Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 4 Number 06, June, 2024

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727


Distribution and Service Qquality to Customer Satisfaction in Cikal Wedding Planner




Muhamad Anggi F, Heny Hendrayati, Ratih Hurriyati

1,2,3 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia

Email: [email protected]


If the public understands the importance of wedding organizers with public awareness, Cikal Wedding Planner is here to help the community in making a happiness, namely marriage. The purpose of this study is to determine the Effect of Distribution and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction. This research was conducted at one of the Wedding Organizer companies in Bandung, namely Cikal Wedding Planner. This research was conducted with a quantitative approach, data collection using observation methods, interviews and also the distribution of questionnaires. The data obtained will be tested using SPSS 24. The results showed that the distribution variable did not affect customer satisfaction with a significant level of 0.842 > 0.05. And also the Service Quality variable has a calculated value = 0.010 > ttable = 1.984 with a signification level of 0.920 = 0.05, and it can be concluded that the Service Quality variable affects Customer Satisfaction. And Distribution and Service Quality simultaneously (together) have an influence on Customer Satisfaction.


Distribution, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



The wedding organizer industry is growing along with the increasing market demand for professional wedding services. Wedding organizer is an option for many brides-to-be who want to reduce the burden of wedding preparations and ensure everything runs smoothly on D. Wedding organizer or often abbreviated as WO is a company or individual engaged in organizing weddings or weddings(Aisyah et al., 2023).

This wedding organizer is responsible for arranging all preparations and details of the wedding event from site selection, decoration, catering, to the selection of bridal clothing and other needs (Septianti & Indadihayati, 2024). This is due to the increasing public awareness of the importance of a beautiful and memorable wedding (Asaroh, 2022). With the help of a wedding organizer, brides-to-be can more easily organize their wedding event without having to bother looking for vendors and take care of all the details of the event themselves (Chandrasiri, 2021). Using the services of a wedding organizer is time and energy that can be saved and brides-to-be do not have to bother arranging all the preparations and details of the wedding event, so they can focus on other preparations that are not less important.

In West Java, precisely in the city of Bandung, wedding organizers have increased very concentrated because the community is sensitive to the importance of wedding organizers with public awareness, so Cikal Wedding Planner is here to help the community in making a happiness, namely weddings, By having everything and professional staff, Cikal Wedding Planner feels unsatisfied in service to consumers, therefore Cikal Wedding Planner wants to improve service optimally and facilitate What consumers want, that way will create effective and efficient improvements (Hendrayati et al., 2020).

The research conducted by the author is quantitative and dataprocessing using SPSS 24, and the tests to be carried out are Validity Test, Reliability Test, Classical Assumption Test, Linearity Test and Multiple Linear Regression Test. And supported by previous research that the flow of distribution and quality of service affects the spotlight on customer satisfaction and the quality of service services on consumer satisfaction Declared positive, this shows a very strong influence, the difference between previous research and the author's research from the object studied (Gwangwava & Mutingi, 2018);(Murdiyanto, 2020). The purpose of this study is to determine the Effect of Distribution and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction. This research was conducted at one of the Wedding Organizer companies in Bandung, namely Cikal Wedding Planner

Based on the background described above, it should be noted that the lack of service and consumer needs, therefore the author is interested in analyzing it with the theme "the effect of distribution and service quality on customer satisfaction at Cikal Wedding Planner"


Frame of Mind

Distribution is one part of marketing. Distribution can also be interpreted as marketing activities that seek to facilitate and facilitate the delivery of goods and services so that their use is as needed. Distribution is a very important activity so that products from producers can reach consumers effectively. According to (Arianty, Jasin, Khodri, &; Cristiana, 2016) stated the indicators in distribution channels, namely: 1) Information, 2) Promotion, 3) Negotiation, 4) Booking, 5) Financing, 6) Risk Taking, 7) Physical, 8) Payment, 9) Ownership. Then for service Quality according to Hetereigonity (in Mukarom &; Laksana, 2018, pp. 68-69) to measure the quality of service expected by customers, it is necessary to know the criteria, dimensions, or indicators used by customers in assessing the service, namely Tangibily, Realibility, Responsiveness, Empathy and Assurance. And for customer satisfation according to Indrasari (2019: 87-88) in determining the level of customer satisfaction, there are five main factors and must be considered by the company, namely: product quality, service quality, emotional, price and cost.

In this study, researchers use a frame of mind to facilitate research in research concepts.


Text Box: Distribution Channel


The Influence of Distribution and Service Quality Tagainst

Customer Satisfaction in Cikal Wedding Planner"

















Figure 2. 1 Thinking Framework



Source : Research, 2022


H1: There is a significant and positive influence between distribution on service quality at Cikal Wedding Planner

H2: There is a significant and positive influence between service quality and customer satisfaction at Cikal Wedding Planner

H3: There is a significant and positive influence between distribution, service quality on customer satisfaction at Cikal Wedding Planner




The type of research conducted by the author is quantitative, this research was conducted at one of the Wedding Service companies in Bandung, namely Cikal Wedding Planner located on Jalan Kolonel Masturi No. 106A. In this study, the author will use probability sampling techniques, namely sampling techniques Based on the formula above, the total sample obtained from the average number of Cikal Wedding Planner service users obtained a sample of 99.17 then rounded up to 100 people, so that the questionnaire will be distributed to 100 Cikal Wedding Planner service users. Data collection techniques in this study are by direct observation, interviews and also distribution of questionnaires (Sugiyono, 2015). Data processing uses SPSS 24, and the tests to be carried out are Validity Test, Reliability Test, Classical Assumption Test, Linearity Test and Multiple Linear Regression Test (Hengki Fernanda, 2023).



Test Validity and Reliability

From the calculation results, the Cronbach Alpha value for variable X 1 is 0.824, the Cronbach Alpha value for variable X 2 is 0.824, and the Cronbach Alpha value for variable Y is 0.877, because the alpha value index is greater than the minimum standard (0.7) so it can be considered that all question items contained in the questionnaire are reliable.


Classical Assumption Test

After conducting a classical assumption test using the help of SPSS, the results of the normality test, linearity test, multicollinearity test and heteroscedasticity �test were obtained as follows:


Normality Test

In addition, normal or not data can be seen through the normal probability plot and histogram graph which has been presented as follows:



From figure above it can be seen that the data spreads around the diagonal line and follows the direction of the diagonal line, besides the histogram graph forms a bell so that it shows the normal distribution, it is considered that the regression model has fulfilled the assumption of normality.


Heteroscedasticity Test

From the SPSS test conducted, the results of the significance value and symptoms of heteroscedasticity can be known by looking at the following partial regression plot picture:

From figure above, it can be seen that there is no clear pattern and the points spread either below or above 0 on the Y axis, therefore it is concluded that heteroscedasticity does not occur.


Linearity Test

The results of the SPSS test conducted show a significance value of .1000 greater than 0.05 so that it can be concluded that there is a significant linear relationship between the variables of Distribution and Service Qualityto customer satisfaction.


Multicollinearity Test

From the results of the spss test, a VIF value of 1,004 was obtained where the value was still below 10, so it can be said that there are no symptoms of multicollinearity.


Multiple Linear Regression Test

Partial Test (t)

The results of the t test can be seen that the distribution has a calculated value = 0.020 > ttable = 1.984 with a signification level of 0.842 > 0.05, and it can be concluded that the distribution variable has no effect on customer satisfaction. In addition, from the table it can also be seen that Service Quality has a calculated value = 0.010 > ttable = 1.984 with a signification level of 0.920 = 0.05, and it can be concluded that the Service Quality variable affects Customer Satisfaction.


Simultaneous Test F

The results of the ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) test or F test show that the value of Fcalculate = 0.026 > Ftable 2.70 with a significance level of 0.974 < 0.05, and it can be concluded that Distribution and Service Quality simultaneously (together) have an influence on Customer Satisfaction.




The Effect of Distribution Variables on Customer Satisfaction

From the table of t test results, it can be seen that the distribution has a calculated value = 0.020 > ttable = 1.984 with a signification level of 0.842 > 0.05, and it can be concluded that the distribution variable has no effect on customer satisfaction.

Effect of Variable Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction

Service Quality has a calculated value = 0.010 > ttable = 1.984 with a signification level of 0.920 = 0.05, and it can be concluded that the Service Quality variable affects Customer Satisfaction.

The Effect of Distribution Variables and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction.

From the ANOVA test (Analysis of Variance) or F test shows that the value of Fcalculate = 0.026 > Ftable 2.70 with a significance level of 0.974 < 0.05, and it can be concluded that Distribution and Service Qualitysimultaneously (together) have an influence on Customer Satisfaction.




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