Eduvest � Journal
of Universal Studies Volume 1 Number 8, August 2021 p- ISSN
2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727 |
Andriany and Rita Aryani Pancasakti University E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] |
Received: July,
24th 2021 Revised: August,
16th 2021 Approved: August,
18th 2021 |
covid 19 pandemic that has hit the whole world has
caused changes in various aspects of life, one of which is the world of
education from the PAUD/TK, SD, SLTP, SLTA to tertiary levels must take
online learning to break the chain of the spread of the covid
19 virus. This research uses the method qualitative (Classroom Action
Research) which refers to observations and interviews. The learning carried
out for early childhood uses the Blended-Learning method which is an approach
using a mixed method between face-to-face and the use of technology for
distance learning. Learning using blended-learning is suitable for the
development of early childhood learning because teachers can directly
interact or face-to-face through online media such as videocall,
zoom, and google meet. Where this learning can also
increase children's enthusiasm, school from home with parental assistance.
The goal is that learning can run effectively and children can understand
what the teacher is saying. The results showed that children can interact
well, and are enthusiastic about doing activities that will be carried out
the same as in schools in general, teachers can see the active role of
students in activities, the active role of parents accompanying children at
home during activities, teachers can assess directly how the role of the
child during the activity, whether it is capable enough or still being
helped. So that an assessment is achieved according to aspects of early
childhood development. |
Learning, Early Childhood, Blended-Learning |
work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License |
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit the
whole world. Various efforts were made to break the chain of spread of the
covid 19 virus (Nuraini, 2020). Covid 19 is not a disease that can be
underestimated, for several reasons (Nimawati, Ruswandi, & Erihadiana, 2020) the
transmission of this covid 19 virus tends to be easily transmitted through
direct contact with infected people through sneezing or coughing (Yuzar, 2020), shaking hands, and objects that are
touched by people infected with the covid 19 virus. This covid 19 virus causes
various complications of disease to death (Karyono, Rohadin, & Indriyani, 2020), with
symptoms that are caused, such as shortness of breath, loss of smell (Marzuki et al., 2021), loss
of taste in the taste buds to shortness of breath. acute breath (Gintari, 2021). The
groups that are susceptible to infection are children and the elderly over the
age of 60 years (Wulandari & Purhadi, 2020). There
is no medicine that can eradicate the covid 19 virus (Darmawan, 2020), only
vaccinations that have been carried out by some people (Telaumbanua, 2020),
but are still at risk of contracting (Laksana & Lestari, 2010). Continue to apply the 3 M's in daily
life (Maemunawati & Alif, 2020)
(Wearing Masks, Washing Hands and Keeping Distance) and following the pattern
live a healthier life by eating nutritious food, exercising diligently and
getting enough rest (Yulianto, 2016).
Along with the increasingly
worrying spread of Covid-19 causing various changes (Zulkarnain, Nurdin, Gojali, & Wahyu, 2020), including in the education aspect (Daulay, 2014). The
government makes various policies, one of which is issuing circulars to cancel
teaching and learning activities in schools starting from the PAUD /
Kindergarten level to tertiary institutions (Farid, 2020).
The recommendation to study and
work from home is a special concern for every educational institution to
organize effective teaching and learning activities in the midst of the current
covid 19 pandemic. This sudden change in learning patterns is not easy to do,
there are so many things that must be addressed starting from planning and
preparing safe learning strategies so that they can produce effective processes
as well as effective results to achieve learning goals. In addition, schools
must also maximize existing human resources by equipping teachers with good
technology skills so that learning can run well.
Learning which was originally
face-to-face at school, this time must be carried out online but still must be
able to bridge space and time. This problem can be done by utilizing the
sophistication of digital technology. However, it is still necessary to think
about how learning continues well, the need for understanding to parents in the
use of digital technology as well as directions on how to use digital
technology that will be used in online learning such as videocall, zoom, google
meet, WA group, Classroom in accordance with the use of technology. at their
respective school institutions without meeting in person.
Online learning is one type of
distance learning. Simonson (2019) explains that distance learning is formal
education organized by an institution or institution where teachers and
students are in separate places, and uses interactive communication technology
to connect students, teaching materials, and teachers. In the midst of a
pandemic like this, distance education is the option chosen by almost all
education actors. Distance learning focuses on the use and utilization of
information technology with gadgets to connect students with their teachers.
One of the differences in the characteristics of direct face-to-face learning
is learning activities in the form of an interaction process between teachers
and students. In general, there are face-to-face strategies that are
teacher-centered (teacher center oriented) and student-centred learning strategies
(student center oriented), while distance learning will focus on
One of the learning approaches
that can be implemented in order to support distance learning is a
blended-learning approach or a mixed approach which is an integration of
face-to-face and online learning. The application of blended-learning can also
improve student outcomes and satisfaction. In this case, Bina Kebajikan
Kindergarten uses the Blended learning method with zoom media which can
interact with students directly, and can even see directly the interaction of
students with teachers and their friends. With this blended learning method,
teachers can also conduct direct observations and interviews with parents and
Based on a questionnaire from
parents about blended learning, this learning is quite effective and creates a
sense of enthusiasm to be able to interact with friends, where I as a Kindergarten
Bina Kebajikan teacher can make observations with 8 small kindergarten students
and interview parents about learning through this method. blended learning. The results of the use of blended
learning turned out to be able to make observations of the students well and
maximally, so that the teacher was satisfied with the blended learning method. This method is also inseparable from the
cooperation of parents in assisting children to learn from home, and good
communication between teachers, students and parents.
This study uses a qualitative methodology, namely
classroom action which refers to observations and interviews. This research was
conducted during learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Kindergarten of Bina Kebajikan Cibinong Gunungsindur, Bogor. Indicators and instruments were
developed from the assessment of the blended-learning environment according to
(Boelens, Wever & Voet, 2017) combined with (Ikhwan
& Widodo, 2019) and then described as an
assessment rubric as a reference in determining the criteria for implementing
blended-learning in PAUD/TK. Blended-learning consists of 4 indicators namely,
learning flexibility, interaction, active learning encouragement, facilitation
of the learning process. The implementation of blended learning can be adjusted
to each institution, which is widely used in PAUD or TK units is the Zoom
The implementation of online learning is better known
as PJJ (distance learning). PJJ is an early childhood activity that is held at
home through parental assistance with children by providing remote learning by
the teacher. In distance learning, the role of parents is very important so
that they can provide direction to children and the reciprocal relationship
between parents and children to teachers. So this also supports the jargon of
the Minister of Education Nadiem Makarim
"free learning" where every place is a school and everyone is a
In learning requires a process, planning,
implementation, assessment and evaluation to achieve the effectiveness and
efficiency of learning according to the goals that have been set at the
beginning. The purpose of managing learning is time efficiency, as well as the
effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. There are two definitions
of blended learning that are most frequently cited in
the literature, namely the theory proposed by Graham (2006), and Garisson & Kanuka (2004), and
have been cited 2149 and 3116 times, respectively (Google Scholar, October 25,
2018). Graham (2006) defines blended learning as follows: A mixed learning
system combines face-to-face learning with learning using computer devices. Gorisson & Kanuka define
blended learning as a planned integration of face-to-face learning experiences
with online learning.
Online learning at the PAUD/TK level is not
necessarily carried out without careful planning and the stages that must be
prepared, such as;
1. The preparation stage, this stage starts from checking
the condition of the ability to use technology that is applied to parents. Do
the parents already have an application that will be used as a distance learning medium.
2. Implementation stage, at this stage the parents convey
to the child, what activities will be carried out through the tasks that have
been sent by the teacher through videos or materials (theme-related pictures,
videos related to the theme and so on), children are free to choose following
the teacher's instructions or according to the child's own will, there is
interaction, children play and documentation of activities.
3. Post-implementation stage, parents report the results
of student activities by documenting children's activities, children are given
the freedom to convey their work to the teacher, the teacher is obliged to
answer each child's or parent's response, the teacher makes an assessment of
learning & concludes, then evaluates and follows up on the Pjj that has been done held.
In addition to the above stages, the institution also
needs to provide strengthening tools by preparing the necessary supporting tools
according to family conditions, such as;
a) Tools and materials according to plan
b) Narration / Explanation / Video of the steps before
playing for children and the use of sharp objects that require parental
c) The environment around the house
d) Tools and materials that can be used that exist in the
natural environment
e) Utilization of used goods that can be used to support
learning according to the learning theme
Several factors that influence the effectiveness of
blended learning are experience and expertise in using the internet and several
applications used in blended learning, no less important is that a strong
connection (signal) is very influential.
In general, research has found that blended learning
has the potential to improve the learning process, resulting in an increase in
student success and satisfaction in interacting with teachers and peers online.
Based on a review from Carman, 2015 revealed that
there are 5 keys to implementing blended learning such as; 1) direct or
face-to-face learning, 2) independent learning, meaning that children are given
the opportunity to express as they wish, 3) collaboration, collaboration
between teachers and students in learning activities, 4) Assessment, teachers
must be able to conclude assessments through direct interactions which is
through question and answer, storytelling and the alertness of students.
In the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, in order
to continue to be able to carry out education and carry out learning
effectively, learning using blended learning is very effectively applied to
early childhood. This is of course due to good communication between all
parties, especially educational institutions, parents and students. However,
the use of blended learning in PAUD/TK institutions needs to pay attention to
several things, such as the concept of the digital divide where some parts of
society lack digital facilities (gadgets) as well as access expansion
(signals). Another important consideration in the effectiveness of blended
learning is that direct interaction through online is not as much as
face-to-face learning. Good cooperatiaon and
communication will get results too, so that learning can be carried out properly
and effectively.
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