportional concurrent distribution of authority between the Government, Province,
Regency and City, the following criteria are drawn up which include:
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Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
1) Externality criteria, which are based on the approach in the distribution of
government affairs by considering the impacts/consequences caused in the
administration of the government affairs. If the impact is local, then the government
affairs become the authority of the district/city, if it is regional then it becomes the
authority of the province, and if it has a national impact it will be the authority of the
Government. The criteria for this approach are based on the extent, magnitude, and
range of impacts arising from the implementation of a government affair.
2) Accountability criteria, namely an approach in the distribution of government affairs
by considering that the level of government that handles a certain part of the affairs is
the level of government that is more direct/close to the impact/effect of the affairs
being handled so that the accountability of governance to the community is
guaranteed. The criteria are based on the extent, magnitude, and range of impacts
arising from the implementation of a government affair.
3) Efficiency criteria, namely the approach in the distribution of government affairs by
considering the availability of resources (personnel, power and equipment) to obtain
accuracy, certainty, and speed of results that must be achieved in the administration
of the affairs section. If the affairs are more efficient and effective when carried out
by the Regency/City than if they are carried out by the Province or the Government,
then the matter becomes the affairs of the Regency/City, and so on. The measure of
power and effectiveness is seen from the magnitude of the benefits felt by the
community and the size of the risks that must be faced. The criteria are based on the
comparison of the level of usability and the highest usability that can be obtained.
The three criteria are applied cumulatively as a single unit by considering the
compatibility and fairness of the relationship between levels and structures of
government. What is meant by harmonious relations is that the management of parts of
government affairs carried out by different levels of government, is interconnected
(interconnected), interdependent (interdependence), and mutually supportive as a unified
system by taking into account the scope of benefits.
The division of government affairs is carried out through the mechanism of
submission and or acknowledgment of regional proposals for the part of government
affairs that will be regulated and managed. Based on the proposal, the government will
first verify before giving recognition to the part of the affairs to be carried out by the
Region. Therefore, the parts of affairs that are currently still under the authority of the
central government, using the criteria previously mentioned, can be submitted to the
Government affairs under the authority of the Regional Government are classified
into two categories, namely “mandatory affairs” and “optional matters”. Mandatory
government affairs are government affairs that must be carried out by regional
governments related to basic services for the community, such as basic education, health,
environment, transportation, population, and so on. Government affairs that are optional
are government affairs that are prioritized by local governments to be carried out related
to efforts to develop core competencies which are regional characteristics. Government
affairs are outside the mandatory and optional affairs which are carried out by the
regional government, as long as they become the authority the area concerned must still
be managed by the local government concerned. However, given the limited resources
and sources of funds owned by the regions, the priority of administering government
affairs is focused on obligatory and optional affairs that actually lead to the creation of
community welfare that is adapted to the conditions, potentials, and peculiarities of the
region concerned.
Abdul Kahar Maranjaya, Rifani Firyal Faruqi
Analysis of Governor's Regulation Concerning the Implementation of Large-Scale
Social Restrictions in Handling Covid-19 1117
Mandatory affairs organized by the provincial government and regency/municipal
government are matters related to basic services, which include:
1) Education
2) Health
3) Environment
4) Public works
5) Spatial planning
6) Development planning
7) Housing
8) Youth and sports
9) Investment
10) Cooperatives and small and medium enterprises
11) Population and civil registration
12) Employment
13) Food security
14) Women's empowerment and child protection
15) Family planning and prosperous family
16) Communication
17) Communication and Informatics
18) Land
19) National unity and domestic politics
20) Regional autonomy, general government, regional financial administration,
regional apparatus, staffing, and coding
21) Community and village empowerment
22) Social
23) Culture
24) Statistics
25) Archives, and
26) Library
Choice matters are matters related to the development of leading sectors that have
the potential to grow and develop in the area. This choice of affairs actually exists and has
the potential to improve the welfare of the community in accordance with the conditions,
characteristics, and superior potential of the area concerned. These elective matters
1) Marine and fisheries
2) Agriculture
3) Forestry
4) Energy and mineral resources
5) Tourism
6) Industry
7) Trade, and
8) Transmigration
In carrying out mandatory affairs, local governments must be guided by the
minimum service standards set by the Government and implemented in stages. Given the
limited capacity of the budget, the determination and implementation of minimum service
standards in areas that are mandatory affairs of regional government is carried out in
stages by prioritizing priority sub-sectors of mandatory affairs.
In carrying out government affairs which are under the authority of the
Government, the Government may:
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Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
a) Organize yourself;
b) Delegating part of government affairs to the Head of the Vertical Agency or
to the Governor as the representative of the central government in the regions
in the context of deconcentration; or
c) Assign some village government affairs based on the principle of co-
Meanwhile, in carrying out regional government affairs based on the criteria for the
division of affairs under their authority, the Provincial Government and Regency/City
Government may:
a) Organize yourself; or
b) Assign some of the government affairs to the Regency/City government and/or
Village Government based on the principle of co-administration; or
c) Assign and/or hand over some of these government affairs to the village
government based on the principle of co-administration.
C. Implications of Governor's Regulation Number 88 of 2020 concerning the
Implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Handling Corona
Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in DKI Jakarta Province
Presidential Decree No. 11 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Health
Emergency basically stipulates two things, namely: First, that Covid-19 is recognized as a
type of disease that causes a Public Health Emergency. And secondly, that this condition
creates an obligation to carry out countermeasures in accordance with the provisions of
the legislation.
With the stipulation of Community Emergency Conditions, then through the PP,
the government then establishes the PSBB policy. In the hierarchy of laws and
regulations, PP no. 21 of 2020 was formed based on the norms regulated in Article 60 of
Law Number 6 of 2018 concerning Health Quarantine (Health Quarantine Law).
Regarding the purpose of PSBB, the General Provisions of the law explain: "Large-Scale
Social Restrictions (PSBB) are restrictions on certain activities of residents in an area
suspected of being infected with disease and/or contaminated in such a way as to prevent
the possibility of spreading disease or contamination".
The PSBB policy is only one option in the context of taking action to mitigate risk
factors in the region in a Public Health Emergency situation. Other options are home
quarantine, regional quarantine, or hospital quarantine. Which steps are taken by the
government must be based on epidemiological considerations, the magnitude of the
threat, effectiveness, resource support, operational technical, economic, social, cultural,
and security considerations. The official authorized to determine this is the minister who
carries out government affairs in the health sector (Minister).
PSBB is part of the Public Health Emergency response which aims to prevent the
spread of the disease that is happening between people in a certain area. The
implementation of the PSBB coordinates and cooperates with various related parties in
accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
Article 59 of the Health Quarantine Law stipulates that PSBB measures at least
include: a) Holidays from schools and workplaces; b) Restrictions on religious activities;
and/or c) Restrictions on activities in public places or facilities. In addition to the actions
regulated in the Law, the PP related to PSBB further stipulates that "with the approval of
the Minister who administers affairs in the health sector, the Regional Government may
carry out PSBB or impose restrictions on the movement of people and goods for a
particular province or district/city. " This arrangement has implications for the
centralization of authority in policy making related to PSBB actions. The regional
Abdul Kahar Maranjaya, Rifani Firyal Faruqi
Analysis of Governor's Regulation Concerning the Implementation of Large-Scale
Social Restrictions in Handling Covid-19 1119
government therefore needs the minister's approval in advance to take PSBB steps in the
context of preventing Covid-19.
The government in setting PSBB in the form of “holidays from schools and
workplaces as well as restrictions on religious activities” must continue to take into
account the educational needs, work productivity, and worship of the population.
Meanwhile, PSBB in the form of "restriction of activities in public places or facilities"
must pay attention to the fulfillment of the basic needs of the population". The
implication of this arrangement is that the government will of course be very selective in
setting PSBB in certain areas, especially for PSBB in the form of activities in public
places or facilities.
In addition, local governments and the private sector must also comply with the
PSBB set by the minister. It is even possible for company employees in a certain area to
be dismissed if it is stipulated, and it must be obeyed by the company where they work.
Technically, the implementation of PSBB is proposed by the regional head to the
minister. The Minister then set the PSBB after taking into account the considerations of
the Chief Executive of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling Covid-19. In this
case, the Chief Executive of the Task Force can also propose to the minister to carry out
PSBB in certain areas. If the proposal is accepted, then the regional head in the region is
obliged to implement the PSBB.
In addition, with the stipulation of Covid-19 as a type of disease that causes a
Public Health Emergency, it also has implications for criminal law enforcement. Anyone
who does not comply with or hinders the implementation of the PSBB can be charged
with criminal sanctions. This is certainly different from the previous condition, when
social distancing was only an order from the authorities that was an appeal.
Article 93 of the Health Quarantine Law states that "Everyone who does not
comply with the implementation of the Health Quarantine (including in this case the
PSBB) and/or obstructs the implementation of the Health Quarantine causing a Public
Health Emergency shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) year
and/or or a maximum fine of Rp. 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah)". This also
means that the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) institution is obliged to make efforts
to prevent criminal acts against such acts.
However, in implementation in the field, POLRI is certainly expected to continue
to prioritize steps that are preventive in nature and uphold the values of Human Rights
(HAM) in taking action. Incidents in other countries that display violence by law
enforcement officers against the community in carrying out control related to the spread
of Covid-19 are very concerning and need to be anticipated early on. The National Police
Chief is expected to be able to specifically provide direction to his staff regarding
procedures for prosecution, investigation, and investigation of criminal cases related to
the implementation of Health Quarantine.
The House of Representatives (DPR) can also play a role in providing guarantees
for the fulfillment of community rights related to the PSBB policy. As an institution that
has a supervisory function, the DPR needs to coordinate with the government so that the
rights of the community regarding the fulfillment of basic needs can be guaranteed during
the implementation of the PSBB. Likewise, the supervision of the performance of the
Indonesian National Police in carrying out action and control of the community in the
field in the context of implementing law enforcement against violations of the
implementation of health quarantine.
In the latest developments after the issuance of Minister of Health Regulation
Number 9 of 2020 concerning Guidelines for Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB),
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
DKI Jakarta became the first area to submit a proposal and it was approved by the
Minister of Health for the implementation of PSBB. Banten Province has also been
designated as a PSBB area. Minister of Health Regulation Number 9 of 2020 concerning
Guidelines for Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) provides a slight addition to the
scope of PSBB implementation. Article 13 paragraph (1) stipulates that the
implementation of PSBB in addition to covering school and work holidays, restrictions on
religious activities and restrictions on activities in public places or facilities, PSBB can
also include restrictions on social and cultural activities, restrictions on transportation
modes; and restrictions on other activities specifically related to defense and security
Based on the discussion of this research, it is concluded that the Governor's
Regulation Number 88 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Large-Scale Social
Restrictions (PSBB) in Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) which was
issued first before the regional regulations that were formed later needed to be updated in
substance into a Regional Regulation and issued back to the new Governor Regulation.
This step is taken to ensure the synchronization of the national legal system by means of
vertical synchronization and horizontal synchronization. In Government Regulation No.
38 of 2007 which is a derivative of Law no. 32 of 2004 regulates the division of
government affairs between the Government, Province, and Regency/City. In Article 2
paragraph (4) Government Regulation no. 38 of 2007 stated that 31 government affairs
were decentralized to the provinces and districts/cities, one of which was health affairs
whose authority could be delegated from the center to the regions. So, it is from this that
Governor Regulation Number 88 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Large-Scale
Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) in DKI
Jakarta Province is a delegation of authority given by the Central Government to
Regional Governments.
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