How to cite:
Ariska Nurlaila, Devita Farita. (2021) Review Procedures Borrowing and
Return Record Files Medical Outpatient Medical Record in Health Unit River
Candle. Journal Eduvest. 1(9): 898-901
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Ariska Nurlaila, Devita Farita
Piksi Ganesha Polytechnic Bandung
August, 26
September, 10
September, 13
The borrowing of medical record documents at the
puskesmas is used for internal or external purposes which
include needs in aspects of the usefulness of medical record
documents such as administrative, medical, legal, financial,
research, and educational aspects. Based on a survey at the
puskesmas, the procedure for borrowing and returning
medical record files has not been carried out effectively, for
example, the return of outpatient medical record files is often
not in accordance with the provisions, namely a maximum of
1 (one) hour before the end of working hours, thus hampering
the implementation of medical record retrieval at any time.
The time is needed by patients, doctors, and parties who need
medical record files. The purpose of this study was to
determine the procedure for borrowing and returning
outpatient medical record files. This research is a type of
descriptive research. The object of the research is the
procedure for borrowing and returning medical record files of
outpatients in the medical record unit. The instruments used
are observation guidelines and interview guidelines.
Procedure For Borrowing, Prosedur For Returning, Medical
Record, Human Resources
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Ariska Nurlaila, Devita Farita
Review Procedures Borrowing and Return Record Files Medical Outpatient Medical
Record in Health Unit River Candle 899
Puskesmas is a technical implementation unit of the district / city health office that
is responsible for organizing health development in a work area (Harianja, 2018).
Medical records are files containing records and documents about the patient's identity,
examination, treatment, actions and other services that have been provided to the patient
(Hendrawan, Winardi, & Surbakti, 2017).
Medical Record Unit that supports in medical record services is a storage room
(filing) where outpatient, inpatient and emergency medical records are stored because
medical records are confidential and have legal aspects (Mathar, 2018). A procedure is a
sequence of activities established to ensure the uniform handling of transactions that
occur repeatedly (IRAWAN, 2018).
Medical records officer responsible for where the medical records file and the
entire medical records that are still in the service units (Guswani, 2016). When the
medical records are outside the medical record unit, the medical records officer is
responsible for where the medical records file is sent and as much as possible know at
any time the existence of the medical record file in the service units (Yuliani & Utami,
Therefore, the need to apply the procedure of borrowing and returning medical
records files, while those who are entitled to borrow medical records files are those
responsible for the patient, namely doctors, nurses and medical personnel who are
responsible for the confidentiality of medical records files (Valentina, 2019).
The terms of borrowing medical records files are that the identity must be clear
whether borrowing or having a medical record file (Nofiana & Sugiarsi, 2011), the
location of the loan is carried out in the office of the medical record unit itself, outside the
agency / outside the hospital, there is evidence in the medical record unit, tracers at the
location / storage rack of medical records documents, medical records that must be used
must be complete (Pasaribu & Sihombing, 2017).
In the sop puskesmas, the medical record to be returned must be completed first by
the room attendant (Lestari & Muflihatin, 2020). After being completed and written on
the room expedition book, the document is returned to the medical record unit (Fauziah &
Sugiarti, 2014).
Delay in return resulting in the buildup of medical record documents, in the
recording on the register book has not been in accordance with the date the patient
returned so that the recording of medical record documents becomes irregular and can be
difficult if the document is needed again for further treatment and cause delays in the
management of data and health care reports (Medis, 2015).
Based on the survey at the health center, the procedure of borrowing and returning
medical records files has not been implemented effectively, for example, the return of
medical records files is not in time so as to hinder the re retrieval of medical records that
are at any time needed by patients, doctors, and parties who need medical records files
(MAHENDRA, 2019). This is due to the lack of good facilities and infrastructure and the
lack of medical records personnel who take care of the procedure of borrowing and
returning medical records files.
The method used in this research is descriptive, the author only observes the
object of research to find out the existing problems and find ways to solve them. The
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
object of research is the procedure for borrowing and returning medical record files at the
medical record unit at Sungai Wax Public Health Center. Research Instruments use
interview guidelines and observation guidelines.
A. Research Results
1. Procedures for borrowing documents and returning medical records
At the medical record unit of the Sungai Candle Health Center have human
resources which have 2 storage officers in charge of serving the borrowing and returning
of medical record documents. This loan is based on the Regulation of the Minister of
Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 269/MenKes/PER/III/2008, article 13 chapter V
concerning Ownership, Utilization and Responsible Person, namely the medical record
document belonging to the health service facility while the contents of the medical record
belong to the patient.
2. Procedures regarding borrowing medical record documents, namely:
a) The borrower submits a loan receipt to the head of the medical record
b) The head of the medical record submits a loan receipt to the storage department
to retrieve the documents to be borrowed
c) After the medical record document is received by the borrower, the borrower
signs the loan receipt book.
3. Procedures for returning medical record files are:
a) Documents returned must be recorded in the expedition book and signed
by the medical record officer.
b) Must include the date of return, the name of the borrower and the
borrower's signature.
B. Discussion
The procedure for borrowing and returning has been implemented well, it can be
seen where the medical record file is returned to the medical record unit on time (Sugiarti
& Prodi III, 2020). but there are differences in terms of implementation in the field due to
the lack of responsibility of medical record officers in borrowing and returning medical
record files such as not completing the filling in the loan receipt book, and from the
results of the study that the rate of return of outpatient medical records amounted to 5
files which were recorded in the book loan receipts that are returned on time (Fenwick,
McCahery, & Vermeulen, 2017).
Meanwhile, supporting facilities and infrastructure in the implementation of
borrowing and returning files are adequate. With the availability of supporting facilities
and infrastructure, it makes it easier for officers to borrow and return without any
obstacles or obstacles in carrying out these tasks.
Based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that the procedure for
borrowing and returning medical records is carried out based on SOPs but in terms of
implementation there is still less responsibility for medical record officers such as not
completing the filling in the loan receipt book. Books, notes and forms used in borrowing
medical record documents are tracer, loan receipt book, piece of paper (functions the
same as loan receipt). In borrowing and returning medical record files, it is still not
running effectively so that many loan receipt books are not filled out completely
Ariska Nurlaila, Devita Farita
Review Procedures Borrowing and Return Record Files Medical Outpatient Medical
Record in Health Unit River Candle 901
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