Eduvest � Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 4 Number 9, September, 2024

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727



Improving employee Innovation Behavior for better future in Electrical Industry



Aryana Satrya1, Ilham Kamal2

1,2 Management, Economic and Business, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]



This study aimed to investigate and assess the effect of Proactive Personality (PP), Work Motivation (WM), Perceive Organizational Support (POS)� on Innovative Work Behavior (IWB), with Work Engagement.acting as mediators. Questionnaires� were� used� in� this� quantitative study, to obtain information from 300 employees, with subsequent analysis� implementing� the� Structural� Equation� Model� Lisrel 8.3. The results showed that IWB was significantly influenced by WM, POS,PP, WE. The results also showed WM, POS, PP significantly� influenced� WE. Moreover, WM, POS,PP significantly�� influenced�� IWB�� mediated by� WE. This� study� investigated� innovative work behavior� that significantly� and� widely� impacted� by Perceive Organizational Support.� It also provided a deeper comprehension of the employee characteristic in the industry like� work motivaton, proactive personality, work engagement.


Proactive Personality, Work Motivation, Perceive Organizational Support, Innovative Work Behavior, Work Engagement.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International




Innovation is critical in allowing businesses to adapt to rapidly changing economic conditions and achieve a competitive edge (Haftu, 2019). According to recent research, innovation is vital for organisations� performance because it enables organisations to adapt quickly to market changes and provide new goods and services (Danzer & Dietz, 2018). Among the many types and levels of innovation, employees� innovative work behaviour (IWB) is seen as a cornerstone, as it is the individuals who generate the ideas, and not the organisations (Mansoor et al., 2020; Vishal, 2020);(Myovella et al., 2020).

A number of studies have demonstrated that employees perform well when work engagement is facilitated (Lind et al., 2018). Gap (2017) discovered that organizations should facilitate employees by providing feedback, job resources, training and social support. Employees get influenced by the management if they are provided with sufficient resources to accomplish tasks. Organizations can endeavor employee engagement and performance to help them gain the wanted skills and resources (Wijaya & Setyawan Purnama, 2018).

Engaged employees are important assets of an organization due to their strong organizational commitment that can steer the organization towards success (Alaloul et al., 2021). Similarly, proactive personality is referred to as a stable personality trait that can bring meaningful changes (Ehrenberg et al., 2012);. Moreover, work engagement is associated with innovative work behavior (Purwaningsih, 2020). Based on the social exchange theory, an employee�s work engagement is an integral element in enhancing the performance of individuals that ascertains organizational sustainability (Martuah et al., 2023);(Asikin et al., 2024).

An unmotivated employee is likely to put little effort into work tasks, produce work of lower quality, avoid the workplace, and even exit his or her job if given the opportunity to do so. On the other hand, motivated employees are likely to willingly take on tasks, produce work of high quality, and be creative, persistent, and productive. Employees motivation has two forms, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation arises from the intrinsic value of the work for the individual (for example, its interest The limitation of the previous research is that it was studied on different research objects and then had their own moderation/mediation variables, so the author in this study combined them into one one model so that we know the relationship between that variable with innovative work behavior value), whereas, extrinsic motivation arises from the desire to obtain some outcomes (for example, as rewards) that are apart from the work itself (Najimudin et al., 2023). Each and every person in an organization is motivated in a different manner. Workers� motivation depends on many intrinsic and extrinsic factors like interesting work, job appreciation, satisfaction, stress, job security, promotion and growth, rewards, work environment, punishment and recognition etcetera (Sujila et al., 2023);(Maswani et al., 2021);(Pawirosumarto et al., 2017).

POS is theoretically defined as the �employees develop global beliefs concerning the extent to which the organization values their contributions and cares about their wellbeing� (Sugiarti, 2021). POS theory emphasizes the significance of considering employees as valuable organizational assets (Akinwale & George, 2020). Employees who perceive high levels of POS are more likely to feel a responsibility to care for the organization�s growth and aid in its goalachieving (Waris et al., 2020). Moreover, they have a sense of obligation to repay the favor to the business by going above and beyond what is required of them in their job (Marcous� et al., 2014).

Accordingly, POS can enable employees to develop novel ideas and positively predict IWB (AhmedAlqasa & Alsulami, 2022). At this point, leadership style can affect innovative behavior through its influence on the POS of employees (D. Chen et al., 2022);(Schermuly et al., 2022). Employees are more likely to perceive greater organizational support and become more innovative if their leader took on the role of a servant leader and provide a setting in which it was secure and encouraging for employees to share their thoughts and suggestions. In addition, in an organizational culture that encourages innovation, employees feel that their ideas and creative efforts are valued and that the organization cares about them, which may lead to more IWB (Shakill, 2019).

D�rnyei (2017) Revealed that work engagement is a positive motivational state and one of the intrapreneurship factors that is associated with proactive work behavior. In accordance with previous research, studies conducted by Kong & Li (2018) on primary and secondary school teachers in China show that proactive personality has a positive effect on innovative work behavior. A study conducted by �krinjarić (2018) shows aspects that strengthen the prospect of proactive personality as one of the most successful personality predictors of individual innovation.

Proactive personality is a positive and valid predictor of innovative performance in a sample of 170 software engineers and direct supervisors in multinational information technology companies, with additional validity above and beyond the Five Factor Model (Openness, Extraversion, Emotional stability, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness). Research conducted by Prakash (2016) also supports the findings that proactive personality is a valid and significant predictor of service innovative behavior in the banking sector, so that to increase innovative behavior it is hoped that companies can recruit employees who have proactive personality employees through appropriate selection methods. in accordance. Based on several studies above, the second hypothesis in this research is:

H1: Proactive personality has a positive influence on innovative behavior.

Research that discusses the relationship between perceived organizational support and innovative work behavior is still relatively small. Research that has discussed the influence of perceived organizational support on innovative work behavior is research conducted by Ekmekcioglu & �ner, 2023. Data was collected from 280 employees working in technopark companies located in Turkey, which require intensive IWB. Structural equation modeling and bootstrapping procedures were used to test the hypothesized relationships.

Empirical findings suggest that organizations should make efforts to promote SL and increase IOC to elicit IWB from their employees. In addition, organizations and managers need to realize the importance of POS by employees, and therefore establish an adequate work environment, create and utilize appropriate policies and procedures. Research by Chen (2011). In this research, Eisenberger wanted to see whether employees who have the perception that the organization where they work provide care that respects them will produce innovation. This research provides significant positive results for this hypothesis. Therefore, this research aims to replicate this research on a population of employees who work in industries that require a high level of employee innovation. Based on this, this research has the hypothesis

H2: Perceived organizational support has a significant positive influence on innovative work behavior

Motivation has become the subject of scientific investigation in recent years. Motivation itself is associated with a person's curiosity to do or not do something (Good & Hyman, 2020). According to Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory, a person's motivation is related to feelings of satisfaction (job satisfaction) or dissatisfaction with their job (job dissatisfaction). This feeling of satisfaction is triggered by intrinsic motivation (motivator) and extrinsic motivation (hygiene). It can be concluded that there are two needs of a person that are related to motivation (Rasto & Maulani, 2019).

A large body of research has emphasized the importance of an individual's motivational orientation when engaging in creative activitie. This concept of creativity is related to the construct of innovative work behavior, where creative behavior can spur the generation of original and useful ideas. Basically, individual innovation is an effort to introduce and implement in a role, group or organization new ideas, processes, products or procedures for related units that are designed to be of significant benefit to the individual, group or organization.

Created a new concept regarding individual innovation as a new construct, namely innovative work behavior. This construct can be considered as a broad construct, not only generating (generating) ideas, but also referring to important socio-political activities to turn ideas into real innovations. This construct represents a set of multiple behaviors corresponding to the different stages of the innovation process, in generating or introducing ideas, mobilizing support for these ideas and finally implementing these new ideas.

Regarding motivation and its influence on innovative behavior, there has been a lot of research discussing it. Work motivation influences different stages of innovative behavior; Intrinsic motivation has a significant positive interpretation and influence on personal creativity and organizational innovation. Strengthened prove that individuals who are intrinsically motivated are more creative and innovative because they are motivated and tend to increase their curiosity, are cognitively flexible and dare to take risks. Found that employees who feel comfortable and challenged in their work (intrinsic motivation), will show a more innovative side. In studies conducted in the marine tourism industry, tourism employees usually face challenges with a happy feeling, this is useful for fulfilling their self-actualization.

The challenges they experience at work can make it easier for them to create new, innovative ideas. Meanwhile, there is still a lot of debate regarding extrinsic motivation, most researchers show that extrinsic motivation such as getting recognition and monetary rewards will produce a negative influence on innovation and extrinsic motivation factors such as lack of freedom, not being able to get support from superiors and feeling afraid of being evaluated, factors these factors will bring negative predictions for employees behaving creatively. Others believe that extrinsic motivation can also have a positive influence on innovation.

Found that extrinsic motivation, especially compensation, has a large role in its influence on innovative behavior. Compensation has a positive influence on innovative behavior. In fact, in the results of their study, they suggested that tourism implement an incentive mechanism, which would produce an irresistible attraction to trigger the enthusiasm of employees to behave innovatively. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation have a significant direct influence on innovative behavior. When an employee's needs are met, they will be moved to produce something new, new ideas that they can apply to their work, either individually or in groups. Based on the description above, the author proposes the following hypothesis:

H3: Work motivation significantly positively influences innovative work behavior

At a high level of work engagement, showing initiative behavior is one of the innovative behaviors. Several studies state that employees with a strong proactive personality will be significantly involved in their work. Research conducted found that proactive personality in elementary and middle school teachers in China can predict work engagement. An individual's proactive personality will be activated, leading to high work engagement by creating a conducive work environment. Meanwhile, a study conducted on workers in Pakistan also proves that employees with a strong proactive personality will be significantly more involved in their work. Apart from that, the results of their study also added elements of transformational leadership which also increased the relationship between proactive personality and work engagement. So the fourth hypothesis of this research is:

H4: Proactive personality has a positive influence on work engagement.

Tried to examine the relationship between perceived organizational support and work engagement. From this research, it is proven that perceived organizational support has a positive relationship with work engagement. This research is in line with research conducted. However, there are limitations to this research, namely that the respondents come from a population that is too diverse so it cannot describe the condition of respondents in specific and specific industrial or organizational situations. Apart from that, this research was completed by the employee's direct superior which is not included in the self-reported method. So it cannot be known with certainty the influence it will have on employees' extra-role performance. With these limitations, this research tries to replicate this relationship in specific industries and organizations and using the self-report method. Therefore, the following research hypothesis is obtained:

H5: Perceived Organizational Support has a significant positive influence on work engagement.

Motivation has become the subject of scientific investigation in recent years. Motivation itself is associated with a person's curiosity to do or not do something. According to Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory, a person's motivation is related to feelings of satisfaction (job satisfaction) or dissatisfaction with their job (job dissatisfaction). This feeling of satisfaction is triggered by intrinsic motivation (motivator) and extrinsic motivation (hygiene). It can be concluded, there are two needs. In line with other research, namely the aim of this research is to test the influence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation which has a significant positive effect on employee work engagement in the public sector.

H6: Work Motivation has a significant positive effect on Work Engagement.

Employee engagement is often considered as one of the attributes in creating a comfortable work climate and in the end will provide results such as innovative behavior. Research conducted found that there is an influence between an employee's work engagement on the performance output of their innovation behavior. This is tried to be explained by looking at engagement as an antecedent to every expected performance. Therefore, companies can try to increase employee engagement so that the performance they produce can be in line with what the company expects, including innovation behavior. This research attempts to replicate research conducted and research which found that there is a relationship between organizations that form a learning culture and innovative work behavior that is fully mediated. by work engagement so that the following hypothesis is generated:

H7: Work engagement has a significant positive influence on innovative work behavior

A study conducted investigated the mediating role of work engagement between proactive personality and innovative work behavior. Employees who have a strong proactive personality will be more involved in the tasks given by the organization, which ultimately creates a big impact on organizational performance such as innovative work behavior. Increased individual performance can occur because employees with personal proactiveness can identify opportunities that are profitable for them. So work engagement is a very important variable between proactive personality and innovative work behavior, as proven through bootstrap results with indirect effects. Based on this, the final hypothesis of this research is:

H8: Work engagement has a mediating effect on the influence of proactive personality on employee service innovative behavior

Work engagement is a motivational construct, related to a sense of enthusiasm, dedication and good absorption and the individual's mind being in a positive and satisfied state. Vigor is defined as high energy and mental endurance when working, or persistence at work. Dedication refers to a sense of enthusiasm, inspiration, pride and challenge. Meanwhile, absorption means full concentration to the point of being engrossed in one's work, where time passes very quickly and the person has difficulty detaching from work.

Sees that employees are not always engaged, they need to be stimulated to be engaged with their work, they need time and opportunities. In fact, making employees feel engaged with their work is important for good organizational results, for example it can make them more innovative and creative. So it is also important for companies or organizations to understand how to make employees feel motivated in order to improve their performance. Mention that training, empowerment and rewards are examples of motivation that can make employees feel more connected, apart from increasing their abilities, employees also feel more appreciated and engaged with their work.

Provides an example of the lack of an effective training program in a service company making its employees lack the ability and desire to serve their customers. Then, Guchait, added that empowered employees can carry out their duties, use their creative ideas, and provide good responses in handling customer complaints. Apart from that, being given challenging work can make an employee motivated so that their level of engagement in work increases. Based on the description above, the author proposes the hypothesis:

H9: Work engagement mediates the relationship between work motivation and innovative work behavior

Many previous studies have tried to see the relationship between these three variables. However, no one has tried to see the mediating effect that the work engagement variable can have on the relationship between perceived organizational support and innovative work behavior. Therefore, this research tries to look at this relationship and this relationship can be one of the novelties carried out by this research. Therefore, the following hypothesis is obtained:

H10: Perceived Organizational Support has a significant positive influence on Innovative Work Behavior mediated by Work Engagement.

The description of the conceptual framework is implemented to show the patterns by which each independent variable influences the dependent determinant, as shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework



      A study method was often observed based on specific discussion, to determine a relationship between independent and dependent variables while describing various underlying analyses.� In this study, quantitative methods were implemented, with the participants comprising of 300 employees in electrical industry in indonesia.� Furthermore, the primary data obtained and reprocessed from the questionnaire distribution were experimentally implemented. Data were also obtained through the questionnaire method, which was widely used to acquire responses and relevant information.

In line with the previous descriptions, Innovative work behavior is measured using 9 items created with three dimensions, namely idea generalization, idea promotion, and idea realization. This was accompanied by Work engagement data collection is an instrument used by, namely the UWES-9 instrument. Consists of three dimensions, namely vigor, dedication, and absorption. The measuring instrument used to measure perceived organizational support is a measuring instrument developed. Consists of 8 question items. Work motivation data collection uses an instrument developed which consists of two dimensions, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.

The measurement of the proactive personality variable uses a ten-item and unidimensional questionnaire from which is a shorter version of the questionnaire which has 17 statement items. The data were quantitatively evaluated through statistical analysis, specifically covarianced ased structural equation model (CB-SEM).



Characteristics of Participants

The total number of respondents who filled out the questionnaire was 300 respondents. For the gender profile, the majority who filled out the questionnaire were men, 166 respondents (55.3%) and the remainder were women, 134 respondents (44.7%), the majority of those who participated came from the 21-30 year age group with a total of 153 respondents (51%), followed by the 31-40 year age group with 94 respondents (31.3%). Based on length of work, the average length of work for respondents was 3-5 years, 112 respondents (37.3%), based on length of work, the average length of work for respondents was 3-5 years, 112 respondents (37.3%).


Evaluation of Measurement Model (Outer Model)

The observable indicators of a construct was expected to exhibit strong relationship during the� analysis� of� convergent� validity.� In this� analysis,� the� evaluation� of� loading� factors� and the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) metric was performed, with the outcomes shown in Table 1.


Table 1. Outer Model Evaluation based on Average Variant Extracted



Test results

Proactive Personality



Work Motivation



Perceive Organizational Support



InnovativeWork Behavior



Work Engagement



Source: processed data


Table 2. Outer Model Evaluation based on Construct Reliability



Test results

Proactive Personality



Work Motivation



Perceive Organizational Support



InnovativeWork Behavior



Work Engagement



Source: processed data


Based on Table 1, the AVE value of each variable exceeded the threshold of 0.5 and Construct Reliability value of each variabel exceeded the threshold of 0,7 This indicated that the implemented variables or constructs were considered valid and reliable. Furthermore, discriminant validity proved that the variables comprising distinct notions should not exhibit substantial similarity.


Inner Model Test

Table 3 shows the patterns by which Lisrel 8.3 data processing yields the R-Square value


Table 3. Inner Model Evaluation based on R-Square


R Square

Test results

InnovativeWork Behavior



Work Engagement



Source: processed data


The coefficient of determination in SEM analysis shows the large contribution made by all exogenous variables to the endogenous variables. The results of the analysis in the table above show that work engagement has an R2 value of 0.68, which means that 68% of the variance in work engagement is influenced by the level of perceived organizational support, work motivation and proactive personality, while the remaining 42% of the variance in work engagement is influenced by other factors. outside these three.

The results of further analysis show that the value of innovative work behavior is 0.60, which means 60% of the variation in innovative work behavior is influenced by the level of work engagement, perceived organizational support, work motivation and proactive personality, while the remaining 40% of the variation in innovative work behavior is influenced other factors outside work engagement, perceived organizational support, work motivation and proactive personality.


Path Analysis

Path analysis was conducted to determine the structural model coefficient. This analysis aimed to examine all relationshipssignificance or test hypotheses. The hypothesis testingwas also categorized into two distinct types, namely direct and indirect effects. Subsequently, the data obtained were processed using the Lisrel 8.3 tool, as shown in Table 4.


Table 4 . Results of The Hypotheses Direct Testing


Path Coefficient

T value




3,99 > 1,64

Positive; significant



2,27 > 1,64

Positive; significant



5,56 > 1,64

Positive; significant



2,74 > 1,64

Positive; significant



2,56 > 1,64

Positive; significant



2,11 > 1,64

Positive; significant



2,43> 1,64

Positive; significant

Source: processed data


Proactive Personality with Innovative Work Behavior produces a calculated t value of 2.43 and a positive path coefficient of 22%, because the calculated t value is >1.64 and the path coefficient is positive, hypothesis 1 is accepted and it is concluded that Proactive Personality has a positive effect on Innovative Work Behavior. This means that the higher the Proactive Personality, the higher the Innovative Work Behavior, and vice versa, the lower the Proactive Personality, the lower the Innovative Work Behavior.

The results of this research are in line with the results of research which shows that proactive personality is a factor that significantly influences innovative work behavior. The results of this research are also in line with the results of research which also shows that employees' innovative work behavior increases as their proactive personality increases. The results of this research are also in line with the results of research which also shows that the higher the employee's innovative work behavior. Their research also proved that proactive personality is a factor that significantly influences innovative work behavior.

Perceived Organizational Support with Innovative Work Behavior produces a t value of 2.56 and a positive path coefficient of 0.21, because the t value is >1.64 and the path coefficient is positive, hypothesis 2 is accepted and it is concluded that Perceived Organizational Support has a positive effect on Innovative Work Behavior. This means that the higher the Perceived Organizational Support, the higher the Innovative Work Behavior, and vice versa, the lower the Perceived Organizational Support, the lower the Innovative Work Behavior. The results of this research are in line with the results of research which shows that perceived organizational support is a factor that significantly influences innovative work behavior.

The results of this research are also in line with the results of which also shows that employees' innovative work behavior increases as their proactive personality increases. The results of this research are also in line with the results of research which also shows the results that the higher the employee's perception of organizational support, the higher the employee's innovative work behavior in their research also proves that perceived organizational support is a factor that significantly influences innovative work behavior.

Work Motivation with Innovative Work Behavior produces a calculated t value of 2.11 and a positive path coefficient of 0.18, because the calculated t value is> 1.64 and the path coefficient is positive, hypothesis 3 is accepted and it is concluded that Work Motivation has a positive effect on Innovative Work Behavior . This means that the higher the Work Motivation, the higher the Innovative Work Behavior, and vice versa, the lower the Work Motivation, the lower the Innovative Work Behavior.

The results of this research are in line with the results of research which shows that work motivation influences employee innovation behavior. The results of this research are also in line with the results of research which shows that high work motivation will support high employee innovation behavior. in their research also shows the results that work motivation is a factor that significantly influences work innovation.

Proactive Personality with Work Engagement produces a calculated t value of 5.56 and a positive path coefficient of 0.43, because the calculated t value is >1.64 and the path coefficient is positive, hypothesis 4 is accepted and it is concluded that Proactive Personality has a positive effect on Work Engagement. This means that the higher the Proactive Personality, the higher the Work Engagement, and vice versa, the lower the Proactive Personality, the lower the Work Engagement. The results of this research are in line with research result which also show the results that employee engagement is influenced by their proactive personality. The results of this research are also in line with research results which also show the results that active personnel tend to have high attachment to the organization.

Perceived Organizational Support with Work Engagement produces a t value of 3.99 and a positive path coefficient of 0.29, because the t value is> 1.64 and the path coefficient is positive, hypothesis 5 is accepted and it is concluded that Perceived Organizational Support has a positive effect on Work Engagement. This means that the higher the Perceived Organizational Support, the higher the Work Engagement, and vice versa, the lower the Perceived Organizational Support, the lower the Work Engagement.

The results of this research are in line with the results of research who tried to examine the relationship between perceived organizational support and work engagement. From this research, it is proven that perceived organizational support has a positive relationship with work engagement. This research is also in line with research conducted which states that perceived organizational support has a positive relationship with work engagement.

Work Engagement with Innovative Work Behavior produces a calculated t value of 2.74 and a positive path coefficient of 0.23, because the calculated t value is> 1.64 and the path coefficient is positive, hypothesis 7 is accepted and it is concluded that Work Engagement has a positive effect on Innovative Work Behavior. This means that, the higher the Work Engagement, the higher the Innovative Work Behavior, and vice versa, the lower the Work Engagement, the lower the Innovative Work Behavior.

The results of this research are in line with several previous research results such as the results of research which found that there is a relationship between organizations that form a learning culture and also innovative work behavior that is mediated full of work engagement


Table 5. Results of The Hypotheses In-Direct Testing






WM --> WE

WE --> IWB

WM --> IWB

WE partially mediates the relationship between WM and IWB









Total Indirect

0,0391 (0,17*0,23)


Total Effect

0,2191 ((0,17*0,23)+0,18)


POS --> WE

WE --> IWB







WE partially mediates the relationship between POS and IWB





Total Indirect

0,0667 (0,399*0,27)


Total Effect

0,2767 ((0,29*0,23)+0,21)


PP --> WE

WE --> IWB

PP --> IWB

WE partially mediates the relationship between PP and IWB. WE partially mediates the relationship between PP and IWB









Total Indirect



Total Effect

0,3189 ((0,43*0,23)+0,22)

Source: processed data


The mediating effect of work engagement on the influence of work motivation, proactive personality, perceived organizational support on innovative work behavior. Revealed that if the total effect is greater than the direct effect, then the mediating variable has an influence in being said to mediate the relationship between the two constructs. As shown in table 5, the total effect value of mediation is greater than the direct effect. The total effect on the relationship between work motivation and innovative work behavior is 0.2191, greater than the direct effect of 0.18 so that work engagement has a mediating effect.

Apart from that, the direct effect on these two constructs has a greater value, namely 0.13, than the indirect effect of 0.0391, so that work engagement has a partial mediating effect on these two constructs. Meanwhile, the total effect on the relationship between proactive personality and innovative work behavior is 0.3189, greater than the direct effect of 0.22, so work engagement has a mediating effect. Apart from that, the direct effect on these two constructs has a greater value, namely 0.22, than the indirect effect of 0.0989, so that work engagement has a partial mediating effect on both constructs. Meanwhile, the total effect on the relationship between perceived organizational support and innovative work behavior is 0.2767, greater than the direct effect of 0.21, so work engagement has a mediating effect. Apart from that, the direct effect on these two constructs has a greater value, namely 0.21, than the indirect effect of 0.0667, so that work engagement has a partial mediating effect on these two constructs.



In conclusion, IWB was substantially influenced by PP,WM,POS,and WE. This was accompanied by the partial mediation of WE on the relationship between PP to IWB, POS to IWB, WM to IWB. Based on the results, several recommendations were provided for future analyses. Organizations must focus more on developing proactive character of employees by continuing to provide facilities for employees to develop their potential through increasing guidance to employees when innovations from employees are not optimally implemented. . The guidance in question can be in the form of FGDs, workshops and mentoring with experts who can make employees produce better innovative ideas. When management thinks an employee's ideas are not good, there is a way for each employee to continue exploring their ideas with help from the company. In addition, superiors are advised to actively create an organizational climate that encourages innovation, by allowing and accepting employee ideas for improving work processes. Visualize employees' innovative ideas by drawing or implementing them directly with customers and colleagues, so that employees feel their contributions are appreciated. Bosses can also encourage employees to be more responsive and active in seeking and taking opportunities at work, even exceeding the targets set by the organization.�

Second, the organization increases employee enthusiasm for work so that employees remain at the engaged level, especially in the absorption item dimension. One journal shows that stress management strategies can contribute to increasing the absorption dimension of work engagement so that organizations need to educate the strategic mechanisms and processes that individuals use to manage stress and challenging situations and simultaneously re-evaluate of the workload given to employees for. In addition, organizations must continue to create a positive work environment and promote a healthy work-life balance. Organizations need to consider optimal workload, education on time and stress management strategies for each employee so that it is hoped that they can increase employee engagement, especially in the absorption dimension�

Third, Organizations in creating better conditions for Perceived Organizational Support, especially in point by implementing supportive HR practices for mistakes made by employees related to how employees innovate to solve the problem. Organizations must be able to create an atmosphere of mutual trust where employees feel safe facing mistakes and failures so that they can foster better organizational learning capabilities. This can be achieved by developing a culture of empathy, understanding and support within the organization, where employees feel comfortable admitting their mistakes and learning from them so that employees can be more courageous in carrying out "trial and error" in innovating.

Fourth, In increasing work motivation, especially organizations must create a culture of "recognition" in the workplace. Although innovation competitions have been held in stages and given monetary awards, researchers suggest that this could involve the establishment of a more formal organizational employee recognition program for the innovations carried out by each employee or a peer-to-peer recognition initiative.

Organizations can openly recognize and reward outstanding performance and contributions. Additionally, Organizations can provide regular and specific feedback to employees on their achievements and efforts that have contributed to fostering a culture of recognition. In addition, employees who innovate and have the greatest impact get better promotion opportunities than employees who do not have innovation, so that employees can be enthusiastic about being able to behave innovatively in finding solutions.







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