How to cite:
Andina Wijayanti, Hasan Hariri, Dedy Hermanto Karwan, and Sowiyah.
(2021) Principal’s Strategies In Realizing Adiwiyata School: A Literature
Review. Journal Eduvest. 1(9): 841-849
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Andina Wijayanti, Hasan Hariri, Dedy Hermanto Karwan, and Sowiyah
Lampung University
August, 26
September, 8
September, 10
The importance of the principal's strategies in realizing
adiwiyata school (also called green school) drawn the author's
interest in conducting a literature review. Environmental
thoughtfulness is a mutual awareness and responsibility for
every human being. Efforts are required for human to realize
environmentally-thoughtful behavior. In the world of
education, environmentally thoughtful behavior is applied at
the adiwiyata school which is an environmental-based
educational institution. As the school's highest leader, the
principal is expected to have a plan in place to carry out a
program. The research method used is literature review. The
goal of this literature review is to obtain a theoretical
foundation that can be used to support problem solving in
relation to the principal's strategies in realizing adiwiyata
schools. The result of the study on the principal's strategies
indicate that the principal's strategies have an impact on the
program's succession. The principal is in charge of carrying out
management functions such as planning, organizing,
implementing, and controlling the program.
Principal’s Strategies, Adiwiyata School, Environmental Care
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution
No Derivatives 4.0 International License
Andina Wijayanti, Hasan Hariri, Dedy Hermanto Karwan, and Sowiyah
Principal’s Strategies In Realizing Adiwiyata School: A Literature Review 842
In Indonesia, and even overseas, the living environment is a mutual issue and
concern. In Indonesia alone, environmental issues becomes a fundamental issue that is
currently developing (Miranto, 2017). Environmental issue is not a new thing, but an issue
as old as our earth itself that, according to the expert, is about five billion years old
(Mukminin, 2014). This issue generates a variety of effects that can have a direct impact
on nature, and these effects are not only temporary but can have long-term consequences.
Further worrying consequences are symptoms of global warming and climate change
related to the greenhouse effect, crop damage, forest loss, and species extinction, reduced
fish resources, agricultural land, air and water supplies pollution (Oskamp, 2000).
Environmental issues must now be addressed immediately and this become the
responsibility of all parties, including the community and policymakers. Various methods
are used to mitigate the effects of the environmental damage. One of them is the
requirement for moral and ethical improvement in order to effect changes in attitudes and
behavior in society, specifically through education (Basri, 2018). Earth, being the only
human habitat, will be passed to the younger generation in the future, and their awareness
of the importance of environmental protection is a kind of personal and societal
responsibility. With education, there are hope that they have the awareness of
environmental protection (Afandi, 2013). Education contributes to the development of
abilities, personality, character, and national dignified civilization by instilling
environmental education values in the nation's next generation (Widyaningrum, 2016).
Environmental education is one of the important factors in environmental management
succession, as well as a critical tool in developing human resources capable of
implementing the principles of sustainable development (Landriany, 2015). Environmental
education is implemented in order to increase the public understanding and concern in
finding solutions and preventing the emergence of environmental issue (Adam, 2014).
Through teaching and learning process that includes environmental education, the
provision of comfortable school environment, and school facilities that allow or support
students in awakening, directing, and guiding them toward the formation of environmental
ethics (Mulyana, 2009). Changes in human perspective and behavior cannot be detached
from the formation of citizens' ethics and morality. The formation of ethics and morality is
the primary goal of education implementation in Indonesia, as stated in the national
education goals contained in Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education
System, which states that national education functions to develop and shape the character
and civilization of a dignified nation in the context of the nation's intellectual life, aims to
develop students' potential as human beings who believe and fear god almighty, have noble
character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, and independent, and become
democratic and responsible citizens (Aulia, Arif, & Arpannudin, 2018).
School plays an important role in instilling moral values and environmental
thoughtfulness. Adiwiyata is an environmental education development program for
primary and secondary school students that has been in place since 2016 (Rezkita &
Wardani, 2018). Adiwiyata School is an educational institution founded on love for the
environment, with the goal of instilling environmental thoughtfulness in students
(Rahmawati & Suwanda, 2015). A good school environment aims to create a conducive
learning environment and raise awareness among school members to take responsibility in
efforts to save the environment and promote sustainable development (Pradini, Sudjanto,
& Nurjannah, 2018) . Improving the quality of education through learning to support the
swift operation of development in Indonesia as a whole is a critical role for schools as
formal educational institutions (Djafri, 2020).
The reduction of environmental issues are expected as there are increasing number
of schools implementing environmental care programs or green schools (Olsson, 2018).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
The approval of the Environmental Education policy by four agencies/ministries, namely
the State Ministry for the Environment, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry
of Religion, and the Ministry of Home Affairs, is one of the Indonesian government's
efforts to achieve national development in environmental education. Population and
Enviromental Education, Enviromental Education, Environmentally Cultured School and
Green School are used from elementary school to the university (Astuti, 2015).
Therefore, the government is trying to increase the number of adiwiyata schools
(Hidayati, 2014). From 2006 to 2011 there were only 1,351 schools participating in the
adiwiyata program from 251,415 schools (elementary school, junior high school, senior
high school, vocational high school) throughout Indonesia, including those who received
independent adiwiyata: 56 schools, adiwiyata: 113 schools, adiwiyata candidates 103
schools, or the total who received the adiwiyata award reached 272 schools (elementary
school, junior high school, senior high school, vocational high school) throughout
Indonesia (Tim Adiwiyata Tingkat Nasional, 2011). According to the US Green Buildings
Council's Center for Green Schools, a green school is defined as a building or school facility
that creates a healthy environment conducive to learning while also saving energy,
resources, and money. In Ireland, Green schools, also known as Eco-Schools are
international environmental education programs that include environmental management
systems and award schemes to promote their long-term environmental sustainability
initiatives. On the other hand, Institutopara o Desenvolvimento da Habitacao Ecologica
(IDHEA) claims that green schools are constructions that are developed based on more
sustainable environmental planning by utilizing natural resources, efficient waste
management, and rationalizing the use of available materials for sustainability (Lee &
Burnett, 2008).
Schools as formal educational organizations have internal personnel in their
organizations consisting of principals, teachers, employees and students (Purwanti, 2013).
Organizational sustainability is the Principal's responsibility as the leader (Setiyati, 2014).
The principal plays an important role in the school's succession. The presence and
competence of a leader is the heart of organizational management. A leader must instill
positive change in their personal by encouraging them to take the initiative and change
(Quin, Deris, Bischoff, & Johnson, 2015). The principal's strategies has a significant impact
on increasing teachers' motivation to perform their duties at school (Aksiadi & Gumilar,
2020). Whereas the goal of strategies implementation in an organization is as a means in
order to achieve the final results by developing specific policies and techniques to achieve
these goals and being able to ensure their proper implementation (Khrisnamurti, 2019).
Every citizen bears responsibility in environmental sustainability management. One
of the simplest places to implement environmental conservation is in the field of education.
With environmentally friendly facilities, environmentally sound curriculum and policies,
the school becomes a good place for learning, so that all of the school members have a
stake and responsibility in efforts to save the environment. Both teachers and students
should have competence in the development of enviromental learning. This can be
accomplished through the principal's role as the highest leader in educational institutions,
as well as the preparation of strategic steps. Effective principals can compose strategies for
planning, coordinating, mobilizing, and directing teachers, staff, students, and even the
community in the school setting. However, there are few literature studies on this topic,
particularly on the principal's strategies. As a result, a literature review will be conducted
in this review paper.
Principal’s Strategies In Realizing Adiwiyata School: A Literature Review 844
The research method used is literature review. The purpose of this literature review
is to obtain a theoretical basis that could support in resolving an issue. Review process
begins with a searchon search engine; Google Scholar, for articles containing these
keywords; “Principal’s Strategies” and “Adiwiyata Program”. Search ranged from article
that are published between 2000 2020, and identifying 200 study and article related to
stated keyword. The criteria of inclusion in this study are:
a. Qualitative and quantitative result of “Strategies of Adiwiyata School’s Principal”
b. Research from various country in the world
c. Research article are written in English and Indonesian
d. Dissertation and thesis are excluded
The steps in this literature review are:
Step 1: Define the issues
Choose a topic that is relevant to the issues and interest
The issues must be written completely and accurately
Step 2: Look through the literature
Search for literature that is relevant to the research
Get an overview of the research topic
Research sources will be convenient if supported by knowledge related to the topic
that being studied.
The sources must provide an overview/summary related to previous research.
Step 3: Data evaluation
Attend to the contribution made by article to the topic
Attend to the contribution of article related to the topic
Data can be quantitative data, qualitative data, or a combination of both
Step 4: Analysis and interpretation
Discuss and summarize the literature.
A. Adiwiyata Program
Global warming is the process of average temperature rises of the atmosphere, sea,
and land of earth. This rising temperature of earth is caused by growing concentration of
greenhouse gasses as a result of human activity. With the presence of global warming, a lot
of damages are caused; not only one, but those could reach the entire of earth’s structure.
This increase in global temperature will cause numerous changes such as extreme weather,
uprising sea level, extinction of various kinds of animals, impinge on agricultural output,
loss of glaciers and melting of the ice in North and South Pole (Wuryandari & Akmaliyah,
Currently, the huge impact of global warming can be felt clearly, starting of the
uprising temperature to unpredictable weather without the need to studying it intensively.
But understanding of the proper basic concept of global warming need to be emphasized to
student from the early age, so that they understand any of the impact that happen due to the
process of global warming, so they can determine the right countermeasure to deal with
global warming (Asfuriyah & Nuswowati, 2015). Various cases of environmental damages
that have occurred both globally or locally, if to be collectively understood, actually rooted
from human’s view and attitude towards their natural environment. Human’s behavior that
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
lacks of awareness and responsibility for the environment have caused imbalance and
damage. Based on this problem, to form a character who loves the environment, the
government tries to create an environment-based education. The implementation of
environment-based education is carried out with environment-based education or adiwiyata
school (Aprilia, 2016).
Adiwiyata is one of the program of the State Ministry for the Environment that aims
to induce the creation of citizen’s knowledge and awareness in order to conserve the
environment (Fitria & Samsia, 2020). This in where it is necessary to develop the
implementation of environment-based school education, because environmental
maintenance are the responsibility of all citizen and an integral part of learning in school,
both through intracurricular and extracurricular programs. The implementation of
environment-based school is an effort to open the insights and basic environmental
management as well as to raise awareness to overcome the broad variety of environmental
issues (Dasrita, Saam, Amin, & Siregar, 2015).
Adiwiyata School is one of the programs of the State Ministry of the Environment
to encourage the development of knowledge and awareness of environmental conservation
among school residents. As a program with the target of formal education at the elementary,
junior high and high school levels, this program explains how to make school members
care and cultured towards the environment by creating good environmental conditions as a
forum for learning and awareness of all school members for the creation of environmental
conservation efforts (Kristiawan, Maryanti, & Fitria, 2019). According to the Regulation
of the State Ministry for the Environment No.2/2009 Article 1 concerning the Guidelines
for the Implementation of Adiwiyata Program that 1) Adiwiyata is a good and ideal school
as a place to obtain a variety of knowledge and norm and ethics that can be human this
towards the creation of a welfare and the idea of sustainable development; 2) Adiwiyata
program is one of national work programs managed by the State Ministry for the
Environment in order to realize the development of environmental education; 3) Minister
is the minister who carries out government's affairs in the field of environmental
B. Principal’s Strategies
Strategies comes from the Greek strategos, which means 'army', while 'ago' means
'to lead'. At first strategies was used in the military to gain victory in battles against the
enemy. The term strategic planning in management emerged in the 1950s and was popular
in the 1960s to 1970s. From several existing definitions, it can be concluded that strategies
is a general approach that is long term (Suriansyah, 2015). The principal is a leader who
plays an important role in the development and control of educational institutions. In this
case, the principal's role as a manager in improving educational quality must be maximized
so that he can influence staff and teachers both directly and indirectly. Furthermore, school
principals play a significant role in improving educational quality in these institutions
(Rosyadi & Pardjono, 2015). The principal is a school leader who is responsible for
empowering all existing resources in the school to achieve school goals. As a result, the
principal is an important factor that has a large influence in moving schools toward
common goals as an education leader (Sriwahyuni, Kristiawan, & Wachidi, 2019). The
Principal's strategies is one of the most important factors in efforts to improve school
quality. These efforts are carried out by designing, implementing, and performing strategic
steps in school management that include all elements of the school and the surrounding
community. In order to implement these strategic steps, the principal must not only
implement and perform, but also assess its succession, with the expected result being a rise
in school quality (Murniati & Harun, 2015).
Andina Wijayanti, Hasan Hariri, Dedy Hermanto Karwan, and Sowiyah
Principal’s Strategies In Realizing Adiwiyata School: A Literature Review 846
C. Discussion
Based on the results of a review of various articles obtained, the results of the analysis
show that most of the articles focus on the principal's strategy and the adiwiyata program.
Table 1. shows that research related to this topic has been carried out in various educational
institutions from various countries. The results of the majority of research indicate that it is
difficult to find literature that combines the two variables so that the author will explain the
findings for each variable.
The rationale of this article is to find out the principal's strategy in realizing
Adiwiyata schools. In order to carry out its roles and functions, the principal must have the
right strategy to empower educators and education staff through collaboration and
encourage the involvement of all educators and education staff in various activities that
support school programs. The results of the study on the principal's strategy show that the
principal's strategy has an impact on success in realizing a program. This is explained by
Dimas Ayu Khrisnamurti that strategy is a large, long-term plan that is increasing, efficient,
and productive in order to streamline the achievement of goals developed in detail in the
form of operational tactics accompanied by targets and measurable steps. The purpose of
strategy in an organization is as a means to achieve final results by formulating certain
policies and techniques to achieve these goals and being able to ensure their proper
implementation (Khrisnamurti, 2019) To achieve this goal, according to Sri Setiyati, the
Principal as the leader who is responsible for the continuity of the organization carries out
business management and school development through administrative, management and
leadership activities. In connection with that, it can be said that the principal as an
administrator functions to plan, organize, direct, coordinate and supervise all educational
activities held in a school (Setiyati, 2014). The findings of this study support Basri's
findings which state that school principals implement management functions ranging from
planning, organizing, implementing and controlling the programs to be run (Basri, 2018).
Another finding in this study related to principals' leadership by Roch Aksiadi and
Aris Gumilar shows that leadership style affects principal's leadership effectiveness. The
principal is an individual who is required to be able to transform his abilities through
guidance, guidance and empowerment to all school members in order to achieve optimal
school goals (Aksiadi & Gumilar, 2020). The quality of the school is largely determined
by the principal. Jeff Quin, Aaron Deris, Greg Bischoff & James T Johnson stated that
principals in high-performing schools were more likely to apply all leadership practices
than principals in low-performing schools (Quin et al., 2015). It can be concluded that the
principal has a very important and strategic role by implementing the management function
in an effort to achieve school programs.
The results of the study on adiwiyata schools show that schools that receive the title
of adiwiyata are considered to have succeeded in forming a caring character for the
environment (Mukminin, 2014). That character education cares for the environment must
be given to children from an early age through habituation. Where the character of caring
for the environment has a positive impact on environmental awareness. It seems that what
Pradini stated in his research that character building through programs implemented in
adiwiyata schools shows several programs related to adiwiyata school indicators such as
policies on the environment as outlined in decrees and integrated into each lesson, daily
activities without plastic, bringing drinking bottles and eating containers from home,
healthy canteens, availability of supporting infrastructure, processing of waste banks in 3R
(reduce, reuse, recycle) efforts, making biopore infiltration holes and making adiwiyata
monument (Pradini et al., 2018). So in her findings, Ellen Landriany stated that in order to
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 9, September 2021
realize a school program that cares and is environmentally cultured, a school
management model that supports the implementation of environmental education is
needed, such as environmental policies that are environmentally sound and set out in
decrees and are integrated in subjects, socialization to school residents, and the provision
of environmentally friendly facilities and infrastructure (Landriany, 2015).
The reviews in this literature review have limitations including the articles that are
reviewed predominantly from Indonesia and the UK so that other studies are not reviewed
due to limitations, dissertations and theses are excluded in this article and the scope of the
articles reviewed is still very limited and it is difficult to find literature that combines the
two variables.
Apart from the limitations of the literature, the findings in this literature review are
expected to contribute to the principal's strategy in realizing Adiwiyata schools. Based on
the findings, it can be concluded that in order to achieve a goal in the
institution/organization, a leader in this case the principal must have a strategy, namely the
method used in directing all capabilities of all existing resources in an organization in the
form of planning, organizing, implementing and control.
This review is still very limited and even difficult to find literature that combines
the variables of principal strategy and adiwiyata program. Given that there is still little
research that combines the two regarding the principal's strategy in realizing adiwiyata
schools, an understanding of the principal's strategy in realizing adiwiyata schools requires
further discussion.
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