Eduvest �
Journal of Universal Studies Volume 4 Number
08, August, 2024 p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727 |
Isnawati, Edi Jusriadi, Muchriady Muchran Program Pascasarjana, Magister Manajemen,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia Email: �[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected] |
This research aims to find out, analyze and explains the Influence of
Emotional Intelligence, Work Environment, and Work Culture on Employee
Performance at the Plantation Service Office Capital and One Stop Integrated
Services in Bantaeng Regency. Type This research is quantitative research
with a sample of 49 respondents using questionnaires as a source of
collection data, the analysis used is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis by
using the SPSS 24 application. The research results show that, emotional
intelligence positive and significant effect on employee performance, the
environment Work has a positive and significant influence on employee
performance and culture Work has a positive and significant effect on
employee performance. |
Emotional intelligence, work
environment, and work culture. |
work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International |
Human resources
play an important role in national development in the current era of
globalization, both in physical and non-physical aspects, especially in
governance and development implementation. Improving the performance of human
resources is the main key in improving public services in order to achieve
national goals stipulated in the 1945 Constitution, as stated by Mangkunegara (2015) and Sutrisno (2018), where employee
performance is influenced by emotional intelligence factors in addition to
intellectual intelligence (Solikhah & Amelia,
intelligence of an employee is one of the factors determining the success of
performance, because with emotional intelligence an employee can control all
his egos and desires and be able to understand other people or coworkers so as
to create a dynamic work group atmosphere. Building and implementing a
competency-based human resource management system in emotional intelligence is
one of the important steps to develop a competitive advantage in achieving the
target or goal of an agency in an effort to empower human resource management
in an organization (Jaya, et. al.,
operational activities indirectly require technical skills that require the
ability of emotional intelligence to respond to every condition faced wisely
and wisely. Given that DPM-PTSP services are aimed at the needs and demands of
the community for a conducive licensing system and directly interact with the
community and coworkers. However, the reality in the field shows that there are
still some employees who have a low level of emotional management when
providing services.
Achievement and
success in the organization requires employees to have high emotional
intelligence skills to support their performance, based on research conducted
by Purady, (2019). The results of this study indicate
that emotional intelligence has a significant effect on employee performance. Purady also said that the better emotional intelligence,
the more employee performance will increase.
Apart from the
emotional intelligence factor, the work environment also determines employee
performance in realizing organizational goals. According to Nitisemito
(2020), the work environment is everything that is around employees and can
affect employees in carrying out the tasks assigned by the leadership to them.
Good work environment conditions are characterized by adequate equipment or
work facilities, a conducive work atmosphere and workplace environment that
really help employees feel at home to work so that with the conditions of the
work environment as described, employees are expected to improve their
performance in order to achieve organizational goals that have been outlined
and set previously (B. Gani, 2014).
Based on research
conducted by Lestari & Mulyadin,
(2023). Finding that the work environment affects employee
performance. These results indicate that the better the work environment, the
better it will improve employee performance. However, the work environment at
DPM-PTSP is considered inadequate, such as the lack of equal distribution of
air conditioners making air circulation poor, the amount of noise that causes
employees to be less focused in providing services.
improvement is also inseparable from improving the work culture of the agency,
which is one of the factors to improve employee performance. Culture is the
result of life experiences, habits and the process of rejecting or accepting
the norms that exist in him in conducting social interactions or placing
himself in the midst of society. Work culture will be reflected in employee
behavior and employee work results, because good work habits will have a good
impact on employee work results. Research conducted by (Kulsum, 2023) shows
that the better the work culture, the better the employee performance. This
shows that it is important to improve work culture in order to improve better
employee performance to achieve agency goals.
The work culture
at the Bantaeng Regency Investment and One-Stop
Integrated Service Office (DPM-PTSP), which includes consistency, commitment,
and continuous improvement, has not run optimally. One of the indicators,
namely commitment, has not been well achieved, especially marked by employees
who do not comply with service standards such as arriving late and leaving
before the specified time. DPM-PTSP was formed based on regional regulations,
with the hope of improving government performance in providing services to the
community in an efficient and transparent manner. However, initial observations
showed several problems, including employees' ability to manage negative
emotions, noisy office environment, inadequate equipment, and lack of
discipline in completing tasks.
Various previous
studies have highlighted the influence of factors such as emotional
intelligence, work environment, and work culture on employee performance in
various organizational contexts. For example, Nurbaya
and Harrang (2016) found that competence, work
discipline, and school environment have a significant positive influence on
teacher performance in elementary schools. Along with that, other studies by Purady (2019), Fauzi et al. (2020), and others show that
emotional intelligence, work environment, and work culture also significantly
affect employee performance. Suggestions for organizations include attention to
improving employees' emotional intelligence, improving the work environment,
and fostering work culture. Thus, the results of this study can provide
valuable insights for management in improving employee performance.
This study aims to explore the influence of emotional
intelligence, work environment, and work culture on employee performance at the
Bantaeng Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated
Service Office. Through the formulation of problems that identify potential
factors that affect performance, as well as research objectives that focus on
analyzing the impact of these variables, this research is expected to make
theoretical contributions in the development of the field of human resource
management (HRM) and practical for related agencies and researchers involved.����
This research uses a quantitative approach and
explanatory research. Conducted at the Bantaeng
Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office for two months in
early 2024. The population consisted of 49 employees, with the entire
population being sampled. Data were collected through observation,
questionnaires, interviews, and documents. The research variables consisted of
Emotional Intelligence, Work Environment, Work Culture, and Performance.
Variable measurement uses a Likert scale. Data analysis was conducted through
instrument test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, and
partial test. The results show a significant positive effect of Emotional
Intelligence, Work Environment, and Work Culture on employee performance.
statistical analysis by interpreting the results of the average value of each
indicator of the research variable which is intended to provide an overview of
what indicators build the concept of the research model as a whole, the basis
for interpreting the average value used in this study include:
Table 1. Basis for
Interpretation of Item Scores in Research Variables
No. |
Score Value |
Interpretation |
1 |
1,00-1,79 |
Poor / Not important |
2 |
1,80-2,59 |
Less |
3 |
2,60-3,39 |
Simply |
4 |
3,40-4,19 |
Good / Important |
5 |
4,20-5,00 |
Very good/very important |
Source: Modified from Schafer, Jr (2004)
Descriptive statistical analysis of the main
variables, namely emotional intelligence, work environment, work culture, and
performance, provides an important overview in this study. The emotional
intelligence variable was measured through five indicators developed into two
statements, with the results showing that respondents gave high marks to
self-awareness, ability to manage emotions, optimism, empathy, and social
skills. Similarly, the work environment and work culture were rated positively
by respondents, with indicators of relationships between employees and
discipline receiving the highest ratings. Meanwhile, the performance variable,
measured through quantity, quality, time, and ability/reliability, showed that
respondents gave high marks to these aspects, signaling the importance of good
performance in this study.
Validity Test
Validity aims to
determine the level of validity of the instruments used in the study. Through
the validity test, it will be known whether the question items presented in the
questionnaire are really able to reveal with certainty about the problem under study.
The basis for
decision making is if r count> r table, to get r table, first calculate the
value of r using the formula df = n-2 where n is the
number of samples used by researchers with a significance level of 0.05 so that
it can be known that the value of r table = 0.281. Validity test
results can be seen in the following table:
Table 4.10
Validity Testing Results
Variables |
r count |
r table |
Sig. |
Description |
Intelligence (X1) |
X1.1 |
0,714 |
0,281 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X1.2 |
0,535 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X1.3 |
0,476 |
0.001 |
Valid |
X1.4 |
0,466 |
0.001 |
Valid |
X1.5 |
0,544 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X1.6 |
0,467 |
0.001 |
Valid |
X1.7 |
0,423 |
0.002 |
Valid |
X1.8 |
0,416 |
0.003 |
Valid |
X1.9 |
0,762 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X1.10 |
0,410 |
0.003 |
Valid |
Work Environment
(X2) |
X2.1 |
0,561 |
0,281 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X2.2 |
0,676 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X2.3 |
0,588 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X2.4 |
0,693 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X2.5 |
0,474 |
0.001 |
Valid |
X2.6 |
0,546 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X2.7 |
0,632 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X2.8 |
0,438 |
0.002 |
Valid |
X2.9 |
0,621 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X2.10 |
0,580 |
0.000 |
Valid |
Work Culture (X3) |
X3.1 |
0,544 |
0,281 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X3.2 |
0,512 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X3.3 |
0,570 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X3.4 |
0,474 |
0.001 |
Valid |
X3.5 |
0,437 |
0.002 |
Valid |
X3.6 |
0,481 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X3.7 |
0,713 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X3.8 |
0,664 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X3.9 |
0,438 |
0.002 |
Valid |
X3.10 |
0,464 |
0.001 |
Valid |
X3.11 |
0,528 |
0.000 |
Valid |
X3.12 |
0,568 |
0.000 |
Valid |
Performance (Y) |
Y.1 |
0,678 |
0,281 |
0.000 |
Valid |
Y.2 |
0,682 |
0.000 |
Valid |
Y.3 |
0,633 |
0.000 |
Valid |
Y.4 |
0,841 |
0.000 |
Valid |
Y.5 |
0,687 |
0.000 |
Valid |
Y.6 |
0,802 |
0.000 |
Valid |
Y.7 |
0,736 |
0.000 |
Valid |
Y.8 |
0,530 |
0.000 |
Valid |
Source: Appendix 3
Based on table
4.10 related to validity testing with all statement indicators contained in the
questionnaire as a measuring tool for the influence of emotional intelligence,
work environment, work culture, on employee performance at the office of the
investment office and one-stop integrated service for bantaeng
district, the results obtained for the overall value of r count greater than r
table which is 0.281. Based on these results, it can be concluded that all
statement items contained in the questionnaire are declared valid.
Reliability Test
of Research Instruments
�Reliability is an index that shows the extent
to which a measuring instrument can be trusted or relied upon. A new measuring
instrument can be trusted and reliable if consistent results are always
obtained from unchanged measurement symptoms carried out at different times. To
carry out the reliability test, the Cronbach Alpha technique can be used, where
a research instrument is said to be reliable if it has a reliability
coefficient or alpha of 0.600 or more. As in the following table:
Table 4.11
Reliability test results
No. |
Variables |
Cronbach's Alpha |
Description |
1 |
Emotional Intelligence |
0,691 |
Reliable |
2 |
Work Environment |
0,764 |
Reliable |
3 |
Work Culture |
0,762 |
Reliable |
4 |
Performance |
0,846 |
Reliable |
Source: Appendix 3
Based on the
results of testing the reliability of research instruments, as in Table 4.11,
the test results show that all research instruments are reliable or reliable so
that they are suitable for use as measuring instruments. It can be seen that
all of these research variables have a reliability coefficient / alpha greater
than 0.600.
Normality Test
The normality test in
this study was carried out by means of graph analysis. Normality can be
detected by looking at the spread of data (points) on the diagonal axis of the
graph or by looking at the histogram and residuals, as for the basis for making decisions, among others:
a. If the data spreads around the diagonal line or the
histogram graph shows a normal distribution pattern, then the regression fulfills the assumption of normality.
b. If the data spreads far from the diagonal line or does
not follow the direction of the diagonal line or the histogram graph does not
show a normal distribution pattern, then the regression model does not fulfill the normality assumption.
�Based on the normal probability plot graph as presented in the
image below:
Source: Appendix 5
Figure 4.2 Normality Assumption
Testing Results
�Based on the P-plot graph in the figure above
which shows that the points spread around the diagonal line, and the distribution
follows the direction of the diagonal line. So that the regression model
deserves further analysis.
Multicollinearity is a condition where there is a very
high correlation between independent variables in the regression equation.
Multicollinearity test is needed to obtain the true correlation, which is
purely not influenced by other variables that may have an effect.
Table 4.12 Multicollinearity Test
Independent variable |
Tolerance |
Description |
Emotional Intelligence |
0,837 |
1,195 |
Non Multicollinearity |
Work environment |
0,582 |
1,718 |
Non Multicollinearity |
Work Culture |
0,590 |
1,695 |
Non-multicollinearity |
Source: Primary
data processed, 2024
Based on Table
4.12, from the results of the variance inflation factor (VIF) test on the
results of spss 24 output, the coefficient table,
each independent variable VIF < 10.000, namely for the emotional
intelligence variable 1.995, work environment variable 1.718, work culture
variable 1.695, thus it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity.
c. Heteroscedasticity Test
�The heteroscedasticity test aims to test
whether in regression there is a variance from the residuals of one observation
to another. in the heteroscedasticity test the errors that occur are not random
but show a systematic relationship according to the magnitude of one or more
variables. The points formed must spread randomly, spread both above and below
zero on the Y axis. If this condition is met, heteroscedasticity does not occur
and the regression model is suitable for use. The results of the heteroscedasticity
test using the scatterplot graph are as follows:
Figure 4.3
Heteroscedasticity Assumption Test Results
Source: Primary
data processed, 2024
Based on the data
in Figure 4.3, it can be seen that the points spread randomly, and are spread
above and below zero on the Y axis. It
can be stated that there is no
heteroscedasticity in the regression model.
�Multiple linear equations to measure the
effect of independent variables (Emotional Intelligence, Work Environment,
and Work Culture) on the dependent variable (Employee Performance). In terms of
testing the basic classical analysis requirements of regression that have been
carried out previously which shows that the variables involved in it meet the
qualifications of these classical requirements and assumptions. then this study
continues by testing the significance of the regression model interpretation model.
The results of multiple linear regression analysis are contained in the table
as follows:
Table 4.13 Recapitulation of Multiple Linear
Regression of the Effect of Emotional Intelligence, Work Environment, and Work
Culture on Employee Performance
Variables Independent |
Variables Dependent |
B (Regression coefficient) |
Beta |
t Count |
Sig t |
Description |
Constan = 3.332 |
Intelligence Emotional |
Performance |
0,463 |
0,191 |
8,743 |
0.000 |
Significant |
Work Environment |
Performance |
0,172 |
0,073 |
2,709 |
0.010 |
Significant |
Work Culture |
Performance |
0,544 |
0,219 |
8,626 |
0.000 |
Significant |
N= 49 R = 0.946 Rsquare =0.894 Ajusted Rsquare
=0.887 |
Source: Appendix 5
Based on table
4.13, the data results obtained from the regression coefficients above can be made
into a regression equation, among others:
Y= 3.332 + 0.463X1 + 0.172 X2 + 0.544X3
Y = Employee Performance
X1 = Emotional Intelligence
X2 = Work Environment
X3 = Work Culture
The interpretation of the equation is:
1. β1 = 0,463
The coefficient
value of variable X1 is positive and has a significant effect on variable Y.
This can be seen from the X1 coefficient value of 0.463 and the significance
shows a number smaller than α = 0.05. Based on the data that has been
tested, it can be concluded that any increase in emotional intelligence
variables has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
2. β2 = 0,172
The coefficient
value of variable X2 is positive and has a significant effect on variable Y.
this can be seen from the X2 coefficient value of 0.172 and a significance
value smaller than α = 0.05. Based on this data, it can be concluded that
any increase in the work environment variable has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance.
3. β3 = 0,544
The coefficient
value of variable X3 is positive and has a significant effect on variable Y.
this can be seen from the coefficient value of X of 0.544 and the significance
shows a number smaller than α = 0.05. Based on the data that has been
tested, it can be concluded that any increase in the Work Culture variable has
a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
Test the
feasibility of the model in multiple linear regression using SPSS software. The
Rsquare value is 0.894 or 89.4%, which means that the
effect of all independent variables on the dependent variable is 89.4% and the
remaining 10.6% is influenced by other variables.
The t test is used
to test the significance of the influence of the independent variables X1, X2,
and X3 (Emotional Intelligence, Work Environment, and Work Culture) on the
dependent variable Y (Employee Performance). Based on the regression analysis
that has been carried out, the t test is used to test each independent variable
on the dependent variable.
To determine the criteria for testing the
research hypothesis, among others:
accepted if t significant <0.05
2. The hypothesis is
rejected if the significant t value > 0.05
The results of the t test in this study can be seen in
the following table:
Table 4.14 Result
of t test
Coefficientsa |
Model |
Coefficients |
Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Error |
Beta |
1 |
(Constant) |
3.332 |
1.120 |
2.976 |
.005 |
Emotional Intelligence |
.191 |
.022 |
.463 |
8.743 |
.000 |
Work Environment |
.073 |
.027 |
.172 |
2.709 |
.010 |
Work Culture |
.219 |
.025 |
.544 |
8.626 |
.000 |
a. Dependent Variable: Employee
Performance |
Source: Appendix 5
Based on table
4.14 above, it shows that the effect of each independent variable partially
(individually) on the dependent variable is as follows:
Effect of
Emotional Intelligence variable (X1) on employee performance
Based on table 4.14 shows the t value for the
Emotional Intelligence variable is 8.743 while the t table value is 1.677, it
can be concluded that t count> t table 1.677 and a significance value of
0.000 <0.05 so that the hypothesis is proven, where there is a significant
effect of emotional intelligence on employee performance, thus the hypothesis
is accepted.
The influence of
the Work Environment variable (X2) on Employee Performance (Y).
Table 4.14 shows that the t value of the Work
Environment variable is 2.709 while the t table value is 1.677, it can be
concluded that t count> t table 1.677 and a significance value of 0.010
<0.05 so that the hypothesis is proven, where there is a significant effect
of the Work Environment variable on employee performance, thus the hypothesis
is accepted.
Effect of Work
Culture (X3) on Employee Performance (Y)
Table 4.14 shows that the t value of the Work Culture variable is 8.626
while the t table value is 1.677, it can be concluded that t count> t table
1.677 and a significance value of 0.000 <0.05 so that the hypothesis is
proven, where there is a significant effect of the Work Culture variable on
employee performance, thus the hypothesis is accepted.
This discussion focuses on the decisions resulting
from hypothesis testing, as an attempt to answer the formulation of research
problems. The results of the analysis of hypothesis testing are described as
Based on the
formulation of the problem and the first hypothesis, it can be observed from
the partial test results (t test) in Table 4.14 from the table shows that
emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on employee
�The results of descriptive statistics of
emotional intelligence variables show that the social skills indicator is the
indicator that has the highest average value. This shows that employees have
the ability to communicate and skills to cooperate with others.
�The facts at the research site show that
employees at the Bantaeng Regency Investment Office
have the ability to interact smoothly when dealing with other people, can
resolve disputes and are able to work together in teams. The existence of
emotional intelligence greatly affects employee performance. There are differences
in the performance of employees who have emotional intelligence showing better
performance than other employees who are less able to control their emotions,
because the better the emotional intelligence, the better the performance will
�The findings of this study indicate that the
better the emotional intelligence of employees, the better employee performance
will be. This finding is in accordance with the results of research conducted
by Situmorang et
al., (2023) which shows that there is a positive and significant
relationship between emotional intelligence and employee performance.
�Based on the formulation of the problem and
the second hypothesis, it can be observed from the partial test results (t
test) in Table 4.14 from the table shows that the work environment has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance.
�The results of descriptive statistics of work
environment variables show that the indicator of relationships between
employees has the highest average value compared to other indicators, this
proves that relationships between employees are the main factor that must be
considered in improving employee performance. The findings of this study
indicate that the better the work environment, the better employee performance
will be.
�The facts at the research site show that
coworker relations between employees at the Bantaeng
Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office are well established
because employees can understand each other, communication runs smoothly, and
of course harmonious coworker relations are able to help each other in
completing their work so as to improve employee performance.
�This finding is in accordance with the results
of research conducted by Fauzi et al.,
(2020). which shows that there is a positive and significant relationship
between the work environment and employee performance.
�Based on the formulation of the problem and
the third hypothesis, it can be observed from the partial test results (t test)
in Table 4.14 from the table shows that work culture has a positive and
significant effect on employee performance.
�The results of descriptive statistics of work
culture variables show that the discipline indicator has the highest average
value compared to other indicators. This shows that employees have been
disciplined to follow the rules that have been set. The findings of this study
indicate that the better the work culture, the better employee performance will
�Based on the results of the researcher's
observations, the facts at the research site show that employees at the Bantaeng Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service
Office have followed the established rules. Such as carrying out tasks with responsibility, and
serving service users wholeheartedly. Based on the results of the interview,
the informant explained that "Bureaucrats who still prioritize thoughts
want to be served, and stall for time, such thoughts must be ended, considering
that bureaucrats are paid to serve and not to be served. for this reason, the
DPM-PTSP of Bantaeng Regency has changed the old
paradigm of being served to a new paradigm, namely CERIA (Careful, Friendly,
Innovative, and Anti Pungli) services." The urgency of the importance of
developing work culture is very important because it can improve the quality of
employee performance in carrying out assigned tasks. A good work culture can
facilitate the achievement of agency targets and goals, because work culture
can change individual attitudes and behavior.
�The findings of
this study indicate that the better the work culture, the better employee
performance will be. This finding is in accordance with the results of research
conducted by Situmorang et al., (2023). which shows
that there is a positive and significant relationship between work culture and
employee performance.
Based on the
results of research and discussion, it is concluded that emotional
intelligence, work environment, and work culture have a positive and
significant influence on employee performance at the Bantaeng
Regency Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office. Good emotional
intelligence improves employee performance, a conducive work environment
contributes to improved performance, and a good work culture also has a
positive effect on performance. From this analysis, several suggestions can be
made. First, the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service Office of Bantaeng Regency needs to continue to pay attention to and
improve the emotional intelligence of employees to improve their communication
skills. Second, physical improvements to the work environment need to be made
to reduce disturbances such as noise. Third, fostering a better work culture
can strengthen employee commitment. Finally, this research can be a reference
for future researchers to develop other variables besides those that have been
studied to gain a more comprehensive understanding.
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