Foreign trade or more specifically, export-import is one of the important sectors in
the economy of every country (AdriAn Sutedi, 2014). Nowadays there is not a single
country on this earth that does not conduct trade relations with outsiders (Muhamad, 2014).
The economy is practically open and intertwined with the international world. Recognizing
trends and performance (exports and imports) is not only useful for observing the
development of a country's trade, but it is also useful for addressing patterns and
characteristics of foreign trade (Simatupang & Puspitasari, 2017).
Trading activities using sea transportation media are a promising alternative (Jinca,
2019). The development of internet technology marks the advances information
technology. It is possible to market the necessary products. Progress in the transportation
sector makes the mobility of goods and capital faster, so that it will further facilitate the
flow of trade (Sasono, 2021).
International trade or concretely export-import is defined as trade in goods and
services across the national borders (Supardi, 2021). The emergence of international trade
as a result of the country's inability to meet its full needs due to the limited resources it has,
makes a country enter into trade relations with other countries that have the required
resources (Oktaviana, 2017).
The export sector is very important given its role related to the position of the
country's foreign exchange reserves and the procurement of imported goods in the country
(Thalib, 2011). Exports are one of the reliable sources of foreign exchange for foreign
countries, foreign exchange from foreign receivables, foreign exchange from securities
abroad and rare sources of foreign exchange, namely loans or foreign debt (Niko &
Samkamaria, 2019). Various export commodities loaded through the Tanjung Perak port
of Surabaya include household appliances, cake, copra, chocolate, seafood, fish, glass,
coffee, rubber, cassava, paper, rattan, plywood, fodder and others.
The qualification or quantification of changes in loading and unloading from ships
and onboard ships did not determine the flow of goods of it (Mohammad, 2018). It
happened in carrying the task of these cases. But this is also determined by other external
factors (Firayanti, 2018). Such an example, that factor is the role of the port administrator
in determining the location of mooring ship, it is far or close to line or stockpiling
warehouse. Then, in managing export documents at the Custom Office Tanjung Perak
Surabaya is one of the role of the ship’s freight forwarder. Natural condisitons such as the
rainy season also greatly affect the smooth flow of loading and unloading ships.
Meanwhile, the strategy that can be used to increase non-oil and gas exports in East
Java is to optimize the market potential in other provinces, such as South Kalimantan, East
Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, and East
Kalimantan provinces. South Sumatra. Furthermore, he actively participated in
international exhibitions, both in Jakarta and other countries. Another strategy is to create
efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity in the production process in order to compete in
the international market (Mario, 2016).
Various internal and external factors play a role in influencing the export volume
(Rosida, 2017), namely the inflation rate in the country which affects the prices of domestic
products and prices of ex-imported items including ex-imported livestock meat, the