Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
83 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
Yanti Nirmala
Indonesian Tourism Academy Jakarta
Received: 18
February 2021
Revised: 24
February 2021
Approved: 24
February 2021
The hotel is closely related to the front office division, and in
carrying out its duties serving guests. This department requires a
computer system capable of meeting customer needs. There are
several computer systems available at this time, however the
author limits them to only 2 (two) PMS systems which will be
discussed in this paper at the “X” and “Y” hotels in Central
Jakarta. This study uses a quantitative approach. The research
method used by the author is to use a Likret scale. The source of
the data obtained by the author is data from the front office
divisions at the "X" hotel and the "Y" hotel in Central Jakarta.
The data analysis technique that the writer uses in this paper is
the Multiple Linear Regression Model. After doing research, the
authors found that the front office division was effective because
it used the PMS. Its effectiveness has a significant effect on the
use of PMS with a contribution of 26.2%. The front office
division is also efficient because it uses PMS. Its efficiency has a
significant effect on the use of PMS with a contribution of
63.5%. Effectiveness (X1) and Efficiency (X2) together have a
significant effect with a strong category on the use of PMS (Y)
with a contribution of 67.7%, the remaining 32.3% is influenced
by other factors not included in in this research..
Keywords: hotel, front office, human resources, effective,
efficiency, PMS
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International
The kind of business that give high contribution on economies especially for
hotel industry. (Hendria, Ahman, & Novalita, 2016) Hotels at this time are often used as a
place to carry out various activities because they generally have complete facilities and
infrastructure to support the various activities carried out by guests. A hotel is a company
managed by its owner by providing food, beverage, and bedroom facilities to people who
are traveling and able to pay a reasonable amount according to the services received
without any special agreement. (Lucas Jr & Spitler, 1999)
Hotel is the kind of industries that produce and provide something in the form of
goods and services. (Mandasari & Soesanto, 2011). Hotels also provide food and drinks
and various other types of services that are interconnected and the form of service is
aimed at the general public, whether using lodging facilities or those who only use certain
services or products from the hotel.
The main function of a hotel is as a means of accommodation/temporary
accommodation for guests who come from various places. But over time, the function of
Yanti Nirmala
Effectiveness and efficiency of use property management system (PMS) in the
front office division of hotel X and hotel Y in Center Jakarta 84
the hotel is not just a place to stay, but now the function of the hotel is also a place for
business meetings, seminars, wedding parties (receptions), workshops, national,
international meetings, and other activities.
The role of hospitality as an attraction, namely hotels as a temporary stopover for
tourists, including providing room service and food and beverage services, so the most
important thing from a hotel product is the human factor in the form of its services
(Ivanovic et al., 2009). In other words, a hotel can be said to be a tourist attraction,
because the main product of the hotel in the form of its services plays a role in
determining the entire tourist experience so that it can be classified as a human tourist
attraction (Var & Gunn, 2020).
Also, tourists who visit the hotel do not just stay overnight, but also carry out
various activities such as relaxation recreation, culinary delights, viewing cultural arts
performances, shopping for educational activities. Even the current trend of the hotel
business is to offer products that are integrated with shopping centers, health, education,
and central parks or hotel products based on local culture so that hotels can represent a
tourist destination (Sujatno, 2008).
Speaking of hotels, it is closely related to the front office division. The front
office division of a hotel is the key to the success of a hotel. Because the front office
division is the nerve center, the information center, the information center related to hotel
facilities, room facilities, information on important offices around it and the surrounding
tourist visit centers), complaint handling guest complaints), as well as handling guests
who want to register upon arrival and return of guests.
According to (Bardi, 2011) that “The front office is the nerve center of hotel
properties. Communication and accounting are the two most important functions of a
front desk operation. Effective communication with guests, employees, and other
departments in the hotel is essential in presenting a friendly image. Answering guest
inquiries about hotel services and other guests, the marketing and sales department
requests information on guest room availability, and housekeeping department inquiries
about guest reservations are just some of the routine tasks that the hotel front desk
performs almost constantly in its role as central communication ”,
To carry out their duties as sellers, employees are required to have extensive
knowledge of internal and external hotel information and play an important role in
promoting all the potential that can provide benefits for the hotel. Front office employees
are also required to control emotional situations and conditions, such as handling guest
complaints. Thus, some skills are required for front-office employees in carrying out their
duties and responsibilities.
According to Eaum and Odgers' opinion in a journal written by (Baum & Devine,
2007) states that "They identify the central role of the front office in the organization of
hotels, both in terms of the flow of management information and concerning how the
guest experiences. The range of products and services an offer with the establishment
(p271). This means that currently traditional front office operational and administrative
activities have been lost or have been simplified employing sophisticated and integrated
communication in line with the need for fast and precise information for its customers.
An important skill front office employees must have is communication. (oral), customer
service, interpersonal, teamwork, equipment use, professional and basic ethics,
communication (writing), use of technology, health and safety, leadership, marketing,
accounting, and legal issues. To be able to provide good service, employees need to hone
their skills.
This requires the role of technology in the form of computers that have
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
85 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
systems/programs that meet the needs and facilitate the performance of the front office
divisions. This is by the opinion of (Lucas Jr & Spitler, 1999) that a large investment in
information technology will not be beneficial if the technology is not accepted by
organizational members. This opinion was explained by (Lucas Jr & Spitler, 1999) which
states that if information technology can be used effectively, members in the organization
must be able to use information technology properly, thus contributing to its performance.
The existence of computer technology (hardware and software) and its software
can be used to collect, store, modify and transmit information or all important data to be
used effectively in contributing to its performance.
The technology used is a Property Management System (PMS) application,
which is a hotel system application or software used in managing a hotel. According to
(Bardi, 2011), PMS is not only limited to hotel front office departments but also
housekeeping, food, and beverage, marketing and sales, engineering, accounting, and
security. Each department within the hotel has its respective roles in serving the needs of
guests before, during, and after their stay. Therefore, the system must make it easier for
all hotel employees and guests.
The choice of PMS must be tailored to the objectives of the hotel, the needs of
the guests, and the budget of the hotel. In general, this system is expected to assist hotel
front office employees in processing reservations, processing check-in and check-out,
posting to guest accounts, conducting night audits, and viewing and changing room
status. Every employee who works in the front office division is expected to have skills in
using existing technology and equipment. This provides convenience and smoothness in
carrying out their duties as front office employees
Generally, hotels in Jakarta are currently using a Property Management System
(PMS) such as Point of Sales System, Maxwell, Fidelio, Opera, Realta, and VHP (Visual
Hotel Program). Here the author wants to limit his research to the use of Fidelio and
Opera computer systems and only in hotels around South and Central Jakarta.
This study uses a quantitative approach, namely by emphasizing the analysis of
numerical data (numbers) processed by statistical methods. Quantitative research is
carried out in inferential research (to test hypotheses) and relies on the conclusion of the
results on a probability of null hypothesis rejection. Research using quantitative methods
will obtain the significance of group differences or the significance of the relationship
between the variables studie (Azwar, 2012). The researcher chose a quantitative approach
because the researcher wanted to know whether or not there was an influence between the
use of PMS on the effectiveness of working time and between the use of PMS on the
performance efficiency of the front office divisions in handling guests before, during and
after guests staying at several 4 and 5 stars around South and Central Jakarta. . So by
using this approach the researcher will get the data and process it with statistics so that
they can answer all of these questions.
The research method used by the author is to use a Likert scale. The
questionnaire is a data collection tool by compiling written questions that are given
directly to consumers. The instruments in this study were arranged using a Likert scale.
The Likert scale is a measurement scale used to measure a person's attitudes, opinions,
and perceptions of social phenomena. In this scale, the answers to each instrument item
have a gradient from very positive to very negative (Sugiyono, 2019).
Yanti Nirmala
Effectiveness and efficiency of use property management system (PMS) in the
front office division of hotel X and hotel Y in Center Jakarta 86
The scale in this study uses a Likert scale with four intervals (a four-point Likert
4 = strongly agree (SS)
3 = agree (S)
2 = disagree (TS)
1 = disagree (STS)
The source of the data obtained by the author is data from the front office
divisions at the "X" hotel and the "Y" hotel in Central Jakarta. The data analysis
technique that the writer uses in this paper is the Multiple Linear Regression Model.
A. Validity Test Results
Validity testing is carried out using the calculated r correlation formula obtained
from the output, the value is then compared with the r table value from the statistical
book. The complete validity test can be seen in table 5.1 showing that all indicators used
in measuring the variables used in this study have a correlation coefficient that is greater
than the r table. For a sample of 50 front office division people. at the real level a = 5%
(0.05) and the statement that obliges to meet the validity requirements <0.05. Here are the
validity results with a sample of 50.
Table 1 Validity Test Result
Number of
Source: The results of 2021 data processing
B. Reliability Test Results
Reliability is a tool for measuring a questionnaire which is an indicator of a
variable. The application of reliability in this study was carried out using the Cronbach
Alpha formula. The results of the reliability test for each variable are summarized in the
Table 2 Reliability Test Results
Source: The results of 2021 data processing
Cronbach's Alpha value of all variables is greater than 0.60, so it can be concluded
that all indicators or questionnaires used are stated to be reliable as a variable measuring
C. Normality test
Data Normality test data is used to test whether the regression model, the
Yanti Nirmala
Effectiveness and efficiency of use property management system (PMS) in the
front office division of hotel X and hotel Y in Center Jakarta 86
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
87 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
variable, the independent variable or both have a normal distribution or not. The level of
normality of the data is very important because the data are normally distributed, so the
data can be said to be a population. In SPSS, the normality test method that is often used
is the One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Normality test using the Kolmogorov-
Smirnov One-Sample Method with unstandardized residuals.
Table 3 Data Normality Test
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
Predicted Value
Normal Parameters
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme Differences
Test Statistic
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
Sumber : Hasil olah data 2020
From the table above, it can be seen that the Asiymp. Sig (2 tailed) significance
value of 0.384 is greater than 0.05, so in accordance with the basis for decision making in
the Kolmogorov - Smirnov normality test above, it can be concluded that the data is
normally distributed. Thus the assumptions or requirements for normality in the
regression model have been met.
D. Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity test is used to test whether in the regression model there is an
inequality of variants from the residuals from one observation to another. A good
regression model is that heteroscedasticity does not occur by looking at the dots pattern
on the regression scatterplot. If the dots spread out in an unclear pattern and are below the
0 on the Y axis, then there is no heteroscedasticity problem
Figure 1 Heteroscedasticity Test
From the picture above, it can be seen that the dots spread with an unclear pattern
above and below the number 0 on the Y axis, so there is no heteroscedasticity. Therefore,
Yanti Nirmala
Effectiveness and efficiency of use property management system (PMS) in the
front office division of hotel X and hotel Y in Center Jakarta 88
it can be concluded that there is no heteroscedasticity problem in the regression model
being tested.
E. Multicollinearity Test
Multicollinearity test is applied for multiple regression analysis consisting of two
or more independent variables. where the level of association (closeness) of the
relationship or influence between the independent variables will be measured through the
correlation coefficient (r). A good regression model should not correlate with the
independent variables.
Table 5 Multicollinearity Test
Collinearity Statistics
Source: 2020 data processing results
A variable shows symptoms of multicollinearity seen from the VIF (Variance
Inflation Factors) value. If the VIF value is less than 10 and the Tolerance value is more
than 0.1 for the second variable, it can be concluded that the regression model does not
have multicollinearity problems.
A variable shows multicollinearity symptoms usually seen from the VIF (Variance
Inflation Factors) value. If the VIF value is less than 10 and the Tolerance value is more
than 0.1 for the two variables, it can be concluded that the regression model does not have
multicollinearity problems.
F. Linearity Test
The linearity test aims to find out whether the data we have is following a linear
line or not (whether the relationship between the variables to be analyzed follows a
straight line or not). Examiners at SPSS 20 used the test for linearity with a significance
level of 0.05. Three variables are said to be linear if the significant value at linearity is
less than 0.05.
Table 6 Linearity test based on the linearity of using PMS
Sum of
Effectiveness *PMS
Efficiency *PMS
Source: 2020 data processing results
Based on the results of data processing With the help of SPSS software version 20,
it can be seen that the effectiveness value at linearity is 0.032 and the efficiency
significance value at linearity is 0.000 less than 0.05, it can be concluded that between the
effectiveness variable and the efficiency variable there is a linear relationship. With this,
the assumption of linearity is fulfilled.
G. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
To answer the problems in this study, multiple linear regression analysis was used
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
89 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
(Multiple Regression). For regressions where the independent variables consist of two or
more, the regression is also called multiple regression. Because the independent variables
above have two variables, the regression in this study is called multiple regression. The
regression equation in this study is to determine how much influence the independent or
independent variables have, namely effectiveness (X1), eviction (X2), and the use of
PMS (Y).
Table 7 Multiple Linear Regression Test
From the data table above it is found that the resulting linear regression model is:
PMS = 14,171 + 0.377 effectiveness + 1,066 efficiency.
1) The constant regression coefficient = 14,171 means that PMS will be worth
14,171 if all independent variables have a value of 0.
2) The effectiveness regression coefficient of = 0.377 means that if there is an
increase in the effectiveness of 1 unit, the effectiveness will increase by 0.377
3) The eviction regression coefficient of = 1.066 means that if there is an increase in
evision of 1 unit, the eviction will increase by 1.066 times.
H. F - Test
To find out whether the resulting multiple linear regression model can be used
as a model to predict the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of PMS, it is necessary to
use the F / ANOVA test. The following will explain the testing of each variable below:
Table 8 Anova Test
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Y
b. Predictors: (Constant), Evisiensi, Efektivitas
Source: 2020 data processing results
From the table above, the significance value is 0.000 <0.05. By using the real level
α = 5% (0.05). Thus Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted at this real level. This concludes
that there is an influence between the effectiveness and efficiency variables
simultaneously on the use of PMS.
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: guest satisfaction
Source: 2020 data processing results
Yanti Nirmala
Effectiveness and efficiency of use property management system (PMS) in the
front office division of hotel X and hotel Y in Center Jakarta 90
I. Partial test with t test
The t-test shows how far the influence of one independent variable individually in
explaining the variation of the independent variable.
Table 9. T-test
Std. Error
a. Dependent Variable: Penggunaan PMS
Source: 2020 data processing results
1) Effectiveness (X1) Against PMS Use (Y)
The t-test results for the variable X1 (effectiveness) obtained the value of t = 1.859
with a significance level of 0.05 using a significance limit of 0.000, then 0.000 <0.05
means that H_1 is accepted and H_o is rejected. Thus, it happens that the use of PMS will
make the work of Front Desk Agents more effective. So it can be concluded that the
better the PMS provided by the Hotel Management, the more effective the Front Desk
Agents' work will be.
2) Efficiency (X2) Against PMS Use (Y)
The results of the t-test for variable X2 (Efficiency) obtained t count = 5.641 with a
significance level of 0.000, using a significance limit of 0.05, then 0.000 <0.05 means
that H_1 is accepted and H_o is rejected. Thus, it happens that the use of PMS has a
positive and significant effect on the Work Efficiency of Front Desk Agents. So it can be
concluded that the use of PMS can affect the work done by Front Desk Agents to be more
3) Correlation Coefficient and Coefficient of Determination
Table 10 Correlation Coefficient and Coefficient of Determination.
r tabel
α =5%
Coefficient of
Source: 2020 data processing results
Based on the results of the analysis table 10 on the correlation coefficient and the
derived coefficient between each variable partially or simultaneously, it was found that
the partial correlation coefficient of the effectiveness variable with the use of PMS is
0.262> 0.196 means that there is a significant relationship in the strong category between
the effectiveness variable and the partial use of PMS.
From the results of the correlation coefficient and the coefficient of determination
simultaneously, it was found that the partial correlation coefficient of the Efficiency
variable with the use of PMS was 0.635> 0.196, meaning that there was a significant
relationship in the strong category between the efficiency variable and the partial use of
Vol 1, No 2, Februari -, 2021
p-ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
91 http://eduvest.greenvest.co.id/indekx.php/edv
Simultaneously (simultaneously) it is known that the correlation coefficient value
between these four variables is 0.677. This means that there is a real relationship in the
Strong and positive category between the effectiveness (x_1) and efficiency (x_2)
variables on the use of PMS. The ability of the two independent variables to explain the
use of PMS is 0.677, this means that the percentage of the effect of the independent
variables on the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of PMS is 67.7%. And the
remaining 32.3% is influenced by other factor variables.
The conclusions drawn by the author from the results of the analysis in this journal
include: the work of the front office divisions is effective in handling guests before,
during, and after the guest leaves because using PMS, or effectiveness has a significant
effect on the use of PMS with a contribution of 26.2%. The front desk agent's job is to be
efficient in handling guests before, during, and after the guest leaves because using PMS,
or efficiency has a significant effect on the use of PMS with a contribution of 63.5%.
Effectiveness (X1), and Efficiency (X2) simultaneously have a significant influence with
a strong category on the use of PMS (Y) with a contribution of 67.7%, the remaining
32.3% is influenced by other factors that are not included. in this research.
From these conclusions, the authors hope that the hotel should hold training on
PMS computer systems. To support the effectiveness and efficiency of the performance
of the front office division in handling guests before, during, and after the guests leave, at
the "X" and "Y" hotels in Central Jakarta. The employees of the front office division in
handling guests before, during, and after the guests leave, at the "X" and "Y" hotels in
Central Jakarta want to develop themselves to always learn new things related to the PMS
computer system.
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