How to cite:
Do’ana Adinda Nalurita, Arief Syamsuddin Muhammad Olii.
(2021). The Impact of the Covid-19 on the Word of Education.
Journal Eduvest. 1(10): 1135-1140
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Do’ana Adinda Nalurita, Arief Syamsuddin Muhammad Olii
Islamic University Lamongan
E-mail:, [email protected]
September, 26
October, 16
October, 18
This article examines the impact of Covid-19 on the word
of education. Which has the aim of knowing how
nfluential Covid-19 on education. It is because education is
a conscious effort that is carried out systematically in
creating an atmosphere of teaching and learning so that
students can develop their potentials in live. So that later
it will be an educated person is very important. Being an
educated person is very important as it will make
someone eligible for the nation. The research method
used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The
type of data used in this study is qualitative data, which is
categorized into two types, namely primary data and
secondary data. The results of the studyAlthough many
educataors, students and the community are not ready
yet facing the era of the industrial revolution 4.0,
courageous learning in the midst of this Covid-19
pandemic as if forcing all humans to be ready for today’s
technological developments. From a sociological
perspective, this policy is the right step to take under
these conditions.
Impact, Education, Covid-19
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Do’ana Adinda Nalurita, Arief Syamsuddin Muhammad Olii
The Impact of the Covid-19 on the Word of Education 1136
It has been almost 2 years living at home and working from home and E-
Learning for students according to government programs to break the chain of the Covid-
19 that is very deadly for the community if it has contracted the virus, not only in
Indonesia but around the world (Siahaan, 2020). Lots means that Covid-19 is a warning
for humanity to all return to care about God's creation, Indonesia is one of the countries
affected by the Covid-19 pandemic (Rudi Natamiharja, 2020). Corona virus disease 2019
(COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-Cov-2) (Supriatna, 2020).
The disease was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of
China's Hubei province, and has since spread globally, resulting in the ongoing 2019-21
coronavirus pandemic (Amalia Putri, 2020). Common symptoms include fever, cough,
and shortness of breath (Ririn Noviyanti Putri, 2020). Other possible symptoms include
muscle pain, diarrhea, sore throat, loss of smell, and abdominal pain (Alfitri & Kartika,
Humans are social creatures that allow each other to interact directly so that the
spread of the Covid-19 pandemic is accelerating (Fahrudin, 2020). Until the government
prepares regional rules or lockdowns to break the chain of spread of the Covid-19 (Yunus
& Rezki, 2020). The territory is regulated in Law number 6 of 2018 on quarantine health
(Sari, 2020). It aims to restrict people, restrict the movement of people for mutual safety.
Most people infected with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate
respiratory diseases, even causing breathing difficulties to death (Zendrato, 2020). This
virus can heal by itself because of immunity. However, older people are more susceptible
to this virus citation), especially those who have diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and
As a result of this virus, community activities in various countries are disrupted
so that people in the world must stay at home to cut their eyes so that the corona virus
does not spread (Ramadhan, 2020). Then,the economy All around the world is also
getting better because of this virus. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) predicts
national economic growth of only 2.5% in 2020 or cut by half after 2019 growth of 5.0%
(Irsyadiah & Rifa’i, 2021). This is due to the pandemic of various regions of the
The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The
type of data used in this study is qualitative data, which is categorized into two types,
namely primary data and secondary data (Chu & Ke, 2017). Sources of data obtained
through library research techniques (library studies) which refers to sources available
both online and offline such as: scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted
sources. These sources are collected based on discussion and linked from one information
to another. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews and
research. This data is analyzed and then conclusions are drawn.
Observation: In this research the author made direct observations about the
impact and feel of this Covid-19 Pandemic at this time recently. Literature: In this writing
the author reads and listens a lot the development of the Covid-19 pandemic from social
media and from television information which is continuously updated by the Covid-19
task force office. The following is the negative impact of the Corona pandemic on
education in Indonesia, namely that all educational institutions are forced to eliminate
direct learning.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
A. The Negative Impact of Corona for Education
1. Out of School
The pandemic has had an impact on various sectors in the country. The economic
seector is one sector that has experienced a significant impact. As a result, many people
lost their jobs and income.
Not infrequently parents prefer these findings and choose children to help the
family economy due to the economic crisis that occurred. In addition, many parents
cannot see the role of schools in the teaching and learning process if the learning process
is not carried out face-to-face.
2. Decreased learning achievement
It is undeniable that the social economic conditions of each family are different.
Differences in access and quality during out comes, especially for children from different
social conomic backgrounds.
Another thing of concern is the risk of learning loss. The study found that face-to-
face learning and academic achievement were better when compared to PJJ.
3. Violence against children and external risks
During the implementation of the distance learning system (PJJ), students spend
mor time at home. This of course increases the undetected catch-up. Without in domestic
violence without the teacher knowing.
In addition to domestic violence, external risks are also a ghost for students.
When children no longer attend school, there is an increased risk for early marriage,
exploitation of children, especially girls, and teenage pregnancies.
4. No learning in the classroom
As is well known, in recent times all hands-on learning has been
eliminated. This is the impact of Corona on education that is most clearly visible and can
be felt by everyone. This is done to prepare for the big social event (PSBB) made by the
government in order to suppress the spread of the Corona virus.
Even so, learning continues to run online. Both students or students as well as
reachers or lecturers have to adapt to this situation.
5. Resource gap
When all types of learning from home are done online, it is likely that there are
advantages in terms of facilities. Many students have survived so far in the educational
facilities provided by schools and campuses.
The reason is, not all students or students have adequate facilities. Be it gadgets,
internet connection, or even electricity. Moreover, students and students who live in 3T
areas (Front, Remote, Outermost) find it difficult go get online learning supports
6. The learning process feels heavier
Some students and students feel that learning from home feels harder than before.
Based on research conducted by the Conversation, some parents suggest that distance
learning is not limited to giving assignments. The material delivery sessions are also
extanded, so that students can really feel like learning and not just assignments.
7. Increased dangerous risk
Reported from UNICEF, time to study and socialize online on the internet can
increase the risk of harm.
Especialy for elementary education students (Elementary School and Junior High
School). Some of these risks include cyberbullying, as well as negative content spread on
Do’ana Adinda Nalurita, Arief Syamsuddin Muhammad Olii
The Impact of the Covid-19 on the Word of Education 1138
the internet that harms children.
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world of education starting from the
learning process, which is usually done in class face-to-face, but since the pandemic it has
turned into bold learning (On the network). Teachers, students and parents to be able to
present an effective and active learning process even though it is carried out from their
respective homes.
The Covid pandemic, which had so many negative impacts, also had a positive
impact can motivate though difficult times to achieve indonesia’s more advances
educational goals.
Behind these problems and complaints, it truns out that there are also various
lessons for you education in Indonesia. Among them, students and teacher can master
technology to support this online learning. in this era of increasingly sophisticated
technological disruption, teachers and student to have the ability in learning technology.
Mastery of students and encourage them to master learning technology digitally
as a necessity for them.The demands of these needs, make they can find online media that
can help as a substitute direct classroomlearning, without compromising the quality of
learning media were also tried and used (McQuiggan, McQuiggan, Sabourin, &
Kosturko, 2015). Facilities that can be used as online learning media include, e-learning,
zoom application, google classroom, youtube, and whatsApp social media. Means-These
facillites can be used to the maximum, as a medium in carrying out activites learning like
in class. The following are the positive impacts of the corona pandemic on the world
B. The Positive Impact of Corona for Education
1. Provisioning platform
Altthough it is clear that Corona has a bad impact on the world of education,
there are also positive impacts that can be utilized by education actors in Indonesia and
According to a report from UNESCO, each responds to corona by providing an
official educational platform from their respective government.
The official Indonesian education platforms included in the list are house study (
a program of the Indonesian ministry of education and culture ) and SPADA ( a program
for research and technology of higher education.
2. Triggering the Acceleration of Educational Transformation
The Covid-19 pandemic has closed schools as an effort to spread it to the
Indonesian people. In short, the government has implemented a distance learning (PJJ)
system or what is knows as online learning. A Technology-based system that definitely
requires educational institutions, teacher, students and even parents ro be technology
literate. This gteatly encourages the transformation of educational technology in this
country. This certainly has a positive impact because of the use of technology in the
world of education such as the era of the industrial Revolution 4.0 which continues to
3. Many Online Learning Applications Emerge
The Acceleration of the transformation of educational technology due to the
COVID-19 pandemic has spawned various online learning program platforms to support
bold learning. The number of online study programs makes learning applications are
developed by providing features that facilitate online learning. Such as zoom meeting,
Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and others.
4. Number of Free Online Courses
Free online courses began to develop in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 10, October 2021
Many tutoring agencies provide free or multiple online courses at discounted by Ruang
Guru, Study Room, Quipper, our Class Application and so on.
5. The Emergence of Unlimited Creativity
The Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to new ideas. Scientists, researchers,
lecturers and even students conduct experiments to find new creativity and present an
effective and efficient learning process so that they can carry out a fun and not boring
learning process.
6. Parent and Teacher Collaboration
During this pandemic, students will certainly learn the time to study at home.
Where this requires innovative collaboration between parents and teachers so that student
can continue to learn online effectively. In addition, innovative collaboration can
overcome various complaints during online learning. This will have a positive impact on
the world of education both now and in the future.
7. Application of Science in the Family
When all schools are closed, this is an opportunity for students to apply
knowledge in the midst of their families. Whether is’s just opening a small discussion or
by teaching the knowledge gained to the family. This plays an important role in
increasing student’s understanding of a science through direct application. Knowlwdge
that is applied directly will not affect only those who apply it but also those who receive
8. Teachers Become More Familiar and Technology Literate
There is no denying that the learning process in the midst of a pandemic must be
done through online methods. Therefore the use of technologicial devices is needed.
During this pandemic, a lot of training was carried out for teacher with the aim of
providing guidance to determine learning methods that can be applied during the
pandemic, which of course are technology-based.
9. Internet as a Positive Source of Information
If the learning process generally uses printed books as the main learning resource,
then in the online learning process the internet is a course of information that can be used.
The internet is no longer only used by students as a means of entertainment or playing
social media, but is also used to get information about the lessons being tought. Such as
accessing digital books, learning videos and so on. Even so, of course, this must still
receive assistance from both teachers and parents, so that students do not get the wrong
information and avoid hoaxes.
10. Students Can be Supported by Parents Directly
Besically every child has unlimited potential. Howefer there are several factors
that can influence whether they can ultimately overcome that potencial. Experts believe
that the role of parents in a child’s life has far-reaching implications and with parental
supervision it is easy to integrate their development directly. Parental involvement is very
important for children to excel in school.
Although many educataors, students and the community are not ready yet facing
the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, courageous learning in the midst of this Covid-19
pandemic as if forcing all humans to be ready for today’s technological developments.
From a sociological perspective, this policy is the right step to take under these
conditions. Like there is an acceleration so that society can progress faster with the
internet now, for example by shopping with an online system, is preferred by the
community and can reduce transportation time and sosts, especially during the Covid-19
Do’ana Adinda Nalurita, Arief Syamsuddin Muhammad Olii
The Impact of the Covid-19 on the Word of Education 1140
pandemic ends.
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