How to cite:
Bambang Purwoko. (2021). Analysis of the effect of inflation on exports of
non-oil and gas commodities through the port of tanjung perak surabaya.
Journal Eduvest. 1(7): 577-584
Published by:
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
p- ISSN 2775-3735- e-ISSN 2775-3727
Bambang Purwoko
WR Supratman University
June, 28
July, 9
July, 14
Export-import activities are based on the condition that no one
country or region is truly independent because they need and
complement each other. In order to increase the growth of the
national economy, it is necessary to encourage non-oil exports.
The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of inflation on non-
oil and gas commodity exports in 2017-2019. The research
conducted by the researcher is a quantitative correlation study
by understanding the relationship between variables, in this case
the effect of inflation on the export of non-oil and gas
commodities through the Tanjung Perak Port of Surabaya in
2017-2019. The population of this study was taken from data
from the Annual Report of Bank Indonesia and the Port of
Surabaya Harbormaster for the 2017-2019 period. The sample
data is from January 2017 to December 2019. This study used
documentation in collecting the data. The documentation
method is a method of finding data or information related to
research variables through notes, literature, documentation, and
others. The analysis data in this study is used descriptive
statistical, classic assumption tests and simple linear regression
tests. The results of the study conclude that inflation has a
significant positive effect on exports of non-oil and gas
commodities through the Port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya in
Inflation, Exports, Non-Oil And Gas Commodities
Bambang Purwoko
Analysis of the effect of inflation on exports of non-oil and gas commodities through
the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya 578
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Foreign trade or more specifically, export-import is one of the important sectors in
the economy of every country (AdriAn Sutedi, 2014). Nowadays there is not a single
country on this earth that does not conduct trade relations with outsiders (Muhamad, 2014).
The economy is practically open and intertwined with the international world. Recognizing
trends and performance (exports and imports) is not only useful for observing the
development of a country's trade, but it is also useful for addressing patterns and
characteristics of foreign trade (Simatupang & Puspitasari, 2017).
Trading activities using sea transportation media are a promising alternative (Jinca,
2019). The development of internet technology marks the advances information
technology. It is possible to market the necessary products. Progress in the transportation
sector makes the mobility of goods and capital faster, so that it will further facilitate the
flow of trade (Sasono, 2021).
International trade or concretely export-import is defined as trade in goods and
services across the national borders (Supardi, 2021). The emergence of international trade
as a result of the country's inability to meet its full needs due to the limited resources it has,
makes a country enter into trade relations with other countries that have the required
resources (Oktaviana, 2017).
The export sector is very important given its role related to the position of the
country's foreign exchange reserves and the procurement of imported goods in the country
(Thalib, 2011). Exports are one of the reliable sources of foreign exchange for foreign
countries, foreign exchange from foreign receivables, foreign exchange from securities
abroad and rare sources of foreign exchange, namely loans or foreign debt (Niko &
Samkamaria, 2019). Various export commodities loaded through the Tanjung Perak port
of Surabaya include household appliances, cake, copra, chocolate, seafood, fish, glass,
coffee, rubber, cassava, paper, rattan, plywood, fodder and others.
The qualification or quantification of changes in loading and unloading from ships
and onboard ships did not determine the flow of goods of it (Mohammad, 2018). It
happened in carrying the task of these cases. But this is also determined by other external
factors (Firayanti, 2018). Such an example, that factor is the role of the port administrator
in determining the location of mooring ship, it is far or close to line or stockpiling
warehouse. Then, in managing export documents at the Custom Office Tanjung Perak
Surabaya is one of the role of the ship’s freight forwarder. Natural condisitons such as the
rainy season also greatly affect the smooth flow of loading and unloading ships.
Meanwhile, the strategy that can be used to increase non-oil and gas exports in East
Java is to optimize the market potential in other provinces, such as South Kalimantan, East
Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, and East
Kalimantan provinces. South Sumatra. Furthermore, he actively participated in
international exhibitions, both in Jakarta and other countries. Another strategy is to create
efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity in the production process in order to compete in
the international market (Mario, 2016).
Various internal and external factors play a role in influencing the export volume
(Rosida, 2017), namely the inflation rate in the country which affects the prices of domestic
products and prices of ex-imported items including ex-imported livestock meat, the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
increase in freight at Tanjung Perak Surabaya Organda, thereby increasing transportation
costs. It included land and water transportation, particularly the transportation for
importers. Based on the background of the problem, the problem that will be formulated in
this research is stated as follows: Does inflation affect the export of non-oil and gas
commodities through the Tanjung Perak Port of Surabaya.
Previously, there was previous research that was relevant to this research, namely
research written by (Rafii, 2020) with the title The Effect of Inflation, Exchange Rates, and
Ship's Call Units on Exports of Non-Oil and Gas Commodities passing through the Tanjung
Perak Port of Surabaya in 2017-2019. The results of the study indicate that inflation affects
the export of non-oil and gas commodities through the Port of Tanjung Perak, Surabaya.
The exchange rate has a negative and significant effect on the export of non-oil and gas
commodities through the Port of Tanjung Perak, Surabaya. The ship's call unit has a
positive and significant impact on the export of non-oil and gas commodities through the
Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya. Inflation has a dominant effect compared to the exchange
rate and ship's call units on exports of non-oil and gas commodities through the Port of
Tanjung Perak, Surabaya. In contrast to previous studies, this study only focuses on
analyzing the effect of inflation on non-oil and gas commodity exports.
The research conducted by the researcher is a quantitative correlation study by
understanding the relationship between variables, in this case the effect of inflation on the
export of non-oil and gas commodities through the Tanjung Perak Port of Surabaya in
2017-2019 (Sugiyono, 2019). The population of this study was taken from data from the
Annual Report of Bank Indonesia and the Port of Surabaya Harbormaster for the 2017-
2019 period. The sample data is from January 2017 to December 2019. This study used
documentation in collecting the data is obtained from the Annual Report of Bank Indonesia
and the Port of Surabaya Harbormaster. The documentation method is a method of finding
data or information related to research variables through notes, literature, documentation,
and others. The analysis data in this study is used descriptive statistical, classic assumption
tests and simple linear regression tests with the following model:
Y= α + β
+ e
Y =Export Volume
α =Constant
e =variable residual (error)
=Regression Coefficient
A. Descriptive Statistical Analysis
Descriptive statistical analysis in this study is used to find out a description of
inflation and exports of non-oil and gas commodities through the port of Tanjung Perak
Surabaya. The results are as follows:
Bambang Purwoko
Analysis of the effect of inflation on exports of non-oil and gas commodities through
the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya 580
Table 1 Descriptive Statistics of Research Data
Valid N
Source: processed secondary data, 2021
Based on the results of descriptive statistical calculations of inflation data related to
exports of non-oil and gas commodities through the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya in two
years, from 2017 to 2019 it is known that the lowest inflation rate is -0.07; the highest
inflation rate is 2.89 and the standard deviation is 1.08981. The average inflation rate in
2017-2019 was 1.5178.
B. Data Analysis Process
Classic Assumption Testing
A certain data assumpsion derives the formula called as a regression. So that it menas
not all data are allowed to apply a regression. The implementation of regression will be
biased estimates if the data cannot meet the regression assumptions. Consisting normality,
multicolinearity, heteroskedastisity and autocorrelation tests are including to the classic
assumption tests.
1. Normality Test
Kolmogorov Smirnov test and normal probably plot of standardized residual in
testing normality. From the calculation of the characteristics of social responsibility
disclosure, then to know the distribution, the normality test (Kolmogorov Smirnovtest), if
obtained p>0.05 means that the data is normal distribution so that it can be continued with
statistical analysis using multiple linear regressions. It was obtained that for inflation (X
and export volume of export comditas through the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya (Y) is
distributed normally, shown in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1. Normality Test
Based on Figure 1 obtained data spread around the diagonal line and following the
diagonal line direction shows the normal distribution pattern.
2. Multicolinearity Test
Multicolinearity relates to situations where linear relationships are definite or close
between free variables. The influence of multicolinearity in this study will be eliminated
by eliminating variables that have a high zero degree correlation (simple correlation). The
guideline of a multicolinearity-free regression model is to have a value (VIF) around the
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
number one, and have a Tolerance Value approaching 0.1 while the limit of VIF value is
10. Here are the results of multicolinearity testing:
Table 2. Variance Inflation Factor Values
VIF Value
Source: Data processed, 2021
The test results showed that there were no symptoms of multico-co-inicity because
the VIF value was greater than one and it is smaller by 10. By looking at the results of the
multicolinearity test above, there is none of the free variable in tolerancing value smaller
than 0.1. It is allowed to the VIF value which the variable are not greater than 10. Thus it
can be concluded that there is no perfect correlation between free variables (independent),
so this regression model is no problem multicolinearita.
3. Heteroskedastisity Test
Heteroskedastik tests are conducted through scatterplotchart analysis. If a scatterplot chart
has a data distribution pattern that forms a specific pattern then it shows homoskedastik.
Conversely, if a scatterplot chart pattern does not form a particular pattern or randomly
then it shows no heterokedastik. A random pattern on the chart as shown in the image below
shows the linear regression model does not meet heteroskedastik assumptions. Thus,
heteroskedastik tests through scatterplot charts show that multiple linear regression models
meet homoskedastic assumptions.
Figure 2. Heterokedastisity Test
4. Autocorrelation Test
The autocorrelation test aims to determine whether or not there are deviations that
occur in the classic assumption of autocorrelation, i.e. correlations that occur between
residuals on one observation with another observation on the regression model. The results
of the autocorrelation test using durbin-watson test (DW Test) showed that the DW number
was between -2 to +2, which is 1,215. Thus, it is concluded that there is no correlation
between the value of a variable and the value of the same variable in one or more previous
Table 3. Autocorrelation Test Results with Durbin-Watson
Regression model
No autocorrelation
The result of conducting the classic assumption is the model has been used meet the
previous setted classic assumption. This is also met the criteria of Best Linear Unbiased
Estimated (BLUE) which means the regression model can be used as the basis analysis of
this study.
5. Linear Regression Testing
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the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya 582
Simple regression analysis is performed to prove the influence of independent
variables on dependent variables. In this study, simple linear regression tests were used to
determine the effect of inflation on exports of non-oil and gas commodities through the
port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya. Based on the calculation obtained the following results:
Table 4. Simple Linear Regression Test Results
Inflation (X
a. Predictors: (Constant), X
b. Dependent Variable: Y
From table 4 which is the result of simple linear regression tests can be created the
following regression equations:
Y = 1140008.252 + 137771.391X
Based on the regression equation above, the following interpretation can be made:
1. α = 1140008.252; The constant value for the regression equation is
1140008.252with a positive parameter. This means that inflation will increase the
export of non-oil and gas commodities through the port of Tanjung Perak
2. β
= 137771.391; The large regression coefficient to the variable inflation is
150362,387 with positive parameters. This means that there is an increase in
inflation of 1%; it will have an impact on the increase in exports of non-oil and gas
commodities through the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya by 137771,391%.
6. Test T
This t test is a partial independent variable test of dependent variables. In this study,
T test was used to determine the effect of inflation on non-oil and gas commodity exports
through the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya in 2017-2019. The result is as follows:
Table 5. T Statistical Test Results
Inflation (X
a. Dependent Variable: Y
Source: Secondary data processed, 2021
Based on the calculation result for the influence of inflation on the export of non-
oil and gas commodities through the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya in 2017-2019
obtained a calculated t value of 4,568 with p = 0,000. Which t
> t
(4,568 > 1,688)
and p < 0.05 so that H
is accepted, meaning inflation has positive and it is significant
effect on the export of non-oil and gas commodities through the port of Tanjung Perak
Surabaya in 2017-2019.
7. Model Accuracy Test
Determination Coefficient (R
The calculation result obtained the value of the coefficient of determination (R
0.380. This means that inflation contributes 38,0% to the export of non-oil and gas
commodities through the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya in 2017-2019, while the
remaining 62.0%, can be explained by other variables outside the model.
8. Hypothesis Test Results
Eduvest Journal of Universal Studies
Volume 1 Number 7, July 2021
Effect of Inflation on Exports of Non-Oil and Gas Commodities through the Port of
Tanjung Perak Surabaya
Based on the calculation of the effect of inflation on the export of non-oil and gas
commodities through the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya in 2017-2019 obtained a
calculated t value of 4,568 with p = 0,000. Which are t
> t
(4,568> 1,688) and p <
0.05 so that H
is accepted, meaning inflation has a positive and significant effect on the
export volume of export commodities through the port of Tanjung Perak Surabaya in 2017-
Based on the results of this study, inflation effects to the exports of non-oil and gas
commodities positively, through Tanjung Perak Surabaya port in 2017 until 2019. It is
caused by the high rate of inflation that associated with overheated economic conditions.
That means it is experiencing the conditions where the capacity of their product is lower
than the demand for products. This condition makes the prices tend to increase. Too high
inflation will also lead to a decrease inpurchasing power of money).
The results of this study are contrary to research conducted by Rauzatul Ulfa and
Devi Andriyani (2019) which concluded that partial inflation (X3) had no effect on the
export of non-oil and gas commodities in Indonesia in 1985-2017. The same opinion is
research conducted by Yito Lestiyono which concluded that variable inflation has no effect
on the export of non-oil and gas commodities in Indonesia in 2002-2007.
Inflation has a significant effect on non-oil and gas exports in Port of Tanjung Perak
Surabaya because inflation is the only dominant factor inhibiting exports, especially the
non-oil and gas sector. Most of the raw materials used by export actors are by using
imported raw materials. While the average main export commodity is raw goods from
natural products. The existence of import tariffs as a protectionist policy on domestic goods
that eventually resulted in a high price to pay consumers. Most of the goods exported are
raw materials such as agricultural products, plantations and others that do not go through
further processing that has added value so that the export selling price is low.
The conclusion of this is study: That inflation has a positive and significant effect
on the export of non-oil and gas commodities through the Tanjung Perak port of Surabaya
in 2017-2019. Where decision making for companies must pay attention to the element of
inflation, because the increase in inflation rates affect the export of non-oil and gas
commodities through the Tanjung Perak port of Surabaya.
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