How to cite:
Indira Olan Avriani, Rachma Hasibuan, Retno Trihariastuti. (2021)
Development of Water Tube Media on The Theme of The Universe to
Improve Fine Motor and Language Development In Early Children. Journal
Eduvest. 1(9): 970-975
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Indira Olan Avriani, Rachma Hasibuan, Retno Trihariastuti
Surabaya State University
August, 26
September, 13
September, 15
The purpose of the research is analyze the feasibility and
effectiveness of the water tube media in developing soft
motor skills and children's language. This development
research use the Dick & Carey research and development
model. The result of the development are water tube
products to develop soft motor skill and children’s language
in group A. The development of the media includes material
about the introduction about charasterictic water. The study
was conducted in class A Bina Prestasi Surabaya. Based on
the formative test to experts and children obtained
qualitative and quantitative data, qualitative data are
suggestions from experts and quantitative data in the form a
percentage of child observasion sheets. The percentage of
asessment formative tests experts and also children, the
water tube media is feasible and effective to be used in
learning to develop soft motor skills and children’s language
in group A Bina Prestasi Surabaya. Based on the results of this
development research, it can be concluded that the water
tube media is feasible to use in improving the development of
fine motor and language development in early childhood and
is also effective and practical to use in improving fine motor
and language development in early childhood. This is proven
by testing the hypothesis used, namely the output table "test
Indira Olan Avriani, Rachma Hasibuan, Retno Trihariastuti
Development of Water Tube Media on The Theme of The Universe to Improve Fine
Motor and Language Development In Early Children 971
statistics" shows Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is worth 0.000.
because the value is 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that it is
accepted, meaning that there is a difference in scores
between before and after being treated with water tube
Water Tube Media, Soft Motor Skills, Language
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Early childhood education is an education that provides the basis for a child's
education later in life. Early childhood education is an effective time to develop various
aspects of child development that include the development of physical-motor skills,
cognitive, language, social-emotional, art, morals, and religious values (Suryana, 2018).
In early childhood, efforts to develop all children's potential must begin to be
implemented so that the growth and development of children is achieved optimally
(Huliyah, 2017).
Early childhood is children in the age range of 0-8 years, covered by educational
programs in child care parks, family child care home, early childhood education both
private and public (Anhusadar, 2013). The group of early childhood becomes 3 groups,
namely children at the age of infants up to 2 years, children aged 3-5 years, and children
aged 6-8 years (Susanto, 2017). The division of children based on age can affect the rules
in implementing the curriculum in education and childcare.
Early childhood has different characteristics in each individual, but in general early
childhood has characteristics, namely; (a) each child is unique; (b) the child learns
through play and trying; (c) the child's short attention span; (d) the child sees and
understands the world from glasses that are different from adults; (e) the child is
egocentric; (f) the child needs love and acceptance as well as exploration, activity, and
expression (Hasibuan, 2017).
Children can think creatively through the objects around them (Fadhila &
Rakimahwati, 2020). Children at an early age is the most effective learning period,
children learn through playing both with their peers and with objects around them (Holis,
2017). Children tend to be egocentric but still part of social creatures that need other
friends to play with. Children aged 0-8 years still have a short concentration range so that
in teaching children can not be too long, because children will easily get bored (Kurnia
Dewi, 2017). Children know objects by organizing and classifying them into concepts
(Suriah, 2019). Children still think symbolically, cannot think abstractly and complexly.
An important aspect to be developed in the process of growth and development of
children one of them is the fine motor aspect (Sutini & Rahmawati, 2018). Children who
are disturbed by the process of growth and physical development will be very likely to be
disturbed by other aspects, may be disturbed in terms of cognitive, language, social
emotional, and also religious and moral values (Slamet, 2020).
Fine motor development in early childhood is different from that of one child from
another (Pura & Asnawati, 2019). Differences in the growth and physical development of
motor children are influenced by gender, pre-natal background, Christmas, to post-natal.
The growth and physical development of the child's motor is greatly influenced by the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
nutritional intake received by the child, the health of the child, and motor treatment in
accordance with the child's development (Meiyanasari, 2016).
In addition to fine motor development, the aspect that needs to be developed is the
language aspect. Language is a form of communication whether it is spoken, written or
gesture based on a system of symbols (Arner & Santrock, 2014). Language consists of
words used by society along with rules for arranging various variations and combining
words. Children's language is the language used by children to express desires, thoughts,
hopes, requests, etc. for the personal benefit of children (Yuli Ani Setyo Dewi, 2017).
Developing fine motor aspects and children's language can be packaged through
activities equipped with interesting learning media. One medium that can be used to
develop fine motor skills and language of children is the water tube media. Water tube
media is a medium used to introduce properties to the theme of the activities of the
universe. The purpose of water tube media is to introduce children to various properties
of water by inviting children to do simple science experiments.
The form of learning media to be developed in this study is titled "Water Tube
Media Development on the Theme of the Universe in Improving Fine Motor
Development and Early Childhood Language". The development of this media is not only
used to develop aspects of child development such as physical motor, language,
cognitive, social emotional, and religious and moral values, but this learning media can
also be used to introduce the properties possessed by water.
Media Water Tube is designed to meet the needs of early childhood development,
especially in children group A, namely aged 4-5 years. Water Tube media is designed as
attractive as possible and varied, i.e. using materials that are easy to be able to, providing
an interesting color diversity and a variety of activities that vary. It aims to attract the
attention and interest of children to follow the activities.
This study uses the Dick & Carey research and development model. These
include analyzing needs and objectives, analyzing learning, analyzing learners (children)
and context, formulating performance goals or performance, developing test instruments
or tools, developing learning strategies, designing and conducting formative evaluations,
and making revisions. The result of the development is a circuit game product to develop
the fine motor and language skills of group A children. The development of the media
includes material on the introduction of the properties of water. The research was
conducted in class A TK Bina Prestasi Surabaya.
Figure 1. Trial Design
The research subjects in this study were the children of Group A1 in TK Bina
Prestasi Surabaya, totaling 30 children. With the class teacher as the teacher and the
Evaluasi Formatif
Child Trial
Individual Trial
Trial Ex.
Field Trial
Indira Olan Avriani, Rachma Hasibuan, Retno Trihariastuti
Development of Water Tube Media on The Theme of The Universe to Improve Fine
Motor and Language Development In Early Children 971
researcher as the Observer. The expert validation test was carried out by asking for
validation from 2 experts, namely an expert on language development and fine motor
skills for early childhood, and a media expert.
Indira Olan Avriani, Rachma Hasibuan, Retno Trihariastuti
Development of Water Tube Media on The Theme of The Universe to Improve Fine
Motor and Language Development In Early Children 973
The types of data obtained from product trials for developing water tube media are
quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative data were obtained from the
assessment scores at the field trial stage. While qualitative data were obtained from the
results of expert validation, individual trials, and small group trials in the form of
responses and suggestions for improvement.
The instruments used in this development research are interviews, observation
sheets and questionnaires. Interviews were used to find out the problems that occurred
during the initial observation. The interview instrument was used at the field trial stage
before and after the activity.
Data analysis techniques on the development of water tube media were carried out
by considering input, comments, and suggestions from experts using the Guttman scale,
namely revision and not revision. Data analysis to determine the effectiveness of water
tube media by using a comparison of fine motor skills before treatment or before the
media is used with after treatment or after the media is used. The trial design used was the
One Group Pretest Posttest Design type.
The first step is to identify the problem that needs development so that it can be
determine general goals. From the results of observations and interviews that have been
carried out, it was found that there were obstacles in improving language and fine motor
development in group A children at the Surabaya City Development Kindergarten so that
the expected learning objectives had not been achieved and answer question correctly.
The obstacles that prevent the achievement of the learning objectives are classically
monotonous learning activities with picture media and the implementation of learning in
improving language and fine motor development of early childhood using worksheets and
white board. As many as 50% of group A children are in the undeveloped stage of
answering questions posed by the teacher, 50 % of group A children are undeveloped
stage in aspects of fine motor development which include stirring, pouring and holding
Based on the problems mentioned above, it is necessary to develop water tube media
on the theme of the universe which is packaged in the form of scientific experiment
activities to recognize the nature of water as a way to help children improve their
storytelling skills, answer questions, express feelings, hold object, stir and pour. With this
product, it is hoped that children can improve language and fine motor development in a
fun way and according to their stage of development.
The results of the validation by 2 experts showed that the water tube media was
suitable for use in the next stage, namely the individual trial stage. In the individual trial,
it was found that all children got the maximum result, namely 100%. The results of the
individual trial show that the percentage of children's acquisition is more than 51%, so it
can be concluded that the individual trial is feasible to be continued in the next trial,
namely the small group trial.
1. Individual trial
Individual trial was cariied out on group a children in the Bina Prestasi
Kindergarten with 5 children. In individual trial, children use water tube media alternately
one by one. It aims to determine the implementation and early response of children to the
product being developed.
The percentage results obtained in individual trials conducted by 5 childrens. All
children got the maximum results, namely 100 %. The results of the individual trial show
that the percentage of childrens acquisition is more than 51%, so it can be concluded that
Indira Olan Avriani, Rachma Hasibuan, Retno Trihariastuti
Development of Water Tube Media on The Theme of The Universe to Improve Fine
Motor and Language Development In Early Children 975
the individual trial is feasible to be continued in the next trial, namely the small group
2. Small Group Trial
A small group trial was conducted on 10 Group A children at Bina Prestasi
Kindergarten. The results of a small group trial conducted by 10 children showed the
maximum result was 100%. Scoring on each indicator obtained indicator 1 is 100%,
indicator 2 is 100%, indicator 3 is 100%, indicator 4 is 100%, indicator 5 is 100%,
indicator 6 is 100%, indicator 7 is 100%. Each indicator in the small group trial has
obtained a maximum result of 100%, so it can be concluded that each indicator has
obtained a feasibility percentage. The percentage results obtained from 10 children and 7
indicators have reached a maximum result of 100% so it can be concluded that the water
tube media is suitable for use in the next trial, namely large group or field trials.
3. Large Group Trial
The last stage of the child trial is a large group or field trial. This large group or field
was carried out on all 30 children in Group A at Bina Prestasi Kindergarten. This large
griup or field trial aims to implement simple science experiment activities using water
tube media to determine the effect of media on increasing child development. The
effectiveness of increasing fine motor and language development through water tube
medua was carried out with initial measurements pretest and final measurements. The
ability of children before and after activities with water tube media can be known through
large group.
The effectiveness of increasing fine motor and language development through
water tube media was carried out with initial measurements (Pretest) and final
measurements (Posttest). The ability of children before and after activities with water
tube media can be known through large group or field trials.
The research about media water tube has a novelty never been used by teachers to
introduce the properties of water to early childhood besides the use of water tube media
can improve fine motor development and aerly childhood language.
However, after taking action in pretest and posstest, the observations made by
researchers and teacher showed the following results:
1) After use water tube media, the child becomes more enthusiastic followed more
2) Water tube media can be improve fine motor skill and language.
3) Water tube media is effective to be used as a learning medium on the theme of
the universe that can improve the development of fine motor skills and early
childhood language.
Based on the results of this development research, it can be concluded that the
water tube media is feasible to use in improving the development of fine motor and
language development in early childhood and is also effective and practical to use in
improving fine motor and language development in early childhood. This is proven by
testing the hypothesis used, namely the output table "test statistics" shows Asymp. Sig.
(2-tailed) is worth 0.000. because the value is 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that it is
accepted, meaning that there is a difference in scores between before and after being
treated with water tube media.
The conclusion from the explanation above is in the results of the hypothesis test
used, the output table "test statistics" shows Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is worth 0.000.
because the value of 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that H_a is accepted, meaning that
there is a difference in scores between before and after being treated with water tube
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
media. These data indicate that the water tube media is effective to be used as a learning
medium on the theme of the universe that can improve the development of fine motor
skills and early childhood language.
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Indira Olan Avriani, Rachma Hasibuan, Retno Trihariastuti
Development of Water Tube Media on The Theme of The Universe to Improve Fine
Motor and Language Development In Early Children 975