How to cite:
Imam Ozali and Euis Saribanon. (2021). Evaluation of the
Implementation of Traffic and Road Transportation Safety
Supervision in the Infrastructure Sector. Journal Eduvest. 1(10):
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Imam Ozali and Euis Saribanon
Institute of Transportation and Logistics, Jakarta, Indonesia
September, 26
October, 16
October, 18
Supervision is the process of determining performance
measures and taking actions that can support the
achievement of the expected results in accordance with
the performance that has been set. With many problems
regarding the public transportation service sector in DKI
Jakarta, the evaluation of the implementation of
supervision as stated in Government Regulation of the
Republic of Indonesia No. 37 of 2017 concerning Traffic
and Road Transportation Safety, is ensured to be carried
out according to existing regulations. The problem in this
research is how the implementation of Traffic Safety and
Road Transportation in the Infrastructure Sector with the
object of the Transportation Company in Jakarta, to solve
the problem the author uses a mix method research that
combines quantitative and qualitative methods. The
output of this research is to produce a quality research
and can provide valuable input to the government as a
regulator and public transport companies as operators.
The results of the study were to determine the extent to
which the effectiveness of the implementation of Traffic
Safety and Road Transportation in the Infrastructure
Sector with the object of the Transportation Company in
Imam Ozali and Euis Saribanon
Evaluation of the Implementation of Traffic and Road Transportation Safety
Supervision in the Infrastructure Sector 1130
Evaluation, Supervision, Transportation
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Road Traffic and Transportation has a strategic role in supporting development
and national integration as part of efforts to promote public welfare as mandated by the
1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Dedy, n.d.). In the context of
implementing government activities, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is
divided into regions (Wijayanti, 2011). Provinces and provincial regions consist of
regencies and cities (Hariyanto, 2020). Each of these regions has the right and obligation
to regulate and manage their own government affairs to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of government administration and services to the community.
According to (Romdloni, 2017) Management is a structuring process by
involving potential sources both human and non-human in order to find effective and
efficient goals.
According to (Jannah, 2013) Management comes from the English language
"management" which means management, management, or leadership, or the word "to
manage" which means to manage, regulate, implement, manage and treat.
According to Mary Parker Follet (2007) in (Batlajery, 2016) the notion of
management as a process, because in management there are activities that must be carried
out, for example planning, organizing, directing and supervising activities. These
activities cannot be separated from each other or in other words are interrelated
(integrated), so that they will form an inseparable unity. Therefore, management is
referred to as System.
Based on Permendagri Number 86 of 2017 in (Fanzhah & Hutajulur, 2020),
evaluation is a monitoring and supervision in the preparation and implementation of
development policies as well as assessing the results of performance and financial
realization to ensure the achievement of targets economically, efficiently, and
effectively”. According to Harold Oxley (1993), in (Salaka et al., 2015) evaluation is an
attempt to measure and source value objectively from the achievement of results ±
previously planned results, where the results of the evaluation are intended to be feedback
for planning to be carried out. in front of. In this case, it focuses on evaluation studies
from a management perspective, where evaluation is one of the functions or elements of
management, whose mission is to improve other management functions or social aspects,
namely planning. According to Lattimore (2010), in (Salaka, Komunikasi, Kristen, &
Surabaya, 2015).
According to (Desiana, 2013), supervision or what in English is called controlling
means an activity aimed at ensuring that the implementation of activities is in accordance
with the plan. If it is associated with government law, supervision can be interpreted as an
activity aimed at ensuring that the attitude of the government / administrative apparatus is
carried out in accordance with applicable law. If it is associated with constitutional law,
supervision means an activity aimed at ensuring the implementation of state
administration by state institutions in accordance with applicable law.
Supervision is every effort and action in order to find out the extent to which the
implementation of tasks is carried out according to the provisions and targets to be
achieved (Aulia, 2018).
According to (Issue & Lamlaj, 2016) Supervision is an action that aims to control
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
a power held by State Administration Officials (Government) which tends to be misused,
The aim is to limit State Administration Officials from using power outside of reasonable
limits that are contrary to the characteristics of the rule of law, to protect the public from
the discretionary actions of State Administration Officials and to protect State
Administration Officials from exercising their powers properly and correctly according to
law or regulations. not breaking the law.
Road Traffic and Transportation as part of the national transportation system
must develop its potential and role to realize security, safety, order and smooth traffic in
order to support economic development and regional development (Leiper, 1979).
However, there is still a lot going on in the field, that road users in general still do not
fully comply with the regulations that have been set (Chang & Nojima, 2001) . In fact, the
regulation aims to overcome the occurrence of things that are not desirable (An, Lee, &
Shin, 2011). Jakarta as a metropolitan city which is also the center of the economy and
trade is experiencing quite complicated problems in the transportation sector (Asmuni,
2018). The large population with increasing purchasing power has led to a fairly high
growth in motor vehicle ownership. This condition is exacerbated by the addition of
hundreds of thousands of vehicles outside Jakarta that move in Jakarta every day.
Meanwhile, efforts to increase the length of the road often face obstacles. This situation
results in increased traffic density on the highway which in turn creates congestion-prone
points in a number of places. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find out how the
implementation of Traffic Safety and Road Transportation Supervision in the
Infrastructure Sector with the object of the Transportation Company in Jakarta. How far
is the transportation company in Jakarta, complying with every statutory regulation that
has been set.
This research activity was carried out using a mixed research design or mixed
method, by combining two forms of research, namely qualitative and quantitative.
Quantitative data is used to explain qualitative data. The data obtained in this study are in
accordance with the research location at the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service, Kompek
Jatibaru Technical Service, Kl. Jatibaru Park No. 1 Cideng Gambir, Central Jakarta, with
a focus on Evaluation of the Implementation of Traffic Safety and Road Transportation in
the Infrastructure Facilities Sector with the object of Jakarta transportation companies.
The data obtained using data collection techniques through questionnaires, observations
and interviews. The interview process carried out by the researcher was by meeting
directly with informants and conducting two-way communication and asking questions
according to the research focus. From the interview, the information needed regarding the
results of the evaluation was obtained.
In this study, several methods that the researchers used to collect respondent data
were questionnaires, interviews and library research. Through a questionnaire, the
researcher gave a number of questions or statements to the respondents related to the
evaluation of the implementation of Supervision on Traffic Safety and Road
Transportation in the Infrastructure Sector. Another data collection technique that
researchers use is interview. By using interview techniques, researchers interact directly
with respondents, and the information that researchers get regarding questions or
statements is very broad and deep. During the interview, in order to obtain accurate and
appropriate data submitted by the respondents, researchers can use tools in the form of
recording or video tools. Meanwhile, through Library Research, researchers get data
related to research, which is used to complete the information that has been obtained from
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Evaluation of the Implementation of Traffic and Road Transportation Safety
Supervision in the Infrastructure Sector 1132
questionnaires and interviews.
In connection with this research, the research uses a mix method, so the
researcher uses qualitative data analysis techniques and quantitative data analysis
techniques. Quantitative analysis techniques are used by researchers to complete
qualitative analysis data.
The implementation of supervision can be said to have been carried out by
obtaining answers to the questions that the researchers put in a questionnaire with the
following recapitulation results:
1. Independence
The independence indicator consists of seven statements given to respondents.
Based on the data from the recapitulation of respondents' answers to the Independence
indicator, from the 7 statement items it is known that the highest average (mean) is in the
third item statement "The duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Internal Audit Unit
are set in writing" which is 4.88. While the lowest average (mean) is in the fifth item
statement "Internal Audit Unit staff and Senior Management have a good relationship"
and the sixth item "Internal Audit Unit staff participates in the preparation of company
procedures" which is 4.14 . However, overall the average (mean) for the items on the
Independence indicator is 4.50, so it can be said that independence in this evaluation
activity was carried out very well.
2. Professional Skills
The Professional Proficiency Indicator consists of six statements given to
respondents. Based on the data from the results of the recapitulation of respondents'
answers to the Professional Skills indicator, of the 6 statement items it is known that the
highest average (mean) is in the thirteenth item statement "The program for developing
the skills and knowledge of the Internal Audit Unit Staff supports the effectiveness of the
implementation of the task" which is 4.58 . While the lowest mean is in the eleventh item
statement "The staff of the Internal Audit Unit has a good relationship with other
sections" which is 4.20. However, overall the average (mean) for the items on the
Professional Proficiency indicator is 4.38, so it can be said that the professional skills of
the implementers are good.
3. Examination Program
The Inspection Program Indicator consists of six statement items given to
respondents. Based on the data from the results of the recapitulation of respondents'
answers to the Audit Program indicators, from the 6 statement items it is known that the
highest average (mean) is in the fourteenth item statement "Before conducting an
inspection, the Internal Audit Unit staff always prepares the program first" which is 4.61 .
While the lowest average (mean) is in the eighteenth item statement "Internal Audit Unit
staff always clearly discloses audit objectives" which is 4.20. However, overall the
average (mean) for the items on the Audit Program indicator is 4.44, so it can be said that
the Audit Program implemented is appropriate and good.
4. Implementation of the Examination
The Inspection Implementation Indicator consists of six statement items given to
respondents. Based on the data from the recapitulation of respondents' answers to the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
Audit Implementation indicators, from the 6 statement items it is known that the highest
average (mean) is two in the twenty-first item statement "The Internal Control Unit
always assesses the object being examined according to the actual situation" and the
statement item the twenty-third “Supervision carried out covers all stages of the
examination” which is 4.64. While the lowest average (mean) is in the nineteenth item
statement "The leader of the object being inspected always responds well to the
implementation of the inspection carried out by the Internal Audit Unit Staff" which is
4.23. However, overall the average (mean) for the items on the Audit Implementation
indicator is 4.51, so it can be said that the Audit Implementation implemented has been
running very well.
5. Examination Result Report
The Examination Result Indicator consists of five statement items given to
respondents. Based on the data on the results of the recapitulation of respondents' answers
to the indicators of the Audit Results Report, of the 5 statement items it is known that the
highest average (mean) is in the twenty-fifth item statement "The inspection result report
is always prepared by the Internal Control Unit after completing the examination task".
While the lowest average (mean) is in the twenty-eighth item statement "When
discussions are carried out by the Internal Audit Unit staff, the head of the object being
examined always accepts the opinion (inspection findings) well" which is 4.14. However,
overall the average (mean) for the items in the Audit Results Report indicator is 4.34, so
it can be said that the Audit Results Report is presented well.
6. Follow-up Monitoring
The Examination Result Indicator consists of three statement items given to
respondents. Based on the data from the results of the recapitulation of respondents'
answers to the Follow-Up Monitoring indicator, from the 3 statement items it is known
that the highest average (mean) is in the thirtieth item statement. one “The Internal Audit
Unit staff always reprimands and reports to management if suggestions and
recommendations are not implemented immediately” which is 4.26. While the lowest
average (mean) is in the thirty-first item statement "The object being inspected always
carries out the suggestions and recommendations of the Internal Control Unit well" which
is 4.12. However, overall the average (mean) for the items on the Follow-up Monitoring
indicator is 4.20, so it can be said that the Follow-up Monitoring was carried out well.
Based on the data from the results of the recapitulation of respondents' answers to
the indicators for monitoring the implementation of traffic safety and road transportation
in the city of Jakarta, which consists of independence, professional skills, inspection
programs, inspection reports and follow-up monitoring, it can be said that the
implementation of supervision is good.
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