Eduvest – Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
other teaching materials (Asri, 2017). This causes student activity to below, marked by
student interest in participating in learning is still lacking and tends to feel bored when
participating in classroom learning (Kristin, 2016). During group discussion activities,
some groups can work well together, but there are groups that are less able to cooperate
with their members (NADIA SIWI HAPSARI, 2014). Only a few students in the group
want to work on the group worksheets are given by the teacher, the other members tend to
be passive and still rely on their smart friends.
This is supported by data from the learning outcomes of fifth-grade students at SDN
32 Sungai Jaring in social studies learning that has not yet fully reached the Minimum
Completeness Criteria (KKM) set by the school, which is 64. It is shown from student data
as many as 21 of 30 students (70%) class V SDN 32 Sungai Jaring 02 Semarang
experienced incomplete learning in social studies learning and got a score below the
predetermined Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM), which was 64, only 30% (9 out
of 30 students) scored above the KKM and was declared complete. This shows the low
mastery of learning in social studies learning for fifth-grade students at SDN 32 Sungai
Jaring. Learning outcomes data show the lowest score is 30 and the highest score is 100
with a class average of only 63.5. Based on the learning outcomes data and the
implementation of the learning, it is necessary to carry out learning improvement activities
to improve the quality of social studies learning in class V SDN 32 Sungai Jaring 02
Semarang City. The operational quality of learning is defined as the intensity of systematic
and synergistic linkages between teachers, students, curriculum and learning materials,
media, facilities, and learning systems in producing learning processes and outcomes
optimally in accordance with the demands of the curriculum.
Based on discussions with partner teachers, starting from the root cause of the
problem to solve the learning problem, alternative actions with a scientific approach were
determined to improve the quality of social studies learning in order to improve teacher
skills, student activities, and student learning outcomes and can encourage student
involvement in learning and increase creativity. the teacher by setting one of the innovative
learning models, namely the Learning Cycle learning model with video media that is
integrated with a scientific/scientific approach.
The application of the Scientific approach in classroom learning activities will be
more optimal and effective if it is supported by using a learning model (Indarti, 2019). The
learning model is a pattern that is used as a guide in planning classroom learning and
tutorials (Lovisia, 2018). According to Arend (Marliani, 2015), the learning model refers
to the approach to be used, including learning objectives, stages in learning activities,
learning environment, and classroom management. The learning model can be defined as
a conceptual framework that describes a systematic procedure in organizing learning
experiences to achieve learning objectives (Annisa & Gr, n.d.).
The model used to support the scientific approach is the Learning Cycle model.
(Wena, 2009) suggests Learning Cycle is a learning model with a student-centered
constructivist approach. Learning Cycle is a series of activity stages (phases) that are
organized in such a way that students can master the competencies that must be achieved
in learning by playing an active role.
The research that underlies the choice of the Learning Cycle model is a research
conducted by (Setyaningrum, 2021) which is published in the e-journal of the PGSD Pulpit
of Ganesha University with the title Implementation of the Learning Cycle Model to
Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Fourth Grade Students at SDN Baler Bale
Agung Jembrana Academic Year 2012/ 2013. The results showed that the implementation
of the Learning Cycle learning model could improve the mathematics learning outcomes
of fourth-grade students at SDN 5 Baler Bale Agung, Negara, Jembrana.