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Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 4 Number 8, August, 2024

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727







Lastiani Warih Wulandari

Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]




NEWA (Nature, Ecotourism, Wellness Tourism, and Adventure) is a new trend developing in the tourism industry in the era of the passing of the Covid-19 pandemic. The pattern of NEWA concept development that tends to be fragmentative causes the exploration of each concept to be more limited. Efforts to optimize NEWA are carried out through blending concepts in the frame of eco-wellness tourism. Therefore, an effort is needed to formulate the concept of eco-wellness tourism, as well as how to apply the concept in the implementative realm. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research approach, through the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) technique involving cross-disciplinary experts. Eco-wellness tourism combines healthy tourism destinations in wellness tourism with an environmental conservation orientation typical of ecotourism such as traditional spas, herbal concoctions, gastronomy, aromatherapy, and hypnotherapy as its activities, which are packaged in the concept of interactive activities with nature such as thematic camping, adventure, exploration, and rural tourism.



Tourism, NEWA, wellness, ecotourism, eco-wellness tourism


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International




Tourism is an industry with potential economic leverage, especially in economic recovery efforts after the Covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia's tourism industry began to show an exponential growth rate where data from the Central Bureau of Statistics recorded that the realization of domestic tourist visits in 2022 was already at 734,860,000 tourist trips, which means 1.76% more than the number of tourists before the pandemic in 2019. (Marhaeni, 2023). The increase in the number of tourist trips in Indonesia not only provides information on the performance achievements of the tourism industry quantitatively, but it also contains a factual picture of changes and new trends in traveling in Indonesia. Changes in travel habits due to the Covid-19 pandemic are one of the factors that have the potential to bring the tourism industry into a new pattern. (Kaushal & Srivastava, 2021);.

The Covid-19 pandemic requires people to carry out all their activities from their homes, thus alienating people from their natural ecosystems. This condition ultimately stimulates the passion for traveling back to nature which is increasingly peaking until the birth of the NEWA (Nature, Ecotourism, Wellness Tourism, and Adventure Tourism) approach as a new trend of post-pandemic travel. (Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, 2023). The NEWA-based tourism concept development approach is a multi-benefit strategy in efforts to restore the tourism sector. (Lamopia & Nindya, 2023) which simultaneously has the potential to increase environmental sustainability concerns at tourist destinations (Yudhiasta et al., 2020). (Yudhiasta et al., 2023)..

Tourism development through the NEWA approach has so far been organized in a fragmentary manner between concepts where nature tourism, fitness tourism, ecotourism, and adventure tourism are developed with their respective conceptual frameworks (Asikin et al., 2024). Such a development pattern causes each concept to be less optimally explored. In fact, the development of NEWA-based tourism is very likely to be accelerated through a more integrated approach between concepts holistically, which in the end is able to create a more authentic tourist dish with unique attractiveness. Blending the NEWA concept can manifest into a new tourism concept, one of which is in the form of Eco-wellness Tourism.

Eco-wellness Tourism is a form of tourism that combines wellness tourism goals that are packaged in direct interactive activities with nature, and accommodates the cultural wisdom of local wellness practices accompanied by a commitment to environmental conservation efforts. Interaction activities with nature will assist tourists in increasing self-acceptance, life goals, personal autonomy, environmental mastery, positive relationships, and individual development for health well-being. (Ritpanitchajchaval et al., 2023).. Meanwhile, a blend of conventional and traditional combined wellness treatments packaged as a tourist attraction tends to be something that many tourists expect today (Majeed and Kim, 2022). Studies on the concept of environmentally friendly health tourism are still minimal, especially in Indonesia. So that the concept of eco-wellness tourism in a scientific context is still very challenging. Therefore, an effort is needed to formulate the concept of eco-wellness tourism, as well as how to apply the concept in the implementative realm.



This research uses a qualitative research approach. The data generated in this research is in the form of narrative sentences. The data collection technique was carried out using the Forum Group Discussion (FGD) method through an unstructured interview guide that developed according to the forum. FGD participants consisted of practitioners and academics with multi-disciplinary specialties, such as gastronomy, medicine, physiotherapy, historians, tourism, ecotourism, spa, herbal pharmacy, hypnotherapy, and philosophy. The data that has been obtained is then analyzed descriptively, then the results are presented in the form of a flowing story.



Eco-wellness Tourism: Harmony of Body, Mind and Nature

Wellness is seen as a way of life that aims to create a healthy body, mind, and spirit through positive interventions based on acquired knowledge in order to achieve a balance of body, mind, and spirit. (Stănciulescu et al., 2015).. Wellness tourism is a tourist trip related to various efforts to maintain and/or improve one's quality of life. The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness tourism as travel related to efforts to maintain or improve personal well-being, aims to maintain, organize, and improve aspects of health, is voluntary, and is not directly related to disease treatment activities, and is organized in natural areas.

Wellness tourism is basically more oriented towards efforts to increase tourists' health awareness, and does not prioritize business elements. Wellness becomes the output of activities organized on an ongoing basis about a healthy lifestyle. The concept of wellness tourism is expected to bring an improvement in the quality of life of tourists afterwards (Luo et al., 2018). The provision of drugs in the context of realizing healthy conditions is actually only secondary, while the main aspect to support health is an improvement in a healthier lifestyle. Improving the quality of life of tourists will only be achieved if tourists are willing to continue the treatment they get when traveling for health tourism in their daily lives even after the tour ends. Immersive experiences, identity strengthening, and meaningful reflection opportunities during and after traveling will motivate tourists to take new attitudes and actions that are healthier, as well as environmentally friendly. (Hunt & Harbor, 2019). Educational narrative is the key to the success of the eco-wellness tourism concept.

The concept of eco-wellness tourism is organized through the adaptation of the principles of ecotourism into the concept of wellness tourism through a combination of nature recreation and comprehensive health, featuring beautiful ecological landscapes in tourist destinations, as a way to maintain health, supported by a variety of treatments and adequate health facilities (Guangzhong, 2013), which will provide a healthy and enjoyable vacation experience while maintaining environmental sustainability. Nature is a source of public health resources, so natural tourism travel businesses such as ecotourism have the potential to simultaneously provide nature-based health therapy to tourists, and become an integral part of the harmonization of human relationships in the vast ecosystem (Clissold et al., 2013). (Clissold et al., 2022).. Health tourism resources include nature, culture which includes history and spirituality, alternative medicine as a complementary resource, psycho-social aspects, human resource competencies, supporting infrastructure, certain events related to health, and crossover health activities with other activities. (Batubara & Setiawan, 2023). Environmental assets such as fresh air, clean water, and natural features are important attributes in the development of wellness tourism (Heung & Kucukusta, 2012). An overview of the concept of eco-wellness tourism and its potential attractions as presented in Figure 1 below.





















Figure 1. Eco-wellness Tourism Concept Scheme


The activities developed in the concept of eco-wellness tourism are a combination of health-based treatments typical of wellness tourism with ecotourism-based activities, which include various dimensions including physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, and environmental dimensions. Basically, almost 90% of tourists actually have health problems without realizing it, such as hypertension, diabetes, cardiomyopathy, gout, and various other diseases, both congenital and due to lifestyle. Combining the psychological benefits of ecotourism activities with the treatment of maintaining health will bring wellbeing which also fosters a deeper personal relationship between tourists and nature. (El Moslem Badr, 2022)Ecotourism can help balance and integrate lives that have passed due to busyness, disconnection with nature and society, loss of spirituality, and longing to be somewhere new, through authentic encounters not only with nature but also elements of spirituality (Steiner & Reisinger, 2015). Health tourism activities are often used as a preventive measure for travelers' medical problems (Mueller & Kaufmann, 2001). The combination of the natural environment, social and cultural interactions and local beliefs manifested in symbolic landscapes that are often psychologically binding, is a very important asset to be developed through the packaging of health tourism concepts (Huang & Xu, 2018). (Huang & Xu, 2018). Activities that connote the health of the body and mind, and contribute to environmental preservation are packaged into attractive attractions with travel packages. Some types of activities that can be organized for eco-wellness tourism packaging are presented in Figure 2 below.




















Figure 2. Eco-wellness Tourism Attractions


Health Activity Body (Body)

The health of the body is the main aspect of achievement that seeks to be achieved in the application of the concept of eco-wellness tourism. Several body health maintenance activities can be developed as an attraction in the packaging of the concept of eco-wellness tourism, as presented in table 1. The maintenance of body health is one of the strengths in the development of eco-wellness tourism because Indonesian people, especially in the Java Island region, have recognized a variety of body health care activities even since ancient times. There are many historical evidences of the wealth of community wisdom in terms of maintaining physical health in the form of fiber manuscripts and relics presented in the relief illustrations of temples in Java. The reliefs of Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple show that traditional Javanese people have organized body care treatments through massage activities and also using herbal ingredients. The text of Serat Centhini, written in the 18th century, has identified around 1,700 types of spices in Indonesia that have the potential to be developed as herbal ingredients. (Evawati & Karyanto, 2020). The manuscript of Babad Tanah Jawa also wrote a story about the consumption of birth stimulating herbs used to accelerate the birth of the crown prince during the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace era. Health tourism activities have a high relevance to be combined with local culturo-religious-based lifestyles, where knowledge of local herbs becomes one part of the experience of traveling (Meikassandra et al., 2020), and is widely used as a reference in healthy traveling (Valentine, 2016)

Traditional massage is a body health treatment that is quite commonly found in the application of the concept of health tourism. Indonesian people, especially Javanese people, have known traditional massage techniques since the time of the Ancient Mataram kingdom from inscription evidence in the form of reliefs on Borobudur Temple in Magelang and Prambanan Temple in Yogyakarta. The application of traditional massage services must be organized by taking into account community norms, as well as considering tourist aspiration factors. Traditional Indonesian massage has a very long historical history because it has been known since ancient times based on documentation on the reliefs of Borobudur Temple, where the implementation is combined with the use of herbs from spices that have natural benefits to create a balance of body, emotions, and soul. (Evawati & Karyanto, 2020)so that it reaches both physical and psychological aspects (Julianto & Ardianti, 2020). (Julianto & Ardianti, 2022).. Traditional treatments are considered a traditional method of hereditary heritage that has been proven to have efficacy as expected, and is believed to be a safe product because it uses natural materials (Indarto, 2015). (Indarto, 2015), and has no side effects (Julianto & Ardianti, 2022).. The application of traditional massage must be adjusted to existing norms and customs as a form of local wisdom that will ultimately create a distinctive character trait. In addition, basic knowledge about anatomy also needs to be synergized so that the output of the traditional massage process is truly constructive, especially for muscle and nerve health.

The health of the body has a very close relationship with consumption patterns. Outdoor activities coupled with healthy consumption patterns and supported by local beliefs about fitness are the activity packaging of the wellness tourism concept (Huang & Xu, 2014). Health care activities often take a long time so that in their activities are often accompanied by collaboration with consumption activities, which in turn will increase the output of more optimal care. (Evawati & Karyanto, 2020).. Gastronomy does not only talk about the visually appealing form of food, but also the nutritional adequacy that is healthy and healthy for consumption. The art of gastronomy is not limited to modern food diets, but rather, the creation of traditional food diets to be more contextualized with the times so that they are more suitable for the current generation. The origin of traditional food names can be one of the elements supporting attractiveness through storytelling interpretations that will provide educational information to tourists. (Hasnah & Nugroho, 2021). The art of gastronomy must pay attention to ethical and ethical elements, as well as norms that are often inherent in community culture. Gastronomy packaged in the concept of tourism offers a gastronomic experience related to the cultural practices of an experience with ethical and sustainable values of a region (Arini & Lestari, 2021). (Arini & Lestari, 2021)which is beneficial in cultural preservation efforts, especially in terms of culinary. (Sufa et al., 2020).





Herbal Remedies

-     Indonesia has a written history of the efficacy of the use of herbal medicines for health, which is quite a lot found in manuscripts both in the form of fibers and chronicles.

-     Opportunities for the development of the herbal industry are very potential where in the perspective of demand, the economic value of herbal products on a business scale can reach hundreds and even billions of rupiah per month. Meanwhile, from a supply perspective, Indonesia is the second largest megabiodiversity country in the world, which reflects the potential for raw materials for herbal health products.


Traditional Massage

-     Reliefs on Borobudur Temple and Prambanan Temple show that our society has recognized health care through body massage.

-     The application of traditional massage must be adapted to the norms of Eastern Indonesia so that it manifests in Indonesian cultural characteristics, and it can actually make it distinctive.

-     The application of traditional massage must also be accompanied by anatomical knowledge for perfect results that will avoid damage to the nervous system and muscles.



-     The health of the body is often closely related to the nutritional intake of the food consumed. Gastronomy is not only about the visually appealing form of food, but also the nutritional adequacy that is healthy and wholesome to consume.

-     The art of gastronomy is not only about modern food, but more so, the creation of traditional food menus to be more in line with the contemplation of the times thus increasing its acceptance for the current generation.

-     The art of gastronomy must take into account ethics and ethics, as well as the norms that are often inherent in people's culture.

Table 1. Health Supporting Activities (formulated from research data)



Mind Health Attraction

Mind health is also one of the benefits that are trying to be presented in the concept of eco-wellness tourism. Eco-wellness tourism development projects must pay attention to the factor of achieving health goals not only physically but also the health of the mind and soul (Abdo & Shokry, 2020). (Abdo & Shokry, 2020).. Some mind health maintenance activities that can be offered as an attraction in applying the concept of eco-wellness tourism, as presented in table 2. One of these activities is hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is one of the techniques in the branch of psychology that specifically studies the role of suggestion to influence thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Hypnotherapy is one of the tools that can be used to support the success of a healthy tourism destination through suggestive injection to implement a healthier lifestyle. Mind therapy is a preference that deserves to be taken into consideration in the concept of healthy tourism. (Valentine, 2016). Hypnotherapy is worthy to be used as one of the therapy methods because it does not require the consumption of drugs so that it is relatively more minimal side effects (Nugroho et al., 2012). (Nugroho et al., 2012). Hypnotherapy can provide guidance in efforts to maintain physical and psychological health through suggestions about healthy and healthy lifestyles, as well as in improving care for the environment with generic habbit control hypnotherapy (Cahyadi, 2017). (Cahyadi, 2017)

Aromatherapy is another material that can also be raised and developed as one of the supporting activities in the concept of eco-wellness tourism. Aromatherapy is a processed or mixed product of essential oils with aromatic compounds that are widely sourced from plants such as spices, fruits, and various types of flowers that aim to provide positive influences such as feelings of pleasure, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, happiness and relaxation. (Kembang et al., 2017)also a calming feeling (Adiyati, 2010)so that it can be used as one of the media for anxiety reduction interventions (Widyaningsih et al., 2017). (Widyaningsih et al., 2023).. Aromatherapy is a therapeutic option that has the potential to benefit in the long term because the material will be inhaled into the body's tissues so that the expected calming effect will also be able to last longer. The development of the aromatherapy industry is on a positive trend where developed countries have begun to develop aromatherapy-based health services combined with physical treatments such as massage and acupuncture. Aromatherapy, which often utilizes natural materials, is one of the opportunities in efforts to develop the local economy of the community, whose market opportunities are currently moving in a very promising direction. (Wardani et al., 2021).

Other mindfulness activities can also be organized through the presentation of a food diet menu for emotional control. Food intake has an influence on the formation of emotions, so the art of gastronomy can also be applied to eco-wellness tourism activities in an effort to offer mindfulness activities. Food consumption is not always driven by physiological needs such as hunger, but is also influenced by emotional factors. (Trisnawati & Wicaksono, 2021).. Food diet behavior not only brings influence on physiological health but also has an impact on emotional aspects (Fassah & Retnowati, 2014).. Providing a healthy food diet with proper nutrition always supports the success of social emotional management. (Hamidah, 2022).






-     Hypnotherapy is one of the tools that can be used to support the success of healthy tourism destinations through suggestive injection to implement a healthier lifestyle.

-     Hypnotherapy can also be used as an interpretive technique for the purpose of raising tourists' awareness and concern about environmental sustainability.



-     Aromatherapy is one of the potential future economies, where developed countries have started to develop aromatherapy-based health services combined with physical treatments such as acupressure.

-     Aromatherapy is a therapy with the possibility of a calming effect that will last for a long time because the material will be inhaled and enter the body's tissues.



-     Food has an influence on the formation of emotions, so the art of gastronomy can also be used to formulate diet menus to control emotions for travelers.

Table 2. Mind Health Supporting Activities (formulated from research data)


Attractions Nature conservation

Nature conservation is one of the efforts to be achieved in the application of the concept of eco-wellness tourism. The concept of eco-wellness tourism in principle combines healthy tourism activities in wellness tourism packaging with an environmentally friendly tourism orientation typical of ecotourism. The combination of the concepts of wellness tourism and ecotourism in its application will complement and support each other's success, where adventure tourism activities in nature will greatly help release the constraints and psychological problems of tourists (Hung & Wu, 2021). (Hung & Wu, 2021)by reflecting on past memories to calm the mind and soul (Yee et al., 2022), which will lead to health and wellness of the body and soul (Nordin & Jamal, 2021). (Nordin & Jamal, 2021). On the other hand, mental and physical health as the goals of wellness tourism increase the chances of realizing harmony between humans and nature (Abdo & Shokry, 2022). (Abdo & Shokry, 2020)which in turn can also function as a geological disaster mitigation effort (Mihardja et al., 2020). (Mihardja et al., 2023)..

Indonesia is a country of very rich biodiversity, where these resources become enormous capital as a tourist attraction that not only offers physical satisfaction, but can also reach more positive emotional and mental aspects so that it will bring harmony between humans and their environment (Kemenparekraf, 2022). Ecotourism and wellness tourism are variants of tourism concepts that can be applied in an effort to utilize the rich biodiversity. (Malik et al., 2019). Some activities that can be organized in an effort to offer activities to support environmental sustainability in the concept of eco-wellness tourism as presented in table 3 below.


Table 3. Attractions Supporting Nature Conservation Efforts





Thematic Camp

-     The synergy between health treatment and nature tourism activities can be organized through thematic camps such as vertility camp or other health-related thematic camps.



-     As a megabiodiversity country, Indonesia has a huge opportunity to manage it as a tourism resource, one of which is through adventure activities interacting directly with wild flora and fauna in nature.


Natural Historical Journey

-     Indonesia is rich in cultural history that is narrated in various folklores and mythological legends, which have the potential to be packaged into tourist attractions that present trips to natural areas accompanied by historical narratives attached to these objects.


Rural Activities

-     Blending wellness tourism with ecotourism in the frame of eco-wellness tourism will open up opportunities for the combination of local wisdom of the community with the exoticism of rural nature which will open up opportunities for the opening of community economic opportunities even to the villages.




The Covid-19 pandemic has led to changes in the socio-economic patterns of society, including the development of travel trends towards NEWA-based tourism. Indonesia is endowed with a large biodiversity wealth, as well as a very high cultural diversity that is very potential for the development of NEWA tourism. Efforts to optimize NEWA can be made through the fusion of several concepts into one big frame of the concept of eco-wellness tourism. Eco-wellness tourism combines the healthy tourism objectives of wellness tourism with the environmental conservation orientation of ecotourism, through health tourism activities that are organized interactively with the outdoors so as to produce a more qualified reciprocal output between the health of the body and mind, and the preservation of nature. Some of the activities that can be organized include traditional spas, herbal concoctions, gastronomy, aromatherapy, and hypnotherapy which are then packaged in activity concepts such as thematic camping, adventure, exploration, and rural tourism.



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