Eduvest � Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 4 Number 9, September, 2024

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727



A Baseline Study Of Workaholism, Passion, And Environmental Mastery In The Social Insurance Sector For Military Of State-Owned Enterprises (Soes) In Indonesia




Shafiya Areta1, Mirra Noor Milla2

1,2 Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Email: [email protected], [email protected]



Working has become a routine for the majority of people worldwide, and workaholism remains a significant topic of discussion. Researchers suggest that workaholism has negative effects that can disrupt life outside of work. Individuals, especially Millennials and Gen Z, often channel their energy and passion into their work. In psychological studies, workaholism can be understood as obsessive work behavior through the concept of passion. Various studies have established a relationship between obsessive passion for work and workaholic behavior. Other studies indicate that individuals with workaholic tendencies tend to have low environmental mastery. This study examines the relationship between workaholism, passion, and environmental mastery. Among 217 employees from PT. XYZ's insurance sector, self-reports were collected using the DUWAS, Passion Scale, and Environmental Mastery scales. Participants included 123 (56%) men and 94 (43%) women. SEM was used to analyze the path between various dimensions. The results showed a significant positive relationship between Environmental Mastery (EM) and Harmonious Passion (HP) (p = 0.000), indicating that higher EM correlates with higher HP. A significant positive relationship was also found between EM and Obsessive Passion (OP) (p = 0.006). However, no significant relationship was found between HP and Working Compulsively (WC) (p = 0.607) or Working Excessively (WE) (p = 1.186). In contrast, OP showed significant positive relationships with both WC (p = 0.004) and WE (p = 0.004). This study is the first to explore these relationships and serves as a reference for intervention programs on workaholism.


Workaholism, Passion, Environmental Mastery

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International




Work has become a primary routine for many individuals worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2022), nearly 60% of the global population is engaged in employment. In Indonesia, government regulations mandate a minimum working time of 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week (Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 35 tahun 2021 Pasal 21 ayat (2)). On average, employees work 42 hours per week, with the insurance sector averaging 43 hours per week (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2023). These statistics underscore the significant amount of time individuals devote to their jobs, often at the expense of personal and leisure activities.

Workaholism as an uncontrollable need or desire to work that can interfere with personal, interpersonal, and social aspects of life (Sujila et al., 2023). Describe workaholism as individuals who are heavily involved in their work, compelled to work, and experience low levels of enjoyment in their work. Workaholism as a work addiction characterized by two main traits: working excessively and working compulsively (Sudarso et al., 2023). Working excessively reflects a hard-working characteristic, while working compulsively indicates an obsession with work.

Maswani (2021) Describe workaholics as individuals who neglect their personal lives due to their love for work. These individuals spend long hours working and chronically lose perspective on life (Thoti & Saufi, 2016). This obsessive working behavior driven by passion is a key focus in psychology, highlighting the thin line between dedication and compulsion in work habits.

Emphasize that passion is a crucial factor in workaholism, describing it as a strong inclination to invest time and energy in a beloved activity, considered important, and defining one's identity. Passion can be either harmonious or obsessive. Harmonious passion aligns with positive outcomes, fostering creativity and satisfaction, while obsessive passion can lead to negative effects, including rigid persistence and disruption of life balance (Przybylski et al., 2009). Highlight that shifting from obsessive to harmonious passion enhances individuals' ability to manage various goals, fostering satisfying experiences and reducing frustration. This distinction between types of passion is vital for understanding how to foster a healthy work-life balance.

Environmental mastery, the ability to control and manage one's environment, is essential for achieving harmonious passion (Ryff, 1995). This capability allows individuals to select environments that meet their goals and needs effectively, leading to more satisfying experiences (Ryff, 1989). High environmental mastery scores indicate good mental health and the ability to navigate complex life demands (Hansen et al., 2022). However, workaholics often exhibit low environmental mastery, struggling to adapt to daily life, lacking control over their surroundings, and missing opportunities (Indriani et al., 2019). Addressing these deficiencies is crucial for promoting well-being and reducing the negative impacts of workaholism (Budiharjo, 2020).

Given the critical role of these factors, this study aims to reduce workaholism by enhancing harmonious passion, decreasing obsessive passion, and improving environmental mastery, thereby promoting work-life harmony. The urgency of addressing workaholism is underscored by WHO's (2022) data on mental health risks associated with excessive workloads, long hours, and poor work-life balance. The International Labour Organization (2022) stresses the importance of mental health and workplace well-being, encompassing all aspects of work life, from physical safety to employees' feelings about their work environment (WHO, 2022). Governments, employers, and stakeholders are urged to implement preventive measures to address mental health issues like stress, depression, and anxiety (WHO, 2022);(Kaligis et al., 2021);(Parry et al., 2018).

In Indonesia, the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, calls for strategic and tactical programs to enhance employee well-being, fostering awareness and a positive mindset regarding employee well-being (Rifa�i, 2023). Given the significance of these initiatives, it is crucial to conduct preliminary research to examine the interrelationships among three variables: workaholism, passion, and environmental mastery (Ert�rk Kara et al., 2015). This study aligns with the goals of the intervention programs, aiming to promote work-life harmony among employees. Understanding these relationships can help design more effective policies and interventions.

Goal System Theory is applied to investigate how individuals organize and reach established goals. Explain that Goal System Theory encompasses two characteristics: Cognitive and Motivational (Rosdiawan, 2014);(2, 2021). The Cognitive dimension comprises Structural and Allocation properties. Structural properties involve the interconnectedness and strength of relationships within a goal system, where goals are mentally associated with means of achievement and alternative goals. Facilitative connections typically occur vertically, while inhibitive connections are lateral and competitive, influencing motivation constructs.

Allocation principles depend on limited cognitive resources, treating mental resources as a constant sum game, where allocating more resources to one mental domain leaves fewer for others (Soleimani & Mohammadi Hoseini, 2021). Motivational characteristics include Goal Striving, where human actions are driven by goal pursuit, leading to affective feedback based on success or failure in achieving desired outcomes. Goal Commitment involves the determination to pursue a goal, influenced by subjective utility determined by the multiplication of goal value and probability of achievement. Understanding these motivational dynamics can provide insights into how workaholic behaviors develop and persist.

To further understand the behavioral changes necessary to address workaholism, this preliminary research explores attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control that govern behavior change among individuals (Al-Debei et al., 2015). The Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), an extension of the Theory of Reasoned Action by Fishbein and Ajzen (1970s), predicts and understands behavioral changes through rational decision-making processes. This framework emphasizes how behavioral intentions shape future actions, guiding interventions to enhance environmental mastery, mitigate obsessive passion, and cultivate harmonious passion among employees to effectively address workaholic tendencies. By leveraging TPB, interventions can be tailored to modify the specific beliefs and attitudes that underlie workaholic behaviors.

Initial studies conducted to capture the phenomena of workaholism reveal that it is not merely excessive working but a serious indicator of mental health issues among employees at SOE�s Social Insurance Sector for Military PT XYZ. Symptoms include long working hours, taking work home, guilt over taking leave, and a lack of alternative activities. This study aims to provide a robust foundation for policies and programs that promote employee well-being and balance work and personal life in SOE�s environments.



Participant. A study was conducted to investigate the path analysis between Workaholism, which includes two dimensions: Working Compulsively (WC) and Working Excessively (WE), and the Dualistics of Passion, which includes Harmonious and Obsessive Passion, as well as Environmental Mastery. The participants targeted were employees, with a total of 217 participants voluntarily completing an online survey (123 males, 94 females; Mage = 35.7, SD = 9.24). The survey comprised 31 items measuring workaholism, passion, and environmental mastery. Participants completing the survey were distributed between the Head Office (N=84) and Branch Office (N=133). Gender was found to have no significant effect on any of the variables and therefore is not further discussed.


Table 1. Characteristic of Participant




Percent (%)










26 - 35




36 - 45




46 - 55



Married Status













As shown in table 1, A total of 217 participants, with a near even split of genders (57% male, 43% female), participated in the Baseline Study. The majority (59%) were aged 26-35, followed by 36-45 (23%) and 46-55 (18%). Regarding marital status, 65.43% were married, 29.95% single, and 4.60% divorced/widowed. Understanding these demographics is crucial for interpreting the study's findings and ensuring their generalizability to the target population.




Table 2. Distribution of Participant based on Job Profile




Percent (%)

Work Unit

Branch Office




Headquarter Office



Employee Status








Job Level

Head of Division




Head of Branch Office




Head of Sub Division








0 - 1 years




2 - 5 years




5 - 10 years




>10 years




The participant distribution for this baseline study on workaholism, passion, and environmental mastery in the social insurance sector for military personnel of Indonesian SOEs reflects a diverse group. The majority (61.29%) were from Branch Offices, with 92.62% permanent employees and 45.16% having over 10 years of experience. Interestingly, 75% were Staff level employees, potentially due to their larger workforce representation or higher research participation rates. This distribution suggests the study is representative of the broader population and highlights Staff level employees as a key group for further investigation.



Sample. A questionnaire consisting of three measurement tools: DUWAS, the Passion Scale, and Environmental Mastery, was distributed online to all employees via email and social media. The questionnaire was set up to be completed only by PT. XYZ employees, as the company's email domain would be recorded. The questionnaire was distributed to the Headquarter Office and Branch Offices of PT. XYZ across Indonesia.



Workaholic. Participants were assessed using The Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS) in two dimensions. Four items measured Working Excessively (WE, α=0.561, after dropping item-4), and five items measured Working Compulsively (WC, α=0.689, no items dropped). Responses were on a 4-point scale: 1 (almost never), 2 (sometimes), 3 (often), and 4 (almost always). An example item for Working Excessively is �I find myself doing two or three things at once, such as eating, writing a memo, and talking on the telephone.� An example item for Working Compulsively is �It is hard for me to relax when I am not working.�

Passion. All participants were evaluated for Harmonious Passion (HP) and Obsessive Passion (OP) using the Passion Scale. The HP subscale comprised 6 items (α=0.929), while the OP subscale had 6 items (α=0.883). Examples of HP items include �This activity allows me to experience memorable moments,� and for OP, �I almost obsessively feel the need to engage in this activity.� Participants rated their agreement on a 6-point scale ranging from 1 (very inappropriate) to 6 (very appropriate), adapted to avoid social desirability bias in the Indonesian context (Rahayu et al., 2020).

Environmental Mastery. Participants rated their agreement on a 4-point scale: 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (somewhat agree), 3 (agree), and 4 (strongly agree), within an Indonesian context. This unidimensional scale comprised 9 items. An example item is �I am adept at managing my time to accommodate all necessary tasks� (α=0.716).



Table 3. Means, Standard Deviation, and Correlation (N = 217)






Working Excessively





Working Compulsively





Harmonious Passion





Obsessive Passion





Environmental Mastery






The table 3 shows the means, standard deviations, and correlations of workaholic tendencies, passion, and environmental mastery among 217 employees at PT XYZ, an Indonesian social insurance state-owned enterprise. Employees scored higher on working compulsively (M= 12.64) than working excessively (M= 9.91). They also scored higher in harmonious passion (M= 34.75) than obsessive passion (M= 18.96). The researchers did not report any correlations between the variables in this table.


SEM: Measurement Model. The hypothesized model tested the relationship among workaholics, passion, and environmental mastery. Path analysis was conducted with SMART-PLS to investigate the influence of each dimension, such as Harmonious Passion, Obsessive Passion, Working Excessively, and Working Compulsively.


Table 4. Means, Standard Deviations, T Statistic (N = 217)

Path Analysis





EM → Workaholic





EM → Passion





Passion → Workaholic






Table 4 shows that environmental mastery (EM) has a positive relationship with Passion (M= 0.547; p<.05). This means that employees who reported higher environmental mastery also reported higher levels of passion for their work.� The passion dimension can be broken down into harmonious passion (HP) and obsessive passion (OP). Environmental mastery (EM) is positively related to both harmonious passion (HP) (M= 0.547; p<.05) and obsessive passion (OP) (M = 0.383; p<.05).� However, the strength of the positive relationship is stronger for harmonious passion than obsessive passion.


Figure 1. Result path analysis


As shown in Figure 1, Environmental Mastery (EM) is positively related to Passion (p<.05; M = 0.547; SD = 0.060; T-stat = 8.818), suggesting that individuals with high environmental mastery experience greater passion in their work. Additionally, EM has a strong positive relationship with Harmonious Passion (p<.05; M = 0.541; SD = 0.061; T-stat = 8.671), indicating that those who manage their environment well pursue work in a balanced and fulfilling way.


Based on the path analysis resultFigure 1. there is also a positive correlation between EM and Obsessive Passion (p= 0.006; M = 0.238; SD = 0.088; T-stat = 2.763), though this relationship is weaker. This suggests that while environmental mastery can sometimes lead to obsessive work commitment, it is less common compared to harmonious passion. The relationship between EM and working compulsively is negative but not statistically significant (p= 0.154; M = 0.111; SD = 0.072; T-stat = 1.429), implying that control over one�s environment might reduce compulsive working tendencies, though evidence is weak. Similarly, the relationship between EM and working excessively is negligible and non-significant (p= 0.958; M = -0.005; SD = 0.116; T-stat = 0.052), indicating that environmental mastery does not significantly impact excessive working behavior.

Lastly, there is a significant positive correlation between Obsessive Passion and working compulsively (p<0.5; M = 0.302; SD = 0.088; T-stat = 3.141), suggesting that individuals with high obsessive passion are more likely to engage in compulsive work behaviors. This highlights the risk of workaholism when passion becomes obsessive, emphasizing the need for work-life harmony interventions to mitigate such risks.

There is a positive relationship between environmental mastery and working harmoniously. The path coefficient between these two variables is 0.607. This means that people who score higher on environmental mastery are also more likely to score higher on working harmoniously. There is a positive relationship between obsessive passion and working excessively. The path coefficient between these two variables is 1.186. This means that people who score higher on obsessive passion are also more likely to score higher on working excessively.

There is no statistically significant relationship between environmental mastery and working excessively. The path coefficient between these two variables is 0.006, and the p-value next to it (0.006*) suggests that this result is not statistically significant. There is no statistically significant relationship between obsessive passion and working harmoniously. The path coefficient between these two variables is 0.000*, and the p-value next to it (0.000*) suggests that this result is not statistically significant.

There is a positive relationship between environmental mastery and working harmoniously. The path coefficient between these two variables is 0.607. This means that people who score higher on environmental mastery are also more likely to score higher on working harmoniously. ⁠There is a positive relationship between obsessive passion and working excessively. The path coefficient between these two variables is 1.186. This means that people who score higher on obsessive passion are also more likely to score higher on working excessively.

⁠There is no statistically significant relationship between environmental mastery and working excessively. The path coefficient between these two variables is 0.006, and the p-value next to it (0.006*) suggests that this result is not statistically significant. ⁠There is no statistically significant relationship between obsessive passion and working harmoniously. The path coefficient between these two variables is 0.000*, and the p-value next to it (0.000*) suggests that this result is not statistically significant.



This study provides a comprehensive overview of workaholism, passion, and environmental mastery in the social insurance sector of Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs). The findings indicate that employees at PT. XYZ exhibits moderate levels of environmental mastery, which positively correlates with both dimensions of passion: harmonious and obsessive passion. The positive relationship between obsessive passion and workaholic behaviors, specifically working compulsively and excessively, underscores the necessity of designing intervention programs aimed at reducing workaholism by lowering levels of obsessive passion. Conversely, the absence of a positive correlation between harmonious passion and workaholic behaviors suggests that enhancing harmonious passion could be an effective strategy to mitigate workaholism.

From this study, it can be concluded that to lower workaholic tendencies and achieve a more balanced life, future research should focus on developing programs that enhance harmonious passion, reduce obsessive passion, and improve environmental mastery. Such interventions could lead to lower levels of workaholism.

Supporting the study's conclusions, Belanger et al. (2019) demonstrate that implementation intentions can significantly impact psychological health by facilitating the satisfaction of basic psychological needs and reducing frustration. They argue that changing harmonious and obsessive passion depends on increasing individuals' ability to effectively manage multiple goals, thereby fulfilling their basic psychological needs and reducing frustration. Implementation intentions produce sustained changes in passion compared to transient cognitive activations.

These results underscore the nuanced challenges in addressing workaholism comprehensively within organizational contexts and suggest that future interventions may benefit from refining strategies that target both passion orientations and environmental factors more precisely. The theoretical and practical implications highlight the role of implementation intentions in mitigating workaholism and emphasize the differential impacts of passion orientations on workaholic behaviors. By critically reviewing existing literature and methodological considerations, this study contributes to the understanding of workaholism as a complex phenomenon influenced by individual motivations and environmental contexts.

Future research directions should explore alternative intervention approaches and consider broader samples to enhance generalizability and deepen insights into effective strategies for managing workaholic tendencies across diverse workplace settings. Work has become a fundamental aspect of daily life globally, with the World Health Organization (WHO, 2022) reporting that nearly 60% of the global population is engaged in employment. In Indonesia, government regulations mandate a minimum of 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week (Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 35 tahun 2021 Pasal 21 ayat (2)). On average, employees work 42 hours per week, with the insurance sector logging about 43 hours (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2023).

Workaholism as a form of work addiction characterized by excessive and compulsive work behaviors, often leading to the neglect of personal life. In psychology, workaholism is viewed through the lens of passion. Stress that passion, whether harmonious or obsessive, plays a crucial role in driving workaholic behaviors. Harmonious passion aligns positively with outcomes, while obsessive passion can disrupt life balance.

Environmental mastery, the ability to control and manage one's surroundings, is pivotal in achieving harmonious passion. Individuals with high environmental mastery scores tend to have better mental health and adaptability to life's challenges. Addressing workaholism involves enhancing harmonious passion, mitigating obsessive passion, and improving environmental mastery to foster work-life harmony.

The urgency of addressing workaholism is underscored by WHO's (2022) findings on mental health risks associated with long work hours and poor work-life balance. The International Labour Organization (2022) emphasizes the importance of workplace well-being, urging governments and employers to implement preventive measures against stress and mental health issues (WHO, 2022).

In Indonesia, initiatives like the Employee Well-Being Policy (EWP) by Minister Erick Thohir aim to create a conducive work environment. This study aligns with such initiatives, focusing on understanding the interplay among workaholism, passion, and environmental mastery to promote employee well-being and balance.

Goal System Theory offers a framework to explore how individuals organize and pursue goals. This study applies the Theory of Planned Behavior to predict behavioral changes among employees, guiding interventions to enhance environmental mastery and manage passion effectively. This preliminary research aims to lay a foundation for policies and programs that promote employee well-being and work-life balance in Indonesia's work environments, particularly in State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs).



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