Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 4 Number 06, June, 2024

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727


The Employee Performance Perspective Influenced By Supervision, Commitment, and Work Discipline at The Human Resource Development Agency of South Sulawesi Province



Nurlinda Hijrah1, Andi Jam�an2, Samsul Rizal3, Akhmad4, Muh. Ikram Idrus5

1,2,3,4,5Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


This study aims at determining and analyzing the influence of supervision, work commitment and work discipline on employee performance at the South Sulawesi Province Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) South Sulawesi Province. The research method used was quantitative research with data collection technique through survey using questionnaires with the sample size were 102 respondents. �The data obtained was anlyzed using Multiple Linear Regression to determine the correlation between variables using the SPSS V.24 application. The results of the research show that Supervision brought influence but it was not significant on employee performance, while commitment and work discipline �got significant influence on employee performance, with an overall confidence level was 95%.


Supervision, Commitment, Work Discipline, Employees Performance

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) has a very crucial role in determining the success of governance in the course of a region's development through the agencies where they work. The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is an individual who has the competence as a public servant. Apart from the demands that require that each ASN also has a number of behaviors in working optimally, actively, diligently, responsibly and independently (Maswani et al., 2021).

ASN in Indonesia is currently in the public spotlight because it displays poor work performance. The National Personnel Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BKN) reports that only 20% of ASN performance in Indonesia is categorized as good, and the rest shows poor work performance (Riwukore et al., 2021). Meanwhile, the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia (KemenPAN RB) said that 1.35 million (30%) ASNs in Indonesia only showed poor performance (Riwukore et al., 2021). Therefore, management is needed to support the creation of a reliable ASN that can produce optimal performance to achieve common goals in an organization (Riwukore et al., 2021).

Achieving the goals of an organization and competing in this era of globalization certainly requires competent and qualified human resources obtained from good human resource management (Rifa�i, 2023). According to Ansory & Meithiana (2018) defines human resource management as the process of planning, organizing, directing, and supervising the functions of procurement, development, provision of compensation, integrity, maintenance, and termination of employment so that individual, organizational, and community goals can be achieved.

Efforts to achieve optimal agency performance are part of the excellence, quality and performance of human resources. According to Nozariyanti (2022) HR is one of the invaluable assets because it can make a meaningful contribution to the work unit effectively, efficiently, productively, and competitively. Therefore, how to develop, maintain and improve performance is one of the factors that need to be demanded for professional, quality, and competent abilities in carrying out their duties.

So important is the role of human resources in determining the progress of the organization. Therefore, human resources must be balanced carefully, because high-performing and high-quality human resources can support the achievement of predetermined goals and objectives (Hernawan et al., 2024). According to Surajiyo (2021) Performance is the result of quality and quantity work achieved by an employee in carrying out his duties. Employee performance appears in the positive attitude of employees towards work and agencies. Employees can work well if they have high performance so that they can produce good work(Sujila et al., 2023). Several literature and research studies show that performance in employees can be influenced by supervision, work commitment and work discipline (Rahayu & Dahlia, 2023);(Zettler et al., 2011);(Haerofiatna et al., 2021).

Supervision in Arabic has the same meaning as the word Ar-Riqobah. Ar-riqobah is knowing the actual events with the provisions and provisions of the regulations, and pointing precisely to the basics that have been set in the original planning (Rohmah, 2019). In the Qur'an, there are verses about the supervisory function as the Word of Allah SWT in QS. As-Saff (61) verse 3, as follows:


كَبُرَ مَقْتًا عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ اَنْ تَقُوْلُوْا مَا لَا تَفْعَلُوْنَ۝٣

Means: "Very great is the wrath in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do". (Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs, 2019).

Based on the verse above, we can describe that the verse provides threats and warnings to people who ignore the supervision of their actions (Pasaribu et al., 2023). Supervision means observation of the implementation of all activities of the organizational unit being examined to ensure that all work carried out is in accordance with plans and regulations or efforts so that a job can be carried out according to plan and with supervision can minimize the occurrence of obstacles so that the obstacles that occur can be immediately known and then corrective action can be taken (Soetjipto et al., 2021).

Supervision carried out by the leadership aims to improve the performance of its employees not just to find employee mistakes (Firdaus et al., 2022). The results showed that supervision has a significant effect on improving employee performance (Gentari., 2021). Then, the results of other studies also show that supervision has a positive and significant effect on employee performance (Akob et al., 2021). Meanwhile, the results of research conducted by Luthfi et al. (2022) show that supervision is not a factor that can affect employee performance. Apart from supervision factors, performance can also be influenced by the work commitment of employees.

In an Islamic perspective, a person's commitment is reflected in the activities undertaken. Commitment in carrying out obligations and avoiding the prohibitions of Allah SWT is a form of commitment of a human being as His creature (Jamil, 2007). As the Word of Allah SWT in QS. Al-Isra' (17) verse 36, as follows:


وَلَا تَقْفُ مَا لَيْسَ لَكَ بِهٖ عِلْمٌۗ اِنَّ السَّمْعَ وَالْبَصَرَ وَالْفُؤَادَ كُلُّ اُولٰۤىِٕكَ كَانَ عَنْهُ مَسْـُٔوْلًا۝٣٦

Means: "Do not follow what you do not know. Indeed, hearing, sight, and conscience will all be held accountable." (Ministry of Religious Affairs, 2019).


Based on the above verse, it can be understood that this verse invites us to always be careful, thorough, diligent, wise, and full of responsibility in deciding and doing everything. if we already realize this, that everything we will be held accountable for in the hereafter, then we will also do everything in this world with full responsibility.

Work commitment is one of the keys that determines the success or unsuccessfulness of an organization to achieve its goals. Employees who have the ability to commit to the organization usually show a caring attitude towards their work, they really have a responsibility to carry out their work (Aji et al., 2020). The results showed that work commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance (Anuari et al., 2020). The results of this study are in line with the results of research conducted by Trilaksana & Sitohang (2022) where the results of data processing found that there is a positive and significant influence between work commitment and employee performance. However, research conducted by Ariningsih et al (2023) found that employee commitment has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance. Apart from work commitment, work discipline is also able to influence employee performance in order to achieve company goals.

Work discipline in employees is working by obeying the rules that exist in the organization or the work system that has been set by the organization and employees must be able to work according to the rules. When viewed in the view of Islam, someone who can work in a disciplined manner means that he can carry out the mandate that has been given properly (Abdullah, 2015). Islam teaches to always be disciplined in various aspects of life, as Allah SWT says in QS. An-Nisa (4) verse 59, as follows:


يٰٓاَيُّهَا الَّذِيْنَ اٰمَنُوْٓا اَطِيْعُوا اللّٰهَ وَاَطِيْعُوا الرَّسُوْلَ وَاُولِى الْاَمْرِ مِنْكُمْۚ فَاِنْ تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِيْ شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوْهُ اِلَى اللّٰهِ وَالرَّسُوْلِ اِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُؤْمِنُوْنَ بِاللّٰهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْاٰخِرِۗ ذٰلِكَ خَيْرٌ وَّاَحْسَنُ تَأْوِيْلًاࣖ۝

Means: "O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Prophet Muhammad) and the authority among you. If you differ in opinion about anything, refer it back to Allah (the Qur'an) and the Messenger (his Sunnah) if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is better (for you) and more beneficial (in this world and in the Hereafter)". (Ministry of Religious Affairs, 2019).


Based on the above verse, the word Amal which is usually translated as "work" is used in this verse to describe the use of human power, thinking power, physical, heart and life force done consciously by humans. Therefore, "good deeds" in this verse are works that if done, will stop a mudharat or damage, or by doing it, benefit and suitability are obtained. Thus, the good deeds referred to in this verse are all deeds that are useful for individuals, families, groups and humans as a whole. Thus, work discipline is very important in Islam, because work discipline can lead an organization out of adversity or failure, towards success and success so that later it can be useful in life and human life (Annisa et al., 2023). It can be concluded that Islam teaches and urges its people to always be disciplined in pursuing worship and can also manage their time as well as possible and the application of discipline also applies in various matters, one of which is discipline at work.

Work discipline is a condition that causes or encourages employees to act and carry out all activities in accordance with predetermined norms or rules, showing a condition or attitude of respect and obedience behavior that exists within each employee to applicable regulations both written and unwritten (Surajiyo et al., 2021). The results showed that there is a positive and significant influence between work discipline on employee performance (Putra & Fernos, 2023; Jufrizen & Sitorus, 2021). However, the results of this study are not in line with research conducted by Angriani & Eliyana (2020) that based on the results of hypothesis testing it can be concluded that the relationship between work discipline has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance.

The selection of variables in this study is based on the understanding that supervision, work commitment and work discipline are interrelated and have the potential to affect employee performance. Supervision and work discipline as the basis for achieving employee performance and work commitment as an internal factor that can provide encouragement for employees to achieve good performance. Meanwhile, employee performance is a measure of the results of a combination of supervision, work commitment and work discipline that can be applied. The selection of these variables is also supported by several literature and research studies which show that the level of supervision, work commitment and work discipline has a relationship and can affect employee performance. In addition, according to the theory of Kasmir (2016), the factors that affect performance include discipline and commitment. Then, according to Robbins and Judge (2008) the factors that affect performance include discipline and supervision. In addition, according to Edison et al (2018) the factors that affect performance are discipline and commitment.

BPSDM South Sulawesi Province is a government agency that supports the vision of the Governor of South Sulawesi in trying to realize reliable and competitive human resources in South Sulawesi. BPSDM South Sulawesi Province has the task and function of preparing the organization of education and training for apparatus within the South Sulawesi government. The duties and functions of BPSDM South Sulawesi Province include carrying out general government duties in the field of management and institutional competency certification, core technical competency development, general and functional technical competency development and managerial competency development. BPSDM South Sulawesi Province also facilitates the implementation of training to improve apparatus resources in accordance with laws and regulations. Based on the strategic role of BPSDM South Sulawesi Province as a training provider for apparatus resources, the agency needs productive human resources in completing its duties.

When compared to last year's results, the performance achievements of the Human Resources Development Agency with the Quality of ASN Competence with the Minimum Good Category, Institutional Accreditation Score, Regional Apparatus Organization SAKIP Score, Percentage of ASN Good Category SKP Score and Percentage of Material Findings can be seen that there is an increase this year. This shows that there are progressive improvements made by BPSDM South Sulawesi Province in improving ASN training and development programs so that they can be more professional in carrying out their duties and functions. However, in connection with this, BPSDM South Sulawesi Province must always strive to maintain or improve its performance so that it continues to achieve a good predicate.

Based on the results of pre-research conducted, it was found that there were indications that employee performance was not maximized at BPSDM South Sulawesi Province. There is an initial identification of the problem that there is a tendency to not optimize the supervision carried out. Office operating hours start at 08:00 WITA, but there are still employees who arrive late or leave early and are not in the office during working hours which of course this is not in accordance with the established working hours. Thus, some work that should have been completed was delayed because when needed to do a task, the employee was not there.

The work performance assessment report of BPSDM employees of South Sulawesi Province related to discipline, with a score of 65-70 as many as 2 employees, with a score of 71-80 as many as 4 employees, with a score of 81-89 as many as 46 employees, and with a score of 90-100 as many as 50 employees. When viewed, there are indeed many employees who get good scores for their level of discipline. However, there are also employees who need to improve their disciplinary attitude. This needs to be considered and considered by the agency to support its employees to have a full awareness of discipline and responsibility. Because, if this situation continues, it could have an unfavorable impact on employee performance in the future.

Supervision has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, as seen in the research of Gentari (2021) at PT Purna Baja Harsco Cilegon and Astuti et al (2022) at Matahari Department Store Medan Fair. On the other hand, work commitment was also found to have a positive and significant effect on employee performance, as observed in the research of Anuari et al (2020) at PDAM Tirta Kahuripan Bogor Regency and Trilaksana & Sitohang (2022) at PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Surabaya. As for work discipline, studies show that there is a varying influence, from positive and significant as found in Jufrizen & Sitorus (2021) in the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury of North Sumatra Province, to insignificant as in the studies of Ariningsih et al (2023) in Conato Bakery West Denpasar and Angriani & Eliyana (2020) in Government Offices. These results provide important insights in human resource management to improve organizational performance.

Based on the phenomena that occur and the research gap from previous studies described in the background above, this study aims to explore the influence of supervision, work commitment, and work discipline on employee performance at the Human Resources Development Agency of South Sulawesi Province. The formulation of the problem includes questions regarding the significance of the influence of supervision, work commitment, and work discipline on employee performance, while the research objectives are to analyze and understand the impact of these variables in depth. The benefits of this research are expected to contribute theoretically by increasing understanding of human resource management, as well as practical benefits for researchers in developing research skills and for agencies to improve human resource management to effectively improve employee performance.




This study uses a quantitative approach method with a focus on explanatory research, which aims to explain the relationship between supervision, work commitment, and work discipline on employee performance at the Human Resources Development Agency of South Sulawesi Province. Supervision in this study is defined as "the process of reviewing the overall activities of the agency aimed at finding out and correcting errors in work so as to reduce any risks that may occur that have a detrimental impact on the agency," by adopting indicators such as setting implementation standards, measuring work results, performance appraisal, and corrective action (Handoko, 2016). Work commitment is understood as "a condition that shows the attitude of employee loyalty which is reflected in behavior that readily fulfills its responsibilities to realize the vision and mission," measured by indicators of willingness, loyalty, and pride (Sopiah, 2008). While work discipline is interpreted as "all the rules made by management as a tool in training and directing each employee to be diligent in doing work and full of awareness in obeying agency regulations," with indicators of time discipline, regulatory discipline, and responsibility discipline (Dewi & Harjoyo, 2019). The analysis used multiple linear regression to test the effect of these variables on employee performance (Darwin et al., 2021). Data collection methods include observation, documentation, interviews, and questionnaires with the use of a Likert scale to measure respondents' responses. The validity and reliability of the research instruments were tested using the Cronbach Alpha method and the Pearson correlation validity test (Priadana & Sunarsi, 2021). The results of the study are expected to contribute to understanding the factors that influence employee performance in the organizational context concerned.



A.    Analysis of Research Results

1.      Validity Test of Research Instruments

Validity aims to determine the level of validity of the instruments used in the study. Through the validity test, it will be known whether the question items presented in the questionnaire are really able to reveal with certainty about the problem under study. The technique that can be used to test validity is item analysis, where each value on each question item in the questionnaire is correlated with the total value of all question items for a variable, using the Product Moment formula.

How to test the validity by using the Product Moment formula with a significance level of 0.05. If rxy> table then the data is valid, but if rxy < table then the data is invalid. Validity can also be known from the significance of the correlation results, if the significance of the correlation results is less than 0.05, then the test is a strong construct. Based on the data obtained in the study, the results of testing the validity of the research instruments can be seen in Table 4.7. The following:


Table 4. 1. Recapitulation of Validity and Reliability Test Results























Work Commitment















Work discipline















Employee Performance















Source: Appendix 3 validity and reliability test results (2024)

Based on Table 4.7, it can be seen that the research instruments for all items and variable indicators are valid.

2.      Reliability Test of Research Instruments

Reliability is an index that shows the extent to which a measuring instrument can be trusted or relied upon. A new measuring instrument can be trusted and reliable if consistent results are always obtained from unchanged measurement symptoms carried out at different times. To carry out the reliability test, the Cronbach Alpha technique can be used, where a research instrument is said to be reliable if it has a reliability coefficient or alpha of 0.6 or more.

Based on the results of testing the reliability of the research instruments, as shown in Table 4.7, the test results show that all research instruments are reliable. This can be seen that all the variables of this study have a reliability coefficient / alpha greater than 0.6. If the results of this reliability test are associated with the reliability coefficient index criteria according to Arikunto (1998), it shows that the reliability/alpha of the research instrument is high. Thus the research data is valid and suitable for testing the research hypothesis.

B.     Regression Analysis and Hypothesis Testing

1.      Regression Analysis

Regression analysis was carried out to prove the hypothesis proposed in this study, namely to analyze the effect between the independent variable and the dependent variable, to test the research hypothesis that had been stated earlier.

The basis for hypothesis testing in this study uses the probability value for both partial tests. In general, the hypothesis put forward in this study is as follows:

H0 : There is no influence between the independent variable on the dependent variable

H1 : There is an influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable

The basis for the decision is:

P ≤ 0.05, then H0 is rejected.

P > 0.05, then H1 is accepted

This hypothesis testing is carried out using multiple linear regression statistical analysis techniques, from the processed computer results of the SPSS V.24 for Windows sub program which will be presented through significance tables, the following explanation is in accordance with the hypothesis that has been formulated.

2.      Classical Assumption Testing

To obtain an unbiased and efficient estimate of a multiple regression equation, the data must fulfill the following classical assumption criteria:

a.       Multicollinearity

Multicollinearity is a condition where there is a very high correlation between the independent variables in the regression equation. According to Gujarati (1999) multicollinearity means that there is a high correlation (close to perfect) between independent variables. To detect the presence or absence of multicollinearity is done by looking at VIF (Variance Inflating Factor), if the VIF value is less than 5, then there is no multicollinearity in the model (Santoso, 2003 and Sulaiman, 2004).


Table 4. 2. Multicollinearity Test

Independent variable







Non Multicollinearity

Work Commitment



Non Multicollinearity

Work Discipline



Non Multicollinearity

Source: Appendix 5 (2024)

Based on Table 4.9, it is known that the VIF value does not exceed the value of 5, thus it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity.

b.      Heteroscedasticity

Heteroscedasticity will make the estimation of regression coefficients inefficient. The results of the estimation will be less than they should be. Heteroscedasticity contradicts one of the basic assumptions of linear regression, which is that the residual variation is the same for all observations or called homoscedasticity (Gujarati, 1999). Diagnosis of Heteroscedasticity can be done by looking at the residuals (*ZRESID) and the predicted variable (*ZPRED). If the distribution of points in the plot is scattered around zero (0 on the Y-axis) and does not form a particular pattern or trend line, it can be said that the model does not meet the assumptions of heteroscedasticity or the regression model is said to be qualified to predict (Santoso, 2003 and Sulaiman, 2004). Heteroscedasticity is tested using the Scatterplot graph.

The results of the heteroscedasticity test are shown in the figure below:

Figure 4. 1. Heteroscedasticity Test Results

���������������� Source: Appendix 5 (2024)

Based on this figure, it can be seen that there is no heteroscedasticity because there is no clear pattern and the points spread above and below 0 on the Y axis.

c.       Normality

The normality test is used to detect whether the data distribution of the independent variable and the dependent variable is normal. The normality test is intended to see whether the data being analyzed has a residual value that is around zero (normal data) or not. If it is around zero, then the normality assumption is met, and vice versa (Yarnest, 2004). A good regression model is to have a normal or near normal data distribution. To test or detect this normality, it is known from the normal probability plot display. If the data spreads around the diagonal line and follows the direction of the diagonal line, the regression model fulfills the assumption of normality. If the data spreads far from the diagonal line, the regression model fulfills the assumption of normality. If the data spreads far from the diagonal line and / or does not follow the direction of the diagonal line, then the regression model does not meet the assumption of normality. Based on the normal probability plot graph as presented in the image below:


Figure 4. 2. Normal Probability Plot Test








Source: Appendix 5 (2024)

It can be seen that the points spread around the diagonal line, and the distribution follows the direction of the diagonal line. So the regression model deserves further analysis.

3.      Hypothesis Testing

Based on the empirical model proposed in this study, it can be tested on the hypothesis proposed through testing the regression coefficient. The test results in Table 4.8 are hypothesis testing by looking at the p value, if the p value is smaller than 0.05, the effect between the variables is significant. The test results are presented in the following table:


Table 4. 3. Hypothesis Testing


Independent Variable

Dependent Variable

Direct Effect








Employee Performance





Not Significant


Work Commitment

Employee Performance







Work Discipline

Employee Performance






R = 0,692

R Square = 0.479

ttable = �1.984

F = 30,086

Sig = 0.000

Regression Equation

Y = 1.534 + 0.135X1 + 0.206X2 + 0.301X 3

Source: Appendix 5 (2024)

Of the entire model of three hypothesized direct effects, two are significant and one is insignificant. The interpretation of Table 4.8 can be explained as follows:

a.       Supervision has a positive but insignificant effect on employee performance with P = 0.098> 0.05 with a coefficient value of 0.135 or 13.5%, this coefficient indicates that supervision at the BPSDM office of South Sulawesi Province still has an influence, it's just that the level of influence is small on improving employee performance.

b.      Work commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with P = 0.039 <0.05 with a coefficient value of 0.206 or 20.6%, this coefficient indicates that the higher the work commitment of employees, the more employee performance at the BPSDM office of South Sulawesi Province will increase.

c.       Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with P = 0.000 <0.05 with a coefficient value of 0.301 or 30.1%, this coefficient indicates that the better employee work discipline, the better employee performance will be.

d.      Significant F test with Sig <0.05, meaning that the model built describes the conditions at the research site or the results of this study can be generalized to the BPSDM office of South Sulawesi Province.

e.       R Square produces a value of 0.479, meaning that the model built describes the conditions in the research site by 47.9% and the remaining 52.1% is the limitation of the research instrument in revealing facts or there are still things that researchers do not include as indicators of each research variable.


C.    Discussion

This discussion focuses on the decisions resulting from hypothesis testing, as an attempt to answer the formulation of research problems. The results of the analysis of hypothesis testing are described as follows:

1.      The Effect of Supervision on Employee Performance BPSDM South Sulawesi Province

To answer the formulation of the problem and the first hypothesis, it can be observed from the results of the regression analysis in Table 4.8. The table shows that supervision has a positive but insignificant effect on employee performance. This finding shows that supervision at the BPSDM office of South Sulawesi Province still has an influence, but the level of influence is small in encouraging improved employee performance. This finding is in line with the results of research conducted by Norfiana et al (2021) which shows that supervision has a positive but insignificant effect on employee performance. However, it is not in line with the results of research conducted by Astuti et al (2022) The test results show that the supervision variable has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

The descriptive statistical results of the supervision variable show that the indicator of setting implementation standards and performance appraisal is the indicator that has the highest mean value compared to the corrective action indicator of the supervision variable. This proves that supervision is not only seen from setting implementation standards and performance appraisals of employees, but also needs to be seen and considered regarding corrective actions.�

Based on the results of the research through interviews, the informant explained that it was probably because at the beginning of 2024 a regulation related to the new work pattern had been issued where with this regulation, there were indeed significant changes related to work patterns. Because there is a change in the new work pattern, so that the supervision pattern related to work is different from before so that what is called a new work pattern cannot immediately be implemented, but it takes time to adjust to be effective.� The previous supervision was more effective, because it was clear who was supervised by whom and the previous supervision of the head of the field was more helped by the existence of tiered supervision than now because the head of the field directly supervises all employees from his field. Before there was a new work pattern, orders to carry out a task were tiered, starting from the head of the field who then went to the head of the section or supervisor then to the staff of the implementing section. But with the new work pattern, there are no more section heads in the field, no more sub-coordinators in the field. So the tactical head of the field is expected to play a big role related to how the supervisory function in carrying out tasks.

2.      The Effect of Job Commitment on Employee Performance BPSDM South Sulawesi Province

To answer the formulation of the problem and the first hypothesis, it can be observed from the results of the regression analysis in Table 4.8. The table shows that work commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This finding shows that the higher the work commitment possessed by employees, the more employee performance at the South Sulawesi Province Human Resources Development Agency office will increase. This finding is in accordance with the results of research conducted by Anuari et al (2020) which shows that work commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

The results of descriptive statistics of work commitment variables show that the willingness indicator is the indicator that has the highest mean value of the work commitment variable. This proves that employees tend to have great determination to remain committed to the goals and actions they take.

Based on the results of the researchers' observations, the facts at the research site show that there is a high work commitment owned by employees because even though the superiors are not there to supervise, employees still work to complete their work because they work not because they are supervised by the leadership alone but employees have the will to be able to perform well. Given a task, mandate and well explained their duties, they work using all the facilities and facilities needed for them to work.

3.      The Effect of Work Discipline on Employee Performance BPSDM South Sulawesi Province

To answer the formulation of the problem and the third hypothesis, it can be observed from the results of the regression analysis in Table 4.8. The table shows that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The findings of this study indicate that the better employee discipline, the better employee performance will be. This finding is in accordance with the results of research conducted by Maryani et al (2021) which shows that there is a positive and significant relationship between work discipline and employee performance.

The results of descriptive statistics of work discipline variables show that the discipline indicator of rules and responsibilities is the indicator that has the highest mean value of the work discipline variable. This shows that employees have a good level of obedience to the rules and responsibilities they carry.

Based on the results of the researcher's observations, the facts at the research site show that there is good work discipline possessed by employees. Responsibility still exists, so it is indeed a little different from the characteristics at BPSDM South Sulawesi Province with other regional office devices that maybe they are mostly in the room or in the office. BPSDM South Sulawesi Province is not like that, where if there is work that is not only according to working hours, it can even reach the night if there is training. Work at the BPSDM office of South Sulawesi Province is not only in the office, sometimes it has to be in the classroom and sometimes it has to be in the area and sometimes it has to be in the hotel, especially BPSDM South Sulawesi Province has II campuses. Sometimes there are employees who are assigned to assist activities in other fields carried out at campus I so that the characteristics related to discipline cannot be seen whether or not they are in the office because they are usually assigned outside.� When there are employees who get assignments outside the office, they already have a letter of assignment and that can be used as an accountability for their attendance or absence. Then the reporting model when employees are assigned is directly to the head of the field.



Based on the research results and data analysis, it can be concluded that supervision has a positive but insignificant effect on employee performance. However, work commitment and work discipline show a positive and significant influence on employee performance. Strong work commitment from employees can be an effective strategy in improving their performance, while high and consistent work discipline also plays an important role in achieving better performance. To improve employee performance at the Human Resources Development Agency of South Sulawesi Province, it is recommended to tighten supervisory practices by conducting regular monitoring and evaluation. In addition, it is important to identify factors that influence employees' level of commitment and pay attention to their discipline by providing clear sanctions for violations, as well as rewards for those who show good performance and discipline. Agencies also need to pay attention to indicators that can improve overall performance and identify areas that are not optimal for achieving organizational goals. Furthermore, in the development of research, it is recommended to add other indicators that have not been studied to gain a deeper understanding.



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