How to cite:
Sara Yemima Br Ambarita. (2021) Evaluation of Drug Uses for Calicivirus
and Panleukopenia Treatment in Bogor Animal Clinic on 2017 and 2018.
Journal Eduvest. 1(9): 999-1006
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Muhammad Agung Nulhakim, Bayu Febram Prasetyo, Rini Madyastuti Purwono
Bogor Agruculture University
E-mail: nulhak[email protected],,
August, 26
September, 15
September, 17
Drug therapy in cases of infections by viruses is only to prevent
secondary infections. The use of drugs for each action must be
evaluated through a drug use evaluation program (EPO) in
order to guarantee a rational and effective drug. This study
aims to examine the drugs in case for handling and the
effectiveness of drug use in cases of infections caused by
viruses, in this study the therapeutic use of drugs in cases of
feline calicivirus and feline panleukopenia. This research is a
descriptive study using data from 543 patients who came to
get treatment of clinic in Bogor City during 2017 and 2018, 29
of which were infected with feline calicivirus and 32 infected
with feline panleukopenia. Evaluation of drug use in these two
viral diseases is done descriptively by comparing research data
with literature. The results showed the use of drugs in the case
of feline calicivirus there were 12 types of drug treatment,
while in the case of feline panleukopenia there were 9 types of
drug treatment. The use of drugs most often used is based on
the records of veterinary clinical records, namely the
preparation of metronidazole combined with cefadroxil to
handle cases of feline calicivirus and metronidazole alone to
handle cases of feline panleukopenia.
Feline Calicivirus, Feline Panleukopenia, Evaluation Of Drug Use,
Metronidazole, Cefadroxyl
Sara Yemima Br Ambarita
Evaluation of Drug Uses for Calicivirus and Panleukopenia Treatment in Bogor Animal
Clinic on 2017 and 2018 1000
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.
Pets are animals that are domesticated and cared for by owners and can be considered
as additional needs for humans (Rahmiati & Pribadi, 2014). The relationship between
animals and their owners has been widely studied and proven to provide positive benefits
for their owners in terms of physical, psychological and social welfare. This relationship
makes pets an increasingly important need in modern households (Chen, Hung, & Peng,
2012). The activity of raising animals is not just a hobby that is not beneficial for animal
owners (Nurlayli & Hidayati, 2014), but is a form of social support that can improve health.
In general, people are more likely to choose cats as one of their pets, in membership of the
World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), the increase in the cat population in
Indonesia reached 66% (2nd rank). The world's pet population reaches 15 million cats.
The cats that are kept are mostly domestic cats with the Latin name Felis catus or
Felis dometica. Felis domestica is a member of the order Carnivora, family Felidae
(Firdaushi, 2015). Cats can be good for humans and can be bad when diseases arise, such
as the transmission of cat diseases to humans (Sardjono, Baskoro, Endharti, & Poeranto,
2017). Cat health is very important, this is supported by the role of veterinary hospital
clinics to carry out medical actions on pets.
According to Muhammad (2011) states, the cat's habitat will determine the growth
and health of cats. Cats are often found in various places such as markets, schools, tourist
attractions and terminals so that the growth and health of cats varies. The popularity of pets
today makes people more and more fond of keeping pets at home for just a hobby. Many
cat owners do not pay attention to good pet care procedures, lack of attention from pet
owners can trigger the emergence of diseases in pets that are sometimes considered not
Viral disease is an infectious disease caused by a virus, infection with these agents
can occur very quickly and spread to the environment as well as other animals in the
vicinity. Viral diseases that can interfere with cat health include feline calicivirus and feline
panleukopenia. Feline panleukopenia virus or commonly known as FPV is a disease in cats
caused by feline parvovirus, a single-stranded DNA virus. Truyen et al. (2009) stated that
the virus is very fatal and risky in cats of all ages and Syafriati (2004) stated that feline
panleukopenia can cause death, especially in young cats and reach a mortality rate of 75%.
This virus can survive in the environment and remain infectious for up to one month on dry
surfaces at room temperature (Truyen et al., 2009).
The prevalence of feline calicivirus or commonly called FCV varies depending on
the environment. Individually, FCV is present in about 10% of cats (either in an active state
or in carriers), while in shelters or catteries it reaches 25-40%, according to Scherk et al.
(2013) stated, this figure is the maximum level of prevalence of calicivirus disease. FCV
can spread very quickly, with a mortality rate of up to 67%. Cat owners may not be aware
of the early symptoms that indicate that their pet cat has feline calicivirus and feline
parvovirus. Cats are usually taken to the vet after the infection is severe or chronic, so the
risk of death increases. Cat calici virus can survive in the environment for about 1 month
and is resistant to many common disinfectants (Addie et al., 2009) such as phenol,
formaldehyde, chlorine, iodine or sublimate (Irianto, 2007).
The purpose of this study was to determine the evaluation of the use of drug
preparations in the treatment of cases of feline calicivirus and feline panleukopenia in a
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
veterinary clinic in Bogor City. While the expected benefits of this study are to provide
information regarding the evaluation of the use of drug preparations in the treatment of
cases of feline calicivirus and feline panleukopenia in one of the veterinary clinics in Bogor
This study used a descriptive qualitative method which was carried out from
September to October 2019 at the Starvet Animal Clinic, Ciomas, Bogor. The data taken
in the form of secondary data, namely medical record data in 2017 and 2018. The tools and
materials used in this study are laptops as a tool for processing and inputting data, medical
record data for 2017-2018 from one of the Veterinary Clinics in Bogor City, logs book, pen
and ruler. The data used in this study were 544 medical record data for the period 2017 to
2018 at the Starvet veterinary clinic in Ciomas, Bogor. The data taken is medical record
data suspected of being infected with Calicivirus and Panleukopenia. The data obtained is
then stored in tabular form in a log book containing information in the form of signalement,
clinical symptoms, diagnoses and drugs. The data obtained from the observations were
entered into the Microsoft Excel program. Data analysis used descriptive method. The data
were grouped based on the type of disease and the most frequently used drugs for animals
infected with feline panleukopenisa and feline calicivirus.
A common problem for cat owners is a viral disease that is known to be fatal in cats,
which can lead to rapid death. Diseases that are dangerous for cats include feline calicivirus
and feline panleukopenia. Feline calicivirus is often found attacking kittens, sick cats and
cats that have not been vaccinated. Kittens are more susceptible to infection than adult cats
because maternal antibodies have decreased (Agromedia 2008). Maternal antibody is a part
of passive immunity in the body. Passive immunity can be defined as the transfer of active
humoral immunity in the form of antibodies from a parent organism to its offspring.
Maternal antibodies can enhance immunity by interfering with the growth of pathogenic
organisms (Johnson and Povey 1983). The target organs that are attacked by this disease
are blood-forming tissue, lymph, and the mucosa of the gastrointestinal organs so that it
can cause a decrease in the number of leukocytes and the occurrence of enteritis (Syafriati
2004). The virus will spread for two weeks, after two weeks the infected cat can not release
the virus into the environment again or so-called latent infection. This disease usually
occurs due to the overcrowded cat population in cages, poor ventilation, poor cage
sanitation and poor nutrition.
The results of the examination of 543 patients at the Ciomas Animal Clinic, Bogor
based on medical records in 2017 and 2018, obtained 29 positive cats infected with feline
calicivirus disease which can be seen in Table 1 and 32 cats positive for feline
panleukopenia which can be seen in Table 2. Diseases Feline calicivirus is one of the most
common viral diseases, based on the results of medical records in 2017 and 2018 at the
veterinary clinic as presented in Table 1.
Sara Yemima Br Ambarita
Evaluation of Drug Uses for Calicivirus and Panleukopenia Treatment in Bogor Animal
Clinic on 2017 and 2018 1002
Table 1 Use of drug therapy in cases of calicivirus
The number of feline calicivirus cases in the span of two years is 29 cases. Feline
calicivirus is spread throughout the world and can attack all cat breeds. According to
Radford (2007), this disease attacks cats with high levels of infection and transmission from
infected cats to healthy cats. The prevalence of calicivirus in animal shelters can range from
25-40%. Drug therapy used in the veterinary clinic in handling this case included 10.34%
amoxiclav®, 3.45% cefadroxil, 6.90% ampicillin, 17.24% metronidazole, 6.90%
theophylline, 3.45% amoxicillin, 3.45% amoxicillin combined with dexamethasone. ,
amoxicillin and metronidazole 6.90%, metronidazole and cefadroxil 24.14%, clindamycin
and metronidazole 10.34%, amoxicillin combined with metronidazole and theophylline
3.45% and cefadroxil combined fluimicyl® with bromhexine. The graph of the use of
antifungal drugs in the research object's clinic in a span of two years can be seen in Graph
Graph 1 The use of drug therapy in cases of feline calicivirus in one of the
veterinary clinics in Bogor City
Based on medical records at the veterinary clinic, the most widely used drug therapy
for cases of feline calicivirus was metronidazole combined with cefadroxil, which was
Drug Use
Type of Drug
Combination 2
Amoksisillin + Deksametason
Amoksisillin + Metronidazol
Metronidazol + Sefadroksil
Klindamisin + Metronidazol
Combination 3
Amoksisillin + Metronidazol + Teofilin
Sefadroksil + Fluimicyl
+ Bromheksin
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Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
24.14% of the 12 types of treatment therapy. According to Radford (2009), the calici virus
specifically will cause disorders in the oral area such as stomatitis or gingivitis as well as
the respiratory system. According to Radford et al. (2009) stated, calicivirus in cats can be
isolated from almost all cats with chronic stomatitis or gingivitis. Gondo (2007) states that
the use of antibiotics in combination has several advantages such as reducing resistance to
antibiotics because the use of synergistic combinations of antibiotics can increase the
ability of antibiotics to kill germs, besides the use of antibiotics in combination can reduce
the toxic effects of drugs due to the lower dose of each type of antibiotic used given the
lower the toxicity.
The combination of metronidazole with beta-lactam antibiotics such as cefadroxil is
indicated for acute inflammation in cases of gingivitis (Gondo 2007), this is in accordance
with Radford et al. (2009) which states, in the case of feline calicivirus, disturbances in the
oral area in the form of gingivitis occur. According to Eloufir et al. (2014) explained that
metronidazole can kill Entamoeba gingivalis in the mouth which is the cause of gingivitis.
Metronidazole is an antibiotic that works by interfering with DNA and nucleic acid
synthesis in microorganisms (Plumb 2011). This preparation is also commonly used to
prevent infection by anaerobic bacteria and can be the first choice to treat Helicobacter
pylori infection (Sipahigil et al. 2011). This preparation can also prevent infection with
anaerobic gram-positive bacteria such as Clostridium tetani and Clostridium botulinum and
also anaerobic gram-negative bacteria such as Bacterioides and Fusobacterium.
Metronidazole in addition to working as an antibacterial, is also useful as an antiprotozoa
that causes inflammation in the oral area. This drug is widely used to treat giardiasis in cats
as well as to treat other parasites such as Trichomonas, Entamoeba histolytica and
Balantidium coli (Plumb 2011). The use of metronidazole should be limited to patients who
have liver disorders because this antibiotic is one of the antibiotics that is metabolized in
the liver and is eliminated in the bile (Suardi 2014). According to (Nurlaela 2018)
explained, metronidazole has a half-life of 7.5 hours and has a protein binding of 10-20%.
Cefadroxil is a first generation cephalosporin antibiotic that has broad bactericidal
activity by inhibiting cell wall synthesis and is long acting. This drug has broad activity
against gram-positive and negative bacteria, has high stability against -lactamases in
bacteria (Sweetman 2009). According to Plumb (2011) explained that cefadroxil can be
given along with food, especially for animals suffering from gastrointestinal disorders.
Cefadroxil also has almost complete enteral absorption (Schmitz et al. 2009). Another viral
disease that is most often found in the clinic is feline panleukopenia, as can be seen in Table
2. Feline panleukopenia virus is an acute infectious disease characterized by fever, diarrhea
and dehydration in cats. This virus belongs to the parvoviridae family of DNA viruses (Gur
and Avdatek 2016).
Table 2 Use of drug therapy in cases of feline panleukopenia
Drug Use
Type of Drug
Number of
Combination 2
Metronidazol+ Ampisillin
Metronidazol+ Amoksisillin
Metronidazol+ Teofilin
Metronidazol+ Sefadroksil
Combination 3
Metronidazol+ Klindamisin + Metilprednil
Sara Yemima Br Ambarita
Evaluation of Drug Uses for Calicivirus and Panleukopenia Treatment in Bogor Animal
Clinic on 2017 and 2018 1004
Panleukopeia virus is a single-stranded DNA virus that is not encapsulated, resistant
to some common disinfectants such as phenol, formaldehyde, chlorine, iodine or sublimate
and has the ability to replicate very quickly. These agents replicate in oropharyngeal
lymphoid tissue and can enter through the mouth or nose to the tonsils and lymph nodes.
This virus will suppress the production of white blood cells in the bone marrow so that
white blood cells circulating in the body are reduced. The activity of this virus in the
intestine can cause ulcers that result in bloody diarrhea, dehydration and infection by
bacteria. Death will occur when dehydration and bacterial infection are severe
(Mosallanejad, Avizeh, & Ghorbanpoor Najafabadi, 2009).
Feline panleukopenia is characterized by typical early symptoms, namely fever,
depression and anorexia. Cats may initially vomit with a lower frequency, develop watery
diarrhea to hemorrhagic. Cats that die from this disease can be caused by complications
from secondary bacterial infection, sepsis, dehydration and disseminated intravascular
coagulopathy (DIC). The mortality rate in cases of feline panleukopenia reaches 25-90%
in acute cases, while 100% in acute infections (Carney et al., 2012). Transfer of disease can
occur directly or indirectly. Feline panleukopenia attacks directly on young cats who have
low immunity, while indirect infection can be through the urine and feces of infected
animals (Horzinek et al., 2013).
Drug therapy used in this clinic in cases of feline panleukopenia include 53.13%
metronidazole, 3.13% ampicillin, 3.13% cefadroxil, 21.88% metronidazole combined with
ampicillin, 3.13% metronidazole with amoxicillin, 3.13% metronidazole with theophylline,
metronidazole with cefadroxil 9.38% and metronidazole combined with clindamycin with
methylprednyl as much as 3.13%. Based on medical records at the veterinary clinic, the
most widely used drug therapy for cases of feline panleukopenia was metronidazole, which
was 53.13% of the 8 types of treatment therapy. The graph of the use of feline
panleukopenia drugs in the research object clinic in a span of two years can be seen in
Graph 2.
Graph 2 Use of drug therapy in cases of feline panleukopenia in a veterinary clinic in
Bogor City
Metronidazole is the most widely used drug preparation in the treatment of feline
panleukopenia in the veterinary clinic, this is in accordance with the literature of Sherlin et
3.13% 3.13%
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Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
al.(2018), in the treatment of feline panleukopenia cases, metronidazole antibiotics were
used successfully marked by the cat's condition that significantly improved. Tamiflu®
protects the intestines and can provide extra protection against bacteremia caused by this
virus. According to Rice (2017) explained that as an alternative to the Tamiflu® drug,
metronidazole can be used. In addition, Metronidazole works by intervening in the
synthesis of RNA or DNA from microorganisms (Schmitz, Lepper, & Heidrich, 2009).
Metronidazole can also be used to treat secondary infections caused by anaerobic
microorganisms, both bacteria and protozoa. Metronidazole is also widely used to treat
giardiasis in cats as well as to treat other parasites such as Trichomonas, Entamoeba
histolytica and Balantidium coli. This drug works by interfering with the synthesis of DNA
and nucleic acids in bacteria (Gallagher, Setakis, Plumb, Clemens, & van Staa, 2011).
Metronidazole works as a therapy for anaerobic bacterial infections, trichomoniasis,
amebiasis, intestinal infections caused by giardia. Metronidazole has an oral bioavailability
of more than 90%, including high rates where bioavailability is the time it takes for a drug
to have a therapeutic effect and how much of the drug can be absorbed by the body, thus
determining the therapeutic effectiveness of the drug (Bamigbola, Ibrahim, Attama, &
Arute, 2009).
Metronidazole Metronidazole is a bactericidal agent whose use is dose dependent.
This preparation also has activity against most obligate anaerobic bacteria such as
Bactericoides spp., Fusobacterium, Veillonella, Clostridium spp., Peplococcus and
Peptostreptococcus. Metronidazole also acts as a direct trichomonaside and amoebicide.
The most widely used drug for feline calicivirus disease is metronidazole combined
with cefadroxil, while metronidazole is used in the treatment of feline panleukopenia
because this drug has been shown to be effective in treating secondary infections in feline
calicivirus and feline panleukopenia cases. This study can be used as a reference for further
research and evaluate more drugs in cases of feline calicivirus and feline panleukopenia.
There can be more cases discussed, the range of years used can also be longer, and the
clinical object of research can be added so that there is a real comparison to see the
effectiveness of the drug.
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