How to cite:
Sigit Tri Wahyudi (2021) Building a Work Ethos to Strengthen the
Independence and Resilience of SMEs during Pandemic. Journal Eduvest.
1(9): 923-930
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Sigit Tri Wahyudi
Pancasakti University Bekasi
August, 26
September, 12
September, 14
The Covid-19 pandemic is increasingly threatening the
Indonesian economy (including West Java Province) and its
impact can be seen clearly from the outbreak that erupted in
early February 2020. Shops, retail, travel services, Micro-Small
and Medium Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as SMEs) and
Small and Medium Industries (Many SMEs in West Java have
closed. This study aims to build a work ethic to strengthen the
Independence and Resilience of MSMEs during the Pandemic in
Bekasi City. This type of research is descriptive qualitative that
uses the type of research in the form of Document Study. The
location of this research was carried out in MSMEs in the
culinary field around Bekasi City starting in May 2021. Based on
the results of a simple linear regression test, the results of this
study concluded that the Covid-19 variable has an effect on
microenterprise variables, small and medium. It is here every
increase of one unit of will hamper the economy so that the
income of micro, small and medium enterprises in Bekasi City
decreases. The strategy of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises facing Covid-19 to continue their business
continuity is to increase the sales volume of each SMEs by
applying conventional marketing strategies to online marketing
and using social media as an online channel.
Work Ethic, Independence, Resilience, SMEs
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Sigit Tri Wahyudi
Building a Work Ethos to Strengthen the Independence and Resilience of SMEs during
Pandemic 924
The Covid-19 pandemic is an occurrence in which disease spreads globally in the
form of a virus (Amin, Saleh, & Bilfaqih, 2020). Which is caused by a new type of
Coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2 (Yuzar, 2020). This outbreak was first detected in the
city of Wuhan, China in 2019, and was identified as a pandemic by the World Health
Organization (WHO), this virus continues to spread worldwide with nearly 35 million
confirmed cases in 188 countries and more than 1 million deaths (Zendrato, 2020).
In Indonesia the first positive case of Covid-19 was found in 2020, the first positive
case of Covid-19 in Indonesia was found in 2020, when a Japanese citizen infected an
Indonesian citizen (Bahtiar & Ariyanti, 2021). As of April 9, the Covid-19 pandemic has
spread to 34 provinces, including East Java, DKI Jakarta, West Java and Central Java,
which are provinces affected by the corona virus in Indonesia.
The government itself has compiled the impact of Covid-19 on the economy as
well as the decrease in people's income in each province, city and district based on mild,
moderate, to bad scenarios (Abdi, 2020). The scenario refers to the economic resilience of
each province as well as the decline in income of economic actors (Kriswibowo &
Utomo, 2020). In the medium scenario the economic influence has an impact of 25% of
labor income declining in Bekasi City.
The Covid-19 pandemic is increasingly threatening the Indonesian economy
(including West Java Province) and its impact can be seen clearly from the outbreak that
erupted in early February 2020. Shops, retail, travel services, Micro-Small and Medium
Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as MSMEs) and Small and Medium Industries (Many
SMEs in West Java have closed (Indayani & Hartono, 2020). This resulted in a large
number of volunteers and employees being sent home. Meanwhile, affected by the Covid-
19 outbreak in Bekasi City, the data is still undergoing verification together with the
Bekasi City Social Service, Bekasi City Community Empowerment Service, and Bekasi
City Population and Civil Registration Office.
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the MSME/IKM sector,
starting from a decrease in turnover, interrupted cash flows, and bad loans, to an increase
in worker layoffs (Rohani, 2018). Compared to usual, some traders who feel the impact of
Covid-19 are street vendor/hawker (Hutasuhut, 2020). One of them is a trader in the city
of Bekasi, West Java Province whose income is far from usual before the Covid-19
The Indonesian Central Statistics Agency (CSA) shows that the impact of Covid-
19 is quite deep, reaching negative 5.32% far from the last crisis in 1998 and 2008. The
latest data shows that 98% of businesses in the micro sector or about 68 million people
are affected (Fitriani, Ali, & Maniza, 2021).
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic which the result of an economic slowdown
and social restrictions have led to a decline in public demand. MSMEs are one of the
most important parts of the economy and national development (Kristiyanti, 2012).
Considering that the MSMEs sector is the driving force of the economy and national
development, a strategy to increase the capacity of the MSME sector is needed
(Sudaryanto & Wijayanti, 2013). It aims to support efforts to reduce poverty and
inequality and increase employment opportunities.
Under the influence of globalization that has swept the world, the economic
conditions of a country must be effective, efficient and competitive. This is a challenge
for Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country in the world (population 237,642,326).
With this figure, it is hoped that there will be a balance between various sectors that
support the country's economic growth.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and
Medium Enterprises has formulated various strategies to encourage MSMEs and
cooperatives to maintain their capacity. Survive and rise in the Covid-19 pandemic.
Where the Ministry first implemented various policies, the Ministry of Cooperatives and
Small and Medium Enterprises reorganized to provide credit to MSME participants, thus
helping cooperatives and MSMEs to survive and rise in the Covid-19 pandemic, with the
aim of giving them credibility (Priatama, 2017). Postponed for the next 6 months, a new
light capital system will be opened for MSME participants and cooperatives.
MSMEs, of course, without exception, experienced the impact of the emergence of
the Pandemic. Some initial reports indicate that MSMEs are the affected business group
because they have a high dependence on external input goods (Sasmita, 2021). Many
MSMEs have experienced a large and sudden decline in demand, thereby reducing sales
turnover. At the same time, the MSME group may experience a loss of labor supply
caused by the implementation of policies in Large-Scale Social Restrictions (LSSR).
Various problems faced by MSMEs in Indonesia as a result of the Covid-19
pandemic require special attention (Marlinah, 2020). About 9 8.68% of the 64 million
MSMEs in Indonesia are micro enterprises that are run independently and are vulnerable
to internal and external disturbances. Although MSMEs have an important role, it is not
yet known to what extent Covid-19 had an impact on this business group.
The West Java Provincial Government itself has prepared various programs to
fulfill and restore socio-economic needs that have been launched by the Governor of
West Java with the "breath of industrialization" as the flagship program. One of them is
through the Social Safety Net (SSN), program which aims to meet the needs of the poor
in West Java for the next 3 months. This JPS prepares 105,000 packages containing;
Food, Fishery Products, Medicines, Vitamins, Personal Protective Equipment, and all of
which are taken from local products produced by SMEs.
With this step, it can empower MSMEs affected by the Covid-19 Virus Pandemic.
The West Java Regional Government continues to empower and strengthen the role of
MSMEs and local entrepreneurs. Both for producing masks, PPE to other food needs, this
is to continue to empower MSMEs in West Java so that the wheels of the economy can
continue to spin, besides that the local government also treats Village-Owned Enterprises
(BUMDES) in each village of every county town.
The West Java provincial government inaugurated the Trade and Distribution
Center (TDC) which belongs to BUMDES, with the TDC aiming to distribute the results
of MSME products for the West Java community that are needed by residents and small
stalls to become outlets and distributors of MSME products in West Java on in general
and in the city of Bekasi in particular.
In addition, there is no clear strategy to mitigate the impact and speed up post-
pandemic recovery. Thus, MSMEs need assistance and protection for their businesses and
workers in order to survive these challenges from the government through the West Java
Province SME Cooperative Service and contributing to economic recovery during the
2020 Covid-19 pandemic in West Java, especially in empowering MSMEs.
This effort is part of the government's strategy to improve the economy and welfare
of the people of West Java. During the Covid-19 pandemic, this strategy was used to
create and develop resources to achieve prosperity. Therefore, the implementation of this
strategy is expected to determine whether the results will be achieved are effective or not.
What is meant here is the empowerment strategy, which focuses on MSME Strategic
Sigit Tri Wahyudi
Building a Work Ethos to Strengthen the Independence and Resilience of SMEs during
Pandemic 926
Planning which is more oriented towards macro empowerment. Seeing the
economic downturn in the Covid-19 pandemic, of course, the role of stakeholders in
implementing the Empowerment Strategy is highly expected. Thus, the West Java
Province SME Cooperative Service issued several policies in empowering MSMEs
during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, including implementing policies such as:
1. Establish a Program for the Procurement of Goods and Services for Social
Safety Nets (JPS).
2. Establishing an economic stimulus in the form of facilitating the provision of
capital for cooperatives and SMEs.
Based on the problems described above, this study aims to build a work ethic to
strengthen the Independence and Resilience of MSMEs during the Pandemic in Bekasi
This type of research was descriptive qualitative which used Document/Text
Studies. Document or text study is a study that focuses on the analysis or interpretation of
written material based on its context. Materials can be published notes, textbooks,
newspapers, magazines, letters, films, diaries, manuscripts, articles, internet and so on. To
gain high credibility, document researchers must be sure that the texts are authentic. This
type of research can also explore someone's thoughts contained in books or published
manuscripts. The location of this research was carried out in MSMEs in the culinary field
around Bekasi City starting in May 2021.
Data analysis in this study was carried out before entering the field, while in the
field, and after finishing in the field. Data collection techniques are the methods used by
researchers to obtain data in a study.
A. Profile of Bekasi City and Overview of Research Objects
In its current development in accordance with Regional Regulation No. 4 of 2004,
Bekasi City has 12 sub-districts, consisting of 56 urban villages, namely: West Bekasi
District, South Bekasi District, East Bekasi District, North Bekasi District, Pondok Gede
District, Jatiasih District, Bantar Gebang District, Jatisampurna District, Medan District
Satria, Rawalumbu sub-district, Mustika Jaya sub-district and Pondok Melati sub-district.
In addition to being a residential area, Bekasi City is also developing as a city of
trade, services and industry. To support its development, the Bekasi City Government has
developed a One-Stop Service Unit (OSSU), which has received a National Level Public
Service Image. Bekasi City Government continues to develop facilities that support
community activities, such as traditional and modern markets, housing, places of worship,
education and health facilities.
Support for land transportation facilities in Bekasi City, continues to be evaluated
and developed. Bus and train stations in Bekasi had enough routes so that the mobility of
people, goods and daily services can run smoothly. It has direct access to Tanjung Priuk
port and Soekarno Hatta Airport via the West Bekasi and East Bekasi toll gates crossing
Jakarta or vice versa.
B. Discussion of Research Results
1. Work Ethic
As a spirit and mentality that manifests into a single unit of positive work behavior
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
such as; diligent, enthusiastic, thorough, diligent, tenacious, patient, respecting time and
so on.
Work ethic as shown by management studies and sociology as the main factor for
productivity. Using mathematical symbols, the relationship between the two is; P = f (ek)
means that productivity is a function of work ethic. Work ethic can be grouped into three,
namely; personal, organizational and national.
In any group studied, improving work ethic for the sake of independence, resilience
and competitiveness of the productivity system must involve the following things:
a) The existence of awareness programs, socialization and national campaigns on a
regular basis and continuously.
b) The presence of support and example from the top leadership layers at every strata
and echelon from the highest to the lowest.
c) This work ethic must be translated into a variety of productivity that is more like UU
and PP.
d) Give fair, clear, and firm rewards or punisments.
e) The above work ethic management is integrated into the corporate management
system (recruitment, selection, operation, performance evaluation, promotion, etc.).
2. Independence
The definition of independence is the readiness and ability of individuals to stand
alone which is characterized by taking the initiative. Besides trying to solve problems
without asking for help from others, trying and directing behavior towards perfection.
Steinberg in the book Adolescene (2002) states that the notion of independence is
the ability of adolescents to think, feel and make decisions personally based on
themselves rather than following what others believe. Independence is often equated with
the word independence even though there is actually a slight difference with autonomy.
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary, independence is defined as a person's condition
or condition that can stand alone or not depend on others. This means that independence
is the readiness and ability of individuals to stand alone which is characterized by taking
the initiative. Besides trying to solve problems without asking for help from others, trying
and directing behavior towards perfection.
3. Independence factor
Here are some factors that can affect the development of independence, namely:
a) Agent
The nature of parental independence can be passed down to children. However,
some experts still argue about this, because independence occurs because it is formed.
b) School education system
The educational environment tends to develop democracy and emphasizes respect
for the potential of students. This will stimulate the development of the child's
If the educational environment emphasizes punishment, it will hinder the
independence of the child.
c) The system of life in society
A community environment that respects potential and does not emphasize the
hierarchical social structure will encourage the development of adolescent independence.
d) Parenting pattern
Parenting patterns given by parents to children greatly affect the independence of
children. If parents provide a comfortable and safe family atmosphere in building
communication, then the development of children's independence will go well.
Sigit Tri Wahyudi
Building a Work Ethos to Strengthen the Independence and Resilience of SMEs during
Pandemic 928
However, if parents tend to control their children, then the social and intellectual
development of children will affect their independence. The child's inability to break
away from the power of authority or the child's submission to the power of authority is
one indicator of obedience.
4. Durability
Definition of resilience is the reaction of an agency to an attack, and by extension
all means and measures of risk or hazard identification and measurement, as well as
protection and/or response.
5. Function of national defense
In the journal Cultivating Pancasila Values for the Community as the Basic Capital
of the National Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (2016) by Adi, national security has
three main functions, namely:
Deterrence as a concept of deterrence, meaning that national security serves as a
deterrent from all forms of threats, disturbances or obstacles to the integrity, identity and
survival of the nation and state. National resilience as a guide, meaning that national
resilience serves to direct the potential strength of the Indonesian nation in the fields of
ideology, politics, economy, social, culture, defense and security, to achieve the welfare
of the Indonesian people.
This guide can be achieved by the Indonesian people through policies made by the
government and implementing them in the life of the nation and state, so that people can
live justly and prosperously.
Economic resilience is a part of economics that aims to turn threats into
opportunities. Stakeholders related to state resilience need to understand how to solve the
problem of resilience into economic aspects, namely production, distribution and
consumption. Then, if MSME is one of the units that can advance the economy for the
Indonesian nation and Bekasi City in particular because it involves various sectors such
as furniture, handicrafts, agriculture, fisheries, animal husbandry, culinary to industry, it
is hoped that the community can try to become economic subjects not only as an
economic object.
Seeing the latest news, the majority of MSME players have problems with
financing, declining demand, and disrupted distribution of raw materials. Therefore, in
this case the government has a role as a catalyst by releasing the National Economic
Recovery (PEN) program policy.
After that, from these policies, it is hoped that MSMEs can continue to produce and
can continue their business activities. This is because the policy provides a cost-capital
scheme that makes it easier for MSMEs to allocate budget and refocus appropriately and
accurately. Meanwhile, MSMEs receive financing facilities with low interest rates of six
percent per year. This policy certainly requires the role of all parties and the role of the
community to support government policies in synergizing against the Covid-19
Furthermore, to maximize and optimize MSME business activities, an integrated
digital platform is needed in carrying out marketing activities. The existence of a digital
platform makes it easier for MSME actors to sell their local products to buyers. Thus,
MSME products will not lose competitiveness with other products in e-commerce.
For your information, Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) are currently the
government's priority to become the economic center of the village. For this reason,
MSMEs are expected to synergize with BUMDes in order to strengthen the MSME
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
economy. Not only BUMDes, but all agencies involving BUMN, BUMD, banks and
institutions/organizations can identify in more detail in building synergies with MSMEs.
if this can be achieved, the wheels of the economy can continue to spin so that the
economy in the country can increase.
Based on research and discussion on the economic impact of Covid-19 on micro,
small and medium enterprises in Bekasi City, based on the results of a simple linear
regression test, it can be concluded that the Covid-19 variable has an effect on
microenterprise variables, small and medium. Where every increase of one unit of Covid-
19 will hamper the economy so that the income of micro, small and medium enterprises
in Bekasi City decreases. The strategy of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises facing
Covid-19 to continue their business continuity is to increase the sales volume of each
MSME by applying conventional marketing strategies to online marketing and using
social media as an online channel.
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