Dian Nur Antika Eky Hastuti
Effectiveness of media video technology developments in the community
towards IPS learning outcomes student motivation 76
subject described above. However, in reality, many problems occur, such as many
students who have low social skills, littering, being disrespectful with parents and
teachers, speaking dirty in public places, and many more related to social science
problems. These conditions indicate that the achievement of social studies learning
outcomes has not been maximal.
SD Negeri 1 Candi is one of the primary schools in Ponorogo Regency. As
previously explained, this school does not escape learning problems. The social studies
learning outcomes obtained by students are uneven, some get high scores and some get
low. Meanwhile, the average score for the fourth-grade students' social studies test was
less than the minimum criteria score of 70.
Based on the results of observations in the learning process, and interviews with
several teachers and students at the school, several things were found that might influence
the existence of these problems. Such as the ineffective learning process, because
students are passive and only controlled by a few students. Furthermore, seen from the
condition of the students, many give the perception that social studies lessons are boring.
The cause of student boredom is that the social studies material has a lot of reading
material to memorize. This condition of students will affect their motivation or
motivation to learn so that there is no enthusiasm and interest of students to seriously
participate in learning.
Based on the explanation of the causes of these problems, it can be concluded
that the cause of the low social studies learning outcomes of students is due to ineffective
learning and unequal student learning motivation. Such conditions will have an impact on
the level of student learning outcomes because students without learning motivation will
feel forced to carry out their learning activities and cause brain performance to decrease
in understanding the material.
Through an effective learning process will have a positive impact on the process
and student learning outcomes. Effective learning is characterized by active learning from
students. The active process of students in learning is determined by how the teacher
creates learning. One of the things that need attention is to use appropriate learning media
that can attract attention and be able to stimulate student learning motivation. (Sitaresmi
& Cahyani, 2008)
There are many kinds of learning media, so it is necessary to choose the right one
so that it can help students' learning process to achieve their learning goals. If students
easily accept lessons and master them, then students will be motivated to be more active
and more advanced in learning. This is what will have an impact on the effectiveness and
achievement of student learning outcomes.
One of the media that is suitable and influences social studies in the material of
technology development, production, communication, and transportation is video media.
Social studies learning about technology, production, communication, and transportation
is material in which it is explained about technology, production tools, communication
tools, and transportation tools so that with the help of video media in the form of
examples of these tools it will make it easy for students to understand them. , even though
the tool is not available in the local area. The condition of students who can understand
the material they are learning will have a positive impact on the student learning process.
One of the effects is that students can achieve good learning outcomes. (Yumarlin, 2012)
Apart from the form of learning, one of the factors that influenced the low social
studies learning outcomes of grade IV students at SD Negeri 1 Candi was the lack of
student motivation towards social studies material. Therefore, motivation is closely
related to the student learning process. Apart from this, motivation can also affect the
quality of achievement of student learning outcomes in certain fields of study including