Donny Victorius
Legal protection of property rights third parties are good in law no. 18 of
2013 concerning prevention and eradication of forest destruction 70
principles, the property rights of third parties with good faith (ter gooder trouw, good
faith) must still be protected. "
In several examples of decisions regarding legal protection for third parties as
owners of goods / tools for confiscation or return of goods / tools belonging to third
parties with good intentions in judges' decisions on cases / criminal acts of illegal logging
(illegal logging), it becomes interesting as a clash between legal certainty (legal justice)
and justice (philosophical justice), there is even a difference of opinion between the
judges on legal considerations in their decisions regarding the determination of the status
of goods / equipment belonging to third parties in the crime.
Judges' verdicts seizing evidence related to forestry crimes, for example in the
decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia at the cassation level of
criminal case register number 2317 K / PID.SUS / 2015 dated 18 November 2015 with a
panel of Supreme Court Justices chaired by DR. Artidjo Alkostar stated that the vehicles
used for illegal logging crimes were confiscated for the state (regardless of who the legal
owner of the vehicle was), even though the judge's decision at the first level or at the
district court or high court decided not to confiscate or return evidence belonging to a
third party related to the act. criminal even though the law orders to seize it.(Putusan
Mahkamah Agung RI, 2015)
There are differences in the judges' thinking regarding the determination of the
status of evidence belonging to a third party in their decision, both confiscating and
returning it, so it is preferable that in every statutory regulation in general and particularly
in the forestry law, so that it can function effectively and efficiently, The law must
comply with three principles, namely juridical, sociological and philosophical
principles.(Sutedi, 2020) If these three principles are not fulfilled, this is where the
judge's personal judgment (discretion) plays an important role in implementing a rule.
Discretionary decision-making power that is not strictly limited by law (law), where
personal judgment also plays a role.(Yulikhsan, 2016)
With the existence of laws and regulations regarding the right to oppose or
confiscate a court decision regarding the confiscation of evidence. In fact, the
implementing regulations do not regulate the procedure for a third party to file an
objection, because legal certainty is not achieved during the implementation process. For
example, according to Law Number 18 of 2013, the authority of investigators even
though the case is illegal. logging, forest destruction which is also entitled to go through
auction procedures has not yet been determined by judicial judges.
As a result, the third party cannot use the confiscated property as evidence in
court, thereby causing the third party to lose their right to recover their property. When a
third party opposes a court decision in a criminal case relating to evidence, if that party
recognizes and can prove it properly and can persuade others to automatically change the
confiscated evidence, then the country's position will change. (Makausi, 2019) The judge
considered that the property was his legal property and obtained evidence that the
evidence was indeed in the case and it was decided to be confiscated by the state, the
identity must be issued as an item outside the case.
Taking into account material rights that must be protected by law, then as a form
of protection for third parties who are harmed in the process of executing evidence in a
criminal case, it is necessary to formulate laws and regulations against enforcement of
evidence third party. (Usanti, 2012) Whereas in the field of substantive criminal law,
certain criminal acts are regulated in statutory laws concerning the right to oppose court
decisions to confiscate evidence, such as the Corruption Law, the Narcotics Law, the
Fisheries Law and the Forestry Law. And other written laws. However, this still requires