How to cite:
Riswan, Sutaryat Trisnamansyah, Hanafiah and Sofyan Sauri.
(2021). Implementation of Religious-Based Madrasah
Performance Management for Improving Student's Akhlakul
Karimah at Madrasah Aliyah. Journal Eduvest. 1(10): 1057-1067
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Riswan, Sutaryat Trisnamansyah, Hanafiah and Sofyan Sauri
Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], hanafiah@fkip-, [email protected]
September, 26
October, 12
October, 14
This study aims to find out and obtain a holistic
description of the implementation of religious-based
madrasa performance management to improve the
morality of MAN students. This study uses a qualitative
approach with case study research methods. The analysis
was processed by interviews, observations and document
studies with triangulation of sources from the Head of the
Madrasah Education Section, Pokjawas, Madrasah
Committee, head of MAN 4, Wakamad Akademik, teacher
and student councils. The results show that efforts to
overcome various problems of performance management
of religious-based madrasas to improve morality can be
done by separating the curriculum system that applies to
the Religious Program MAN and the regular MAN. The
conclusion of this study, namely the implementation of
religious-based madrasa performance management for
improving the morality of students at MAN 4 Banjar was
carried out based on guidelines from the Ministry of
Religion, but not yet effective and touching for improving
the morality of students.
Management, Performance, Religion, Akhlakul Karimah
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Riswan, Sutaryat Trisnamansyah, Hanafiah and Sofyan Sauri
Implementation of Religious-Based Madrasah Performance Management for
Improving Student's Akhlakul Karimah at Madrasah Aliyah 1058
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Based on the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 73/1987, the
government opened a special religious program in Madrasah Aliyah, known as Madrasah
Aliyah Special Program (MAPK) (Ag, 2016). This program is an effort to improve the
curriculum of the decree of three ministers in 1975, especially in the Madrasah Aliyah
Program of Choice of Religious Sciences. The curriculum content of the MAPK program
is dominated by religious materials with balance; 70% religious and 30% general,
inversely proportional to the curriculum content of the MA (Najib, 2018).
Madrasah with specialization is the metamorphosis of madrasah aliyah special
program (MAPK) as initiated by Minister of Religious Affairs Munawir Sadzali (1988-
1983). Madrasah Aliyah Special Program was initiated in 1987 as a prestigious and
ambitious project of the Ministry of Religious Affairs anticipating the acute problem of
madrasah, especially concerning the modernization of scholars (tafaqquh fid-din
program). MAPK is a pilot project to form a new generation to be prepared to become
more professional, insightful, and moderate Ministry employees in order to be able to
understand the differences in religious thought of the community (Umam, 2020). Borrow
a cynical term from Karen Steenbrik, as a white collar job. In this madrassa applied a
dense curriculum of religion and language (Arabic and English) as well as intensive
learning with the dormitory system, such as pesantren. It was first opened in five places:
Padang Panjang, Ciamis, Yogyakarta, Jember, and Ujung Pandang (HM, 2016). In 1990
it was reopened in Lampung, Surakarta, Mataram, and Martapura. With strict selection
and adequate funding (supported by the project), MAPK is considered successful in
preparing graduates of clerical cadres with islamic insights, indonesianness, and charming
The program carried by MAPK is tafaqquh fi al-din (deepening of religious
science). MAPK is a non-special formal educational institution that acts as a connector (at
least part of) the "pesantren tradition" whose purpose is to tafaqquh fiddin with trade
marks and its main elements of studying the yellow book (Harahap, 2019).
Since its founding until now, MAPK has graduated thousands of alumni. MAPK
succeeded in spawning reliable religious intellectuals and and currently its alumni study
throughout elite universities in Europe, the United States, Australia, and the Middle East.
Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education No. 1293/2016 on Technical
Instructions for the Implementation of Religious Programs in Madrasah Aliyah
mentioned that in order to improve the quality and competitiveness of graduates of
madrasah aliyah education through religious debriefing to prepare a cadre of scholars
with Islamic insights, Indonesianness and modernity, it is necessary to organize religious
programs in madrasah aliyah. In addition to aiming to print a cadre of scholars, the main
focus in the MA Religious Program is also on the formation of akhlah (Tafaqquh fiddin).
Morality is the behavior, temperament, or good and bad habits of a person's behavior.
In the Islamic view, education cannot be separated from religious obligations.
Thus, educational institutions are also associated with religious trust and responsibility. In
this regard, in the approach of Islam, the educational institution is divided into natural
educational institutions and syar'i. The first and foremost institution is the family
(Yohana, 2017). While those outside it such as mosques, religious organizations and
madrassas / madrassas including educational institutions that are syar'i (Akhiruddin,
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
There are many factors that cause moral decline today. Among others, the lack of
religious spirit in everyone in society, moral education is not carried out as it should be
both at home, at school, and in the community, lack of guidance to fill free time in a good
way and that leads to moral formation and so on (Daswati, 2012).
The issue of morality today is of great concern, especially on the vision and
mission of Islamic education, especially the MA Religious Program, related to the
increasing criminal behavior, drug users and circulation, crime, deviant behavior, sexsual
crimes and juvenile delinquency held by adolescents and students (Mufidah, 2015).
Revealed by Lickona, T (1997), children with the most conspicuous decency in
moral values almost always come, their teacher says, from troubled families. Indeed, poor
parenting is emerging as one of the main reasons why schools now feel compelled to
engage in value education. Another part of the problem is the mass media and its
prominent position in children's lives. Primary school children typically spend 30 hours a
week in front of the television. By age 16, the average child has witnessed about 200,000
acts of violence and by age 18, about 40,000 scenes are sexually stimulating. Episodes of
sexual violence are becoming more frequent (Riyanto, 2019).
From the preliminary study conducted by researchers about the implementation
of education in Madrasah Aliyah only limited to targeted to quickly graduate and obtain a
diploma (Ahmad Abrar Rangkuti, 2012). Furthermore, in order to pass immediately, the
students before the exam is carried out, then given additional courses, given the practice
of answering exam questions, and such. Thus the task of the school, as if no longer to
make students more intelligent and intelligent or moral, but to immediately graduate it
alone (Ainissyifa, 2017).
The low quality of education in addition to the provision of a less proportional
role to the school, inadequate planning, implementation, and management of the
curriculum system, and the use of cognitive learning achievement as the only indicator of
educational success, also because the evaluation system is not planned to be placed as an
educational tool and an integrated part of the curriculum system (Malawi & Kadarwati,
Some of the things expressed by the experts above, at least also apply in MAN 4
Banjar, which focuses the education system with the Madrasah Aliyah Agama Program
(Malwita, 2020). Of course, what is interesting to study is whether the quality of
education is in accordance with what is expected.
The problem that always arises into the polemic of society from various social
stratifications in the world of education is a problem that revolves around the low quality
and relevance of education to the quality of graduates and more importantly on the
mastery of students' morals (Huda, 2016). Therefore, many criticisms are leveled at
educational institutions, including madrassas. The low quality of madrasah education in
general is characterized by the inability of graduates of education to compete with
graduates of other educational institutions in entering the level of general higher
education, both national and international, or the low education of madrasah is often
measured from the national examination score (UN) which is still much lower when
compared to other schools of the same level.
Based on the initial research of madrasas in South Kalimantan, the results of
research conducted by Salabi, A. (2014), mentioned that (1) the managerial skills of the
principal fall into the high category; and (2) organizational climate conflict, and the
effectiveness of the organization fall into the moderate category. The head of the
madrassa has a very vital role in developing the managerial system in the madrassa,
Riswan, Sutaryat Trisnamansyah, Hanafiah and Sofyan Sauri
Implementation of Religious-Based Madrasah Performance Management for
Improving Student's Akhlakul Karimah at Madrasah Aliyah 1060
planning, implementing and evaluating the entire program of education peddled at the
MA level.
The root causes of the implementation of religious-based madrassa performance
management for the improvement of man students' morality, namely the provision of a
less proportional role to the school, inadequate planning, implementation, and
management of the curriculum system, and the use of cognitive learning achievement,
and the evaluation system are not planned to be placed as educational tools.
Based on this, this study was conducted with the aim to find out and get a holistic
description of the implementation of religious-based madrasah performance management
for the improvement of moral karimah.
The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. In this
study, what is described is the implementation of religious-based madrasa performance
management to improve morality at MAN 4 Banjar. The data collection techniques used
are in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. The collected data is
analyzed and drawn conclusions.
A. Religious-Based Madrasah Performance Planning for Improving Akhlakul
Religious-based madrasa performance planning for improving the morals of
MAN 4 Banjar students in terms of planning has implemented it with several processes
and various activities, including workshops on formulating a vision and mission and
bringing in resource persons from KSKK Director Ahmad Umar, with the aim of
improving madrasa quality planning and leading to improvement graduate quality.
The planning for performance management of religious-based madrasas to
improve the morals of MAN 4 Banjar students is carried out by referring to the technical
guidelines that have been set by the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education
of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia with the aim of preparing high-
quality future human resources in faith and piety (Imtak). ), mastering science and
technology (Science), having character values strengthening, religious moderation, and
having strong national and Indonesian insight, the Ministry of Religion develops
Madrasah Aliyah with a boarding system.
To improve the morals of the students of MAN 4 Banjar related to the products produced
by madrasa institutions. Madrasa performance management will be in accordance with
what Manab, Abdul, (2016) said about quality management (al-idara al jadah) raised
about the principles of perfection giving the form of al-tashihaat, namely a model of
improvement in a product:
1) Al-wadhifah (), a way to determine tasks competently for workers in a company.
2) Al-tadrib (  ), how to recruit hidmad duty executors with training.
3) Al-hadaf (  ), the contribution of management in achieving company goals
4) Al-tagsim (  ), division of work tasks (job-description) according to professional
Planning in carrying out the development of the morality of students at MAN 4
Banjjar is by going through 3 stages of interrelated activities, namely by formulating the
goals to be achieved, selecting programs to achieve these goals, identifying and
mobilizing resources that are always limited in number. Planning is done so that each
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
activity has a clear goal and there is the most appropriate and efficient way to achieve that
From the description of the discussion about the performance planning of
religious-based madrasas for improving the morality of the students of MAN 4 Banjar, it
can be described as follows:
Figure 1 Religious-Based Madrasah Performance Planning for Improving Morals in
MAN 4 Banjar
B. Organizing the Performance of Religious-Based Madrasas for Improving the
Morals of Karimah
In carrying out the organization of the performance of religious-based madrasas
to improve the morals of the students of MAN 4 Banjar, it is designed based on
management principles by considering the factor of teacher resources and education staff,
this can be seen in the division of tasks for each teacher both in charge of learning
activities in the classroom, and coaching and learning in dormitories. The madrasas in
developing the morals of students often invite village clerics to give recitations to
students at MAN 4, what has been carried out by MAN 4 is as explained by Sule, ET, &
Saefullah, K. (2005:11)., that organizing are: 1). Allocating resources, formulating and
assigning tasks, and establishing the necessary procedures; 2) Establish an organizational
structure that shows the lines of authority and responsibility; 3.) Activities of recruitment,
selection, training and development of human resources/labor; and 4). Activities of
placing human resources in the most appropriate position
Organizing is a basic activity of management carried out for and managing all the
required resources including the human element, so that the work can be completed
successfully. Organizing delivers all human resources into a certain pattern in such a way
that the people who work and the various available resources can be efficiently
coordinated to achieve organizational goals, namely the activities of compiling and
allocating the work to be done which is emphasized in the main tasks and functions
referring to on the authority and responsibility given, grouping tasks and distributing
work to each personnel such as teachers and education staff. (Sagala, S., 2009:41)
Riswan, Sutaryat Trisnamansyah, Hanafiah and Sofyan Sauri
Implementation of Religious-Based Madrasah Performance Management for
Improving Student's Akhlakul Karimah at Madrasah Aliyah 1062
Thus, it can be concluded that organizing is a management function that is no less
important than planning. Because organizing is the operational and functional steps of the
organization including departmentalization efforts (dividing work based on the division
of territory and work authority) which will determine the specialization of people in the
activities of the organization as a whole, including strong cooperation processes,
delegation of authority and responsibilities, determining the people who will do the work,
the pattern of coordination to be built, and the like.
For more details on organizing the performance of religious-based madrasas for
improving the morality of the students of MAN 4 Banjar, it is illustrated in the picture
Figure 2 Organizing the Performance of Religious-Based Madrasas for Improving the Morals of
the Students of MAN 4 Banjar
C. Implementation of the Performance of Religious-Based Madrasas for Improving
the Morals of Karimah
Performance is an indicator that is used to measure the level of achievement of
the implementation of a program of activities which is illustrated through the
achievement of goals, vision, mission and organizational goals. Thus, to determine the
quality of an educational institution, it can be seen from the performance of the
school/madrasah. Because the performance of a good madrasa will be seen from the
quality of the madrasa achieved. As explained in the Ministry of National Education, the
quality of education in the technical implementing unit (school) is seen from the
performance of the school.
The performance management of religious-based madrasas and improving the
quality of graduates at MAN will certainly be related to the religious stabilization of their
students, which is manifested in total religious behavior in their daily lives. This is in line
with what was expressed by Gunawan H., (2012), where religious guidance needs to be
carried out as early as possible for everyone, especially teenagers in madrasas. the process
of searching for identity so that it needs to be guided so as not to get lost.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
Religious guidance in high school has a goal to help every student who has
spiritual difficulties in his life. Through religious guidance, students are expected to be
able to overcome their own problems, namely the emergence of awareness or surrender to
God's power so that there is a hope for life, both now and in the future.
Akhlakul karimah can also be said with good deeds and thinking about things that
may pass and alternatives that may be chosen to deal with situations that occur both in the
past and in the future. Akhlakul karimah is a commendable behavior which is also known
as excess. A person's life must always be colored by the values of Islamic teachings.
Humans who as a whole have the same physical, mind and spiritual. The three
components in coaching have differences, namely depending on the values they hold,
because through their teachings they are very concerned about guiding and directing them
to use in accordance with the concept of God.
From the description of the implementation of the performance of religious-based
madrasas for improving the morality of students at MAN 4 Banjar, it can be illustrated in
the picture about the implementation of the performance of religious-based madrasas for
improving the morality of students below:
Figure 3 Implementation of the Performance of Religious-Based Madrasahs for
Improving the Morals of the Students of MAN 4 Banjar
D. Evaluation of the Performance of Religious-Based Madrasas for Improving
Akhlakul Karimah
Evaluation of the performance of religious-based madrasas for improving the
morals of students at MAN 4 Banjar, in the implementation of madrasa performance
management will be related to the quality of graduates, satisfaction in terms of service
delivery of education, especially the dormitory learning system, so that these conditions
are in accordance with what was stated by Nata, A., (2001): that a quality madrasa is a
madrasa that combines excellence in the fields of science, skills, and technology with
excellence in the fields of faith and piety.
As an evaluation of the performance management of religious-based madrasas in
the performance management of religious-based madrasas for improving students'
morality, according to Onisimus, A (2011) education management can be viewed as a
strategy in improving the quality, relevance and competitiveness of education. In general,
the term evaluation can be equated with appraisal, rating and assessment, words that
Riswan, Sutaryat Trisnamansyah, Hanafiah and Sofyan Sauri
Implementation of Religious-Based Madrasah Performance Management for
Improving Student's Akhlakul Karimah at Madrasah Aliyah 1064
express efforts to analyze policy outcomes in terms of units. its value.
Evaluation of the performance management evaluation of religious-based
madrasas for improving the morality of the students of MAN 4 Banjar is here to provide
input, study and consideration in determining whether the program is worth continuing or
discontinuing. Under these conditions, the term program evaluation has become
commonplace in educational institutions. This study is to provide a review and
introduction to the importance of a program evaluation in educational institutions. The
main study in this paper is the meaning, purpose and benefits of evaluation. The purpose
of program evaluation is to provide consideration before a decision is made by the policy
owner. The benefit is that there is the right decision on the program that is being or has
been implemented.
Evaluation that is often understood so far in the world of education is limited to
assessment only. This assessment is carried out in a formative and summative manner.
When an evaluation has been carried out, it is considered to have carried out an
evaluation. Such understanding is not very precise. The implementation of the assessment
tends to only look at the achievement of learning objectives. In this case, in the
educational process it is not only the value that is seen, but there are many factors that
make a program successful or not. Assessment is only a small part of the evaluation.
Evaluation should also be understood as part of supervision. Evaluation does not only
deal with the value measured based on the completion of the questions, but the evaluation
of educational programs will examine many factors. Thus program evaluation needs to be
introduced to all educators, because evaluation is very important in developing the quality
of education.
To provide an understanding of the evaluation of religious-based madrasa
performance management for improving the morality of the students of MAN 4 Banjar in
accordance with the description of the discussion, the chart below can be drawn:
Figure 4 Evaluation of the Performance of Religious-Based Madrasas for
Improving the Morals of the Students of MAN 4 Banjar
E. Problems of Performance Management of Religious-Based Madrasas for
Improving the Morals of Karimah
The facts of the study found that madrasas faced a number of problems to
improve the morality of the students of MAN 4 Banjar, including the problem of moral
Human life, including students, often experiences ups and downs. Sometimes the
circumstances, behavior, attitudes and actions. Leads to the perfection of the soul and its
purity but sometimes also leads to ugliness or experiencing a moral crisis, it depends on
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
several things that are influenced. According to Amin, A moral crisis (sin and crime)
arises because of the narrow view and experience as well as the large sense of ego that we
have. A moral crisis is often called a despicable trait which according to Imam Al-
Ghazali is all human behavior that can lead to self-destruction, which of course
contradicts his nature to always lead to goodness. These despicable qualities he calls an
insult (razilah) because they are called angry with Razilatul Gadha (anger insult) with
Razilatul Hasad (envy of hatred) razilatul. Bad deeds with Razilatul Akhlak (moral
humiliation) and so on.
F. Efforts Made in Overcoming the Performance Management of Religious-Based
Madrasas To Improve Akhlakul Karimah
Regarding the moral decline of students, MAN 4 Banjar is often required to be
responsible for this situation. School as an educational institution is expected not only as
a place to gain knowledge, but is also expected to provide sufficient provisions in shaping
the personality of students who are tough in facing the era of globalization.
Likewise, the moral teachings and values that apply in the community are also a
priority that schools cannot ignore to instill in students. This is stated in Law No. 20 of
2003 concerning the National education system which states: Education is a conscious
and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students
actively develop their potential to have spiritual, religious, self-control, personality
strengths. intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by himself, society, nation and
Thus, we need a special management developed by the school to improve the
moral quality of students. Various efforts in handling the moral quality of students is a
heavy task and full of challenges. For this reason, integrated steps are needed from
various parties, including schools, teachers, students, student organizations, as well as the
participation of parents.
Madrasas explicitly need to have a moral management system plan that is applied
as a standard guideline. In the moral management planning system, there are strategies
that schools can take to instill moral values as well as sanctions imposed for students who
violate the rules. The way to implement moral education is to integrate moral education
into all fields of study. In addition, also through extracurricular activities, such as scouts,
religious organizations in madrasas, commemoration of religious days, and other positive
activities. In addition to the three methods above, it is also important to note the role
model of school principals, teachers, and school staff which are generally used as a
reference for students in behaving in madrasas.
In planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring, there is also an evaluation
to assess the success of inculcating moral values which is carried out every year. This
evaluation is important to do to see the success of moral management and the weaknesses
of the system that is implemented. From the evaluation, it can also be obtained the factors
that cause moral decadence in students. This finding is then followed up to obtain a
solution, so that similar misbehavior does not happen again to other students. In the
implementation of the program, several obstacles were also encountered that hindered the
moral cultivation of students.
MAN 4 Banjar which is one of the leading MA in Banjar Regency, the existence
of this superior Islamic madrasa is expected to be able to answer the challenges and
demands of modernization, progress of globalization and rapid information. The presence
of superior Islamic educational institutions in the national constellation had provoked the
attention and discussion of various education experts and experts to capture the meaning
Riswan, Sutaryat Trisnamansyah, Hanafiah and Sofyan Sauri
Implementation of Religious-Based Madrasah Performance Management for
Improving Student's Akhlakul Karimah at Madrasah Aliyah 1066
of the hidden symptoms and phenomena behind it. This is reasonable, because the
national education system is still considered unable to demonstrate significant quality of
education. The emergence of a moral recession (morals), fights, anarchic acts, and
various deviant actions among students is a separate reasoning for education actors to
present superior Islamic madrasas and schools.
The beauty of morality is a manifestation of the perfection of faith, a person is
not seen as a true believer when his morals are bad. However, what is more important in
moral development is habituation that is carried out since childhood and takes place
continuously, because good morals cannot be formed with lessons, instructions and
prohibitions, but must be accompanied by giving good and real examples of uswatun
hasanah. Parents play a very dominant role.
From the overall discussion on the implementation of religious-based madrasa
performance management for improving the morality of students at MA at MAN 4
Banjar, it can be described as follows:
Figure 5 Implementation of Religious-Based Madrasah Performance
Management to Improve Students' Morals at Madrasah Aliyah in South Kalimantan At
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4
Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the
case of osteogenesis imperfecta is a complex congenital disorder and must be
distinguished from other differential diagnoses. With a careful examination, it is hoped
that the diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta cases can be better.
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