Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
93 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
Iis Suryani, Dr. Ujang Cepi Barlian, M.Si
Baleendah State High School 1, Nusantara Islamic University, Bandung City
Received: 22
February 2021
Revised: 24
February 2021
Approved: 24
February 2021
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International
The teacher is an important element in education. The quality of education in
Indonesia in the future will largely depend on the quality of existing teachers. In the
learning process the teacher is seen to have an important role, especially in helping
students to develop their potential in cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities, the
teacher also seeks to arouse curiosity, encourage independence and accuracy of
intellectual logic, and create conditions for success in learning. (Iskandar, 2013) One of
the problems of education in Indonesia itself is the relatively low capacity of teachers.
This is of course a big problem because the function of teachers in education needs to
play a variety of talents to produce the expected results and ultimately achieve
educational goals.
This study examines the problem of developing process standards
and content standards which are important variables in improving
teacher performance. Teacher performance is increasingly important
to improve in line with the increasingly complex demands of teachers
as professionals. The purpose of this study was to describe and
analyze the influence and comparison of the development of process
standards and content standards on improving teacher performance
which focused on the main problems, namely: (1) the magnitude of
the influence of developing process standards on teacher
performance, (2) the magnitude of the influence of developing
content standards on performance. teachers, and (3) the magnitude
of the influence and comparison of the development of process
standards and content standards simultaneously on improving the
performance of state high school chemistry teachers in Bandung
Regency. In this study, the Embedded Concurent model of the Mix
Methods approach was used. Data were analyzed using descriptive
analysis techniques and inferential analysis techniques. The results
of the analysis show that the development of process standards and
content standards together contributes positively and significantly to
improving teacher performance, which is stated based on the positive
correlation coefficient and determination coefficient values with an
effect of 76%, meaning that the effect is good, this proves that the
better the development of standard processes and the development of
content standards are carried out, the better the increase in teacher
performance. Meanwhile, the remaining 24% is influenced by other
Process Standards, Content Standards, Teacher
Iis Suryani, Dr. Ujang Cepi Barlian, M.Si
The effect of developing process standards and content standard
development on improving the performance of chemical teachers of Negeri
High Schools in Bandung District 94
Performance-related to the learning process of subject teachers or classroom
teachers, including planning and implementation of learning, evaluation and evaluation
analysis of evaluation results and implementation of 4 (4) according to the (Peraturan
Menteri Pendidikan Nasional, 2007), the field of competence that teachers are must-have.
This is following (Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2016), which explains
that the process standard includes planning the learning process, implementing the
learning process, evaluating learning outcomes, and monitoring.
The government conducted a teacher competency survey through the Teacher
Competency Test (UKG), to know the level of teacher mastery in teaching and
professional competence. A professional teacher is people who have the ability and
expertise in the field of teacher training or in other words it is well educated and trained.
(Balqis, Ibrahim, & Ibrahim, 2014) Professional abilities discussed are the ability of
educators to master learning material broadly and deeply which allows teachers to guide
students to acquire certain abilities.
According (Asf & Mustofa, 2013), explained that teacher performance is the
work that can be achieved by a teacher in school or madrasah according to the task and
responsibilities in achieving goals education. Likewise (Susanto, 2013) explaining teacher
performance can be interpreted as achievements, results, or abilities achieved or shown
by the teacher in carry out educational and teaching tasks. Through this
professionalization is expected later it can produce more teacher’s quality. (Purbasari,
The Teacher Professional Examination (UKG) activity, as well as the supervision
and evaluation process, are monitored through the Teacher Performance Assessment
(PKG) to create professional teachers because professional dignity depends on the quality
of their services. Performance evaluation can ensure that teachers can work or carry out
their duties in a professional manner, and can provide quality education services to the
community, especially students. Teacher performance criteria in relation to social
competence include acting as an educator, designing and implementing learning, and
evaluating learning. (Wijaya, 2018)
According to UKG performance data from 2015 to 2017, the average score of
secondary school teachers has improved, but not satisfactorily across the country. Apart
from the lack of preparation and the lack of measuring instruments for UKG, it turns out
that the national teacher competency scores do not pass this category. As for the
provincial level, the 2019 West Java UKG data is based on data on regional education
income and expenditure of the Ministry of Education and Culture which is contained in
the following bar chart.
Regent Bandung University UKG High School (SMA) in 2019 had an
unsatisfactory score with a score of 66.4, teaching ability score of 54.67, and professional
ability of 61.89. Although the government has a minimum expectation of 80, this
category does not yet meet the minimum requirements. What is more worrying is that the
average national chemistry UKG score is the lowest at 37.9. This result is far below the
minimum proficiency standards set. The UKG results can also indirectly describe the
ability of high school chemistry teachers at the Bandung Regent School collected through
the chemical MGMP container, and researchers who are members of the Chemistry
The relatively low ability of teachers is of course a big problem, especially for
chemistry teachers, the Regent of Bandung. Even the teaching skills that should be the
teacher's main ability are not functioning or functioning normally. Likewise, having the
professional skills needed to carry out educational and teaching tasks, including mastery
Iis Suryani, Dr. Ujang Cepi Barlian, M.Si
The effect of developing process standards and content standard
development on improving the performance of chemical teachers of Negeri
High Schools in Bandung District 94
of learning materials broadly and deeply, including mastery of school curriculum
materials and knowledge of substance and scientific methodology and material structure.
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
95 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
Based on the experience of researchers and the results of observations and
discussion of the results of the UKG and PKG with several teachers from the MGMP at
SMP Bupati Bandung, it was found that the implementation of the 2013 curriculum has
been developing and developing in the context of improvement since it was launched in
2013. For issues related to the application of content standards and standards process, the
content includes lesson planning, implementation, and evaluation, as well as follow-up on
evaluation results.
The problems faced by chemistry teachers in the learning process include: (1)
The difficulty of analyzing the relationship between SKL-KI-KD and the syllabus by
determining the competency index (GPA) and subjects as learning and assessment
materials. Achieving basic abilities (KD) strengthens character education through the
development of 21st-century skills; (2) Difficulty designing teaching materials (KD)
based on themes; (3) Difficulty in designing homework plans, resulting in differences in
the implementation of the plan (RPP) and the suitability of learning. (4) Teachers are less
creative in understanding various learning strategies with material coverage which is
broader and follows the pace of development. Science, (5) The teaching methods used by
teachers are less varied and not innovative, which results in students being less motivated
so that students are less interested in learning, they have difficulty accepting chemistry
lessons which are considered by most students, is one of the difficult subjects with
unstable stability.
Although the learning process in the classroom is aimed at the child's ability to
remember information, theoretically students will only be bothered by less specific
information and interesting discussions. Students are not encouraged to develop their
thinking skills, children's brains are forced to remember and accumulate various
information without having to understand the stored information to relate it to everyday
life. Whereas national education functions to develop abilities and shape character as well
a dignified national civilization in order to educate the nation's life. (Anggraeni, 2016)
Students have never been given the experience of observing chemical reactions
directly, so students think that chemistry topics are abstract and difficult to understand so
that when students graduate from school, they are smart in theory but lacking in
application. It is difficult to fully assess attitudes, knowledge, and skills. In learning
activities, they have not linked material with daily chemical products and have not
provided lessons related to the manufacture of products from chemical material
applications. (Utami, 2015) Based on the problems faced by public high school chemistry
teachers in Bandung Regency, it can be concluded that the root of the problem of this
study is that the high school chemistry teacher competence is still low which causes low
teacher performance.
Based on the research conducted by the researchers, so far several studies that are
relevant to the related topic have been carried out, but there has been no research
regarding the issues raised. (AAF, 2020) Principal Leadership Contribution and
Compensation on Teacher Performance in Bandung Regency. PPS Uninus Masters
Thesis, Bandung. This study shows that there is a positive and significant contribution
between principal leadership and collective compensation to the performance of high
school teachers in Bandung Regency.
The research results of (Aldeska, Maharta, & Suana, 2018) concluded that the
mistakes in making lesson plans were in the indicators of learning activities, assessment
of learning outcomes, media, and learning resources. The results of the research by
(Rahmawati, Darmawati, & Mahadi, n.d.) state that from the analysis of RPP data for
Biology learning there are several components that are incomplete, such as in the
formulation of learning objectives, learning materials, and learning scenarios in
Iis Suryani, Dr. Ujang Cepi Barlian, M.Si
The effect of developing process standards and content standard
development on improving the performance of chemical teachers of Negeri
High Schools in Bandung District 96
preliminary activities and final activities. In addition to the problems described above,
based on the research of Nurhamidah et al. (2014) it shows that there is no match between
the competence of educators and education staff on the curriculum to be taught and the
textbooks used, then most of the teachers still experience many difficulties and do not
fully understand the related issues. preparation of the Learning Implementation Plan
(RPP) and the implementation of learning in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum.
This study uses a mixed-methods approach by combining two forms of research,
namely quantitative research and qualitative research. According to (Creswell, 2014),
mix-methods is a research approach that combines or associates qualitative and
quantitative forms. In this method, researchers used a quantitative approach as the
primary method, while the qualitative approach was a secondary method. A quantitative
approach with descriptive methods is used in conjunction with a qualitative approach.
(Sugiyono, 2019)
In this study, the population was all chemistry teachers of class X SMA Negeri in
Bandung Regency totaling 25 teachers. Researchers took samples using total sampling.
Because the population in this study was less than 100, the sample in this study was a
population study. Thus the number of samples in this study was 25 people.
In this study, there are two independent variables which are given the symbol X,
namely the development of process standards (X1) and development of content standards
(X2), and one dependent variable which is usually given the symbol Y, namely teacher
performance (Y). The research instrument used in this study was a questionnaire
developed by the researcher, covering three types of questionnaires developed, including
the Process Standard instrument, Content Standard instrument, and Teacher Performance
instrument. The Process Standard instrument consists of 56 positive statement items that
measure the planning, implementation, assessment and monitoring sub-variables of
learning. The Content Standard instrument consists of 5 positive statement items that
measure the scope of the material and the level of competence developed in planning and
implementing learning. The Teacher Performance Instrument consists of 32 statement
items consisting of positive statements and negative statements which only measure the
sub-variables of learning planning, implementation of learning, and assessment of the
learning process.
This data analysis is carried out after the data obtained from the sample through
the selected instrument will be used to answer problems in the study or to test the
proposed hypothesis through data presentation. In this study, the data analysis used to test
the hypothesis was quantitative data analysis with descriptive data analysis techniques.
Each data group will also be processed and analyzed for the size of concentration and
location such as mean, median, and mode, as well as deviation measures such as range,
variance, and standard deviation.
The results of this study are guided by the research hypothesis as the focus in
presenting the research results. The results of this study are as follows:
A. Results of interviews, document studies, and field studies
Iis Suryani, Dr. Ujang Cepi Barlian, M.Si
The effect of developing process standards and content standard
development on improving the performance of chemical teachers of Negeri
High Schools in Bandung District 96
The standard of the learning process is one of the standards because it has a very
important strategic role in ensuring the quality of education so that it continues to be
improved, developed, and improved continuously. (CL.Yuniar.10.06.2020). Through this
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
97 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
educational process standard, each teacher can determine the course of the learning
process, because the teacher is the subject and object of learning that interacts directly
with students. (CL.Edi.20.06.2020).
Regardless of a good and ideal education course, or complete educational
facilities and infrastructure, if there is no balance in the teacher's ability to carry out this
education, then all of it will be meaningless. This means that teachers who are successful
in the learning process will be able to create an effective learning atmosphere following
the curriculum set by the education office. (Nurdyansyah & Fahyuni, 2016). Primary and
secondary school education department process standards are one of the main references
for the Education Office in the entire learning process, from planning the learning
process, implementing the learning process to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness
of postgraduate students' abilities. (CL. Winny.20.06.2020).
At first, most teachers did not adjust the lesson plans that the teachers had during
the learning process, so the lesson plans were only for administrative purposes, moreover,
the lesson plans owned by the teachers were the result of copy-paste, but in this case, both
supervisors and school principals supervised the class. This is why teachers are
accustomed to teaching according to the set lesson plans. (CL Tun 20 June 2004).
If we understand and master these four abilities, especially those related to
mastering the teacher's main tasks (planning learning, implementing, and evaluating
learning), (Sulfemi, 2019) it can be said that the teacher is professional and can be based
on his good performance as a teacher prove. (CL.Evie.20.06.2020).
National education standards are the basis for planning the implementation and
supervision of education in the context of achieving quality national education. There
must be the importance of reference standards in realizing national education. (Hidayat &
Machali, 2012) SNP also aims to guarantee the quality of national education, to educate
people's lives, and to form a dignified national character and civilization.
With the existence of SNPs, educational units can make SNPs as benchmarks for
the implementation of education, SNPs are also used as a basis for monitoring and
evaluating the implementation of education in Indonesia, especially in educational units
to make it easier to measure and assess its quality. The scope of the National Education
Standards includes (1) content standards, (2) process standards, (3) graduation
competency standards, (4) teachers and education staff standards, (5) facilities and
infrastructure standards, (6) management standards, (7) ) Financing standards, and (8)
education assessment standards. The achievement of standards can be used as a
benchmark for determining steps for improvement and policies that will be taken to
improve the quality of education. (CL.Yuniar.15.06.2020).
When talking about teacher performance, this cannot be separated from the
abilities of the teacher, which means that a teacher with good performance means that he
has good abilities according to the level of mastery of his abilities. Talking about ability,
this is inseparable from the main task of the teacher in the learning process, the learning
process is directly related to processing standards, process standards include learning
planning, learning implementation, evaluation of learning achievement, and monitoring
the learning process. This cannot be separated from the content standard as a process
standard reference, which means that the process standard refers to the content standard
as a conceptual framework for realizing SKL learning.
1. Questionnaire / Questionnaire Results
a. Test Results Data Validity and Instrument Reliability Variables Process Standards,
Content Standards Variables and Teacher Performance Variable
Iis Suryani, Dr. Ujang Cepi Barlian, M.Si
The effect of developing process standards and content standard
development on improving the performance of chemical teachers of Negeri
High Schools in Bandung District 98
Table 1
Valid &
Cronbach Alpha 0,950
Valid &
Cronbach Alpha 0,701
Valid &
Cronbach Alpha 0,685
Thus the Cronbach's Alpha value> 0.60, meaning that it can be concluded that all
items/questions from the process standard variables, content standards, and teacher
performance are reliable.
Table 2
80,00% - 100%
Very Good
60,00% - 79,99%
40,00% - 59,99%
Pretty Good
20,00% - 39,99%
Not Good
< 20,00%
Not Very Good
Percentage Value Conversion adapted from the PPM correlation coefficient table
a) The status of the Process Standard variable which gets 97.36% which means
that the interpretation is very good
b) The status of the Content Standard variable which gets 89.20%, which means
the Interpretation is Very Good
c) The status of the Teacher Performance variable who obtained 81%, which
means that the interpretation is very good
2. Classical Regression Assumption Test
a. Normality Test
Table 3
One Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov Test
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
99 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
Standard of
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme
Test Statistic
Asymp. Sig.
Monte Carlo
Sig. (2-tailed)
Based on the test table above, it can be concluded that the results of the
Normality test with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on the Process Standard, Content
Standards and Teacher Performance variables can be seen in the table below.
Table 4
Conclusion of the normality test results
> / <
Process Standard
Normally Distributed
Standard of
Normally Distributed
Normally Distributed
b. Multicollinearity Test
Table 5
Unstandarized Coefficients
Total _ X2
a. Dependent Variable: Teacher performance.
Based on the table above, it is known that the VIF value is still less than 10,
meaning that there is no multicollinearity. Thus it can be stated that the regression
equation model is declared free of multicollinearity cases.
3. Heteroscedasticity Test
Iis Suryani, Dr. Ujang Cepi Barlian, M.Si
The effect of developing process standards and content standard
development on improving the performance of chemical teachers of Negeri
High Schools in Bandung District 100
Based on the scatterplot, it appears that the dots spread above and below zero on
the Y-axis (Teacher Performance) and do not form a certain pattern. Based on the facts
above, it can be concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity in the regression model.
Teacher Performance Autocorrelation Test with Process Standards and Content
Based on the results of the SPSS version 26 output and paying attention to the
Autocorrelation test criteria above, it is clear that the Durbin Watson value from the
Model Summary table is 1.711 which if confirmed in the Autocorrelation test criteria
table, it can be concluded that between the independent and dependent variables there
tends to be no Autocorrelation. Based on the results of testing the Classical Assumptions
for Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, it can be concluded that all tests have been
fulfilled with the following conclusions: 1) all variable data are normally distributed; 2)
no multicollinearity; 3) No Autocorrelation; 4) no heteroscedasticity. Thus the linear
regression model is called a good model.
4. Inference Statistical Test
1) Correlation Test of Process Standard (X1) and Content Standards (X2)
Tests were carried out to find the correlation coefficient rX1X2. The correlation
coefficient for the Process Standard variable (X1) and the Content Standard (X2) is 0.903
or strong enough. Hypothesis testing is done by looking at the sig value. = 0.000 <0.05
then Ho is rejected, which means it is significant. Thus it can be concluded that "There is
a significant relationship between the variables of Process Standards and Content
2) Multiple Regression Test
a) Variable Regression Test X1 Y
Table 6
Regression Equation
1) If there is no addition or improvement to the Process
Standard variable (X1), then the Teacher Performance variable
value (Y) is the same as the constant value of 10,239 plus the
influence of other variables (E) of 0.791
2) Each addition or one point increase in the Standard Process
variable (X1) will have an effect on the increase in the value of
the Teacher Performance variable (Y) of 0.326 plus the
influence of other variables (E) of 0.791
Coefficient (The
effect of the Process
Teacher Performance variable (Y) is influenced by the Standard
Process variable (X1) of 76%, the rest is influenced by other
variables outside the variables not examined
The influence of
other variables on
teacher performance
the teacher performance variable (Y) is influenced by other
variables by 24%
Hypothesis test
rejection of Ho because sig F (0.000) <0.05, which means that
there is a significant effect of Standard Process (X1) on Teacher
Performance (Y)
b) Variable Regression Test X2 Y
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
101 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
Table 7
Regression Equation
1) If there is no addition or increase in the Content Standard
variable (X2), then the Teacher Performance variable value
(Y) is the same as the constant value of 45,483 plus the
influence of other variables (E) of 0.837
2) Each addition or one point increase in the content
standard variable (X2) will have an effect on the increase in
the value of the Teacher Performance variable (Y) by 1.581
plus the influence of other variables (E) of 0.837
Coefficient (The effect
of the Process
Teacher Performance variable (Y) is influenced by the
Content Standard variable (X2) of 67%, the rest is
influenced by other variables outside the research variable
The influence of other
variables on teacher
performance variables
Teacher Performance variable (Y) is influenced by other
variables by 33%
Hypothesis test
rejection of Ho because of sig. F (0.000) <0 05, which
means that there is a significant positive contribution from
the Standard Content (X2) to Teacher Performance (Y)
c) Variable Regression Test X1 X2 Y
Table 8
Regression Equation
1) If there is no addition or improvement to the Process
Standard (X1) and Content Standards (X2) variables, then
the Teacher Performance variable value (Y) is equal to the
constant value of 16.510 plus the influence of other
variables (€) of 0.721
2) Each addition or one point increase in the Content
Standard variable (X2) will have an effect on the increase
in the Teacher Performance variable value (Y) of 0.689
plus the influence of other variables (€) of 0.721
Coefficient (The effect
of the Process Standard
Teacher Performance variable (Y) is influenced by the
Process Standard variable (X1) and the Process Standard
Content (X2) variable, 76%, the rest is influenced by other
variables, both those that have been identified by theory or
not yet by 24%
The influence of other
variables on teacher
performance variables
Teacher performance variable (Y) is influenced by other
variables by 24%
Hypothesis test
rejection of Ho because sig F (0.000) <0.05, which means
that there is a significant effect of Process Standards (X1)
and Content Standards (X2) simultaneously on Teacher
Performance (Y)
5. Empirical Model of Regression Analysis
Based on the results of the linear variable regression test (X1X2) - Y above, it can
be seen that the effect of the Process Standard (X1) and Content Standard (X2) variables
simultaneously on Teacher Performance (Y) is 0.76 (76%), meaning that if converted to
Iis Suryani, Dr. Ujang Cepi Barlian, M.Si
The effect of developing process standards and content standard
development on improving the performance of chemical teachers of Negeri
High Schools in Bandung District 102
the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient table, then the effect is strong. The
results of hypothesis testing concluded that the rejection of Ho was due to sig F (0.000)
<0.05, which means that there is a significant effect of Process Standards (X1) and
Content Standards (X2) simultaneously on Teacher Performance (Y).
Based on the data from the results of the Multiple Regression Test above, it can
then be presented in the Empirical Model of Multiple Linear Regression as follows.
1) Path Analysis Results
Path analysis is carried out to determine the direct effect, indirect effect, and total
effect of the variables. Based on the regression output data above, the data for path
analysis can be formulated as follows:
Figure 1
Path Analysis Results
Path analysis is carried out to determine the direct effect, indirect effect, and total
effect of the variables. Based on the regression output data above, the data for path
analysis can be formulated as follows.
Table 9
Path Analysis Result Table
Koefisien Jalur X
ke ρYX
Koefisien Jalur X
ke ρYX
Koefisien Jalur X
Based on the analysis of the results of the discussion regarding the impact of the
formulation of process standards and content standards on improving the performance
of chemistry teachers at SMA Regent Bandung, it can be concluded that the formulation
of process standards has made a positive contribution. improve teacher performance
significantly. This is stated following the value of the correlation coefficient and
coefficient value. The effect of a positive judgment is 76% indicating that the effect is
very good, which proves that the development of standard procedures can be better.
implemented and improving teacher performance is getting better. At the same time, the
remaining 24% is influenced by other variables, regardless of whether this variable has
been determined theoretically.
The development of content standards has contributed positively and significantly
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
103 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
to improving teacher performance, this is based on the positive correlation coefficient
and the coefficient of determination. Effect 76% indicates that the effect is good which
proves better implementation. standards for content development. Better to improve
teacher performance. At the same time, the remaining 24% is influenced by other
variables, regardless of whether this variable has been determined theoretically. The
development of process standards and content standards together has contributed
positively and significantly to improving teacher performance, this is based on the value
of the positive correlation coefficient and the value of the coefficient of determination.
The effect is 76%, indicating that the effect is good, which proves the standard. The
better the development process, the better the teacher's performance. Meanwhile, the
remaining 24% is influenced by other variables.
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