Eduvest � Journal of Universal Studies

Volume 4 Number 06, June, 2024

p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727


Leadership Style and Job Stress on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction in

BPJS Ketenagakerjaan in the Sulawesi Maluku Region





Dian Ayu Ismarani Basir1*, Achmad AC2, Muchriady Muchran3

1Staf BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Wilayah Sulawesi Maluku

2,3Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]


This research aims to analyze the influence of leadership style and work stres on job satisfaction and employee performance, analyze the influence of job satisfaction on employee performance, and analyze the influence of leadership style and work stres on employee performance through job satisfaction at the BPJS Ketenagakeriaan Sulawesi Maluku Region. The data collection technique is through distributing questionnaires using data analysis techniques and analyzed with Amos.� The results of the research show that leadership style has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction, work stres has a significant negative effect on job satisfaction, leadership style has a significant positive effect on employee performance, work stres has a negative and insignificant effect on job satisfaction, job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on employee performance . From the results of the Sobel test, it was found that job satisfaction can mediate the influence of leadership style and work stres on employee performance.


: leadership style, work stres, job satisfaction and employee performance

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International







����������������������������������������������� INTRODUCTION

In the current era of globalization and modernization, human resources are the spotlight and foundation for organizations to survive in an increasingly competitive era. Human resources have a very important role for the effectiveness of the running of organizational activities and support the progress of an organization, because without the support of reliable human resources, organizational activities will not be completed properly. This shows that human resources is the science and art of regulating the relationship and role of labor to be effective and efficient in helping to realize organizational and employee goals.�

Achieving the goals and objectives set by the organization or company, each employee is required to show good performance. Performance is one of the important factors, because the progress of the organization depends on the human resources it has. Performance according to Hasibuan (2019: 94) is the result of the work achieved by a person in carrying out the tasks assigned to him, which is based on skills, experience, seriousness, and time. This shows that employee performance is the ability to achieve job requirements, where a work target can be completed in a timely manner or does not exceed the time limit provided, so that the goal will be in accordance with company morals and ethics. So it can be said that employee performance can contribute to the company or organization.

One of the things that needs to be considered to improve employee performance is the problem of employee job satisfaction, as stated by Suprapta, et al., (2015), which explains that job satisfaction has a positive impact on employee performance.which explains that job satisfaction has a positive impact on employee performance. Robbins & Judge (2017) revealed that employees who have feelings of satisfaction are more able to increase satisfaction and loyalty to the company, aspects of employee loyalty and disloyalty to the company have an impact on their performance. Someone whose job satisfaction level is high will have a positive attitude towards their work. High job satisfaction can make employees work better which in turn will increase high work performance. This shows that if employees are satisfied with their work, it will form good work behavior through improved employee performance. The results of research conducted by Azhari, (2021), Yoga et al., (2019) and Sari, et al. (2021) prove that job satisfaction has a positive influence on employee performance.

The importance of job satisfaction issues so as to improve employee performance, it requires the role of leaders, where leaders are a key resource in any organization. Effective leaders will determine the life, death, progress, and retreat of an organization. Leadership style affects employee job satisfaction, as stated by Tiong (2023: 66) leadership as an activity to influence people to work willingly to achieve common goals. Broadly speaking, leadership is defined as an organized effort to manage and utilize human, material, and financial resources to achieve predetermined goals. This shows that increasing employee job satisfaction cannot be separated from the role of leaders in the organization, as well as the amount (quantity) of work (workload) which if given proportionally will result in feelings of satisfaction from employees at work which then becomes the main key or plays an important and strategic role in the survival of a company. Research Siagian & Khair (2018), and research Putra and Surya (2020) prove that leadership style affects employee job satisfaction. However, in contrast to research Alfattama (2021), where the findings show that leadership has a negative effect on job satisfaction, so there is a research gap or difference in this study.

Good leadership can improve employee performance Hasibuan (2019: 170) explains that leadership style is the way a leader influences the behavior of subordinates, so that they want to work together and work productively to achieve organizational goals. The same thing is expressed Tiong (2023: 75) that a leader has a great influence in encouraging the improvement of employee performance. This is reinforced by the findings of Mamahit & Angela (2016) Yanthy et al., (2021) and Furqon & Qudbi (2018) stated that leadership style has a positive effect on employee performance. However, it is different from Saputri and Andayani (2018) that leadership has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance, so there is a research gap in this study.

The second factor that affects employee satisfaction and performance is the problem of job stress, as stated by Asih et al., (2018:2) that job stress is a condition of tension that creates a physical and psychological imbalance, which affects the emotions, thought processes, and conditions of an employee. So that stress at work will affect job satisfaction felt by employees. According to Hamali (2018: 241) job stress is internal and external conditions that create stressful situations, and the symptoms are experienced by everyone who is stressed. Research Suprapta, et al., (2015) and Yasa et al., (2019) that job stress has a negative effect on employee job satisfaction, which means that the higher the job stress experienced by employees, the lower the level of employee job satisfaction. However, research Siagian & Wasiman (2020) that job stress has a significant direct effect on job satisfaction, which means that job stress has a direct effect on job satisfaction felt by employees, so that in this study there is a research gap research.

Job stress affects performance as stated by Robbins et al., (2017: 430) explains the relationship of work stress to employee performance that stress at low to moderate levels can stimulate the body and increase the ability to react. The cause of work stress is a situation where individuals get pressure or tension in their work environment which results in individuals responding negatively and feeling burdened in completing their obligations. Mangkunegara (2018: 157)Therefore, stress can cause employee performance and productivity to decline. Research Usman et al., (2022), Anggraini & Sunrowiyati (2021)and Sari, et al (2021) found that job stress has a significant effect on employee performance. However, in contrast to research Leatemia (2022), Tien Suhartini (2021) and Duwi Ermawati (2021) showed that job stress has a negative effect on employee performance, as well as Yulianti & Liana (2022), Triatmaja et al., (2022) and Putri (2023) that job stress has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance, so that a research gap is found in this study.

Job satisfaction as an intervening variable in mediating the effect of leadership on employee performance, Anugrah, et al. (2022) proved that job satisfaction can mediate the effect of leadership on employee performance. Meanwhile, Alfattama (2021) there is no effect of leadership on employee performance through job satisfaction. Likewise, job satisfaction in mediating the effect of job stress on employee performance, as in the research of Anugrah, et al. (2022) that job stress affects employee performance through job satisfaction. Meanwhile, Alfattama (2021) that there is no effect of leadership on employee performance through job satisfaction, so there is a research gap.

This research was conducted at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Maluku Sulawesi Regional Office, which is an employment social security organizing agency with a vision to become a Social Security Organizing Agency that is the pride of the nation that is trustworthy, well-managed, and superior in operations and services. Achieving this vision, the mission is carried out, namely: a) Protect, serve and improve the welfare of all workers and their families, b) Increase the productivity and competitiveness of participants, and c) Support the development and independence of the national economy.

Achieving the vision and mission requires high work performance from each employee. However, based on data obtained from the Sulawesi Maluku Region BPJS Employment Office, the problem that has occurred so far is that employee performance in the last 3 years has fluctuated, some even tend to experience a decrease in performance. Based on data on the performance assessment of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region, it appears to fluctuate sometimes experiencing an increase and decrease. However, the KPI 3 scale describes a series of activities that exist in the organization's business processes internally carried out by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan which have increased every year, such as: performance improvement through the implementation of education, training and workshops with the aim of improving the business performance of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region. The occurrence of a decrease in performance is due to a lack of employee job satisfaction, this can be seen from the lack of recognition of work achievements that have been achieved by employees, recognition and positive feedback that is still lacking, where only employees who excel always receive recognition and appreciation. For employees with below-average performance, more intimidation, negative recognition. In addition, there is an imbalance between work life and personal life. Most of the time, employees spend more than working hours (8 hours of work), while outside the working day, they are sometimes required to be able to come to work to complete certain targets/jobs.

Another problem related to the decline in employee performance is caused by leadership style, it can be seen that some leaders in giving orders, instructions or guidelines are not "clear direction". In this case, the leader only provides an outline not in detail, so that subordinates sometimes carry out tasks according to their own perceptions, so that sometimes what the leader expects does not match the results done by the staff. In addition, there is a lack of support and guidance from the leadership. Leaders who are less responsive or less responsive to the problems, needs or expectations of their subordinates. Less active and proactive in finding solutions to subordinate problems. Another problem is that leaders tend to emphasize the implementation of tasks rather than coaching and approach. Not a few leaders tend to apply threats, intimidation or bullying to subordinates so that company targets can be achieved, for example: the threat of mutation. Another problem is related to work stress, which can be seen from excessive work demands. Increased work volume, tight deadlines in achieving a target cause employees to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Periodic monitoring and evaluation is necessary, but it seems to be a scary specter, because individual names will be clearly monitored. If the target is not achieved, there is a perception that the employee is not working optimally.

Increased competition and professional demands, unclear roles and responsibilities. Many employees experience sprints, and confusion and overlap in tasks and assessments. Career uncertainty, some have been promoted only because of achievements at one time, while longer employees, with more experience and longer service periods, have not received certainty. There is also pressure for high performance: unrealistic expectations, to achieve very high or unattainable targets. All kinds of efforts must be maximized within a certain period of time, to achieve the set targets, and the feeling of not being recognized or appreciated in the form of awards or positive feedback causes feelings of disrespect that trigger stress, resulting in unachieved performance.

The results of pre-research conducted, it was found that the performance of the BPJS Employment Office of Sulawesi Maluku Region was still not optimal. This can be seen in fluctuations in performance in 3 years due to a lack of employee job satisfaction caused by a lack of recognition of the achievements made by employees. In addition, positive feedback is also still not given to employees. Another cause of the decline in performance is due to some leaders in giving orders, instructions, or guidelines not with clear direction. Based on the phenomena that occur, the researcher will try to solve problems regarding leadership styles that are in accordance with the needs and characteristics of the team, effective management of work stress and increasing employee job satisfaction which will ultimately help improve employee performance and contribute positively so that the vision and mission of the organization can be achieved.

Research conducted at an institution revealed that transformational leadership behavior has a positive influence on job satisfaction (Daniati & Mujiati, (2018). Several other studies that show the positive influence of transformational leadership on employee job satisfaction as conducted by� Siagian & Khair, (2018) Putra and Surya (2020).

Research conducted (Suprapta et al., 2015) found that job stress has a negative effect on employee job satisfaction, which means that the higher the job stress experienced by employees, the lower the level of employee job satisfaction. Vice versa, the lower the level of employee job stress, the higher the employee job satisfaction. Research results Yasa et al., (2019) also provides the same conclusion that job stress has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction. It is explained that even though the level of job stress is high if employees have high work motivation, job stress can also provide high job satisfaction, but directly job stress has a negative influence on job satisfaction, which if job stress increases, employee job satisfaction decreases relatively.

Research results Mamahit & Angela (2016) states that leadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, so it can be concluded that there is a relationship between leadership style and employee performance.� Likewise, the results of research conducted by Yanthy et al., (2021), Furqon & Qudbi, (2018); states that leadership style affects employee performance.

One of the theories that can describe the relationship between job stress and employee performance is the theory from Fitrianingsih (2019) which states that increasing the amount of low stress can improve performance but only up to a certain point. But stress that is too severe can cause a decrease in performance. The results of research conducted by Leatemia (2022) shows that leadership style has a positive effect on employee performance, work stress has a negative effect on employee performance. �



The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. This research is intended to determine the effect of leadership and job stress on performance through job satisfaction at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region, so this research is categorized as explanatory research, namely research that aims to explain the relationship between variables through hypothesis testing. This research has independent (influencing) and dependent (influenced) variables and intermediate (mediating) variables. The population in this study were all employees of the Employment BPJS, which by using slovin so that a sample of 100 respondents was obtained. Data collection techniques using questionnaires, with data analysis techniques using AMOS 16 software, to measure direct effects and indirect effects, as well as hypothesis testing.

The hypotheses proposed in this study are as follows:

Hypothesis 1 = There is a positive and significant influence between leadership style on employee job satisfaction.

Hypothesis 2 = There is a negative and significant influence between job stress on employee job satisfaction.

Hypothesis 3 = There is a positive and significant influence between leadership style on employee performance.

Hypothesis 4 = There is a negative and significant influence between job stress on employee performance.

Hypothesis 5 = There is a positive and significant influence between job satisfaction on employee performance.

Hypothesis 6 = There is a positive and significant influence between leadership styles on employee performance through job satisfaction.

Hypothesis 7 = �There is a negative and significant influence between job stress on employee performance through job satisfaction.

From the development of the hypothesis, the research conceptual framework can be described as follows:





Research Results

Description of Respondent Characteristics

The description of the characteristics of the respondents aims to determine the description of the identity of the respondents who became the research sample, where the respondents were employees who worked at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region totaling 100 employees which included: gender, age, marital status and length of service. Where out of 100 employees seen from gender, it is dominated by male employees, then seen from the age of employees, the majority of employee age is 31-35 years. Then seen from the marital status, the average employee is married, and has a length of work between 5.1-7 years.


Evaluation of the Fulfillment of Normality Assumption in Data��

The univariate and multivariate normality of the data used in this analysis was tested using AMOS 24. The critical measure for testing normality is c.r. which in its calculation is influenced by sample size and skewness. Referring to the value in the c.r column, if in the c.r column there is a score greater than 2.58 or smaller than -2.58 (normality of distribution at 1 percent alpha) there is evidence that the data distribution is not normal. Conversely, if the c.r value is below 2.58 or greater than - 2.58, the data is normally distributed. Based on the results, information is obtained that there is one variable that is not normally distributed, namely the leadership style variable with a c.r coefficient of -3.816.� However, based on Central Limit Theory, if the data is large above 100, the residuals from the data distribution will be normally distributed by themselves. By using the above criteria, it can be concluded that all variables are normally distributed.


Evaluation of Multicollinearity and Singularity

Evaluation of Multicollinearity and Singularity can be done using Amos 24 software, namely by looking at the determinant value of the sample covariance matrix. The analysis results show that the determinant value of the sample covariance matrix is 0.005. Based on this, it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity or singularity, therefore this data is suitable for use.


Analysis of Research Hypothesis Testing

Based on the empirical model proposed in this study, it can be tested on the hypothesis proposed through testing the path coefficient on the structural equation model, which is described as follows:


Figure 1. Path Testing Results in Amos

Source: Amos data processing results


The test results in the figure above are hypothesis testing by looking at the pvalue, if the pvalue is smaller than 0.05 then the relationship between the variables is significant. The test results are presented in the following table:


Table 1. Hypothesis Testing




Dependent Variable

Direct Effect






Leadership style

Job satisfaction






Work stress

Job satisfaction






Leadership style

Employee performance






Work stress

Employee performance




Not significant


Job satisfaction

Employee performance






Leadership style

Employee performance

Job satisfaction





Work stress

Employee performance

Job satisfaction




Source: Results of data processing using Amos



*** = Significance < 0.001


Of the entire hypothesized seven-path model, there are six significant paths and one insignificant path. The interpretation of Table 1 is explained as follows:

a.       Leadership style has a significant positive effect on job satisfaction withr = 0.000 <0.05 with a coefficient value of 0.473, this coefficient indicates that the more appropriate the leadership style applied by the leader, the better job satisfaction will be.

b.      Job stress has a significant negative effect on job satisfaction withr = 0.000 <0.05 with a coefficient value of -0.279, this coefficient indicates that the higher the job stress, the more job satisfaction will decrease.

c.       Leadership style has a significant positive effect on employee performance withr = 0.000 <0.05 with a coefficient value of 0.128, this coefficient indicates that the more appropriate the leadership style, the better employee performance will be.

d.      Job stress has a negative and insignificant effect on job satisfaction withr = 0.280 <0.05 with a coefficient value of 0.080, this coefficient indicates that job stress at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Maluku Sulawesi Region office does not affect employee performance.

e.       Job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on employee performance withr = 0.000 <0.05 with a coefficient value of 0.748, this coefficient indicates that the better job satisfaction, the better employee performance will be.

f.        Leadership style has a significant positive effect on employee performance through job satisfaction with a coefficient value of 0.354, this coefficient indicates that the more appropriate the leadership style felt by employees, the more job satisfaction will increase and ultimately have an impact on better employee performance.

g.      Job stress has a significant negative effect on employee performance through job satisfaction with a coefficient value of -0.209, this coefficient indicates that job stress conditions at the office. BPJS Employment Sulawesi Maluku Region can reduce job satisfaction so that it has an impact on decreasing employee performance.

The model feasibility test in Amos uses the GFI measurement which is identical to the coefficient of determination in regression analysis using SPSS software. The GFI value of 0.802 means that the model built describes the actual facts at the research site by 80.2% while the remaining 19.8% is the limitation of the research instrument in revealing facts and errors.

In connection with the description above, the results of hypothesis testing will be presented which can be shown in Table 2, namely as follows:


Table 2 Research hypothesis testing results





Direct effect

Indirect effect

Total effect



The influence of leadership style on job satisfaction







The effect of job stress on job satisfaction







The influence of leadership style on employee performance







The effect of job stress on employee performance







The effect of job satisfaction on employee performance







The effect of leadership style on employee performance through job satisfaction







The effect of job stress on employee performance through job satisfaction






Source: Data processed, 2024



1. The Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Job Satisfaction

From the results of the path coefficient with the Amos method where in this study the findings obtained that leadership style has a significant positive effect on employee job satisfaction at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region, this indicates that the more appropriate the leadership style used by the leader, the better job satisfaction will be. This finding is in line with the theory put forward by Robbins & Judge, (2017) in Wasistha & Rahyuda, (2018) that the better a leader in a company will increase the job satisfaction of employees who are subordinates. In other words, the better the leader behaves or sets an example to his subordinates, it will be able to provide satisfaction for employees who are subordinates. From the results of research conducted at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region, it can be said that the leadership style applied during the company has been running and functioning properly so that it can provide job satisfaction for employees. The results of this study are supported by previous research as conducted by Siagian & Khair, (2018) Putra and Surya (2020), found that there is a positive effect of transformational leadership on employee job satisfaction.

2. The Effect of Job Stress on Employee Job Satisfaction

Based on the results of the analysis using Amos, the results show that job stress has a negative and significant effect on employee job satisfaction at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region, this indicates that the higher the job stress faced by employees in carrying out their work, it will have an impact on low job satisfaction. The results of this study are in line with the theory put forward by Fisher in Wibowo et al., (2015)(2015), that the satisfaction felt by employees towards their work is reflected in a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment of expectations for work to be more interesting, challenging, exciting, and personally satisfying.� Work stress as a condition that occurs when the work demands received by employees exceed the employee's ability, and if the burden or weight of the work received by the employee is not proportional to the expectations he gets, then the workload that causes work stress can reduce employee job satisfaction. The results of research conducted at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region show that the average employee has job stress which is considered still small, but for task demands and the existence of personal demands that make employees feel stressed so that it affects employee job satisfaction. This finding is supported by previous research conducted by Suprapta et al., (2015), that job stress has a negative effect on job satisfaction.(2015), that job stress has a negative effect on employee job satisfaction, which means that the higher the job stress experienced by employees, the lower the level of employee job satisfaction. Research Yasa et al., (2019) and Wibowo et al., (2015)(2015), that job stress has a negative effect on job satisfaction.


3. The Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Performance

From the results of path analysis using Amos, it is known that leadership style has a significant positive effect on employee performance at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Maluku Sulawesi Region, the results of these findings indicate that the better the application of leadership style carried out by the leadership will have a real influence in improving employee performance. This is in accordance with the theory put forward by Tiong (2023: 75) that a leader has a great influence in encouraging improved employee performance. Leadership style is a way for a leader to influence the behavior of subordinates, so that they want to cooperate and work productively to achieve organizational goals (Hasibuan, 2019: 170).

The results of the research are in accordance with the facts in the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region that the application of leadership style is good, because the leadership always pays attention to the needs of employees by providing salaries, as well as benefits such as: health benefits, THR and performance allowances, besides that for employees who excel, they will be considered for promotion to a higher level. This research is supported by previous research conducted by Mamahit & Angela (2016), Yanthy et al., (2021) and Furqon & Qudbi (2018) the findings that leadership style has a positive effect on employee performance.

4. The Effect of Job Stress on Employee Performance

Based on the results of path analysis using Amos, it is known that work stress has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Maluku Sulawesi Region, the results of these findings indicate that the higher the work stress experienced by employees, the employee performance will decrease. This is in accordance with the theory put forward by Mangkunegara (2018: 157)that work stress can cause employee performance and productivity to decline. The relationship of work stress to employee performance is that stress at low to moderate levels can stimulate the body and increase the ability to react. The cause of work stress is a situation where individuals get pressure or tension in their work environment which results in individuals responding negatively and feeling burdened in completing their obligations (Robbins et al., 2017: 430).

The findings at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region that the average employee still has sufficient and controllable work stress, or in other words, employee work stress at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan does not affect employee performance, given that the number of tasks that must be completed will further encourage or urge employees to have to complete tasks or work better and on time to achieve work performance. Employees who achieve average work performance above other employees will get awards and promotions, so that the many tasks that must be completed will be a spur or motivation for employees to complete them. In addition, due to role demands, which means employees who have certain roles or positions that have large duties and responsibilities in the company. The results of this study are supported by research conducted by Duwi Ermawati (2021) shows that job stress has a negative effect on employee performance. Meanwhile, Yulianti and Liana (2022) Triatmaja, (2022) and Putri (2023) that job stress has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance,

5. The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

Based on the path coefficient with the Amos method where in this study the findings obtained that job satisfaction has a significant positive effect on employee performance at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region, this indicates that the more employees feel satisfaction at work, it will affect the improvement of employee performance. As the theory put forward by Suprapta, et al., (2015), which explains that job satisfaction has an impact on employee performance.(2015), which explains that job satisfaction has a positive impact on employee performance. Robbins & Judge (2017) revealed that someone whose job satisfaction level is high will have a positive attitude towards their work. High job satisfaction can make employees work better which in turn will improve high work performance.

The results of research conducted at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region, that the average employee is satisfied with the provision of salaries in accordance with the UMP, as well as coworkers who can support in completing work so that employee performance can be achieved. These findings are supported by research conducted by Azhari, (2021), Yoga et al., (2019) and Sari, et al. (2021) that job satisfaction has a positive influence on employee performance.

6. The Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction

Based on the results of the sobel test on the effect of leadership style on employee performance through job satisfaction, where the findings show that job satisfaction can mediate the effect of leadership style on employee performance at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region office . This indicates that the better the application of leadership style applied by the leadership at the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Maluku Sulawesi Region office will provide job satisfaction felt by employees, so that with this job satisfaction it will have an impact on improving employee performance. This is supported by research conducted Anugrah, et al. (2022) proves that job satisfaction can mediate the effect of leadership on employee performance.

7. The Effect of Job Stress on Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction

The results of the sobel test analysis regarding the effect of job stress on employee performance through job satisfaction, where the results of the study prove that job satisfaction can mediate the effect of job stress on employee performance at the Maluku Sulawesi Region BPJS Employment office. This indicates that job satisfaction can be used as a role to serve as a mediating variable between job stress and employee performance. This shows that the higher the job stress, it will affect the job satisfaction felt by employees so that it has an impact on achieving employee performance. The results of these findings are supported by research conducted Anugrah, et al. (2022) that job stress affects employee performance through job satisfaction.




Based on the results of analysis and discussion in this study, several conclusions can be presented that: leadership style has a positive and significant effect on increasing job satisfaction, job stress has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction, leadership style has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, job stress has a negative and insignificant effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, the results of the mediation test that job satisfaction can mediate the effect of leadership style on employee performance, as well as the effect of job stress on employee performance through job satisfaction, in this study indicate that job satisfaction can mediate the effect of job stress on employee performance at the BPJS office of employment in the Sulawesi Maluku region. Maluku.

The suggestions in this study can be described as follows: It is recommended to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region to maintain the leadership style implemented so far so that in the future employee performance can be further improved in the future. It is recommended that the leaders of the Sulawesi Maluku Region BPJS Employment office to further increase job satisfaction for employees, it is necessary to carry out job placement in accordance with their respective fields of competence so that it is hoped that it can further improve employee performance in carrying out their work according to their duties and functions. Documented employee competencies are adjusted to the results of employee self-development assessments that have been carried out periodically every year.

Employee performance can be improved in addition to reducing pressure for employees, it needs to be accompanied by an increase in the emotional approach between leaders and employees. Leaders should build open communication with employees, be willing to listen to input and ideas from employees and not hesitate to implement the input if it has a positive impact and does not conflict with existing regulations. The need for efforts for employees to reduce work stress by managing work stress management efficiently and effectively so that it has an impact on employee satisfaction and performance, especially within the scope of the Maluku Sulawesi Region BPJS Employment office. Management of work stress should be supported from the top of the organizational structure and tiered to the lowest level.

It is suggested that to further improve employee performance, it is necessary to have a clear division of tasks and responsibilities so that the completion of work at the Maluku Sulawesi Region BPJS Employment office can be more in accordance with the predetermined time. It is suggested that there is a need for socialization of changes in regulations, organizational structures and the like, before they are implemented. Adjustment of these changes should be supported by clear communication and direction from the leader. The need for the role of the leader of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region in providing supervision to every employee who is directly involved in completing the work. The expected supervision is related to obstacles and obstacles in the work of employees so that management expectations can be realized together, besides that the need for the role of the leader of the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Sulawesi Maluku Region to adjust the provision of positive feedback to employees both in material and immaterial form so as to improve employee performance.



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