Indira Olan Avriani, Rachma Hasibuan, Retno Trihariastuti
Development of Water Tube Media on The Theme of The Universe to Improve Fine
Motor and Language Development In Early Children 971
statistics" shows Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is worth 0.000.
because the value is 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that it is
accepted, meaning that there is a difference in scores
between before and after being treated with water tube
Water Tube Media, Soft Motor Skills, Language
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Early childhood education is an education that provides the basis for a child's
education later in life. Early childhood education is an effective time to develop various
aspects of child development that include the development of physical-motor skills,
cognitive, language, social-emotional, art, morals, and religious values (Suryana, 2018).
In early childhood, efforts to develop all children's potential must begin to be
implemented so that the growth and development of children is achieved optimally
(Huliyah, 2017).
Early childhood is children in the age range of 0-8 years, covered by educational
programs in child care parks, family child care home, early childhood education both
private and public (Anhusadar, 2013). The group of early childhood becomes 3 groups,
namely children at the age of infants up to 2 years, children aged 3-5 years, and children
aged 6-8 years (Susanto, 2017). The division of children based on age can affect the rules
in implementing the curriculum in education and childcare.
Early childhood has different characteristics in each individual, but in general early
childhood has characteristics, namely; (a) each child is unique; (b) the child learns
through play and trying; (c) the child's short attention span; (d) the child sees and
understands the world from glasses that are different from adults; (e) the child is
egocentric; (f) the child needs love and acceptance as well as exploration, activity, and
expression (Hasibuan, 2017).
Children can think creatively through the objects around them (Fadhila &
Rakimahwati, 2020). Children at an early age is the most effective learning period,
children learn through playing both with their peers and with objects around them (Holis,
2017). Children tend to be egocentric but still part of social creatures that need other
friends to play with. Children aged 0-8 years still have a short concentration range so that
in teaching children can not be too long, because children will easily get bored (Kurnia
Dewi, 2017). Children know objects by organizing and classifying them into concepts
(Suriah, 2019). Children still think symbolically, cannot think abstractly and complexly.
An important aspect to be developed in the process of growth and development of
children one of them is the fine motor aspect (Sutini & Rahmawati, 2018). Children who
are disturbed by the process of growth and physical development will be very likely to be
disturbed by other aspects, may be disturbed in terms of cognitive, language, social
emotional, and also religious and moral values (Slamet, 2020).
Fine motor development in early childhood is different from that of one child from
another (Pura & Asnawati, 2019). Differences in the growth and physical development of
motor children are influenced by gender, pre-natal background, Christmas, to post-natal.
The growth and physical development of the child's motor is greatly influenced by the