Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
60 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
Helen Anjelina
University of Bangka Belitung
Received: 17
February 2021
Revised: 22
February 2021
Approved: 23
February 2021
The pattern of displacement carried out by the community
triggers the increasing diversity in Indonesia. Be it in terms of
culture, religion, ethnicity, and so on. Just like what happened in
Tanjung Gunung Village where there are Malay and Buton
ethnicities. The research aims to find out the social interaction
between Malay and Buton ethnic groups in Tanjung Gunung
Village, Bangka Tengah Regency. The method used in this
research is by qualitative approach with descriptive method.
Data collection techniques used are observation techniques,
interviews, and documentation studies. While data collection
tools are observation guides, interview guides, and
documentation. The results showed that social interactions that
occurred between Malay and Buton ethnicity led to dissociative
social processes. This is demonstrated by the pattern of
interaction in the form of competition and conflict between the
two ethnicities.
Keywords: Malay Ethnicity, Buton Ethnicity, Sosial
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International
Indonesia is a country that has many islands, namely from Sabang to Merauke.
Besides, Indonesia is also the fourth most populous country after China, India, and the
United States. This makes Indonesian society today incomprehensible without connecting
it with the pattern of population displacement. This pattern of displacement occurs as a
result of overcrowding in an area. The process of population displacement carried out by
Indonesian people is one of the factors that lead to increased diversity of culture, religion,
ethnicity, language, and soon. Related to this, Indonesian society can be called a
multicultural society.
Multicultural Indonesian society is certainly vulnerable to conflict between ethnic
groups and different cultures. This is because there is a view that one ethnicity is better
than other ethnicities, called ethnocentrism. (Muslim, 2013) mentions that ethnocentrism
is a presumption that considers the group itself to be the center of everything. Other
groups will be compared and assessed according to the standards in the group itself.
Ethnocentrism makes the culture in its ethnicity a benchmark in measuring other ethnic
cultures. Individuals or groups with ethnocentric personalities tend to have zero tolerance
and do not want to recognize the existence of other cultures. They will stick to the culture
that exists in their ethnicity regardless of other ethnicities.
Bangka Belitung Islands Province is one of the places targeted for population
displacement. So that the Malay ethnicity which is the original ethnicity is no longer the
only ethnic that lives on this island. Ethnic Javanese, Balinese, Buton, Bugis, and others
have settled and lived side by side with ethnic Malays. One of the villages that became
Helen Anjelina
Social interaction between Malay and Buton ethnic in Tanjung Gunung
Village, Bangka Tengah Regency 61
destination of transmigration in Bangka Belitung Islands Province is Tanjung Gunung
Village. Based on the profile in 2019, the village is occupied by indigenous ethnic (Malay
ethnic) and immigrant ethnic (Buton ethnic). Buton ethnicity is an ethnic origin from
Sulawesi Province precisely in the Buton Islands, Southeast Sulawesi. Related to this,
TanjungGunung Village can be categorized as a multicultural village, because this village
has more than one ethnicity, language, and culture.
Social interaction is a social relationship that concerns individuals, groups, and
individuals (Soekanto & Sulistyowati, 2013). Social interaction occurs when two or more
people meet and then they say hello, shake hands, talk to each other, or fight.
Cooperation, strife, competition is a form of social interaction that often occurs.
Social interaction in the community can only occur if two conditions are met,
namely social contact and communication.(Nurahmah, 2019) Social contact is a
relationship that occurs directly called a primary contact or through an intermediary
called a secondary contact. While communication is a way for a person to give meaning
to the behavior of others by talking or through gestures.(Budiono, 2020)
Therefore, based on what has been presented above, researchers are interested in
identifying patterns of inter-ethnic interaction, as well as their impact on socio-cultural
life in the village. Where people from Malay or Buton ethnicity will not only interact with
each other in their daily lives. The pattern of social interaction between Malay and Buton
ethnic can be seen from the social process that occurs between the two ethnic groups.
According to Gillin and Gillin, there are two kinds of social processes as a result of social
interaction, namely associative processes and dissociative processes (Nihayati & Farid,
2019). An associative process is a process in which there are mutual understanding and
cooperation between individuals and groups that conduct social interactions. While the
dissociative process is a process of resistance carried out by individuals and groups in
social interactions between them in the community.
This research on inter-ethnic social interactions is also relevant to previous
research by previous researchers. The first research was conducted by Puput Arisman,
Yohanes Bahari and Fatmawati published in 2015. This research is titled Social
Interaction Between Malay and Chinese Ethnic in Pemangkat Kota Village, Pemangkat
Sub-District. This study aims to find out the social interaction of Malay and Chinese
ethnic in Pemangkat Kota Village, Pemangkat Sub-District. The method used in this
research is the qualitative research method with the desktop if approach. (Arisman &
Bahari, 2013)
The results showed that the social interaction that occurred between Malay and
Ethnic Chinese has been running by the existing interaction process, this is seen by the
cooperation between Malay and Chinese ethnicities. The competition is also limited to
competition in general, not competition that leads to conflict and violence and
accommodation in the Village Of City Lifter is also very instrumental in the daily life of
the people of Pemangkat Kota Village through a sense of tolerance and a compromise
between ethnic Malays and Chinese.
The second previous research was conducted by Hendra Safputra published in
2018. This study is titled Social Interaction Between Aceh and Java Ethnicity (Field
Study of KarangAnyar Village, Nagan Raya Regency). This study aims to find out the
pattern of social interaction between Javanese and Ethnic Acehnese in Karang Anyar
Village and how social and cultural influences take place between the Javanese ethnic
immigrant community and the Acehnese in Karang Anyar Village. The method used in
this research is descriptive qualitative. (Saputra, 2018)
The result of this research is the pattern of social interaction of Javanese ethnic
migrants (transmigrants) with Acehnese in Karang Anyar Village can be seen from the
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
62 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
communication process between Javanese and local people of Aceh goes well even
tought they come from different regions. Tribal taste is low, so that ethnic Javanese as
migrantsare accepted with chest space in various things in Karang Anyar Village.
The social and cultural influences that took place between the Javanese ethnic
immigrants and the Acehnese people in Karang Anyar Village have been integrated by
themselves. This is evident as at the inauguration of a wedding or wedding party, there is
a hot shower, and the kibot music event on the day of the party. This research is different
from previous research because it will examine the interaction patterns, this research will
also examine the interaction process of the interactions between the two parties.
The research method used in this research is the qualitative research method.
According to (Afrizal, 2014), the qualitative research method is a method of social
sciences research that collects and analyzes data in the form of words both oral and
written and human actions and researchers do not try to calculate or quantify qualitative
data that has been obtained. This is because the data analyzed in qualitative research is in
the form of words and actions carried out by humans.
The location in this study is Tanjung Gunung Village, Pangkalan Baru District,
Bangka Tengah Regency. The reason researchers chose this location is that two different
ethnicities are living in this village for a long period. The two ethnicities have differences
in terms of language and culture. The village also still has a grouping of housing patterns
between the two ethnicities. Besides, other distinctions show differences between the two
ethnicities as well as funerals. Therefore, researchers are interested in researching the
social interactions that occur between Malay and buton ethnic groups in this village.
The data sources used in this study are primary data sources and secondary data
sources. The primary data source is data obtained directly from the community through
the process of interviews, observations, and others. While the secondary data source is
data obtained from library materials. This data is used to supplement the primary data that
has been obtained.
The technique that will be used in this research is the Purposive sampling
technique. Purposive sampling is used in situations where an expert uses his or her
judgment in selecting informants with a specific purpose in his mind (Sugiyono, 2019).
This technique is an informant retrieval technique with certain
considerations.(Herdiansyah, 2010). In this study, the data techniques used by the
researcher were 3, observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis in this study
used three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and with drawing
A. History of Buton Ethnicity in Tanjung Gunung Village
Buton ethnicity is an ethnic immigrant from Southeast Sulawesi Province,
precisely in the Buton Islands. Buton ethnic who are ethnic migrants have been living in
Tanjung Gunung Village for a long period of time. Therefore, the arrival of the Buton
ethnic to Tanjung Gunung Village has a history as conveyed by La Ludi in the interview
Helen Anjelina
Social interaction between Malay and Buton ethnic in Tanjung Gunung
Village, Bangka Tengah Regency 63
excerpt as follows:
"These Butons moved here around the 1940s. Moving around was hard in
Buton, so moved here. It's been a long time coming so stay here." (Interview,
September 18, 2020).
La Ludi stated that the Buton ethnic group first traveled to tanjung gunung village
around in the 1940s. That's because it was difficult to find a job at the time. So some of
them decided to move from Buton Islands to Bangka precisely Tanjung Gunung Village.
Another statement about the history of buton ethnic arrival to Tanjung Gunung Village
was also conveyed by Muslims in the interview excerpt as follows:
"Tanjung Gunung used to be a forest for gardening people, after that there
was one or two people who lived here. Then came the Butons. Because the
land used to have no property, so the Butons live here. They've been living
here for a long time." "(Interview, September 18, 2020).
According to the Muslim statement, people from buton ethnicity first came to
Tanjung Gunung Village for a long time. They come at a time when ownership rights to
land in the village are still not owned. So they decided to stay and settle down. Another
statement was made by Wa Tati in the following interview excerpt:
"I've lived here a long time, since I was a kid. About forties are over. I'm
from Buton here looking for a new life with my parents. Because there used
to be a lot of lead here. In the past, when we moved here, there were still few
people in Buton who moved here." (Interview, September 18, 2020).
According to Wa Tati, economic factors are one of the factors that cause their
displacement. In addition, the hope of getting a better new life than before also
encouraged the move. The natural resources in Tanjung Gunung Village attracted their
attention. Especially natural resources in the field of mining, namely tin.
B. Social Interaction Pattern of Malay and Buton Ethnic in Tanjung Gunung
Tanjung Gunung village is one of the villages where there are Malay and Buton
ethnicities. The two ethnic groups have lived side by side in Tanjung Gunung Village for
a long period of time. Therefore, a pattern of social interaction between Malay and Buton
ethnicities is formed. Based on the results of field research, the pattern of social
interaction that occurs between Malay and Buton ethnic in Tanjung Gunung Village can
be seen from the social process that occurred. According to Gillin and Gillin, there are
two kinds of social processes as a result of social interaction, namely associative
processes and dissociative processes (Nihayati & Farid, 2019).
1. Competition
Tanjung Gunung Village is a village located on the coast. This causes most
of the population to work as fishermen. In addition, many also work as farmers and
tin miners at sea. Therefore, the competition between ethnic Malays and Buton
ethnicities is competition in terms of employment. This statement was delivered by
La Dartono as follows:
"This competition is usually in the form of work only. Because there are
many fishermen and tin miners here." (Interview, September 18, 2020).
The economic competition between ethnic Malays and Buton ethnicities can
be competition in terms of employment. Individuals of both ethnicities are vying for
seafood and mining products. In addition, they are also competing in obtaining crops
from farming. So that the individual can get more results and benefits than other
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
64 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
Therefore, the competition between Malay and Buton ethnicity is competition in
terms of employment. In addition, competition in terms of culture is also seen between
the Malay and Buton ethnic groups in this village. This can be seen during certain
occasions such as religious events and welcoming guests from outside the area. Each
ethnicity will show each other the culture they have.
2. Conflict
The pattern of social interaction between Malay and Buton ethnicity can be seen
from the conflict. The conflict between Malay and Buton ethnicity is a fight between
teenagers. This was conveyed by Sumi in the interview excerpt as follows:
"The conflict in Tanjung Gunung is only a fight between school children,
because of drinks. That's a long time ago I think, if it no longer exists."
(Interview, September 18, 2020).
The cause of the altercation was liquor. The brawl occurred during a dangdutan
event before a wedding reception was held in the Buton ethnicity. However, according to
the head of Tanjung Gunung village, the inter-ethnic youth fight is no longer happening.
This is because there is a rule that states that those who fight will be fined.
C. Social Conditions of Malay and Buton Ethnic Culture
Tanjung Gunung village is a village occupied by two different ethnicities, namely
Malay and Buton ethnicity. Before the arrival of Buton ethnicity to Tanjung Gunung
Village, Malay ethnicity only made social interactions to fellow Ethnic Malays. After the
arrival of the Buton ethnicity, the Malays then not only made social interactions with
fellow Malays, but also against the Buton ethnicity.
At the beginning of the buton's arrival to Tanjung Gunung Village, they chose to
live in groups. Their residence is in the vicinity of RT. 01 and RT 02. This is in
accordance with what Padli said in the interview as follows:
"Oh yes, the Butons used to live in RT up there. Around RT. 01 and RT.
02."(Interview, September 18, 2020).
Padli stated that at the beginning of the buton ethnic arrival to Tanjung Gunung
village, they lived separately from the Malay ethnicity. This indicates that the grouping of
residential patterns that occurred between the Malay and Buton ethnic groups occurred
from the beginning of the arrival of the Buton ethnicity. Then the grouping of this pattern
of residence is still visible today. To find out more about the pattern of residence between
Malay and Buton ethnic in Tanjung Village can be seen through table 1 as follows:
Table 1. Malay and Buton Ethnic Residence Patterns
Residence (RT)
Malay ethnicity
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
66 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
Based on table 1 above, it can be seen that the grouping of residential patterns in
Tanjung Gunung Village is still happening. There are only three RT occupied by Malay
and Buton ethnic groups together. The rest are occupied by both ethnic groups of both
Malay and Buton ethnicities.
Malay and Buton ethnic groups have differences in terms of burial sites. The
Malays will be buried in Malay and Buton cemeteries buried in Buton cemeteries. This
has been going on from the beginning of these two ethnicities living in the same village
until now.
Ethnic Malays and their Buton ethnicities have differences in terms of funerals.
Which is where ethnic Malays and Buton ethnicities have their own burial places. The
difference in terms of burial place has existed since the beginning of the arrival of ethnic
Buton to Tanjung Gunung Village. This corresponds to the information conveyed by
Sanji in the following interview excerpt:
“Oh yes, there are two graves here. It's called Malay cemetery and Buton
Cemetery. Malays are buried in Malay graves. And the Butons are buried in
Buton's grave." (Interview, September 18, 2020).
Sanji states that there is a distinction when it comes to funerals. Individuals of
Malay ethnic origin will be buried in the Malay Cemetery. Meanwhile, people of Buton
ethnicity will be buried in Buton Cemetery. The culture of this cemetery is still going on
In the previous discussion conducted by researchers on "Social Interaction Between
Malay and Buton Ethnic in Tanjung Gunung Village, Bangka Tengah Regency". So the
first field findings are the pattern of social action that occurs between malay and buton
ethnic in Tanjung Gunung village can be seen in terms of associative and dissociative.
Patterns of social interaction between Malay and Buton ethnicities tend to lead to
dissociative social processes. This is demonstrated by the competition and conflict in both
The second finding is the social and cultural impact as a result of social interaction
between Malay and Buton ethnic in Tanjung Gunung Village can be seen from the pattern
of settlements that tend to cluster. This grouping of residence patterns occurred from the
beginning of the arrival of the Buton ethnic to Tanjung Gunung Village. This then gives
rise to the social distance that occurs when conducting social interactions between the two
Based on the conclusions taken, the author has suggestions that are considered
necessary, among others, the first is expected that in the future the government will better
coordinate all elements of local culture, so that the cultural elements in the Malay and
Buton ethnicities are not lost. Furthermore, the second is expected to the community to
increase tolerance in interacting, so that there is no dispute. Then the third is expected to
the next researchers to further examine the social interactions that occur between
themelayu and buton ethnicities.
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