How to cite:
Bernardus Redika Westama Putra and Evangs Mailoa. (2021).
Implementation Of Microservices In Fintech Applications Using Expressjs
Framework. Journal Eduvest. 1(7): 559-567
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Bernardus Redika Westama Putra and Evangs Mailoa
Satya Wacana Christian University
June, 28
July, 9
July, 14
Along with the development of software architecture, the
emergence of microservice architecture has become a trend
used by developers in recent years. This study aims to
analyze the implementation of microservices in Fintech
applications using the ExpressJs framework. The method
used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. This
study uses a library research method that refers to
resources available both online and offline such as:
scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted
sources. The method used in making the application is
DevOps. In this method, there are eight stages of software
development, plan, code, build, test, release, deploy,
operate, monitor. Based on the discussion and testing that
has been carried out, several conclusions can be drawn
namely microservice makes application development
easier and more flexible by adding services as needed. Make
it easier for other applications to access services that have
been made via HTTP Requests, another thing is to facilitate
application integration between platforms, both mobile,
web and desktop.
Microservice, Devops, Applications
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
In this era, almost all activities that humans do are always dependent on technology.
The effect of the development of information and communication technology is to make
various fields experience changes, such as in the economic, social, and other fields which
Bernardus Redika Westama Putra and Evangs Mailoa
Implementation Of Microservices In Fintech Applications Using Expressjs Framework
take place so quickly (Ngafifi, 2014). In this technological era, the financial sector is also
developing towards a more practical and modern direction by utilizing technology
(Rahadiyan & Sari, 2019). Currently, it is very important to provide technological
innovation and its implementation in the economic field (Supriyanto & Ismawati, 2019).
Business people are starting to change the concept of business to digital by utilizing
technology. All these changes are part of business competition. Technological development
is a challenge that must be turned into an opportunity because it provides benefits in several
aspects (Darman, 2019).
With the rapid development of technology, various applications in the financial
sector have emerged that combine financial systems and technology called Financial
Technology. FinTech is an application of digital technology that is used to provide
solutions to public financial problems. Currently, Fintech has various functions and can
develop more easily. Currently, Fintech has been able to serve many services such as e-
money, loans, fundraising, installments, and others (Muhamad Rizal, Erna Maulina, 2018).
From the digitization of the business, there are now many websites and mobile-based
applications that facilitate transactions and payments without having to be limited by space
and time as long as the smartphones and computers used are connected to the internet. The
bigger the business that is run, the bigger the application that will be made.
Rest API (Representational State Transfer) is a style of software architecture in
which there are rules for creating services (Afifah & Setiaji, 2019). The HTTP protocol is
always used for data exchange and data sent or received in the form of JSON (Rajagukguk,
2018). This method is often applied in the development of an application, including the
microservice-based application that we are currently developing. By using rest there are
many advantages obtained, the system becomes easier to develop in the exchange and
communication of data for better and faster performance.
A web service is a software system created to support interaction between two
different applications over a network. The network commonly used in web services is
HTTP. Web services are also applications that are exposed or published so that clients can
access or use data provided by web services (Perwira & Santosa, 2017). Web services also
provide us with services to interact between web services. The URL or endpoint on the web
service contains the required information and contains commands such as Get/Post and
others. Web services allow clients to exchange data regardless of the type of database, the
framework used. These factors make web services become widely used today.
Along with the development of software architecture, the emergence of microservice
architecture has become a trend used by developers in recent years. Microservice is an
architectural style that separates large systems into small functional units to provide better
modularity (Karabey Aksakalli, Çelik, Can, & Tek . Microservices provide
flexibility for developers to develop software in a fast time. The development of
microservice architecture is also supported by the lack of reliable monolithic architecture
in dealing with system failures because in one application having the same codebase, it is
certain that monolithic architecture is also a single point of failure that will occur if one
service malfunctions or an error occurs.
Microservice is a collection of independent and small services that have different
functions and services (Rahmanda, 2018). These services can interact with each other to
create a complex application through an API. This microservice consists of many small,
separate services that focus on their respective tasks or functions in system development
(Putra, 2018).
Currently, many Fintech companies are starting to develop new businesses into the
world of technology, and in the future, there will be more and more services that can be
used. Developers must use the right method so that application development becomes
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
easier and more flexible and can be integrated into many platforms. The purpose of this
research is to produce a system design that can be easily integrated into many platforms
and make the development process easier and more flexible.
The research that has been done previously by (Ekasmara & Santoso, 2020) showed
that Microservice with JSON data exchange format provides ease of implementation to the
frontend. While ExpressJs itself is a framework owned by NodeJs which is deliberately
designed to be flexible and simple to help the backend application development stage.
ExpressJs is very different from other frameworks such as Laravel where this library is
given the freedom for developers to design applications in such a way that it is possible for
application developers to design software that is being built (Bachri, Priyambadha, &
Rusdianto, 2018). In contrast to previous research, this study aims to analyze the
implementation of microservices in Fintech applications using the ExpressJs framework.
The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method. This study
uses library research methods that refer to sources available both online and offline
such as: scientific journals, books and news sourced from trusted sources. While
the method used in making the application is DevOps. In this method, there are
eight stages of software development, namely:
a. Plan
At this stage, planning for the manufacture and development of software is
carried out. After the planning is mutually agreed upon, then proceed to the code
b. Code
At this stage, the developer begins to create or develop software according
to the agreement in the previous stage.
c. Build
At this stage, the application that has been developed or made by the
developer will use the development server so that it can be used or tested by the
d. Test
At this stage, the software system will be tested by Quality Assurance to
ensure that the system is running well and look for bugs in the system to find out
the main problems by the developer. The software system will always be tested if
there are changes.
e. Release
At this stage, a system launch will be carried out with a focus on aspects of
change management, launch approval, and automation of system launch.
f. Deploy
After going through the testing process and getting the agreed results
without finding any bugs, the software system is built or deployed to the production
g. Operate
At this stage, infrastructure installation will be carried out, infrastructure
scalability changes, infrastructure management and scalability will be carried out.
Bernardus Redika Westama Putra and Evangs Mailoa
Implementation Of Microservices In Fintech Applications Using Expressjs Framework
h. Monitor
At this stage, the software system that has been used by the user will carry
out monitoring to determine the performance or performance of the system.
Figure 1 Devops Method
Figure 2. API Gateway Architecture
Based on Figure 2 in the depiction of the API gateway architecture, all client requests
are directed and then forwarded to the microservice according to the specified endpoint.
After the request from the client is in accordance with the provisions, the microservice will
send a response that will be directed to the API gateway again, then forwarded to the client.
Each microservice will have its own endpoint according to its purpose, so the API Gateway
will load all endpoints that point to all existing microservices.
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
The advantage of using a microservice architecture is the ease of integration on
various application platforms more easily such as website, mobile and desktop applications.
With the use of API, the process of exchanging data becomes easier and faster. From the
client side, this is done by sending a request body and header as needed via an HTTP
request, then the server will respond via an HTTP response. The client creates a UI and
then integrates it with the API Gateway services to get a response from the microservices.
If the application has a need for adding new features, then it is necessary to add new
microservices, so application development becomes easier because there is no need to
completely overhaul the application. In addition to adding services, by using the
microservices architecture, the system will become easier to accept new clients.
Microservices should not be accessed directly by the public, so as not to cause data
leakage. Therefore, an authentication is required for each microservice. Authentication on
microservices needs to be done to secure the services themselves from crimes on the
internet. To overcome and avoid the above problems, an API gateway application was
The function of the API Gateway is to connect the services that have been created
with the client. API Gateway can add several other functions such as logging,
authentication, rate limiting, caching, transforming and load balancing. So that clients can
access the API Gateway application service on the internet indirectly, and only clients who
have been given access can access the API Gateway.
Figure 3 API Gateway Illustratuion
Microservices applications can be accessed via API Gateway. so every client must
fire API Gateway first to be able to access Microservices. Because the API Gateway can
only be accessed by the public, so it needs a security on the API Gateway. For this reason,
API Gateway added Authentication or Authorization features. The author uses Json Web
Token or better known as JWT which is a random token in the form of a string with
functions to authenticate the system and exchange information. The token contains the
information or data required by the user. JWT tokens are usually sent using a url and using
Bernardus Redika Westama Putra and Evangs Mailoa
Implementation Of Microservices In Fintech Applications Using Expressjs Framework
the post method or in the header (Rahmatulloh, Sulastri, & Nugroho, 2018) (Edy,
Ferdiansyah, Pramusinto, & Waluyo, 2019).
Figure 4 Examples of Functions in the API
In the application that is made, the JWT formula consists of the payload or request
body,            
needed, as well as the expressin or expiration time of the token. The gateway also requires
a username and password, so every client who wants to access the gateway needs to first
register a username and password in the database. Otherwise, the client cannot get the token
to access the gateway. After the username and password are registered, they can access the
Testing using the Postman application. Request body contains username, password,
and tokenexp in JSON format. The request is sent to the server, then the server will give
two types of response, namely a successful response and a failed response. The response is
successful if the username and password are correct and registered in the database.
Response fails if the username has not been registered in the database. The response
received also has a JSON format, each username has a different token. Tokens that have
been successfully generated also have a time limit. If the token has passed the time limit,
then the token cannot be used again and must be generated again.
Figure 5 Data in Json
Figure 6 Tokenization
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
The next experiment, testing the endpoint that has been created using the token that
was generated earlier. As a result, the server will provide a response containing the required
Example: endpoint account statement
Figure 7 JWT Token Implementation
The last experiment is implementation to several platforms, namely website and
mobile. Making a website using the ReactJs framework and mobile using Flutter, in Figures
1.8 and 1.9 it can be seen that the microservice that has been built can run well.
Figure 8 Implementation on the web
Figure 9 Implementation on mobile
Bernardus Redika Westama Putra and Evangs Mailoa
Implementation Of Microservices In Fintech Applications Using Expressjs Framework
Based on the discussion and testing that has been carried out, several conclusions
can be drawn namely Microservice makes application development easier and more
flexible by adding services as needed. Make it easier for other applications to access
services that have been made via HTTP Requests, another thing is to facilitate application
integration between platforms, both mobile, web and desktop.
Json web token on api gateway creates application becomes more secure because
the application cannot be accessed if not using token. Framework ExpressJs is proven to
be able to well build microservices and supports restful api development.
The microservice application system that has been created still has shortcomings
that must be improved. The author's suggestion for further researchers is that the
authentication system needs to add certain encryption or other methods to further secure
important data in the database.
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