Rezhania Jelly Kriteria
Digitalization of marketing in amadanom dampit coffee SMEs 653
that can be done is using digital marketing. The company's success in marketing products
is highly dependent on the marketing strategy carried out because, with the implementation
of the right marketing strategy, the company can meet consumer demand, maintain business
continuity and development (Firmansyah, 2019).
In today's era, online marketing is suitable for newly started businesses to increase
sales turnover. With online marketing at the Harapan Amadanom Dampit Farmers Group,
it is hoped that it will be more effective and be able to save marketing costs.
The Indonesian Internet Service Provider (APJII) in 2019, stated that internet users
in Indonesia were dominated by the age of 16 - 64 years, almost the majority of the total
number of internet users in Indonesia (38.4%) (Siswoto, 2020). This means that internet
users are included in the category of the digital native group. This age category has a very
active character in using digital technology networks and has skills in operating internet-
based technology (Miranda & Lubis, 2017). This condition certainly needs to be a concern
for business actors to optimize marketing through digital media.
World internet users currently reach 4.5 billion or 60% of the world's population
and social media users have reached 3.8 billion (Moley & Nellyaningsih, 2021). In
Indonesia, the number of internet users is very high, reaching 175.4 million active internet
users and 160 million social media users (Kusumawardani & Hanggoro, 2018). The social
media most widely used by Indonesian internet users are YouTube, WhatsApp, Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Line, and FB Messenger.
The development of the coffee business in Indonesia has increased, with the
appearance of the proliferation of coffee businesses in every corner of the city (Kustiari,
2016). Both a simple coffee business to a luxurious coffee business with complete facilities.
Overall, the development of the domestic processed coffee industry is still very promising
(Suharyon & Busyra, 2019). For the development of the coffee business in East Java,
especially Malang, it will become a national coffee development cluster in 2020 so it is
necessary to support synergy between stakeholders so that the program can run well,
namely coffee development from upstream to downstream (Permatasari, Basith, & Mulyati,
2018). Where in addition to coffee plantations in Ampelgading, Tirtoyudo, and Dampit,
there are also in Karangploso on the slopes of Mount Arjuno, Malang Regency.
One of the areas in Dampit District that have potential in developing coffee
cultivation and agro-industry is Amadanom Village. Amadanom Village is developing in
the tourism sector by realizing a Tourism Village by creating a place called Coffee Garden
Ecotourism which presents many things about coffee that is grown and famous in Malang
Regency. The problem of marketing coffee commodities in Amadanom Village is triggered
by the lack of marketing information for digital products or online marketing (Panuju,
2019) Lack of online market information, limited human resources, and lack of facilities
that support the digital marketing process (Basry & Sari, 2018). Smallholder coffee farmers
in Amadanom Village can produce good quality coffee, but farmers are still not able to
market their products.
This situation makes the bargaining position of farmers weak in marketing coffee
commodities in Amadanom Village and tends to sell offline with buyers coming directly.
The role of retailers is more prominent and the profits obtained by retailers are greater than
the profits received by farmers in Amadanom Village. If the Harapan Farmers Group has
implemented a digital or online marketing process, farmers will get greater profits.
One of the things that small and medium business actors often complain about is
the lack of Knowledge Transfer, especially in the field of digital marketing. This, then
became the main focus, especially in the era of broadband technology where there has been
a shift in consumer behavior from shopping directly to switching to online shopping
behavior. This is the impact of a phenomenon known as The Network Effect, where a