Terra Amalia, Ria Angraini
Review of Inactive Medical Record Destruction Activities at Hermina Hospital
Palembang Year 2021 977
Retention, Destruction, In-Active Medical Record Files
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According to the Minister of Health No. 269/MENKES/PER/III/2008 medical
records are those that contain records and documents regarding patient identity,
examination, treatment, actions and other services that have been provided to patients
(Kholili, 2011).
Apart from being a means of communication between service providers, medical
record files also have many other benefits (Rokhim, 2020), as stated in the Minister of
Health Regulation No. 269/MENKES/PER/III/2008 article 13, regarding the use of
medical record files such as:
a. Health maintenance and patient treatment
b. Evidence in law enforcement
c. Education and research needs
d. Funding basis
e. Health statistics
Based on Permenkes No. 269/MENKES/PER/III/2008 article 8 paragraph 1 which
contains "Medical records of inpatients in hospitals are kept for at least 5 (five) years
from the last date the patient was treated or discharged", paragraph 2 which contains "
After the time limit of 5 (five) years as referred to in paragraph (1) is exceeded, the
medical record can be destroyed, except for the summary of discharge and approval of
medical action", paragraph 3 which contains "The summary of discharge and approval of
medical action as referred to in paragraph (2) must kept for a period of 10 (ten) years
from the date the summary was made”, and paragraph 4 which contains “Storage of
medical records and summary of discharge as referred to in paragraphs (1) and (3) is
carried out by officers appointed by the head of the service facility. health services”, the
hospital health service provider is obliged to periodically reduce and destroy medical
record files for at least 5 years from the year the last time the patient was treated.
According to (Kamil, Putra, Erawantini, & Muna, 2020) states that medical record
management education is related to medical record management, including assembling,
coding, indexing, filling, and retention and destruction. Retention officers already have
medical record education qualifications, so officers from medical records can direct and
assist other officers if they are confused in carrying out medical record retention
(Apriliani, Muflihatin, & Muna, 2020). This is in accordance with Masauty's 2018
research which states that the education aspect is an integral part in determining the best
way to start the behavior change process, with education the wider the increase in
knowledge, this will become the basis for officers to better understand their duties as
The USG (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth) method is a way to determine the
priority order of problems by paying attention to the urgency, seriousness, and the
possibility of the problem growing bigger. USG (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth) is one of
the tools to arrange the priority order of problems to be solved. How to determine the
level of urgency, seriousness, and development of the problem by giving a score of 1-5.
According to Santoso (2017) states that the USG (Urgency, Seriousness, Growth) method