Stefan Daniel Maramis, Rika Ernawati and Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa
How to cite:
Stefan Daniel Maramis, Rika Ernawati and Waterman Sulistyana
Bargawa. (2021). Distribution analysis of heavy metal contaminants in soil
with geostatistic methods; paper review. Journal Eduvest. 1(7): 620-628
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735 e-ISSN 2775-3727
Stefan Daniel Maramis, Rika Ernawati and Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa
UPN Veteran Yogyakarta
June, 29
July, 9
July, 15
Heavy metal contaminants in the soil will have a direct effect on
human life. The spatial distribution of naturally occurring heavy
metals is highly heterogeneous and significantly increased
concentrations may be present in the soil at certain locations.
Heavy metals in areas of high concentration can be distributed to
other areas by surface runoff, groundwater flow, weathering and
atmospheric cycles (eg wind, sea salt spray, volcanic eruptions,
deposition by rivers). More and more people are now using a
combination of geographic information science (GIS) with
geostatistical statistical analysis techniques to examine the
spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils on a regional scale.
The most widely used geostatistical methods are the Inverse
Distance Weighted, Kriging, and Spatial Autocorrelation
methods as well as other methods. This review paper will explain
clearly the source of the presence of heavy metals in soil,
geostatistical methods that are often used, as well as case studies
on the use of geostatistics for the distribution of heavy metals.
The use of geostatistical models allows us to accurately assess
the relationship between the spatial distribution of heavy metals
and other parameters in a map.
Contaminants, Heavy Metals, Soil, Geostatistics
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Heavy metal contaminants in the soil will be a very serious problem because it takes
a long time to repair and restore soil conditions to normal (Handayanto, Nuraini,
Muddarisna, Syam, & Fiqri, 2017). Examining these uncertainties is essential for designing
and implementing risk mitigation strategies, and only focusing on reducing soil
Stefan Daniel Maramis, Rika Ernawati and Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa
Distribution analysis of heavy metal contaminants in soil with geostatistic
methods; paper review 621
concentrations when deemed necessary. Statistical analysis has been used across various
disciplinary boundaries to address soil contamination problems, including geoscience, soil
science, atmospheric studies, environmental engineering, chemometrics (Gholizadeh,
Saberioon, Ben-Dor, & Borůvka, 2018).
Heavy metal contamination in soil has become a serious problem globally (Han et
al., 2020). A number of hazardous heavy metals can enter the human body from
contaminated soil through exposure routes such as direct or indirect consumption,
inhalation and skin contact which will potentially result in human health effects (Changfeng
Li et al., 2019). Heavy metals can also show ecotoxicity which causes hampered ecological
health in addition to bioaccumulation in the food chain (Shahid et al., 2020).
Judging from the dangers posed by heavy metals if they accumulate in soil and
sediment, in this case an analysis of the level of heavy metal pollution on soil and sediment
quality must be carried out, namely an analysis of soil and sediment quality based on heavy
metal content data using several indicators, which can be grouped into a single index (Niu
et al., 2020). Single index is an indicator used to calculate contamination of a single metal
(only one heavy metal) by calculation (contamination factor) or contamination factor
(Werdianti, 2018). The heavy metals that have been studied most intensively in the
publications reviewed include Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, and Cd, listed in descending order of
To solve this problem, the fate and transport of heavy metals in soil, as well as
remediation of contaminated soil, have been studied intensively. It is also very important
to be able to strongly distinguish the spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils on a
regional scale, to enable a sound human and ecological risk assessment, and to implement
efficient pollution mitigation measures where necessary. Techniques such as geostatistics
have an important role in this task. Several specific challenges exist in overcoming heavy
metal contamination of soil (Shi et al., 2018): i) heavy metals cannot be degraded and will
often naturally accumulate in the soil ii) they cause a wide range of health effects, and
health risks are complicated by oxidation states and associated differences in bioavailability
(Rahman & Singh, 2019); iii) there are many widespread sources of heavy metal
contamination. Understanding heavy metal concentrations on a regional scale is very
relevant for policy makers. Regional soil studies help guide action in combating the
pollutant link managing risk rather than molecules. It is important to understand all the
uncertainties regarding contaminant concentration, shape, spatial distribution and temporal
In recent years, more and more studies have used integrated geographic formation
systems (GIS) and multivariate analysis for regional soil quality assessments. This is partly
due to the use of specialized software that can handle the large spatial data sets presented
in GIS. However, many statistical techniques fail to recognize the role of spatial correlation.
GIS and GIS-based geostatistics have proven to be powerful tools in studying soil
contamination and very useful tools for understanding background levels of heavy metals
in soils (Hou, O’Connor, Nathanail, Tian, & Ma, 2017). This paper review aims to clearly
dissect the source of the presence of heavy metals in soil, geostatistical methods that are
often used to determine the distribution of heavy metal contaminants, as well as case studies
of the use of geostatistics for the distribution of heavy metals in other countries.
The method used in this research is literature study. Activities to collect information
relevant to the topic or problem that is the object of research. This information can be
obtained from books, journals, proceedings as well as writings related to the research from
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
the literature review so as to make writings on the Analysis of Distribution of Heavy Metal
Contaminants in Soil Using Geostatistical Methods; Paper Review.
1. Source of Heavy Metal Pollution in Soil
Heavy metals naturally exist in the earth's crust and surface soil (Esmaeilzadeh et
al., 2019). The spatial distribution of naturally occurring heavy metals is highly
heterogeneous and significantly increased concentrations may be present in the soil at
certain locations. Heavy metals in areas of high concentration can be distributed to other
areas by surface runoff, groundwater flow, weathering and atmospheric cycles (e.g. wind,
sea salt spray, volcanic eruptions, deposition by rivers. Typical anthropogenic sources of
heavy metal contamination in urban soils include exhaust vehicles, sewage, sewage,
industrial emissions.Increased concentrations of heavy metals in rural soils usually come
from impurities in agrochemicals such as application of pesticides and fertilizers, irrigation
with contaminated water, surface runoff from local industrial facilities, extraction of
mineral ores, and subsequent disposal of waste , road dust, sewage sludge, sewage and
livestock manure, and atmospheric deposition. Soil heavy metal pollution is usually studied
on a regional scale or on a site specific basis. On a regional scale (usually ranging from
about 10 km2 to 10,000 km2), investigations are carried out to set geok background level
chemistry, source tracking, and public health protection (Chen, Zhou, Gao, & Hu, 2015).
Many regional soil quality studies have been carried out, but only in the last two decades
have researchers applied a GIS-based approach to geochemical interpretation of soil data.
At site-specific scales (typically ranging from 0.01 km2 to 10 km2), investigators typically
aim to determine the spatial level, concentration, and fate and transport of contamination
to assess risks to human health and ecological systems and to identify remediation
alternatives (Wu et al., 2015). Differences between regional and site-specific assessments
were also found in the depth, method, and density of sampling.
2. GIS and Geostatistical Methods
GIS was originally developed as a tool for storage, retrieval and display of
geographic information, and was later enhanced for spatial analysis (Fotheringham &
Rogerson, 2013). It has been widely used in soil-related research fields, such as precision
agriculture, engineering geology, soil erosion, and land degradation. Various spatial
interpolators were used, including the Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Method.
Geostatistical methods are used in GIS to estimate unknown soil properties between known
sampling locations. Two of the most commonly used methods are kriging and conditional
simulation. Both methods calculate the value of land properties based on the weighted
values assigned to the sample values at the nearest location. The following subsections
provide a brief description of the basics of spatial autocorrelation and the most commonly
used spatial interpolators.
- Kriging
The Kriging geostatistical technique was the most widely used interpolation
approach among the studies reviewed, with 20 of 29 studies explicitly indicating that they
used kriging. Kriging is derived from Regional Variable Theory and was first introduced
to the GIS field in the 1990s. Unlike IDW and some other interpolation methods which
treat soil properties at unsampled locations as a specific mathematical function of
continuous spatial variables, the kriging method is based on a stochastic spatial variation
Stefan Daniel Maramis, Rika Ernawati and Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa
Distribution analysis of heavy metal contaminants in soil with geostatistic
methods; paper review 623
The underlying assumption is that soil properties behave as intrinsically stationary
regionalized random variables. Therefore, the kriging method can be used to estimate
confidence intervals for derived values at unsampled locations. The general equation for
kriging is explained as follows:
……. I
where z(B) is the estimate over the ground area and li is the weight, which amounts
to one to ensure that there is no bias and, subject to this, is chosen to minimize the variance
of the estimate. The accuracy of kriging is affected by the variability and spatial structure
of the data, and the choice of variogram modeling parameters including the variogram
shape, range, threshold, and nugget value and search radius, and a number of other
measurements used in the calculations show that lognormal ordinary kriging can improve
estimation precision compared to ordinary kriging. This is particularly relevant for heavy
earth metals because the data will often display a log-normal distribution function. The
Kriging method invented by the Directorate General of Daniel Gerhardus Krige which was
inaugurated in 1960 by an engineer from France, Georges Matheron, is a geostatistical
method used to estimate the value of a point or block as a linear combination of sample
values located around the point to be estimated. . The kriging weight is obtained from the
minimum variance estimation result by expanding the use of the semivariogram. The
kriging estimator is an unbiased estimator and the sum of all weights is one. This weight is
used to estimate the value of thickness, height, grade or other variables (Bargawa, Nugroho,
Hariyanto, Lusantono, & Bramida, 2020). In its development, many kriging methods have
been used to solve various cases in geostatistical data, for example, there is a sampled
mineral content that does not have a certain trend. The kriging method that is suitable for
solving this case is ordinary kriging because this method can be used when the population
mean is unknown (Bargawa, 2020).
- IDW Interpolation
The Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) method has been used in several regional soil
quality survey studies that integrate GIS with multivariate statistical analysis (Dongqing
Li, Huang, Guo, & Guo, 2015). This method is one of the most frequently used spatial
interpolation methods because of its fast implementation, ease of use, and straightforward
interpretation. The general equation for IDW is described by the following equation:
where zx,y is the point to be estimated, zi represents the control value for the i-th
sample point, dx,y,i is the distance between zx,y, and zi, and b is the user-defined exponent.
This weighing strategy assigns more weight to spatially close points than distant points
based on the reciprocal of the distance to a power, which conforms to logical intuition. The
accuracy of the IDW can be increased by wisely choosing the optimal number of
surrounding points (n) and exponent value (b) to produce optimal agreement between the
measured and estimated data. Its biggest drawback is that it is not based on a specific spatial
correlation model for the parameters studied, while, as discussed above, spatial
autocorrelation often exists and can be used to provide better interpolations.
- Spatial Autocorrelation
Spatial autocorrelation refers to the lack of independence between pairs of
observations at a given distance in space, i.e. the similarity between samples for a particular
attribute variable as a function of spatial distance. In the early days of GIS research, spatial
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
autocorrelation was treated as a problem requiring correction rather than an inherent
property of spatial data. However, researchers have found that spatial autocorrelation is
ubiquitous, occurring on spatial scales from micrometers to hundreds of kilometers, for
reasons ranging from external environmental factors to intrinsic dispersion mechanisms.
According to Tobler's First Law of Geography, things that are near are more closely related
than things that are far away (Waters, 2017). To obtain values for a given attribute variable
in the area between the observed samples, spatial autocorrelation needs to be taken into
- Other Methods
Various other geostatistical methods have been used for spatial prediction of soil
properties. Keskin & Grunwald found an inverse relationship between the accuracy of the
Kriging Regression model and variations in soil properties in the original dataset. A new
modified RK method is proposed for further investigation to predict soil properties and
classes (Keskin & Grunwald, 2018). Kim et al., used co-kriging with the aim of reducing
the economic costs of heavy metal sampling (Kim et al., 2019). They achieved this by
measuring the soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) as a covariate, which is easier and
cheaper to measure than the Cu, Zn, and Cr determinants of concern. It should be noted
that the simple overlay method was used in most of the studies reviewed, although it is not
considered a geostatistical method alone.
3. Geostatistical Use Case Study
The following cases are the use of Geostatistical Methods in an area to determine the
level of distribution of heavy metals
The Use of Geostatistical Models to Determine the Distribution of Mercury in Soil
in Former Mining Areas: Mount Karczówka., Mount Miedzianka., and Rudki (Central-
South Poland)
The study, conducted by (Dołęgowska & Michalik, 2019), evaluated metal
concentrations in the post-mining soil of Mount Karczówka, Mount Miedzianka, and Rudki
for the assessment of pollution levels and to make further decisions on the actions to be
taken. The heterogeneous and special character of this area, makes this assessment focus
on the anthropogenic and geogenic sources of mercury that have been identified in the three
post-mining areas using an integrated map of the spatial distribution of mercury, calculated
geochemical factors (BG, LEF), and the results of cluster analysis in the soil due to
exposure mining impact. The use of combined geostatistical models confirms a direct
relationship between mercury content and ex-mining operations. We document that
although mining activity ceased in the mid-twentieth century and even in the case of the
Rudkin where reclamation work has been carried out, this correlation is still visible. The
highest mean mercury concentration was recorded in soil samples from Miedzianka Mt.
(0.501 mg kg−1). Very high enrichment in this metal (20 LEF < 40) was also reported at
one location from this area as a result of the occurrence of Hg-rich copper sulphide. Due to
the lack of mercury minerals in the soil of Karczówka Mt. and Rudki, the burning of fossil
fuels and other emitters (housing and local roads) are classified as the main sources of this
element. The correlation between mercury content and history of mining operations can be
explained by the presence of clay minerals and Fe/Mn oxides and hydroxides which are
scavengers of atmospheric mercury. The results of multivariate analyzes performed for
mercury (FA) and non-mercuric (CA) biased data sets emphasize the association between
the presence of other trace metals and mercury. The use of a unified geostatistical model
which is a combination of multivariate statistics and geostatistical parameters presented by
GIS allows us to accurately assess the relationship between the spatial distribution of
mercury and other parameters in small-scale maps.
Stefan Daniel Maramis, Rika Ernawati and Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa
Distribution analysis of heavy metal contaminants in soil with geostatistic
methods; paper review 625
Figure 1. Map of spatial distribution of mercury integrated with geochemical factors
a. Mt. Miedzianka, b. Mt. Karczówka, c. Rudki
Geostatistical Modeling and Characteristics of Contaminants and Precious Metals
from CuAu Tailings Dam Abandoned In Taltal (Chile)
Research conducted by (Tripodi, Rueda, Céspedes, Vega, & Gómez, 2019) in the
city of Taltal, located on the northern coast of Chile, with central coordinates S 25° 23 '52”
and W 70° 28′ 35 merupakan, is an important area for small-scale mining. Depending on
the price of the metal, the population shifts between mining and fishing. From their
research, it was found that the main copper minerals detected were chrysocolla, atacamite,
tenorite, and chalcopyrite. The gangue mineralogy is dominated by the presence of quartz,
feldspar, magnetite, and clay. The particle sizes for S1 and S2 mainly correspond to the
clay and silt categories (P80 66.4 m S1 and 46.8 m S2). The degree of release revealed the
presence of degrees of occlusion for the different minerals despite the fine particle size.
The presence of copper in both tailings composites was mainly associated with oxide and
oxidized type minerals (70% for S1 and 41% for S2). Based on the type of mineral, the
main Cu content in the S1 composite sample was atacamite (31.46%) and chalcopyrite
(29.66%). For S2 the main copper mineral is chalcopyrite (46.65%). Arsenic, mercury and
copper are the detected elements with the greatest potential for contamination. More than
90% of the samples exceed Finnish standards. Tailings can have economic added value
because they contain significant copper (0.27% S1, 0.48% S2 average) and gold (0.26 ppm
S1, 0.53 ppm S2 average).
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
Figure 2. Element distribution according to geostatistical modeling for: A. Copper,
B. Mercury, C. Zinc, D. Lead, E. Gold and F. arsenic. The left box shows the concentration
range in ppm. The result of S1 is the one from the left side, the right side depicts the graph
for tailings dam S2.
In addition, the early presence of different rare earth piles reported in a timely
manner should be considered. The line of open interest as a result of this research in terms
of contamination and reprocessing, indicates the need for further research aimed at
providing additional details in the real contamination problems that can be attributed to the
detected metal and/or evaluation of the beneficiation of metallurgical options for value-
added metals. The coefficient of variance and the geostatistical model show the differences
in the level of dispersion found. In general, moderate or high levels of variability,
dispersion and heterogeneity were found for the two tailings. In particular, the variability
increased from the low, intermediate values of Zn for As, Cu, Ag, Pb to the high values
identified for Hg. The block model allows estimates of total material quantities of 8400
tonnes for S2 and 39794 tonnes for S1. The low concentration and distribution of the
contents requires that in order to find out if there are additional benefits, tailings deposits
must be considered as a whole.
Increased concentrations of heavy metals in soil usually come from impurities in
agrochemicals such as application of pesticides and fertilizers, irrigation with contaminated
water, surface runoff from local industrial facilities, extraction of mineral ores, and disposal
of sewage, road dust, sewage sludge, sewage and sewage livestock, and atmospheric
deposition. Soil heavy metal pollution is usually studied in scale areas or based on specific
locations. To determine the distribution of heavy metals in an area, geostatistical methods
can be used, the most widely used geostatistical methods are the Inverse Distance
Weighted, Kriging, and Spatial Autocorrelation methods and other methods. The use of
geostatistical models allows us to accurately assess the relationship between the spatial
distribution of heavy metals in soil and other parameters in a map. It is hoped that the next
literature review will discuss in more detail about each of the renewable geostatistical
Stefan Daniel Maramis, Rika Ernawati and Waterman Sulistyana Bargawa
Distribution analysis of heavy metal contaminants in soil with geostatistic
methods; paper review 627
Bargawa, Waterman Sulistyana. (2020). Simulasi Perubahan Model Variogram Untuk
Estimasi Memakai Teknik Block Kriging. Jurnal Teknologi Pertambangan, 6(1).
Bargawa, Waterman Sulistyana, Nugroho, Simon Pulung, Hariyanto, Raden, Lusantono,
Oktarian Wisnu, & Bramida, Rizky Fikral. (2020). Geostatistical Modeling Of Ore
Grade In A Laterite Nickel Deposit. Lppm Upn “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference
Series Proceeding On Engineering And Science Series (Ess), 1(1), 301310. Lppm
Upn “Veteran” Yogyakarta.
Chen, Wei Terry, Zhou, Mei Fu, Gao, Jian Feng, & Hu, Ruizhong. (2015). Geochemistry
Of Magnetite From Proterozoic Fe-Cu Deposits In The Kangdian Metallogenic
Province, Sw China. Mineralium Deposita, 50(7), 795809.
Dołęgowska, Sabina, & Michalik, Artur. (2019). The Use Of A Geostatistical Model
Supported By Multivariate Analysis To Assess The Spatial Distribution Of Mercury
In Soils From Historical Mining Areas: Karczówka Mt., Miedzianka Mt., And Rudki
(South-Central Poland). Environmental Monitoring And Assessment, 191(5), 114.
Esmaeilzadeh, Marjan, Jaafari, Jalil, Mohammadi, Ali Akbar, Panahandeh, Maryam, Javid,
Alahbakhsh, & Javan, Safoura. (2019). Investigation Of The Extent Of
Contamination Of Heavy Metals In Agricultural Soil Using Statistical Analyses And
Contamination Indices. Human And Ecological Risk Assessment: An International
Journal, 25(5), 11251136.
Fotheringham, S., & Rogerson, P. (2013). (Ed.). Spatial Analysis And Gis. Crc Press.
Gholizadeh, Asa, Saberioon, Mohammadmehdi, Ben-Dor, Eyal, & Borůvka, Luboš.
(2018). Monitoring Of Selected Soil Contaminants Using Proximal And Remote
Sensing Techniques: Background, State-Of-The-Art And Future Perspectives.
Critical Reviews In Environmental Science And Technology, 48(3), 243278.
Han, Ruru, Zhou, Beihai, Huang, Yuanyi, Lu, Xiaohui, Li, Shuo, & Li, Nan. (2020).
Bibliometric Overview Of Research Trends On Heavy Metal Health Risks And
Impacts In 19892018. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 276, 123249.
Handayanto, Eko, Nuraini, Yulia, Muddarisna, Nurul, Syam, Netty, & Fiqri, Amrullah.
(2017). Fitoremediasi Dan Phytomining Logam Berat Pencemar Tanah. Universitas
Brawijaya Press.
Hou, Deyi, O’connor, David, Nathanail, Paul, Tian, Li, & Ma, Yan. (2017). Integrated Gis
And Multivariate Statistical Analysis For Regional Scale Assessment Of Heavy Metal
Soil Contamination: A Critical Review. Environmental Pollution, 231, 11881200.
Keskin, H., & Grunwald, S. (2018). Regression Kriging As A Workhorse In The Digital
Soil Mapper’s Toolbox. Geoderma, 326, 2241.
Kim, Ho Rim, Kim, Kyoung Ho, Yu, Soonyoung, Moniruzzaman, Md, Hwang, Sang Il,
Lee, Goon Taek, & Yun, Seong Taek. (2019). Better Assessment Of The Distribution
Of As And Pb In Soils In A Former Smelting Area, Using Ordinary Co-Kriging And
Sequential Gaussian Co-Simulation Of Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (Pxrf) And Icp-
Aes Data. Geoderma, 341, 2638.
Li, Changfeng, Zhou, Kehai, Qin, Wenqiang, Tian, Changjiu, Qi, Miao, Yan, Xiaoming, &
Han, Wenbing. (2019). A Review On Heavy Metals Contamination In Soil: Effects,
Sources, And Remediation Techniques. Soil And Sediment Contamination: An
International Journal, 28(4), 380394.
Li, Dongqing, Huang, Di, Guo, Chaofan, & Guo, Xiaoyu. (2015). Multivariate Statistical
Analysis Of TemporalSpatial Variations In Water Quality Of A Constructed
Wetland Purification System In A Typical Park In Beijing, China. Environmental
Monitoring And Assessment, 187(1), 114.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
Niu, Yong, Jiang, Xia, Wang, Kun, Xia, Jiandong, Jiao, Wei, Niu, Yuan, & Yu, Hui.
(2020). Meta Analysis Of Heavy Metal Pollution And Sources In Surface Sediments
Of Lake Taihu, China. Science Of The Total Environment, 700, 134509.
Rahman, Zeeshanur, & Singh, Ved Pal. (2019). The Relative Impact Of Toxic Heavy
Metals (Thms)(Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr)(Vi), Mercury (Hg),
And Lead (Pb)) On The Total Environment: An Overview. Environmental
Monitoring And Assessment, 191(7), 121.
Shahid, Muhammad, Khalid, Sana, Bibi, Irshad, Bundschuh, Jochen, Niazi, Nabeel Khan,
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Tripodi, Eduardo Enrique Medina, Rueda, Jimy Alexander Gamboa, Céspedes, Claudia
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