Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
Alifianti, et al., (2017), Rani, (2017), Dhamara and Violita, (2017) , Wardani and
Khoiriyah, (2018), Fathorrahman and Syaiful, (2019), Windyasari, et al., (2019), Pratiwi,
et al., (2020), Purba, et al., (2020), Nurrahmi and Rahayu, (2020 ), Harianto, (2020),
Anggraini, et al., (2020) and Sadjiarto, et al., (2020). Meanwhile, research conducted by
foreign researchers, namely Armstrong, et al., (2015), Higgins, et al., (2015), Edwards, et
al., (2016), Tilehnouei, et al., (2018), Jiménez-Agueira, (2018), Martinez and Ferreira,
(2019), Kalil, (2019) and Dhawan, et al., (2020).
In addition, regarding the independent variable environmental uncertainty on tax
avoidance, there have been previous studies conducted by Ratu and Siregar, (2019),
Seviana and Kristanto, (2020), Syarendra and Kristanto, (2020) and Arieftiara, et al.,
(2020) which states the results of his research that environmental uncertainty has affect
tax avoidance. Meanwhile, research conducted by Huang, et al., (2017) states that the
results of the study show that environmental uncertainty has no effect on tax avoidance.
There are also previous studies that examined financial distress on tax avoidance,
the following are studies related to this topic that have been carried out by Edwards, et al.,
(2016), Meilia and Adnan, (2017), Tilehnouei, et al., (2018), Alifianti, et al.., (2017),
Dhamara and Violita, (2017), Dhawan, et al., (2020) and Pratiwi, et al., (2020).
Meanwhile, research conducted by Rani, (2017) and Valensia and Khairani, (2019) stated
that financial distress has no effect on tax avoidance.
Business strategies for tax avoidance have been studied previously, following the
research conducted by Higgins, et al., (2015), Martinez and Ferreira, (2019), Sadjiarto, et
al., (2020) and Purba, et al., (2020) stated the results of the study show that business
strategy has an effect on tax avoidance. Meanwhile, research conducted by Wardani and
Khoiriyah, (2018), Windyasari, et al., (2019), Harianto, (2020), Nurrahmi and Rahayu,
(2020), Anggraini, et al., (2020), and Fathorrahman and Syaiful, (2019) stated that the
results of business strategy research have no effect on tax avoidance.
The difference between this study and previous studies is that it proxies the
dependent variable with the current state of the covid-19 pandemic. In addition, the
authors add business strategy as a moderating variable. The choice of business strategy as
a moderating variable because the business strategy will affect the entire transaction and
costs including taxes.
This research is quantitative research using secondary data. The population and
sample are manufacturing companies that publish audited annual financial statements for
the 2017-2019 period using the Rupiah currency. The data collection technique is
documentation by collecting documentary data sources in the form of the company's
annual report published by the IDX's official website, namely period
2017-2019. There are 288 observations from 96 companies, only 243 that meet the
criteria as samples in the study as follows:
The sample in this study consisted of 240 samples from 80 companies for three
years (2017-2019). There are 45 samples that do not use rupiah in their financial
statements and there are 3 outlier data. Outlier data are cases or data that have unique
characteristics that look very different from other observations and appear in the form of
extreme values for either a single variable or a combination variable (Ghozali, 2018).
The following are the results of data processing using Moderating Regression